(Amounts in NOK thousands) Goodwill Technology
relationship Total
Carrying value of 01.01.2022 615 184 496 579 32 381 1 144 144
Additions 0 89 378 0 89 378
Amortisation 0 -51 296 -9 834 -61 130
Currency translation differences 79 670 73 898 4 107 157 675
Carrying value as of 30.09.2022 694 854 608 559 26 654 1 330 067
Intangible assets are reviewed each quarter for impairment indicators, including market changes, technological
development, order backlog and other changes that might potentially reduce the value of the assets. For
goodwill, impairment tests are performed annually at year-end, and if impairment indicators are identified.
Goodwill is tested using the ‘value in use’ approach determined by discounting expected future cash flows. If
the impairment test reveals that an asset's carrying amount is higher than its value in use, an impairment loss
will be recognised.
Impairment tests are performed on three Cash Generating Units (CGUs). Goodwill and intangible assets are
related to CGU Electrolyser Norway, CGU Electrolyser US and CGU Fueling.
Note 5 Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment comprise owned and leased assets
(Amounts in NOK thousands)
Land, buildings and
equipment Right-of-use assets Total
Carrying value of 01.01.2022 512 316 111 198 623 514
Additions 89 448 10 033 99 481
Remeasurements 0 1 705 1 705
Depreciation -47 703 -15 509 -63 212
Currency translation differences 11 730 3 390 15 120
Carrying value as of 30.09.2022 565 791 110 817 676 608