Hi @ Spectator, I think I got the message. There are different slices of seismic stuff. Or different levels of seismic stuff. And if 2 companies are not in the same level, then for You they are no longer in the same branche. They cannot do each other's work because the different levels are not handling the same high-tech toolings.
If they had the same high-tech toolings and they would still not be on the same level of seismic stuff, they would still not be in the same branche. I like that theory, but in the concept, they are still both in the seismic stuff.
To me it sounds the same as : Capital Ventures are not in the same branche if one of them has both Long and Short positions , while the other has only one of them. Because they technically don't do the same work. (but in the concept, they are both handling big money on the same stock exchange)
Perhaps I 've put it a little simplistic, but You get the picture, right ? We differ in our view.