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Electrolux & Accolade van Sopheon

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Bertus S
Enterprise-Wide Product Design

Managing Global Innovation

by Jill Russell, Senior Associate Editor

As the appliance industry competes on an increasingly global level, companies are focusing on one particular buzzword to get them ahead of the rest-innovation.

With the increased focus on innovation, companies are looking for ways to manage the innovation process and make it more efficient. Appliance maker Electrolux decided it needed such a management tool as it moved its product development process from a regional level to a global one.
The Stockholm-based company recently made a record-breaking investment in product development management software from Sopheon (Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.). The program fosters successful and efficient product management flow by ensuring adequate resources, developing market research and tracking R&D spending from product idea to launch, on both a project-by-project basis and company-wide.
The program, Accolade® version 6.0, is a product portfolio and innovation process management system that encompasses all aspects of the product life cycle from concept to creation-including administrative functions, market research and assessment tasks, manufacturing and design feedback, quality assessments, technical analysis, and supply chain options. It organizes data in a useful manner so company decision-makers can evaluate the innovation process quickly and fairly and adjust projects in the pipeline to only bring products to market that will be successful according to current needs.
First adopted by the company’s global floor care division, Electrolux says the program will launch in all of its product segments on a global scale within a year and will be accessed by an estimated 1,400 users. Johan Skantorp, vice president of Electrolux’s Floor Care Group, explains how the software is in-line with the company’s competitive strategy.
"Electrolux is extremely focused on consumer wants and developing products to satisfy those" he tells APPLIANCE. "We strongly believe that if we do that, it will help generate our future revenue stream. If we have the wrong product at the wrong time, we spend our money at the wrong place and that will work against us. Everything hinges on us developing the right products."

The Language of Innovation

"Electrolux is trying to create a common language in its organization around innovation," says Brian Seyfarth, solutions marketing director for Sopheon. "As a global company, when they look at their innovation pipeline from one part of the world to another, it is important that everyone is working from the same playbook and understands what it takes to execute their innovation process with excellence."
One feature aimed toward achieving excellence is Accolade’s automated scorecards. This capability considers the criteria associated with a certain project and rates each with an appropriate score. Criteria include market attractiveness, competitive advantages, technical feasibility, and possible revenues. The software also rates project scores against each other-providing a summary of the likely success rate of each project in specific markets and also company-wide. The software also provides graphic analysis of project investments and market potential.
"This prevents any additional company investment in a product that is doomed to failure," Seyfarth tells APPLIANCE. "It also frees up those resources to work on higher valued projects in the pipeline." In fact, Sopheon says that companies implementing Accolade often reduce the number of projects by 30 percent to 35 percent.
Sopheon’s CEO Andy Michuda says that approximately 46 percent of all R&D spending is invested in products that either never make it to the market or fail after market launch. The company’s software, he says, can reduce lost investment and increase revenue by pinpointing a product’s overall success potential early in the innovation cycle.
The software is designed to intuitively lead the user through the system, eliminating the need for a hefty IT investment and extensive training. The company does provide initial demonstrations and guides users through the system after the initial rollout. Sopheon says the ease with which the software can be configured lets Electrolux modify it to fit other processes for its needs. "It is a Web-based configuration capability that is at the core of Accolade," Seyfarth says. "This drives quick acceptance of the system and therefore adherence to the process, and as a result, drives the benefits the company hopes to achieve."
Although using the software may be easy, Electrolux says initially deciding on such a program took some time. The company started its own internal version of such a system that was based on regional processes. After 2 years it decided to ramp-up the innovation process to a global level and turned to software experts. Electrolux says it chose Sopheon because Accolade covered the entire innovation process, in addition to offering a simple user interface that utilizes Microsoft Office tools. Additionally, Sopheon partnered with consulting firm Arthur D. Little, already an existing partner of Electrolux, which made Sopheon a winning decision.
With the goal to completely adopt the program across all product groups within 1 year, Skantorp says Electrolux expects Accolade to more effectively use the amount of revenue spent on R&D to eventually increase from 1 percent to 2 percent within the next few years.
After only 5 months with Sopheon’s system, Electrolux is confident the investment will quickly be outweighed by future product profits. "I’m a firm believer that we will get great effectiveness, speed up the time-to-market on a global basis and decrease investments in R&D for the whole organization," Skantorp says. "The key is that we will be able to project our future business, and collect information in such a way that we will look at our total business today and what will be the total business in 2010. Today we keep track of running projects and we try to optimize them. In the future, we will look at current business, ongoing projects and future opportunities at the same time and know that we are making the right decisions."


