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Ron Kerstens schreef op 28 november 2024 17:06:

Er liggen nu 550 orders in om 2,7 miljoen aandelen bestens te verkopen, daar is even geen koop belangstelling voor. Denk niet dat vandaag de notering nog opstart.
Een slotkoers zal er wel komen. Dat is simpelweg de koers waarop de meeste kopers/verkopers "bevredigd" worden. De grootste minderheid hoeft niet groot te zijn.

kassa! schreef op 28 november 2024 16:57:

Twee jaar terug las ik op 1 van de IEX fora - koop nooit franse aandelen ... makkelijk nieuwe aandelen kunnen plaatsen of zoiets als het ze uitkomt
Niet zozeer "ze", maar "redders". Een noordwaarts trekkend verschijnsel, want ook Crescent, Mithra en Oxurion hadden (afgekocht, of failliet) of hebben (Oxurion) te maken met zulke "redders". Wellicht heb je ervan gehoord via (bovenste onderwerp, vanaf post 1).

Nederland heeft op de beurs niet zo'n marktsegmentje van aandelen met centicentenkoersen, en heeft vooral iets anders nationale wetgeving. Maar ook in Nederland is of was er soms kans op zulke aandelendrukkerijen.

Met een zoveelste reddingspoging van Atos heeft dit, equity lines, niet zoveel te maken. Alle gebruikers van de inschrijfrechten kunnen we er bijvoorbeeld moeilijk van beschuldigen dat zij met een nepconstructie aandelen verkrijgen tegen een prijs onder de laagst mogelijke beurskoers. De waarschuwing is echter wel de moeite van het herhalen waard, bij aandelen met een soms licht hilarische ZLT-koersgrafiek. Als je bij de grafiek van op "MAX" klikt, dan verschijnt er op de y-as een letter: "G".

Ron Kerstens schreef op 28 november 2024 11:41:

Lees je de postings wel Dutchman ? Ik heb dat mailtje dus ook gehad en na overleg met Saxo begrepen dat de inschrijving nog gewoon staat zoals in mijn bovenstaande postings gemeld. Als je kas aanklikt zie je het bedrag ook nog gewoon onder gereserveerde cash staan. Saxo zet de inschrijving gewoon door, of ATOS deze gaat uitvoeren zullen we zien. Zowel Leefloon als Ridder hebben dus geen Saxo account en kletsen enkel voor de gezelligheid wat mee.
Dat is een voorbeeld voor hoe het ook kan. Zeer respectvol gebracht en daardoor landt de boodschap beter.

Leefloon schreef op 28 november 2024 18:25:

Niet zozeer "ze", maar "redders". Een noordwaarts trekkend verschijnsel, want ook Crescent, Mithra en Oxurion hadden (afgekocht, of failliet) of hebben (Oxurion) te maken met zulke "redders". Wellicht heb je ervan gehoord via (bovenste onderwerp, vanaf post 1).

Nederland heeft op de beurs niet zo'n marktsegmentje van aandelen met centicentenkoersen, en heeft vooral iets anders nationale wetgeving. Maar ook in Nederland is of was er soms kans op zulke aandelendrukkerijen.

Met een zoveelste reddingspoging van Atos heeft dit, equity lines, niet zoveel te maken. Alle gebruikers van de inschrijfrechten kunnen we er bijvoorbeeld moeilijk van beschuldigen dat zij met een nepconstructie aandelen verkrijgen tegen een prijs onder de laagst mogelijke beurskoers. De waarschuwing is echter wel de moeite van het herhalen waard, bij aandelen met een soms licht hilarische ZLT-koersgrafiek. Als je bij de grafiek van op "MAX" klikt, dan verschijnt er op de y-as een letter: "G".

Posted By: Map, Blog admin 11/29/2024

Only regular or long-time readers will understand this title, but whatever we have experienced these last 3 days is scandalous. That the AMF did not suspend the course, they are so lacking in resources, but still they could have taken a look at the theoretical market capitalization which rose to €370 billion which made it the fifth European market capitalization.

