Five of AIM's post-Brexit stars revealed
By Andrew Hore | Fri, 30th September 2016 - 14:15
Long tail of companies
Many, though, have been around a lot longer. Software company Sopheon (SPE) joined AIM in 1996 and the share price is nowhere near the heights of the tech boom or even its level ten years ago, but it is more than eight times the level it was at the beginning of 2015.
One thing that this list does show is that companies that may have been written off as failures in the past because of their poor performance can redeem themselves. That may come from perseverance, like Futura, or by finding different assets, like SolGold and Sound Energy.
The long tail of very small companies on AIM is often criticised but some of these companies do get a second wind and find a way of recovering a substantial part, or all, of their previous share price decline.