Bertus S.
wanneer komen ze met die nieuwe klant uit scandinavie, lijkt me nu wel een goed moment omdat te vertellen, zo mooi naar positieve berichten even een nieuwe klant om dat kleine stukje verlies nog weg te werken!!
Bertus S
Snel "spul" dat Accolade:

After only 5 months with Sopheon’s system, Electrolux is confident the investment will quickly be outweighed by future product profits. "I’m a firm believer that we will get great effectiveness, speed up the time-to-market on a global basis and decrease investments in R&D for the whole organization," Skantorp, vice president of Electrolux’s Floor Care Group says.

Bertus S.
Bedankt Bertus S nog even geduld moet ik (we) hebben.Maar dit kan echt niet meer fout gaan! Prachtige reclame voor Sopheon!!!!!!!! aanbevolen. Snel "spul" dat Accolade snif snif snif
Bertus S

1guus geluk1 schreef:

Bedankt Bertus S nog even geduld moet ik (we) hebben.Maar dit kan echt niet meer fout gaan! Prachtige reclame voor Sopheon!!!!!!!! aanbevolen.
Har, dit gáát ook echt niet meer fout.

De tanker steekt van wal!!

Bertus S.
Ziet er naar uit dat bedrijven als electolux de
lawine gaan veroorzaken die sommigen hier al voorspeld hebben. Niks te interfacen op dit hoge niveau, zoals enkele posts in de koffie kamer wilden
suggereren, maar acc. van soph. voor een " winning decision ".
Nog even en dan moet Avista de prognose 0.03 pence
voor 2007 bijstellen , en langzamerhand mag rbg
vertaald worden met H( eldere) bg.
Dank voor jullie info , succes, groet daan.
Ziet er naar uit dat bedrijven als electolux de
lawine gaan veroorzaken die sommigen hier al voorspeld hebben. Niks te interfacen op dit hoge niveau, zoals enkele posts in de koffie kamer wilden
suggereren, maar acc. van soph. voor een " winning decision ".
Nog even en dan moet Avista de prognose 0.03 pence
voor 2007 bijstellen , en langzamerhand mag rbg
vertaald worden met H( eldere) bg.
Dank voor jullie info , succes, groet daan.
Bertus, bedankt voor het mailen en plaatsen van dit artikel. Het geeft de burger weer moed, zullen we maar zeggen.

(nog steeds Sopheon believer)

lok schreef:

Ziet er naar uit dat bedrijven als electolux de
lawine gaan veroorzaken die sommigen hier al voorspeld hebben.

Reckitt Benckiser Freshens Up Product Development, The Manufacturer (July 2006).

Sopheon in Bloomington, Minn. Tackling Natty Job of R&D Processes, (July 2006).

Timex Ticking with New Product Innovation Software, Computer World (June 2006).

Best Practices a Matter of Time, Supply & Demand Chain Executive (June 2006).

How Not to Ruin Your PLM Process, Product Design and Development (April 2006).

Campina Enhances Global Innovation Processes , Consumer Goods Technology (April 2006).

Ook de toenemende(!) aandacht in de diverse media zal ongetwijfeld een handje helpen. ;-)
Bertus S

GBP schreef:

Reckitt Benckiser Freshens Up Product Development, The Manufacturer (July 2006).

Sopheon in Bloomington, Minn. Tackling Natty Job of R&D Processes, (July 2006).

Timex Ticking with New Product Innovation Software, Computer World (June 2006).

Best Practices a Matter of Time, Supply & Demand Chain Executive (June 2006).

How Not to Ruin Your PLM Process, Product Design and Development (April 2006).

Campina Enhances Global Innovation Processes , Consumer Goods Technology (April 2006).

Ook de toenemende(!) aandacht in de diverse media zal ongetwijfeld een handje helpen. ;-)
Idd Niels, aangezien innovatie zo langzamerhand een must, danwel een overlevingsstrategie is geworden, gaan vele bedrijven, tot nu hoofdzakelijke de grotere, zich er steeds meer in verdiepen en de media besteedt er dan óók graag meer aandacht aan.

Aansluitend zal het middensegment van de markt deze mogelijkheden óók gaan/moeten zien en willen benutten, zij zullen op zoek gaan naar de mogelijkheden hiertoe.

Op dát moment heeft Sopheon het juiste softwarepakket voor hen vast en zeker beschikbaar:

In addition to the new applications being launched, we are evaluating a subscription based sales model for our software, aimed in particular at extending its appeal to mid-market companies. We will report on developments in this area in due course.

Bertus S.

Bertus S
Hmmm, interessant.............

Electrolux and Sharp in collaboration to develop and manufacture new innovative appliances

18 Jul, 2006 08:10

Electrolux and Sharp Corporation have entered a collaboration to develop a new innovative range of mid-sized frost-free refrigerators. This project is part of a broader strategic collaboration within major appliances between the two companies.

