Apple maakt dus zelf de kaarten en in Q4 2022 loopt het contract af.
Bij Q2 2020 zei Harold er het volgende over.
Francois-Xavier Bouvignies - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Technology Analyst
I just had another one. I thought I wanted to ask you. It's on Apple. I mean, if we look at Apple, they did their developer event and they announced
that the Map is done in the U.S. basically, and now they are starting to roll out in Europe, including the U.K. If we look at -- it's been 2 years since
they announced that they will do their own map. And when I look at your track record, you renew the contract with Apple in 2015. So it's been 5
years now, maybe you signed even before you announced it. So maybe at least 5 years. And if we look at the average length of the contract, I mean,
I think we are around this 5, 6 or 7 years. So my question is since they are rolling out, we didn't see an impact from Apple on your Enterprise business
at all so far (technical difficulty) impact from this in the next future either because the contract is coming to an end, and we should expect some impact that the fact that they create their own maps. Just trying to -- now you know it's been 2 years since they announced that. You never explain if there is any impact on you. So just wanting to ask you.
Harold C. A. Goddijn - TomTom N.V. - Co-Founder, Chairman of the Management Board & CEO
Yes. Again, it's a commercially sensitive topic. We have a long-term relationship with Apple. The nature of that relationship is changing, as you rightly comment. But it's too early to say if, how, that relationship will end or what shape that relationship will take in longer term future. So its very difficult to comment on that. It's commercially sensitive. We all know what Apple is doing. We still have a very good relationship. We're sharing a lot of data and information. I think that relationship is intact. And I think there will be opportunities for extending that relationship, but it will be of a different nature than it used to be.
Francois-Xavier Bouvignies - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Technology Analyst
Okay. And just to be clear, the fact that they finished the U.S., for example, do they still use TomTom maps in the U.S. or it's now over?
Harold C. A. Goddijn - TomTom N.V. - Co-Founder, Chairman of the Management Board & CEO
No. In the U.S., they don't use our maps anymore. They're still relying on some of the content that we have provided. Their mapping system has completely moved to their proprietary mapping effort.
Dus het kaarten maken contract met Apple loopt in Q4 2022 af.
Maar !
Harold : And I think there will be opportunities for extending that relationship, but it will be of a different nature than it used to be.
Heel vrij vertaald :-)
Ik denk dat er mogelijkheden zijn om de relatie UIT TE BREIDEN, maar anders.
Ik denk dan toch aan de APPLE CAR.
Trouwens, nog een uitspaak over Google Volvo en renault N M.
Wim Gille - ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Research Division - Head of Research & Equity Research Analyst
Very good. And then a last question from my end would be on Google. Obviously, it's been quite a while before -- when they announced the deals
with Volvo and with Renault-Nissan. Volvo, we've now seen that car coming to the market, so that has been launched. But it's been fairly quiet on
that front from Renault-Nissan. So what are you seeing in terms of your discussions and the volumes that they are planning to do with you guys?
Is there any sign that you or your contract with or the volumes that you are shipping to Renault-Nissan will come to an end soon? Or is that still
not something for the near future?
Harold C. A. Goddijn - TomTom N.V. - Co-Founder, Chairman of the Management Board & CEO
Well, I think the Renault situation is different from Volvo because in Renault cars, only a small percentage of cars will be equipped with the Google
solution, it's at the high end of their range. So there's a very significant portion of business still to be done there in the volume segment.
En dat alles in de call Q2 2020 :-)
Wat is het nu !!!
Het complot van 7 of 7 is 1 :-)
Praten over Apple ligt commercieel gevoelig, zei Harold :-)
Yes. Again, it's a commercially sensitive topic.
De koers is de koers en daar hebben wij geen invloed op :-)