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Coronavirus echt gevaar?

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ff_relativeren schreef op 6 april 2020 19:32:

Zijn er na 5 jaren na dato nog steeds geen data beschikbaar ? Ik kan en wil niet geloven dat er alleen maar een schatting bestaat.

Heb je de WHO al gemaild hierover?
Fauci meldt er zeker van te zijn dat minstens 50% van de gevallen a-symptomatisch zijn!
win some...

Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 6 april 2020 18:43:

Kan een vroegere tbc-vaccinatie enige bescherming bieden tegen corona?

Wat vinden jullie van deze verhalen?

Sorry als het hier al eerder genoemd werd, ik heb deze draad niet geheel vanaf het begin gevolgd.

Vraag het me af. BCG-vaccinatie is in 1973 ingevoerd in Zuid-Afrika (zie www.bcgatlas.org/). Vaccinatie is bij geboorte, dus iedereen daar van 47 en ouder heeft dit vaccin niet gehad. 99% van overlijden aan Corona is echter boven de 50 jaar, dus het verschil in sterftecijfer kan niet rechtstreeks door het BCG-vaccin worden verklaard lijkt me.

Misschien wel een indirect verband? Door BCG-vaccin minder Corona besmetting(symptomen) bij de bevolking onder 47 jaar een daarom minder verspreiding van Corona onder gehele bevolking (incl. ouderen)?

Of algemene BCG-vaccinatie alleen in landen waar nog enige mate van TBC voorkomt (en misschien ook relatief meer andere ziektes). Dus van de categorie ouder dan 47 jaar is hierdoor bij een deel misschien het immuunsysteem versterkt als gevolg van het doormaken van TBC (of andere ziektes), met als gevolg beter bestand zijn tegen Corona. En de hoog-risico groep met een relatief zwak immuunsysteem is kleiner vanwege eerder overlijden aan tbc (of andere ziektes)?

Doordat verschillende landen zich in verschillende fases van de epidemie bevinden en ook zeer verschillende test -en registratieprocedures hebben, is het sowieso lastig conclusies te trekken.

Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 6 april 2020 18:43:

Kan een vroegere tbc-vaccinatie enige bescherming bieden tegen corona?

Wat vinden jullie van deze verhalen?

Sorry als het hier al eerder genoemd werd, ik heb deze draad niet geheel vanaf het begin gevolgd.

In Japan denken ze ook dat deze BCG vaccinatie mogelijk voor bescherming zorgt en dat ze daar het relatieve lage aantal slachtoffers aan te danken hebben.

@ win some:
Bedankt voor je overwegingen. Laten we hopen dat het op die manier een beetje werkt. Dat zou een kleine opsteker zijn voor een land als Zuid-Afrika (waar ik in mijn eerdere post naar verwees). Een land dat op ons achterloopt 'in de curve', maar waar de coronacrisis hard zal aankomen. Economisch en qua gezondheidszorg hebben ze veel minder mogelijkheden en reserves om het op te vangen.

Dit hoorde ik vandaag uit ZA:
"De regels voor lockdown in ZA worden vaak overtreden. Op Maroela Media waren foto's van een bruid die in een politirwagen werd gezet. Ze hadden 50 gasten op de bruiloft en dat mag niet. Een drankwinkel verkocht stiekem toch drank en de hele inhoud can de winkel werd in beslag genomen. En zo zijn er nog veel dingen te melden. Op Maroela Media en News24 is veel te lezen. Er zijn ook veel klachten over vooral het leger dat moet helpen de orde te bewaren. En dat gaat vaak hardhandig."

Normaliter plaats ik dit soort dingen in de Zuid-Afrikadraad, maar nu maar even hier.

alex b
Het Coranavirus is heel vervelend voor de zwakkeren in onze samenleving,maar ons economische systeem is veel zieker,een klein voorbeeld is bijvoorbeeld dat de ECB de slechte hyptheken in pakketten opkoopt om de banken te helpen.

De financiele crisis is niet opgelost maar verschoven....
@ Millennials,

IEX fora zijn niet bedoeld als reclamezuil. En dan kies je ook nog een forumdraad die niet over (beursgenoteerde) bedrijven gaat. Het gaat hier over COVID-19.

