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Corus to launch Russia steel plate plant in 2009
MOSCOW, June 21 (Reuters) - Corus, the Anglo-Dutch steel maker owned by India's Tata Steel , will launch a plant in Russia in the first quarter of 2009 to produce steel plate, the CEO of its partner in the project, Stadco, said on Thursday. British firm Stadco, a supplier of body-in-white products to the auto sector, will use the steel produced by Corus and supply products to Ford Motor Co.'s plant near St Petersburg, CEO Andrew Morris told reporters.
Steel prices to go down

Ishita Ayan Dutt & Kausik Datta / Kolkata/Mumbai June 27, 2007

Rs 500-1,000 a tonne reduction likely due to the rising rupee.

Steel prices are expected to be reduced by Rs 500-1,000 a tonne following a stabilization of global and import prices, due to the appreciation of the rupee against the dollar.

The price drop, if it happens, would be the first this year. In March, when the industry partially rolled back prices, it was due to the intervention from the government to rein in inflation.

The industry is considering whether it should increase the discounts or bring down the listed price. A final decision in this regard is expected within a couple of days.

Industry sources said, the reason for a drop is two-fold: the global prices have softened (it has stabilised now) and cheap imports are flooding the market.

Imports of hot rolled coils (HRC) are priced at around Rs 26,000 a tonne, much higher than domestic HRC prices, which are at Rs 35,000-37,000 a tonne. Sources said imports have been on the rise due to the appreciation of the rupee against the dollar.

As the percentage of consumption had increased, imports, which were at 2.1 million tonne in 2005-06, increased to 3.9 million tonne in 2006-07 and is expected to exceed four million tonne this year.

Arcelor Mittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, recently announced that it would maintain its current pricing structure for flat products in Europe for the third quarter.

The company also announced that its production volume in the European market will be lower by 3-4 per cent in the third quarter compared with the second quarter, as a result of mill outages.

The steel behemoth expects the move to reduce the level of inventory in the market, which was slightly inflated due to the recent surge of imports.

According to an SBB market survey, 22 per cent of the companies contributing to its Steel Index expect prices will increase during the next three months, while 32 per cent expect it to decrease.

However, the industry expects the current softening of prices to be temporary.

According to Moody’s, steel producers would continue to benefit from strong demand and industry consolidation.

“Demand for steel globally is expected to remain solid in 2007 and 2008, given the forecast for the world GDP growth over the next two years,” said the Moody’s report.
China's automakers to use 12.55 mln tons of steel this year2007-06-26 Author: [Font size:Bigger Middle Smaller]
Beijing, June 25 (Xinhua) -- China's auto manufacturers will consume 12.55 million tons of rolled steel this year, Shi Jianhua, deputy head of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said on Monday.

The total will include 9.41 million tons of steel plates and 3.14 million tons of construction steel.

The annual demand will increase to 27.67 million tons by 2010, including 20.75 million tons of steel plate and 6.92 million tons of construction steel, Shi said.

Domestic output still failed to meet demand and imported steel filled the gap, Shi said.

It is estimated that China's automotive industry needed 17.94 million tons of rolled steel last year, a growth of 19 percent on the previous year.

The total included 2.96 million tons for car production, up 24 percent, 7.5 million tons for truck production, up 18 percent, and1.36 million tons for bus production, up 2.87 percent.

In 2006, China produced 7.28 million motor vehicles, ranking third in the world.

Steel prices take a paradigm shift

Nisha Poddar

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 (Mumbai):

Steel prices are getting rolled into a completely different shape altogether. Earlier steel prices varied across regions but now the world is moving towards the same price across the world.

Historically high prices in United States are taking a beating due to slow down in demand while the Chinese domestic prices are rising due to export duty hikes.

"US prices are softening and the Chinese prices are going up, so global prices will be around $500/tonne this year," said Dr JJ Irani, Director, Tata Sons.

"Due to rupee appreciation also the Indian prices are matching with the global prices," said Sajjan Jindal, VC & MD, JSW Steel.

