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Power Metals Corp - Het onderzoeken waard?!

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Niet geheel verwacht dat er een samenwerkingsintentie is gevonden met een Aziatische partij, ik ging er eigenlijk van uit dat de Noord-Amerikanen deze mogelijke "goudmijn" graag in hun eigen strategische bezit wilden hebben..

Anyway, hier was het op wachten, zal de koers weer goed gaan doen.
Haha inderdaad, zag deze niet aankomen. Anyways, money talks.
Even afwachten wat het met de koers zou doen, maar als hun verwachtingen kloppen, dan gaan we lekker omhoog
Het lijkt of de markt niet echt zat te wachten op deze chinese samenwerking. Ook geen of weinig financiële details? Wat is mening van het forum? Blijven of gaan?

Het nieuws betrof een volgende stap. Er is nog niks geconcretiseerd. Er is geld nodig om dit goedje boven te halen en met deze stap ,LOI , hopen ze dat bij de chinezen te verkrijgen. Er zal nu onderhandeld worden over de voorwaarden om een samenwerking te kunnen starten. Het blijft een verhaal van lange adem. In een vorige post meldde ik reeds dat het tot 2 jaar kan duren voor een mijn echt begint te ontginnen. Nieuws brengt altijd beweging in de markt. Voor diegene die er mee kunnen omgaan is dit een kans. Voor de rest is het geduldig wachten op nieuwe berichten.
Wordt vervolgd !!!
Wat is er aan de hand? Helemaal terug bij af.. Sta voor het eerst in de min. Er is geen nieuws gekomen afgelopen dagen. Of heb ik iets gemist?
Wat we missen is nieuws.
Elk aandeel waar er enige tijd geen nieuws komt heeft er last van.
Is nu ong. 2 mnd geleden dat er bericht was i.v.m. een LOI .
Heb er geen idee van welke timeline hiervoor gehandhaafd wordt om daarover nieuws te kunnen brengen.
en de winter staat voor de deur.
Heb onlangs opgevangen dat Julie aandelen zou hebben bijgekocht maar heb dit nog niet gecheckt.

Have a nice day !
Iemand een idee waarom er ineens zoveel beweging is? Koers dik in de plus, maar ik kan geen nieuws vinden
Power Metal reports zinc indications in early work at South Ghanzi
Zinc is a recognised pathfinder element for the less mobile copper ions in the soil

Power Metal Resources PLC (LON:POW) said its joint venture at the South Ghanzi Project in the Kalahari copper belt has identified concentrations of zinc in soil samples.

Zinc is a recognised pathfinder element for the less mobile copper ions in the soil, Power Metal added, with elevated levels of zinc a potential indicator of shallow strata-bound copper mineralisation.

The samples have now been sent for specialist testing that detects metal dispersion from a buried orebody with assay results expected in the New Year.

Paul Johnson, chief executive, said he was delighted with the early findings, adding they were in very similar geological settings to other material copper/silver discoveries made in neighbouring projects in recent years.

Kavango Resources PLC(LON:KAV) is Power Metals’ partner in the project.


Sub!et schreef op 23 april 2020 11:50:


OPGELET !!!!!!!! MISVERSTAND !!!!!!!!!!!

Beide tickers worden aangeboden door oa. Binck.
Heb deze discussie geopend omwille van recente vondsten in Canada.
Er is misverstand mogelijk bij het zoeken naar ticker.
Er zijn 2 mining bedrijven onder de zelfde naam.

Beetje bizar dat Engels bedrijf vorig jaar zijn naam -African Battery Metals PLC- heeft veranderd naar huidige.

Power Metal RESOURCE ==> AIM : $POW
Engels Bedrijf met Afrikaanse link
Zie geen link met Cesium

Power Metal CORP. => TXV : $PWM
Canadees Miningbedrijf
Dit bedrijf heeft de recente Cesiumlagen gevonden.

Opletten dus, zou niet eerste keer zijn. $Zoom, zie link, is het al 2de keer overkomen.

Power Metals Completes Option Agreement for 100% Ownership of Paterson Lake and Gullwing-Tot Lakes Li-Cs-Ta Properties and Provides Corporate Update
access_time December 24, 2020
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – (December 24th, 2020) -Power Metals Corp. (“Power Metals Corp.” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE:PWM)(FRANKFURT:OAA1)(OTC:PWRMF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an amending agreement with Exiro Minerals Corp. regarding the remaining payments due by the Company to acquire the Paterson Lake and Gullwing-Tot Lakes properties.