The refrigeration project started last year and includes mutual exchange of information, know-how and consumer research. In terms of product development/technical development, the two companies have built a structure of sharing tasks on product planning, production, and assessment of products.

This first project consists of joint development of six different types of environmentally friendly, energy saving small and mid-size frost-free refrigerators. Electrolux and Sharp will differentiate their own products in terms of marketing, design and features. The products will be built in Sharp's Thailand factory and launched during the autumn of 2006.

With this achievement of collaboration in refrigeration the two companies have formed a basis to continue to leverage on the complementary strengths of each other in order to increase global competitiveness. The long-term aim is to offer consumers innovative products and to improve speed to market.

Several projects within other product categories are in pipeline. The collaboration also covers sourcing with the aim to decrease purchasing costs.

Sharp and Electrolux currently have over 100 million dollars worth of business between each other, and the amount is expected to increase.

"Our two companies have different strengths", says Sharp President Katsuhiko Machida. "Sharp is leading one-of-a-kind technology in environment and health and Electrolux is leading in consumer research and the product development process. This combination is unique and will deliver new, exciting solutions in the major appliances area as each company leverages the strengths of the other."

"This is a unique model of collaboration between two companies, that are partly competitors," says Electrolux President & CEO Hans Stråberg. "We have built an openness where we in specific areas share product plans and technologies from which both companies can benefit. The collaboration is clearly in line with the innovation strategy of Electrolux."

For more information:
Electrolux Press Hotline +46 8 657 65 07
Paul Palmstedt, VP Communications Asia Pacific, +65 6550 59 00

Sharp Corporate Public Relations Division +81 6 6625 3006 eller +81 3 3260 1870


Bertus S.


Bertus S schreef:

Hmmm, interessant.............

Electrolux and Sharp in collaboration to develop and manufacture new innovative appliances

18 Jul, 2006 08:10

Electrolux and Sharp Corporation have entered a collaboration to develop a new innovative range of mid-sized frost-free refrigerators. This project is part of a broader strategic collaboration within major appliances between the two companies.

The refrigeration project started last year and includes mutual exchange of information, know-how and consumer research. In terms of product development/technical development, the two companies have built a structure of sharing tasks on product planning, production, and assessment of products.

This first project consists of joint development of six different types of environmentally friendly, energy saving small and mid-size frost-free refrigerators. Electrolux and Sharp will differentiate their own products in terms of marketing, design and features. The products will be built in Sharp's Thailand factory and launched during the autumn of 2006.

With this achievement of collaboration in refrigeration the two companies have formed a basis to continue to leverage on the complementary strengths of each other in order to increase global competitiveness. The long-term aim is to offer consumers innovative products and to improve speed to market.

Several projects within other product categories are in pipeline. The collaboration also covers sourcing with the aim to decrease purchasing costs.

Sharp and Electrolux currently have over 100 million dollars worth of business between each other, and the amount is expected to increase.

"Our two companies have different strengths", says Sharp President Katsuhiko Machida. "Sharp is leading one-of-a-kind technology in environment and health and Electrolux is leading in consumer research and the product development process. This combination is unique and will deliver new, exciting solutions in the major appliances area as each company leverages the strengths of the other."

"This is a unique model of collaboration between two companies, that are partly competitors," says Electrolux President & CEO Hans Stråberg. "We have built an openness where we in specific areas share product plans and technologies from which both companies can benefit. The collaboration is clearly in line with the innovation strategy of Electrolux."

For more information:
Electrolux Press Hotline +46 8 657 65 07
Paul Palmstedt, VP Communications Asia Pacific, +65 6550 59 00

Sharp Corporate Public Relations Division +81 6 6625 3006 eller +81 3 3260 1870


Bertus S.

het lijkt ook zoveel op elkaar!!
Niet raar staan te kijken want het is nog steeds een speelbal van daghandelaren, we zullen ooit de grote stap moeten maken naar normale koersen dan ben je van dat gecentenneuk af, leg ze weg en ga aan de slag!
Cazan, inderdaad, wat een koersexplosie bij Real Software. Vorige week maandag nog geopend voor 0,30 en nu in de freeze virtueeel boven € 1,00.
Wanneer bij Soof de 0,31 blokkade wordt uitgenomen, vermoed ik dat de 0,40 wel eens heel snel zou kunnen volgen.

lexpen schreef:

Cazan, inderdaad, wat een koersexplosie bij Real Software.
Wanneer bij Soof de 0,31 blokkade wordt uitgenomen, vermoed ik dat de 0,40 wel eens heel snel zou kunnen volgen.
Lexpen eerlijk gezegd had ik dit al vorige week bij Sopheon verwacht, het zou me idd niets verbazen als dit toch heel snel zal gebeuren.


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