The difference is conspicuous with the global steel price band ranging between $590-550 dollars per tonne this year, earlier the difference used to be much higher and this trend is expected to prove beneficial for the Indian steel industry.

"Price rationalisation with global prices to continue for 24 months, Indian companies can make use of this opportunity," said Sandeep Shenoy, PINC Research.

With the price differential between regions shrinking the Indian steel industry will get to focus on particular markets with a long-term view rather than hedging and shifting markets in search of profits. Above all with global steel prices breaking geographical barriers the Indian domestic steel prices will get greater stability.
Alcoa trekt bod op Alcan in na hogere bieding Rio Tinto12 jul 2007, 22:45 uur
Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Alcoa heeft zich gewonnen gegeven in de overnamestrijd rond de Canadese aluminiumproducent Alcan. Het Amerikaanse bedrijf heeft zijn bod op Alcan ingetrokken, in reactie op de hogere bieding van mijnbedrijf Rio Tinto. Dat heeft Alcoa donderdag na het slot van de Amerikaanse beursdag bekendgemaakt.

'Bij dit prijsniveau hebben we meer aantrekkelijke opties om extra aandeelhouderswaarde te leveren', aldus bestuursvoorzitter Alain Belda in een verklaring. Nu Alcoa zijn bod op Alcan heeft ingetrokken, pakt het aluminiumconcern zijn aandeleninkoopprogramma weer op. Dit werd in de ijskast gezet vanwege de geplande overname.

Alcan accepteerde vandaag een vriendelijk overnamebod van mijnbouwbedrijf Rio Tinto, om zo een vijandig bod van Alcoa af te weren. Het bod van Rio Tinto waardeert Alcan op USD 38,1 miljard. Alcoa, dat in mei USD 27,9 miljard had geboden, werd prompt zelf tot overnameprooi gebombardeerd.
Het aandeel Alcoa sloot 6,7% hoger op Wall Street.

(c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)
DUBAI, July 19 Asia Pulse - The Inovex Simulation & Training Ltd and GEAP International LLC (UAE) have announced the formation of a joint venture which entails the creation of a new steel rolling mill and a cut and bend manufacturing facility in Abu Dhabi, producing high-quality reinforcement steel bars. The local shareholders are Independent Enterprises & Co and GEAP International (UAE) LLC. The foreign shareholder is Inovex Simulation & Training.
The project company is a new offset joint venture facilitated by the Offset Program Bureau (OPB), in line with the requirements of the UAE Offset Program, which aims at adding value to the UAE economy through defence equipment procurements made by the UAE Armed Forces.

"This is yet another project that fulfils our core objectives of creating commercially viable, profitable, sustainable, and unique joint ventures, bringing in the latest technology and expertise, offering citizens stakes in new businesses and creating job opportunities for UAE nationals," said Mohamed Saif Al Mazrouei, CEO of the OPB, the governing body for implementation of UAE Offset Program.

"The project company will reinforce the rapid pace of development witnessed in the UAE and Gulf construction sectors by providing its combined expertise and quality services for this booming sector.

"As with most of the offset companies, the project is one-of-a-kind and aims at meeting rising demand for quality steel reinforcement bars in the UAE and the region," said Saif Al Hajeri, Director of the Offset Ventures Unit at the OPB.

"The steel rolling mill will produce high yield, hot rolled deformed steel reinforcing bars conforming to international standards," said Fritz Schaerer of Inovex.

"This is a unique opportunity to engage in import replacement and simultaneous product manufacturing for the UAE, making the country less dependent on outside suppliers of steel rebar for its construction projects.

"Our intention is to produce 40,000 tonnes of steel rebar per month from the steel rolling mill, and, to utilize 15,000 tons of that steel rebar per month in our own cut & bend manufacturing facility," said Mahendra Patel, the Group Managing Director of GEAP International (UAE) LLC.