To exercise the option to acquire the properties, the Company and Exiro Minerals have agreed that the remaining cash payment and share issuance due under the March 1, 2017 property option agreement (as amended) will be settled by the Company delivering 920,000 common shares of the Company. Exiro has agreed to accept equity in lieu of cash to complete the option agreement. Power Metals will own the two properties 100% upon shares payment. In addition (i) upon a feasibility study being completed on a property, Power Metals will make an additional $450,000 payment (in cash or shares at Power Metals’ election); and (ii) Exiro will be entitled to a 0.5% NSR royalty on all production from the Properties.

The amending agreement is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.

Paterson Lake Property is located within the Separation Rapids Greenstone Belt, north of Kenora, northwestern Ontario. Paterson Lake Property has Li-Cs-Ta mineralization with multiple petalite (Li ore mineral) and Ta-oxide pegmatites including Marko’s Pegmatite and Jesse’s Pegmatite (Power Metals press releases dated Oct. 29, 2018 and Nov. 28, 2018). Marko’s pegmatite also contains pollucite (Cs ore mineral).

Power Metals has two lithium drill ready targets at Paterson Lake located along two parallel northeast-southwest petalite pegmatite trends:

Marko’s pegmatite
Jesse’s pegmatite
Highlights of Marko’s pegmatite include:

over 268 m strike length on surface
3.36 to 4.43 % Li2O range for 13 grab samples.
559 to 1398 ppm Ta range for 5 grab samples
19 historic drill holes on Power Metals’ Paterson Lake Property
historic drilling showed that there is both Lithium and Tantalum mineralization at depth on the Marko’s pegmatite and it is not just one pegmatite dyke but two: Marko’s and North Marko’s.
Highlights of Jesse’s pegmatite:

discovered in June 2018 by Power Metals geologists
consists of at least 4 parallel east-west trending dykes exposed on surface: North, Between North and Jesse’s, Jesse’s and South Dykes
190 m between North and South Dykes
1.01 to 3.26 % Li2O for 12 grab samples
Up to 271 ppm Ta in grab samples
Gullwing-Tot Lakes Property located north of Dryden, northwestern Ontario also has Li-Cs-Ta mineralization with spodumene (Li ore mineral) and Ta-oxides in Gullwing Lake pegmatite and Tot Lake pegmatite. Tot Lake also contains pollucite (Cs ore mineral) (Power Metals press release Sept. 10, 2018).

The assay highlights from grab samples from Tot Lake pegmatite include:

4.58 % Li2O from quartz – spodumene core, sample 159056
2.62 % Li2O from quartz – spodumene core, sample 159057
1.68 % Li2O and 233 ppm Ta from pink spodumene pegmatite zone, sample 1590235
498 ppm Ta from albitized K-feldspar zone, sample 159238
The assay highlights from grab samples on the Gullwing North outcrop include:

6.78 % Li2O from pure spodumene sample, sample 159082
0.73 % Li2O from spodumene – albite – quartz sample, sample 159084
759 ppm Ta from large Ta-oxide crystals in albite unit, sample 159254
Power Metals completed 3 weeks of channel sampling and mapping on the Tot Lake pegmatite in the fall of 2020. Results are pending.

Further Corporate Update

On September 8, 2020, Power Metals announced that it entered into a Letter of Intent with Sinomine Resource Group Co., Ltd of Beijing, China whereby Sinomine will partner with Power Metals to further the exploration and development of Power Metals’ Case Lake, Paterson Lake and Gullwing-Tot Lakes properties. Sinomine’s goal is to find further cesium and lithium mineral resources for commercial mining other than its TANCO mine, Manitoba through a strategic partnership with Power Metals. The TANCO pegmatite has been mined for tantalum ore concentrates, pyroceramic spodumene (Li), pollucite (Cs) and rubidium since the late 1960’s. Ongoing COVID-19 travel restrictions has delayed site visits by Sinomine personnel to Power Metals properties. We will provide an update to market once dates of travel will be allowed by the Province of Ontario.

Paterson Lake
Paterson Lake Property is located in Paterson Lake and Treelined Lake Areas, 60 km north of Kenora, NW Ontario close to the Ontario-Manitoba border. Paterson Lake Property is located within the Separation Rapids Greenstone Belt and hosts multiple petalite-bearing pegmatite dykes. The Property was optioned from Exiro Minerals Corp. in 2017 (Power Metals press release dated April 20, 2017). Avalon
Vanwaar de ca. 25% stijging vandaag (in ieder geval de Frankfurt notering), iemand een idee? Kan het te maken hebben met de momentele gekte wat betreft grondstoffen (lithium) of zit er nieuws aan te komen?
Defense Metals Corp (DEFN) profiteert momenteel wel van de vraag naar zeldzame metalen die nodig zijn voor elektrische auto’s op dit moment:

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 12, 2021 /CNW/ - Power Metals Corp. ("Power Metals" or the "Company") (TSXV: PWM) (FRANKFURT: OAA1) (OTC: PWRMF) is pleased to announce that Power Metals has decided to resume exploration on the Case Lake Li-Cs-Ta Property. The Company's Strategic Review Committee has determined it is in the best interest to all shareholders to continue the next stage of exploration on our own. The Company has received multiple partnership and "off-take" agreement proposals from several groups, however we firmly believe it is too early to award this at this current time. Power Metals has a strong belief in the potential value of our 100% owned Case Lake Property and favorable current market conditions in this sector presents a huge opportunity.

Johnathan More, Chairman and Director of Power Metals commented, "We have completed a substantial amount of drilling at our Case Lake Property. Not only do the mineralized structures lie at surface, they also contain a trifecta of high-grade Cesium, Lithium, and Tantalum mineralization. This rare occurrence will strongly add to the economics and overall potential of this amazing asset."
Hoe lang het duurt vooraleer een LOI afgehandeld is.

Sep 8, 2020
Power Metals Signs LOI with Sinomine Resource Group Ltd. to Develop Cesium, Lithium and Tantalum Assets

Dec 21, 2021
Power Metals Announces Agreement with Sinomine

De zaak ligt verre van stil.
Het gaat hier nog steeds over de verkennende fase.
Het terrein testen d.m.v. boringen maar nu samen met hun nieuwe partner.
Er wordt nog steeds niks ontgonnen

Feb 12, 2021
Power Metals Increases Land Position at Gullwing

Oct 12, 2021
Power Metals To Re-Commence Exploration at Case Lake

Jan 10, 2022
Power Metals Prepares for More Drilling at Case Lake

Power Metals Completes Off-Take Agreement With Sinomine

March 17, 2022
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – March 17th, 2022 - Power Metals Corp. ("Power Metals" or the "Company")(TSX VENTURE:PWM)(FRANKFURT:OAA1)(OTC:PWRMF) is pleased to announce that that further to its news release dated January 21, 2022, it has entered into the formal off-take agreement with Sinomine Resource Group Co., Ltd., on all lithium, cesium and tantalum produced from the Company’s Case Lake Property. Accordingly, the $1,500,00 held in escrow pending completion of the off-take agreement has been released to the Company and the 7,500,000 subscription receipts held by Sinomine have been converted into 7,500,000 units of the Company, on the terms as set out in the January 21, 2022 news release.

About Power Metals Corp.

Power Metals Corp. is a diversified Canadian mining company with a mandate to explore, develop and acquire high quality mining projects. We are committed to building an arsenal of projects in both lithium and high-growth specialty metals and minerals. We see an unprecedented opportunity to supply the tremendous growth of the lithium battery and clean-technology industries. Learn more at www.powermetalscorp.com
Power Metals Appoints New Director And Grants Options

March 24, 2022
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – March 24, 2022 - Power Metals Corp. ("Power Metals" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:PWM)(FRANKFURT:OAA1)(OTC:PWRMF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Zhiwei (Frank) Wang to its board of directors.

Mr. Wang currently serves as the Vice President of Sinomine (Hong Kong) Rare Metals Resources Co., Limited. Mr. Wang is also the General Manager & President of the North America Division and is responsible for overseeing the operation of Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited (TANCO), Sinomine US Resources, and all other integral business development in North America. Mr. Wang graduated from St. Mary's University, Nova Scotia, Canada and has over 10 years of industry experience in mine development, international trading, investments, and international M & A. He has worked in Canada, Southeast Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe and Central and Southern Africa and with his expertise lead and participated in several hundred million dollar acquisitions and project investments. Currently, Mr. Wang is actively exploring and focusing on the development of lithium business /projects in North America on behalf of Sinomine.

The Company also announces the resignation of Brian LaRocco from the Company’s board. Management of Power Metals extends their gratitude to Mr. LaRocco for his tenure and wishes him all the best in future endeavors. He will continue to serve as a consultant to the Company.

The Company also announces the grant of 2,000,000 incentive stock options to officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company. The options are exercisable at a price of $0.29 per share for a period of five years from the date of grant.

About Power Metals Corp.
Power Metals Corp. is a diversified Canadian mining company with a mandate to explore, develop and acquire high quality mining projects. We are committed to building an arsenal of projects in cesium, lithium, and tantalum. We see an unprecedented opportunity to supply the tremendous growth of the lithium battery and clean-technology industries. Learn more at www.powermetalscorp.com


Johnathan More, Chairman & Director

Power Metals Corp.
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