ik zie het, het schommelt een beetje, vraag me af waarom ze dat doen. In- en uitstroom in een beleggingsfonds ?
2.) Citigroup Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA, has notified us pursuant to section 21 (1)
WpHG that its percentage of voting rights in our company exceeded the thresholds of 3%
and 5% on 04 November 2010 and amounts to 5.53% (8,278,667 voting rights) as per this
Of these voting rights, 5.53% (8,278,667 voting rights) are to be attributed to it pursuant to
section 22 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
Attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are controlled by it and
whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3% each or more in Q-Cells SE:
• Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.
• Citigroup Financial Products Inc.
• Citigroup Global Markets Europe Limited
• Citigroup Global Markets Limited
4.) Citigroup Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA, has notified us pursuant to section 21 (1)
WpHG that its percentage of voting rights in our company fell below the threshold of 5% on
05 November 2010 and amounts to 4.46% (6,669,459 voting rights) as per this date.
Of these voting rights, 4.46% (6,669,459 voting rights) are to be attributed to it pursuant to
section 22 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
Attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are controlled by it and
whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3% each or more in Q-Cells SE:
• Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.
• Citigroup Financial Products Inc.
• Citigroup Global Markets Europe Limited
• Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Citigroup Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA, has notified us pursuant to section 21 (1) WpHG
that its percentage of voting rights in our company exceeded the threshold of 5% on 12
November 2010 and amounts to 5.25% (7,850,068 voting rights) as per this date.
Of these voting rights, 5.25% (7,850,068 voting rights) are to be attributed to it pursuant to
section 22 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
Attributed voting rights are held via the following companies that are controlled by it and
whose holdings of voting rights amount to 3% each or more in Q-Cells SE:
• Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.
• Citigroup Financial Products Inc.
• Citigroup Global Markets Europe Limited
• Citigroup Global Markets Limited