Demand for steel in the UAE is currently estimated at 2.5 million tons per year and is forecast to reach five million tons per year in the medium term.


Mittal gets govt expertise in refining foray

Ammar Zaidi/PTI / New Delhi July 18, 2007

India-born billionaire Lakshmi N Mittal is literally getting a helping hand from the government for his ambitious diversification from steel making to oil refining.

Mittal is getting a senior bureaucrat from the ministry of petroleum and natural gas to run his first-ever venture in the refining business, the Rs 18,919 crore Bhatinda refinery.

Prabh Das, joint secretary (refineries) in the ministry, is likely to join Guru Gobind Singh Refinery (GGSRL), the company implementing the 9 million tonne refinery project in Punjab, as CEO.

"He is a good and capable man. We thought he can be of immense help in completing the much delayed project," Petroleum Minister Murli Deora told PTI.

Das, a 1981 batch Indian Administrative Service officer from West Bengal cadre, will go on deputation to the project that was first conceptualised over a decade ago and is now slated for completion in 2010-11. Das last week made a flying visit to London for a pre-assignment meeting with Mittal.

"Mittal (who last month was allowed to take 49% stake in GGSRL, the same as Hindustan Petroleum, with the remaining 2% stake with financial institutions) is coming to India later this month and we plan to go to Bhatinda to review project progress," Deora said.

Das, 50, is an electrical engineer and holds an MBA degree and has been looking after the refineries wing in ministry since March 2003. His five year term with central government is to expire next year.

Deora said Mittal's investment in Bhatinda is the single-largest foreign direct investment (FDI) in the refining sector and his coming on board has helped the project take off.

Arcelor Mittal`s formal Faleme award

Arcelor Mittal, the world`s largest steelmaker, secured concessions from Senegal`s government for a US$2.2 billion project that includes an iron-ore mine, a port and a railway in the southeast of the country.

The concessions were formally awarded on Wednesday, the Luxembourg-based company said on Thursday in an e-mailed statement.

The iron-ore mine, taking ore from four areas in the Faleme region, will start production in 2011 and eventually produce as much as 25 Mt/y, the Luxembourg-based company said on Wednesday.

The Senegalese government will receive 5% in royalties, with an estimated annual income for the west African nation of 75 billion west African CFA francs (US$157.8 million), the Senegalese mines minister Madicke Niang said on Wednesday.

The mine will create 20,000 jobs, he added.

Arcelor Mittal plans to produce about 80% of the iron ore it uses within the next decade to protect itself against price increases.

(July 19 Bloomberg)

Hoger kolenverbruik Corus stuwt groei haven IJmuiden

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De overslag van de Zeehavens Amsterdam is in het eerste halfjaar van 2007 het meest gegroeid van alle Noordwest-Europese havens. Dat maakt het Amsterdamse havenbedrijf vrijdag bekend. Vooral de overslag van kolen in IJmuiden groeide sterk, door een strategische productiewijziging van staalfabrikant Corus.

De overslag nam toe met 9,2% tot 47,7 miljoen ton, van 43,6 miljoen ton in de eerste helft van 2006.

De overslag in de haven van IJmuiden groeide met 17,5% tot 14,3 miljoen ton, waarbij de overslag van kolen bijna verdubbelde tot 7,1 miljoen ton. Dat is het gevolg van een strategische productiewijziging bij staalproducent Corus - recentelijk overgenomen door het Indiase staalconcern Tata Steel - die verbandt houdt met de hoge olieprijs.

De Zeehavens Amsterdam worden gevormd door havens van Amsterdam en IJmuiden en de veel kleinere havens van Beverwijk en Zaanstad.

De overslag in de Amsterdamse haven groeide met 6% tot 33,1 miljoen ton, hoewel het aantal schepen met lading dat de haven aandeed met 2,9% daalde.