But the fact that Atos did not ask the AMF to suspend the course is a sign of mafia-like behaviour.

Indeed, many PP who are not able to understand all the subtleties of a restructuring and that the pre-issue price of the shares must take into account for the market capitalization of the shares not yet delivered, 244 billion in total, bought believing in a takeover bid, while the interclass vote having taken place there was zero chance of a takeover bid. These small shareholders not having all the necessary knowledge bought at levels 500 times higher than the true value of Atos and are going to be crushed today and tomorrow.

Given the irrationality of the price, from Tuesday, Atos should have asked the AMF for a provisional suspension renewable in 24-hour increments until the result of the capital increase, i.e. Monday.

It is impossible to predict the behavior of the price, so much do small shareholders understand nothing about anything, and are capable of buying Atos more expensively than IBM.

In fact, in its theoretical prospectus, it is stated that the theoretical value of Atos on the day of publication of the prospectus was €0.0049. So those who bought bought 3000 times more expensive than the value.

The price should very quickly fall below 1ct before Friday in 8 according to the blog which I remind you is an amateur media.

kassa! schreef op 29 november 2024 09:17:

the AMF .. could have taken a look at the theoretical market capitalization which rose to €370 billion which made it the fifth European market capitalization.
Quatsch. Ten eerste zal de AMF het zonder zo'n kijktip zijn opgevallen, ten tweede gaat de AMF niet over een té hoge marktwaarderingen (als daarvoor geen door Atos verzwegen aanleiding is), en tenslotte heeft de AMF wel betere dingen te doen voor de Franse belastingbetalers. Zoals het kijken naar de nationale wet- en regelgeving rond de maximale koersafwijking van aandelen en rechten, waarbij de vaten niet kunnen communiceren door overenthousiast ingrijpen met trading halted, waardoor o.a. corrigerend arbitrage onmogelijk wordt gemaakt door de wet- en regelgeving. Meer een vaker voorkomende kwestie van een zondebok gaan zoeken, in dit geval de Franse AFM.

Leefloon schreef op 29 november 2024 10:03:

Meer een vaker voorkomende kwestie van een zondebok gaan zoeken, in dit geval de Franse AFM.
Ter illustratie van de cafépraat over té hoge koersen: er zijn ook in Frankrijk vele noteringen waarvan de koers niet 99,99% te hoog staat, maar 100%. Als het café een hypothese over een passieve AMF uit de duimen zuigen, noem dan ook even al die gevallen, én volgens welke specifieke wet- of regelgeving opgetreden had moeten worden.

De werkelijkheid is juist het omgekeerde: wie overduidelijk "belegt" in het wilde westen, die moet rekening houden met minder actief toezicht dan bij wel-beleggingswaardige aandelen zonder een centicentenkoers.

Noordelijker kent ex-Option in België bijvoorbeeld ook een extreme overwaardering, met steunaankopen toen de koers ineens naar € 0,0001 kelderde. Een beurswaarde van ruim € 19 miljoen. Maar ik zou er zelf niet meer dan € 1 voor bieden, en dan bedoel ik niet per aandeel. Een overwaardering richting 200.000,00%, en dan vrees ik ook nog dat je die ene euro gaat verliezen. Toch geen trading halted door de Belgische toezichthouder, wegens een "te hoge koers".

Wellicht kan het café maar een algemene Amerikaanse waarschuwing afstoffen, zonder dat ook daar ergens de handel werd platgelegd wegens té hoge koersen:

Hoe dan ook waren en zijn er grote overwaarderingen, oplopend tot de volle 100%, te vinden dan bij Atos.
Ron Kerstens

Snelle Fredt. Tuut tuuuut schreef op 28 november 2024 17:57:

Het is klaar met de pret. Over een paar weken staat het nog een paar cent.
Dat zou fantastisch zijn, een paar cent is immers bijna 10 keer de prijs (0,0037) waarop inschrijvers de 240 miljard aandelen (180 miljard aandelen naar obligatiehouders en 60 miljard naar aandeelhouders) zullen verkrijgen. Ik denk dat het toch iets anders gaat lopen.
Wat een onzin verhaal. Nog niet uitgegeven aandelen meenemen in de bedrijfswaardering tegen de huidige markt prijs die door een shortsqueeze door 't dak gaat, dat slaat gewoon nergens op.
112 mio uitstaande aandelen tegen 1,70 dus max 190 mio (alweer gehalveerd) en niet die onzinnige 387 miljard.
Rights issue voor 29% geslaagd.