Blijkbaar moeten jullie niet alleen nadenken over je gezamenlijke concept, maar ook over hoe en waar je naar buiten treedt. Je hebt vandaag in 1 posting al 2 cruciale fouten gemaakt. (reclame maken tegen alle regels van IEX in, en een verkeerd forum kiezen)

Je hebt van mij een Niet-Oke gekregen vanwege je 2 fouten.
Ruim 40 bedrijven aan de slag
Volgens de NOS zijn er wereldwijd al ruim 40 bedrijven en academische instellingen die werken aan een vaccin. De ‘race’ is dus in volle gang.

Vier bedrijven die volgens experts voorop lopen in de ontwikkeling van een coronavaccin:

Moderna: biotechbedrijf uit Boston (VS) die in de Amerikaanse stad Seattle als eerste is gestart met klinische tests.
Janssen Biologics: dochterbedrijf van Johnson & Johnson die op basis van dierproeven een geschikt kandidaat-vaccin heeft geselecteerd.
Pfizer & BioNTech SE: Amerikaans en Duits bedrijf die samenwerken bij de ontwikkeling van een vaccin.
CureVac: een ander Duits biotechbedrijf dat goed op weg lijkt te zijn naar een werkzaam vaccin.

Last updated on April 5, 2020

For existing and new Castor customers
Castor will continue to deliver its services without interruption. Our teams have always been equipped to work from home, and can do so effectively. Phone lines have been routed to two applicable team members per phone line. Our availability during business hours will not be affected nor will the availability of our platform.

How Castor’s technology is supporting the fight against the Coronavirus outbreak and COVID-19
Castor has joined the global fight against the Coronavirus by making our research data capture system available for free for all COVID-19 research projects. As of April 5, Castor is supporting more than ...100 COVID-19 studies ...across 10 countries. We have developed ready for use... eCRFs ...based on the WHO standard CRFs, to help researchers start their study or registry in less than an hour. The lack of quality data should not be the reason for a delay in developing vaccines and treatments.

When novel strains of viruses like the Coronavirus (which causes COVID-19) emerge,... data... quickly becomes our most valuable asset. This was true during the recent Ebola outbreak, where we already had decades of research into the effects and possible treatments, and it is doubly true when considering the new strain of Coronavirus.
So what can we do to help? As a leading medical research tool, it turns out we can do a lot, and frankly we have a moral obligation to do so. We can help drive access to standardized data in real-time, enable the use of AI across standardized datasets, and accelerate the discovery of evidence that can help manage the Coronavirus outbreak.

To effectively fight the new Coronavirus, we need to ensure our technology is available to anyone joining the fight, and that we’re contributing as many additional resources as possible to researchers involved. With this in mind, Castor will be doing the following:

Castor’s EDC system is now free for all Coronavirus registries and studies globally.
We created standardized forms based on WHO CRFs and they’ll help guarantee researchers can get up and running fast.
We’re providing a hosted FAIR data point with all related research catalogs (datasets).

If you are a researcher or organization planning to capture data on COVID-19, please contact us at covid19@castoredc.com to receive your billing code. You can already start your study by registering here, and going through our online academy to become familiar with the platform. The WHO-defined CRFs can be downloaded here.
Castor is committed to supporting researchers worldwide to understand this disease and find treatments and vaccines. We are therefore providing researchers with free access to our platform and an upgraded level of service (Gold SLA). To be able to provide you with the billing code and upgraded account, we ask that you provide us with information on your study by filling out this form. This will help us organize all of the ongoing COVID-19 research projects in Castor, and foster effective collaboration.

Free access to Castor for COVID-19 studies during 2020 includes Castor’s base platform and may include more. Please contact us for more details.