Door Archie van Riemsdijk, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270,

RTRS-Oud-topman Siemens krijgt toppositie bij Alcoa
PITTSBURGH (ANP) - De voormalige bestuursvoorzitter van het
Duitse industriële concern Siemens, Klaus Kleinfeld, wordt
operationeel directeur bij het Amerikaanse aluminiumconcern
Alcoa. Kleinfeld krijgt leiding over de dagelijkse gang van
zaken bij het bedrijf. Hij begint op 1 oktober. Dat maakte Alcoa
woensdag bekend.

De 49-jarige Kleinfeld trad in april af bij Siemens, na twee
jaar aan het roer te hebben gestaan bij het grootste
technologieconcern van Europa. Hij kwam onder vuur te liggen
wegens een reeks fraudeschandalen bij Siemens. Kleinfeld bleef
buiten schot.

((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
504 5999))
U.S. Steel to acquire Stelco for $1.1 billion

Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:35pm ET
NEW YORK/TORONTO (Reuters) - U.S. Steel Corp agreed to acquire Stelco Inc for $1.1 billion, bagging the last big Canadian-owned steelmaker and strengthening its position in flat-rolled steel products in North America.

Chief Executive Officer John Surma said the deal, announced late on Sunday, will make U.S. Steel the world's fifth-largest steelmaker.

Hierbij de maandupdate van MEPS. De staalprijzen zijn wereldwijd in aug. weer iets gestegen t.o.v. juli en blijven derhalve op hoog niveau. Het blijft er dan ook zonnig uitzien voor de staalindustrie.

Nog een of 2 vaste beursdagen en AMS staat weer boven de € 50.

Bekaert gaat samenwerken met Indiaas staalbedrijf Mukand

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het Belgische metaalbewerkingsbedrijf Bekaert nv heeft een samenwerkingsverband gesloten met het Indiase staalbedrijf Mukand, meldt de onderneming woensdag.

De beide bedrijven gaan een joint venture aan waarin beide partijen een 50%-belang hebben. Samen investeren ze ongeveer EUR18 miljoen in de bouw van een nieuwe fabriek in de Indiase stad Maharashtra.

In deze fabriek zal roestvrije staalkabel worden geproduceerd. Dit wordt wereldwijd gebruikt voor componenten voor met name de automobiel industrie.

Door Arien Stuyt; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270;

RTRS-Tata wil Corus intact houden (2)
N i e u w bericht, meer informatie

IJMUIDEN (ANP) - Het Indiase staalconcern Tata wil de
overgenomen Brits-Nederlandse branchegenoot Corus intact houden.
Dat bleek dinsdag in IJmuiden, waar bestuursvoorzitter Ratan
Tata van het Indiase concern de opening bijwoonde van een nieuw
gebouw voor werknemers die zich bezig houden met nieuwe

,,Wij willen geen onderdelen van Corus verkopen'', zei Tata.
,,Wij geloven in een verhaal van groei, niet in het schrappen
van banen'', aldus de topman. Afgelopen juli al liet de centrale
ondernemingsraad van Corus Nederland weten op de korte termijn
geen gevaren te zien voor de werkgelegenheid bij het voormalige
Hoogovens door de overname.

Tata lijfde Corus eerder dit jaar in voor een bedrag van
ruim 9,1 miljard euro. Hiermee ontstond het op vier na grootste
staalbedrijf ter wereld. Er werken in totaal ongeveer 84.000
mensen bij het fusiebedrijf.

De prijs die Tata voor Corus betaalde, werd opgedreven
doordat het Brits-Nederlandse staalbedrijf in een veiling werd
verkocht. De Indiërs namen het daarbij op tegen het Braziliaanse
CSN. Britse autoriteiten hadden de veiling bevolen omdat het
biedingsproces naar hun idee te veel onrust opleverde.

Achteraf vindt Ratan Tata niet dat er teveel is betaald.
,,Wij hebben uiteindelijk meer betaald dan waarmee we begonnen,
maar zijn voor onszelf geen grens overgegaan. Zie het als een
huis dat duur is, maar later waarschijnlijk nog duurder'', aldus
de topman.