Atos €233 million rights issue concluded
A further important step of its financial restructuring
• Following the subscription period, which ended on November 27, 2024, total demand
amounted to 18,476,832,229 New Shares, representing a subscription rate of c.29%,
broken down as follows:
- 15,443,618,322 New Shares have been subscribed on an irreducible basis (à titre
irréductible); and
- 3,033,213,907 New Shares have been subscribed on a reducible basis (à titre
• In accordance with the backstop commitments provided for in the Accelerated
Safeguard Plan:
- Up to 20,270,270,270 New Shares maximum to be subscribed in cash by
participating bondholders under the First-Rank Subscription Guarantee; and
- Up to 24,315,807,906 New Shares maximum to be subscribed by offsetting claims
from participating creditors under the Second-Rank Subscription Guarantee
• After completion of the Rights Issue and taking into account the completion of the
Share Capital Reduction provided for in the Accelerated Safeguard Plan, the
Company’s share capital will amount to €6,317,504.7183 and will be comprised of
63,175,047,183 shares with a par value of €0.0001 each
Atos €233 million rights issue concluded

A further important step of its financial restructuring

Following the subscription period, which ended on November 27, 2024, total demand amounted to 18,476,832,229 New Shares, representing a subscription rate of c.29%, broken down as follows:
15,443,618,322 New Shares have been subscribed on an irreducible basis (à titre irréductible); and
3,033,213,907 New Shares have been subscribed on a reducible basis (à titre réductible)
In accordance with the backstop commitments provided for in the Accelerated Safeguard Plan:
Up to 20,270,270,270 New Shares maximum to be subscribed in cash by participating bondholders under the First-Rank Subscription Guarantee; and
Up to 24,315,807,906 New Shares maximum to be subscribed by offsetting claims from participating creditors under the Second-Rank Subscription Guarantee
After completion of the Rights Issue and taking into account the completion of the Share Capital Reduction provided for in the Accelerated Safeguard Plan, the Company’s share capital will amount to €6,317,504.7183 and will be comprised of 63,175,047,183 shares with a par value of €0.0001 each

Implementation of the financial restructuring plan will result in a massive issue of new shares and a substantial dilution of Atos existing shareholders that could have a very unfavorable impact on the market price of the share

Paris, France – December 2, 2024 - Atos SE (Euronext Paris: ATO) (the “Company” or “Atos”) announces today the results of its rights issue for a gross amount, including issue premium of €233,332,768.4985, by way of issuance of 63,062,910,405 new shares (the “New Shares”) at a subscription price of €0.0037 per share (including, as a reminder, €0.0001 par value1 per share and €0.0036 issue premium) (the “Rights Issue”).

This Rights Issue is backstopped for €164,968,489.25 by the participating creditors, of which:

(i) €75 million by cash subscription by the participating bondholders (the “First-Rank Subscription Guarantee”), and

(ii) €89,968,489.25 by equitization of a portion of the non-secured debt held by the creditors participating to the new preferred financings of the Company (the “Second-Rank Subscription Guarantee”, together with the First-Rank Subscription Guarantee, the “Subscription Guarantee Commitments”),

in accordance with the accelerated safeguard plan approved by the specialised Commercial Court of Nanterre on October 24, 2024 (the “Accelerated Safeguard Plan”).

The completion of the Rights Issue represents an important step in the completion of Atos’ financial restructuring process as set out in its Accelerated Safeguard Plan.