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bbVie announced it is partnering with global authorities to determine the effectiveness of HIV drugs in treating COVID-19. AbbVie is supporting clinical studies and basic research with lopinavir/ritonavir, working closely with European health authorities and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to coordinate these efforts.
AstraZeneca’s Research and Development (R&D) teams have also been working expeditiously to identify monoclonal antibodies to progress towards clinical trial evaluation as a treatment to prevent COVID-19. More than 50 virology, immunology, respiratory, and protein engineering experts across research, clinical, regulatory, and manufacturing are placing the highest priority on developing a treatment to minimise the global impact of the disease.
Eli Lilly and AbCellera (Canadian biotech firm) have entered into an agreement to codevelop antibody products for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. The collaboration will leverage AbCellera’s rapid pandemic response platform, developed under the DARPA Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) Program, and Lilly’s global capabilities for rapid development, manufacturing and distribution of therapeutic antibodies.
EFPIA is working with the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) on potential actions to support collaborative research programs in order to fast-track the development of therapeutics.
Gilead has initiated two Phase 3 clinical trials of remdesivir in countries with high prevalence of COVID-19. The company is also supporting two Phase 3 trials in China and a global Phase 2 trial led by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Gilead donated drug and provided scientific input for these studies. Gilead has provided remdesivir to physicians for compassionate use to treat several hundred severely ill patients with confirmed COVID-19, and has accelerated manufacturing of remdesivir at risk, in anticipation of potential future supply needs.
GSK is entering into the new collaborative research effort, the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator. The aim of the Accelerator is to bring pharmaceutical companies and expert academic institutions into coordinated research programs, with the aim of bringing the most promising molecules forward that could be used to treat cases of COVID-19. GSK will contribute by making available compounds from its libraries for screening for activity against COVID-19. In addition, GSK is evaluating its marketed pharmaceutical products and medicines in development to determine if any could be used beyond their current indications in response to the pandemic. Further, GSK is evaluating options to make available specialised laboratory space to help in research and testing of COVID-19.
GSK and Vir Biotechnology, Inc. signed a binding agreement to enter into a collaboration to research and develop solutions for coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The collaboration will use Vir’s proprietary monoclonal antibody platform technology to accelerate existing and identify new anti-viral antibodies that could be used as therapeutic or preventative options to help address the current COVID-19 pandemic and future outbreaks.
GSK announced plans to collaborate with China’s Xiamen Innovex on a potential vaccine to treat the COVID-19 coronavirus. The companies are testing a recombinant protein-based coronavirus vaccine candidate, which is being developed by Innovax with Xiamen University.
Ipsen donates €2 million to the Institut Pasteur to support research on COVID-19. Since January, the Institut Pasteur has devoted a portion of its research to understanding the emerging COVID-19 virus, in terms of epidemiology, biological characteristics, pathogenicity.

A Pharma-funded group tied to a top Trump donor has been pushing Trump to approve the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19.

A fight broke out among the White House coronavirus task force over the weekend regarding the potential use of anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients.

According to a report from Axios, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci objected to task force members’ characterizations of the drug, saying that there was only anecdotal evidence of the drug’s effectiveness and cautioning that much more data is needed.

Fauci’s comments set off a heated exchange with Trump economic advisor Peter Navarro, who reportedly raised his voice and accused Fauci of being the only task force member who had objected to Trump’s China travel ban. It was the first such confrontation among the task force, according to Axios’ source.

Since late March, President Trump has repeatedly promoted the use of the drug, despite the limited testing that has been done on its effectiveness for treating COVID-19.

On Sunday, Trump reiterated his support for using it to treat coronavirus patients. “What do you have to lose?,” Trump asked, repeating his comments from Saturday. Trump also prevented Dr. Fauci from fielding a question on the use of hydroxychloroquine

It’s unclear why Trump has been such a proponent of hydroxychloroquine, but one answer may lie with the millions of dollars in political support he has received from the founder of a pharmaceutical industry-funded group that has been pushing him to make the drug available.

On March 26, Job Creators Network, a conservative dark money nonprofit, launched a petition, a series of Facebook ads, and a blast text message campaign calling on Trump to “cut the red tape” and immediately make hydroxychloroquine available to treat patients.


@BorisJohnson admitted to ICU. (intensive Care Unit)

"Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the PM has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the ICUl."

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputize, where necessary.

This is a very ominous development.
was admitted to hospital yesterday to *receive oxygen*, but his condition as deteriorated further. He was moved to the ICU in case he quickly needs to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. The next 12-24 hours will be key.



Some Swedish hospitals have STOPPED giving #chloroquine to #coronavirus patients due to side effects, such as loss of peripheral vision.

"We cannot rule out serious side effects...we have no strong evidence that chloroquine has an effect on #COVID19."



Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Rusland :

While certain Western politicians & media are busy inventing mythical Russian threats against the backdrop of #COVID19 pandemic, Vlag van Rusland#Russia simply... helps Handdruk Because it is the humane thing to do - a notion apparently incomprehensible to the said cynical Russophobes #StandTogether


Hoe nobel van Rusland.

Eerder hadden ze al novichok naar Salisbury gestuurd
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