Good morning. Shortly after he became CEO of Bayer AG in 2023, CEO Bill Anderson began waging war against bureaucracy to make the life science giant more nimble, more customer-focused, and more efficient. In this week’s Leadership Next podcast, he talks about how it’s going.
“If I had arrived 10 years earlier, I don't know that we could have made these changes,” says Anderson. “When I arrived, what I found was a company where there was a really nice culture but people were burdened by the rules … so many rules that nobody can even keep track of them.”
So how do you redesign a 161-year-old, 100,000-person company without unleashing chaos? He focused on changing the mechanics: Get rid of rules, org charts, annual plans and the decision-making hierarchy. Anderson flattened the structure. He created thousands of teams, each of which has a vision—and goals to achieve that vision—on a 90-day cycle. “The clock's ticking every 90 days,” he says. “There’s no safe place to hide behind a budget target. Do it, go fast, deliver better for customers, use the least resources. And we'll talk about how you did four times a year. And, by the way, your peers are going to rate you.”
“It helped that I've been doing this work for about seven years before I arrived at Bayer,” says Anderson, who was previously CEO of Roche’s Pharmaceuticals division after being CEO of Genentech.
“What I found was that the bigger the organization, the more it prevented people from just doing what they needed to do. After 20 years, I said, ‘Hey, I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm either going to find a very different way to organize, or I'm done. I can't live with myself just turning the corporate crank one more year.”
You can listen to the full podcast here.