Results of the Rights Issue

Following the subscription period which ended on November 27, 2024, the total demand for subscriptions on a irreducible and reducible basis amounted to 18,476,832,229 New Shares, representing a subscription rate of c.29% based on the initial maximum number of shares to be issued of 63,062,910,405 (for an initial maximum gross amount (including issue premium) of €233,332,768.4985).

These 18,476,832,229 New Shares have been subscribed as follows:

The number of New Shares subscribed on an irreducible basis (à titre irréductible) amounted to 15,443,618,322 New Shares, for a total subscription amount of €57,141,387.7914; and
The number of New Shares subscribed on a reducible basis (à titre réductible) amounted to 3,033,213,907 New Shares, for a total subscription amount of €11,222,891.4559.

This includes the New Shares subscribed by Philippe Salle, Chairman of the Board of Directors and future Chief Executive Officer of the Company, who subscribed, in accordance with his subscription commitment, 2,432,432,432 New Shares, i.e. a total amount of €9 million.

As the subscriptions on an irreducible basis and on a reducible basis have not fully absorbed the Rights Issue, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, acting on sub-delegation from the Board of Directors, in accordance with the terms of the second resolution of the class of holders of the Company’s share capital included in Appendix 12 to the Accelerated Safeguard Plan and under the conditions provided for in Article L. 225-134 of the French Code de commerce, decided on December 2, 2024 that 44,586,078,176 New Shares not absorbed by the irreducible and reducible subscriptions, corresponding to an amount (including issue premium) of c.€165 million, will be subscribed by the participating creditors in accordance with their Subscription Guarantees, as follows:

Up to 20,270,270,270 New Shares maximum to be subscribed in cash by the participating bondholders (in proportion of their final commitment to finance the new preferred bond financings), in accordance with their subscription commitment under the First-Rank Subscription Guarantee, corresponding to an amount (including issue premium) of €75 million, representing 32% of the New Shares issued; and

Up to 24,315,807,906 New Shares maximum to be subscribed by the participating creditors, in accordance with their subscription commitment under the Second-Rank Subscription Guarantee, corresponding to an amount (including issue premium) of €89,968,489.25, by equitization of a portion of €89,968,489.25 of the unsecured debt they held in proportion of their definitive participation in the new secured financings and the First-Rank Subscription Guarantee, representing c.39% of the New Shares issued.

As a result, the Rights Issue will be subscribed:

for a total amount of €233,332,768.4985 (including issue premium), i.e. 63,062,910,405 New Shares issued at a unit price of €0.0037 (including, as a reminder, €0.0001 par value per share and €0.0036 issue premium),
representing a total subscription of 100% on the basis of the maximum initial of shares to be issued of 63,062,910,405 (for an initial maximum deal size of €233,332,768.4985).

Impact of the Rights Issue on the Atos’s Shareholding structure

After completion of the Rights Issue, the Company’s share capital will amount to €6,317,504.7183 and will be comprised of 63,175,047,183 shares with a par value of €0.0001 each taking into account the Share Capital Reduction.

Based on public information available to date, the allocation of the share capital of the Company following the Rights Issue is set out as below:
Shareholders Number of ordinary shares % of share capital Number of voting rights % of voting rights
Participating Creditors 44,586,078,176 70.58% 44,586,078,176 70.58%
Treasury Shares 77,078 0.00% 0 0.00%
Free Float 18,588,891,929 29.42% 18,588,891,929 29.42%
TOTAL 63,175,047,183 100.00% 63,174,970,105 100.00%

Settlement and Delivery of the New Shares

According to the indicative timetable the settlement-delivery of the New Shares and their admission to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris (“Euronext Paris”) are expected to take place on 10 December 2024.

The New Shares are of the same class as the Company’s existing ordinary shares and will be subject to all the provisions of the Company’s bylaws. They will carry all rights attached and will be entitled, as from their issue date, to all distributions decided by the Company as from that date.

They will be immediately assimilated with existing shares of the Company already traded on Euronext Paris and will be tradable, as from this date, on the same trading line under the same ISIN code FR0000051732.