Plannen voor verdereexpansie in Nederland zijn er niet voor
Tata. Geruchten dat de Indiërs hun oog hebben laten vallen op de
autoproducent NedCar in Born, ontzenuwde hij. In het Verenigd
Koninkrijk liggen zaken wat anders. ,,We hopen een grotere
aanwezigheid te krijgen op de Britse automarkt'', zei Tata.
Eerder liet Tata al weten de Britse automerken Jaguar en Land
Rover te willen kopen. Maar hoe het daar mee staat, zei Tata

De wereldwijde staalindustrie is de laatste tijd flink in
beweging geweest. Begin vorig jaar ontstond de grootste
staalproducent ter wereld nadat Mittal Steel de Franse
branchegenoot Arcelor kocht. Tata streeft die schaalgrootte niet
per se na, zei Ratan Tata. ,,Wel willen we een respectabele
speler zijn''. In het algemeen voorziet hij wel dat in de
toekomst staalbedrijven vaker de handen ineen zullen slaan.

((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
504 5999))
BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale May Increase Iron Ore Prices 30% (Update2)

By Tan Hwee Ann and Helen Yuan

Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, Rio Tinto Group and BHP Billiton Ltd., the world's three largest iron-ore exporters, may increase prices by 30 percent next year as demand driven by steelmakers in China outpaces growth in supply.

Prices for benchmark shipments from Australia will rise to a record $66.40 a ton next year from $51.47 in 2007, according to the median forecast of eight analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Sales may climb 11 percent this year as supplies gain 8 percent, Merrill Lynch & Co. estimates. Mining companies and customers begin annual contract talks next month for shipments from April.

Chinese steelmakers, the biggest consumers, are raising production 15 percent to meet demand for cars, railroads and buildings. The increase will provide record profits for mining companies and may help Brazil's Vale double earnings from iron ore by 2009, according to Citigroup Inc. research.

``It's a sellers' market,'' said Peter Chilton, who helps manage the equivalent of $1.4 billion at Constellation Capital Management in Sydney.

Iron-ore mining companies won't expand fast enough to keep up with growth in consumption for years, so prices will rise until 2010, according to Paul Gray, a commodities analyst at Goldman Sachs JBWere Pty in Melbourne. China, which buys almost half the world's traded iron ore, may import 25 percent more this year, Goldman said.

Prices may rise by more than 50 percent next year because of low inventories at Chinese ports and lack of supply, Merrill Lynch analysts led by Vicky Binns, said in a report yesterday. Vale, London-based Rio and BHP in Melbourne account for about 75 percent of global iron-ore exports.

`Very Tight'

``The market is very tight,'' Marius Kloppers, who will become chief executive officer of BHP next month, said on Sept. 12. Tom Albanese, his counterpart at Rio Tinto, described the iron-ore market as ``very, very strong,'' in a Sept. 25 UBS AG report.

Steelmakers can afford to pay more by boosting prices for their products. Coils of hot-rolled steel, used in car bodies and washing machines, have risen 11 percent in the past year to $590 a ton in Antwerp, the highest since April 2005, according to Metal Bulletin. ArcelorMittal, the world's biggest steel producer, said Aug. 1 that profit rose 50 percent to $2.72 billion in the second quarter. Nippon Steel Corp., its closest rival, expects to post a second annual record profit in 2007.

This year's iron-ore market caught analysts at Goldman, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and UBS by surprise. Goldman and UBS said in December that prices would be little changed at best, and JPMorgan anticipated a 10 percent cut as recently as March.

India's Restriction

``The marginal tonnage is proving hard to get,'' said Tim Barker, who helps manage and advise on $54 billion of assets at BT Financial Group in Sydney.

Prices for individual iron-ore cargoes, which include shipping costs, have risen to $165 a ton, according to Credit Suisse Group. It takes 1.6 tons of ore to make a ton of steel.

