Ien72 schreef op 21 september 2021 12:46:
In the conference call van 5 aug jl. heeft SdV een toelichting gegeven op
het traceren en vaststellen van APDS patienten die in aanmerking komen voor leniolisib. Zie hieronder.
Uit zijn toelichting blijkt dat veel potentiele patienten bekend zijn omdat ze nu behandeld worden voor immonodeficiency. Met een genetische test kan bij deze patienten de ziekte vastgesteld worden. Op dit moment wordt gewerkt aan een APDS netwerk zodat er snel kan worden overgegaan op behandeling na de goedkeuring.Wereldwijd zijn er naar verwachting ca 1.350 APDS patienten.
the good news is, this diagnosis can be made by commercially available genetic tests. And all these patients are already treated by immunologist because they form this part of the population -- patient population that's called primary immunodeficiency that is treated symptomatically by these immunologists, and are actually waiting for that disease to be formally discovered and confirmed. And then there could be a treatment of Leniolisib in the future for them.
Next slide, please. And because the Leniolisib launch is coming near, we started investing significantly in uncovering APDS, so we're looking at target and targeted patient identification strategy that is actually kicked off in the US and will be rolled out across Europe as well. And you can see here, we build an APDS network, KOL network and referral pathway of prescribers, that are been actively supported by field medical and diagnostic liaisons from our company that were -- that we started to work recently on this.
We use analytics and artificial intelligence to look at the databases and the patient group that is immunology pass and there we have an outreach and education. And we offer free of charge genetic testing to confirm the disease and then in the future offer -- be able to offer these patients treatment for Leniolisib, that is an important step for a company to start the pre-marketing activities for Leniolisib because Leniolisib is a good year – is only a year and a half away potentially from the mark