Global coordinator, joint bookrunner and advisors to the Company

Barclays Bank Ireland PLC is acting as Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner (the “Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner”) and Deutsche Bank AG and ING Bank N.V. are acting as Joint Bookrunners (“Joint Bookrunners”) in respect of the Rights Issue.

Rothschild & Co and Perella Weinberg Partners act as financial advisors to the Company, Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier as legal advisor to the Company and Linklaters as legal advisor to the Global Coordinator and the Joint Bookrunners.

Reminder on the Accelerated Safeguard Plan

The operations of the Atos’ financial restructuring planned as part of the Accelerated Safeguard Plan, in addition to the Rights Issue, include:

the conversion into equity of €2.9 billion (principal amount) of existing financial debts (including claims converted into equity under the Second-Rank Subscription Guarantee as part of the Rights Issue),
the reinstallation in the form of new debts maturing after 6 years or more of €1.95 billion of existing financial debts,
the receipt of €1.5 to 1.675 billion of new money debts (including in particular the €0.25 billion RCF and guarantee lines as indicated below) and new money equity resulting from the Rights Issue which involved a total cash contribution of €143,364,279.246 (including the €75 million as part of the First Rank Subscription Guarantee) and the equitization amounting to €89,968,489.25, and, as the case may be, of the additional voluntary cash subscription by participating creditors of up to €75 million within the framework of the Potential Capital Increase as provided for in the Accelerated Safeguard Plan,
an amount of €0.25 billion of new preferred financings (new money debts in the form of RCF and guarantee lines) dedicated to meeting the needs for bank guarantees,
the issue of a maximum of 22,398,648,648 share subscription warrants (the “BSA”), giving the right to subscribe to one new ordinary share per BSA, allocated free of charge to certain participating creditors upon completion of all the financial restructuring capital increases in accordance with the Accelerated Safeguard Plan, in consideration for their subscription and backstop commitments under the new preferential financing arrangements entered into prior to the judgment opening Atos’ accelerated safeguard proceedings,

These operations are detailed in the draft of the Accelerated Safeguard Plan available on the Company’s website (“financial restructuring” tab) and in the Prospectus (as this term is defined below).

Implementation of the financial restructuring plan will result in a massive issue of new shares and a substantial dilution of Atos existing shareholders that could have a very unfavorable impact on the market price of the share

Post completion of the Rights Issue, the new shares subscribed by the creditors, as a consequence of the exercise of the backstop, will represent c. 70.6% of total shares, corresponding to a substantial dilution of the existing shareholders.

As stated by Atos in its previous communications and in light of the recent volatility on the Atos stock, it is reminded that a massive number of new shares should still be issued and the existing shareholders will suffer from a substantial dilution of their stake in the Company’s share capital as a result of the future reserved capital increases corresponding to the equitization of c. €3 billion of old debt and the exercise of the warrants, resulting in a c. 90.7% ownership by creditors.

As some creditors of the Company, who have not supported or voted in favor of the Safeguard Plan, will become holders of new shares, a significant number of shares could be sold rapidly from the date of completion of the financial restructuring capital increases, or such sales could be anticipated by the market, which could have an unfavorable impact on the market price of the share.

devil80 schreef op 2 december 2024 09:21:

Rights issue voor 29% geslaagd.
Dat oordeel, voor 71% dus niet geslaagd, zal een eigen toevoeging zijn. Internationaal mochten velen er niet op inschrijven.
Ron Kerstens
Je zou toch verwachten dat nu Atos heeft aangegeven dat de emissie gewoon doorgaat, met slechts 29% inschrijving vanuit de rights, de koers van het bestaande aandeel hard naar beneden gaat. Maar niets van dat alles ondanks de toch erg duidelijke taal (significant number of shares could be sold rapidly from the date of completion) in het persbericht.

Leefloon schreef op 2 december 2024 11:06:

Dat oordeel, voor 71% dus niet geslaagd, zal een eigen toevoeging zijn. Internationaal mochten velen er niet op inschrijven.
Dit is natuurlijk zeer positief, want de obligatiehouders gaan niet gelijk bestens verkopen.
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