India, which accounts for 14 percent of world supply, aggravated the global shortage in March by increasing export taxes to ensure adequate domestic supplies. Australia and Brazil each account for 36 percent of globally traded ore, according to Citigroup.

Vale's income from iron ore may almost double to $14.2 billion by fiscal 2009 from an expected $7.7 billion in 2007, Citigroup estimated.

China overtook Japan as the largest buyer of iron ore in 2003, and last year the country's biggest steelmaker Baosteel Group Corp. set global benchmark prices for the first time. It agreed to a 9.5 percent gain, the smallest increase in four years.

``Baosteel has improved negotiating skills in the past years, but the price will be decided most by the supply and demand,'' Chen Xianwen, deputy director of market research at the China Iron & Steel Association, said on Sept. 19.
IISI verhoogt groeiverwachting '07/'08 voor vraag naar staal
AMSTERDAM ( - De wereldwijde vraag naar staal zal in 2007 en 2008 met 6,8% stijgen. Dat meldt het Internationale Instituut voor IJzer en Staal (IISI) maandag in een studie die gericht is op de korte termijn. In maart voorspelde het instituut nog een groei van 5,9% voor dit jaar en 6,1% voor 2008.

De vraag wordt opnieuw vooral gestuwd door de zogenoemde BRIC-landen, dat zijn Brazilie, Rusland, India en China. Deze namen vorig jaar 41% van de wereldwijde vraag naar staal voor hun rekening. Naar verwachting zal de vraag in deze landen toenemen met 12,8% in 2007 en 11,1% volgend jaar.

In de 27 landen die deel uitmaken van de Europese Unie voorziet de IISI een groei van 4% voor dit jaar.

Voor de NAFTA landen, die deel uitmaken van de Noord-Amerikaanse Vrijhandelsovereenkomst, stelt het instituut haar verwachting juist naar beneden bij. Vooral de vraag vanuit de woningbouw blijft daar achter. Het lijkt erop dat in deze landen een afname van de vraag naar staal met 4,9% ten opzichte van vorig jaar zal plaatsvinden. Voor 2008 verwacht de IISI voor deze regio wel weer groei.

'Hoewel wereldwijd de economische risico's zijn toegenomen, neemt de IISI aan dat de recente volatiliteit op de kredietmarkt de Amerikaanse economie niet in een recessie zal doen belanden', zo licht voorzitter John Surma toe.

Het Internationale Instituut voor IJzer en Staal vertegenwoordigt zo'n 180 staalproducenten, die samen goed zijn voor ongeveer 75% van de wereldwijde productie van staal.

Marijke Verhaar

(c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

Corus Engineering Steels verhoogt prijzen met 3% tot 6%

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Corus Engineering Steels verhoogt de prijzen voor zijn ruimtevaartproducten met 3% tot 6%, zo meldt het staalbedrijf maandag nabeurs. De prijsverhogingen hebben betrekking op alle orders die na 1 januari 2008 worden geleverd.

De vraag maar staal die gebruikt wordt in de ruimtevaart zal naar verwachting van Corus hoog blijven in de nabije toekomst, gezien de verwachte productiesnelheid voor nieuwe vliegtuigen en de ontwikkeling van de volgende generatie twin-aisle vliegtuigen.

Daarnaast blijven de mondiale staalmarkten naar verwacht robuust te midden van hoge grondstoffenprijzen en verschepingskosten.

Door Marjolein Timmer; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270;

Alcoa opent cijferseizoen VS met geringe winstgroei

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De Amerikaanse aluminiumreus Alcoa inc heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2007 meer winst geboekt, zo meldt de onderneming dinsdag.

De nettowinst van Alcoa kwam in het voorbije kwartaal uit op $558 miljoen, tegen $537 miljoen in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. De winst per aandeel (wpa) kwam uit op 63 dollarcent.

Volgens de aluminiumreus werden de resultaten onder meer beinvloed door valutaschommelingen, reorganisatiekosten, metaalprijzen, hogere energiekosten en verzwakkende marktomstandigheden.

