What’s Propelling Uniqure NV to Increase So Much?
The stock of Uniqure NV (QURE) is a huge mover today! The stock increased 5.05% or $0.94 on November 10, hitting $19.54. About 264,585 shares traded hands. Uniqure NV (NASDAQ:QURE) has declined 44.21% since April 8, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 44.05% the S&P500.
The move comes after 9 months positive chart setup for the $419.17M company. It was reported on Nov, 10 by Barchart.com. We have $29.70 PT which if reached, will make QURE worth $217.97 million more.
Analysts await Uniqure NV (NASDAQ:QURE) to reports earnings on December, 7. They expect $-0.58 EPS, up 7.94% or $0.05 from last year’s $-0.63 per share. After $-0.96 actual EPS reported by Uniqure NV for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -39.58% EPS growth.
Out of 6 analysts covering uniQure N.V. (NASDAQ:QURE), 6 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means 100% are positive. uniQure N.V. was the topic in 11 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.
According to Zacks, “UNIQURE B.V. is involved in developing gene therapy for patients of genetic or acquired diseases. It offers Glybera for the treatment of lipoprotein lipase deficiency, an orphan metabolic disease. The company’s product pipeline includes which are in clinical trials are additional adeno-associated virus consist of AMT-060, AMT-021, AMT-110 and AAV2/glial. UNIQURE B.V. is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.”
What's Propelling Uniqure NV to Increase So Much?
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