De omzet van de grootste aluminiumproducent ter wereld daalde in de driemaandelijkse periode tot $7,39 miljard, van $7,63 miljard vorig jaar.

Daarmee presteert Alcoa iets minder dan voorzien. Analisten voorspelden een nettowinst van 65 dollarcent per aandeel en een omzet van $7,4 miljard.

Alcoa publiceerde zijn kwartaalcijfers dinsdagavond na het slot van de Amerikaanse beurs. Daarmee verzorgde de Amerikaanse aluminiumreus traditioneel de aftrap voor het nieuwe cijferseizoen in de Verenigde Staten.

Door Marjolein Timmer, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270,

Alcoa Reports Third Quarter 2007 Income from Continuing Operations of $0.64 Per Share
Tuesday October 9, 4:35 pm ET
Board Increases Share Buyback Program to 25% of Outstanding Shares


Income from continuing operations of $558 million, or $0.64 per share, a three percent increase from a year ago.
Revenues of $7.4 billion.
Board increases authorization to repurchase shares to 25 percent of outstanding shares, up from previously authorized 10 percent.
Chalco sale and upcoming packaging and automotive castings sales to provide cash and flexibility to enhance shareholder value.
Debt-to-capital stands at 29 percent.
Trailing 12-month ROC stands at 11.8 percent including significant growth investments; excluding investments in growth, ROC is 14.6 percent.
Quarterly results impacted by Chalco gain, restructuring and impairment charges, currency, seasonality, metal prices, higher energy costs and softening markets.
Alcoa (NYSE:AA - News) today reported third quarter income from continuing operations of $558 million, or $0.64 per diluted share. Third quarter income from continuing operations increased three percent from $540 million, or $0.62, in the third quarter of 2006. Income from continuing operations was $716 million, or $0.81, in the second quarter of 2007.

As a result of the Company's strong capital structure and healthy cash flows, Alcoa's Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of up to 25 percent of the company's outstanding common stock, or approximately 217 million shares. Under the earlier repurchase program, 43 million shares, or approximately five percent, had already been repurchased by the end of the third quarter, leaving the company with authorization to buy back approximately 174 million shares.

"The Chalco sale, combined with proceeds from the upcoming sales of our packaging and auto castings businesses, give us a strong balance sheet, increased flexibility to ramp-up share repurchases, and deliver greater shareholder value," said Alcoa Chairman and CEO Alain Belda.

Net income for the third quarter of 2007 was $555 million, or $0.63, compared to $537 million, or $0.61, in the third quarter of 2006 and $715 million, or $0.81, in the 2007 second quarter. Third quarter results were impacted by the Chalco sale, charges associated with planned asset sales and restructuring, higher petroleum and energy costs, seasonality, lower metal prices and softness in the North American economy.

In the first nine months of 2007, net income was $1.93 billion, or $2.20, compared with $1.89 billion, or $2.16, in 2006. Year-to-date income from continuing operations was $1.95 billion compared with $1.90 billion in 2006.

Revenues for the quarter were $7.4 billion, compared with $7.6 billion in 2006 and $8.1 billion in the 2007 second quarter. This quarter's results were primarily impacted by the exclusion of the company's soft alloy extrusion business as a result of forming a joint venture with Sapa in June, lower metal prices, seasonality and softness in the North American markets.

"Macroeconomic drivers such as the weakening US dollar, higher petroleum costs, and market softness in North America impacted the quarter," said Belda. "Despite these challenges, we have established all-time records for revenue, net income, earnings per share and cash from operations in the first nine months of the year," added Belda.

Cash from operations for the quarter was $592 million, including the impact of approximately $200 million in contributions to the company's pension plans. Year-to-date, cash from operations was $2.47 billion, including pension contributions.

Capital expenditures for the quarter were $941 million, with 66 percent dedicated to growth projects. Year-to-date, the company has invested $1.74 billion in growth projects, or 67 percent of capital expenditures.

The company's debt-to-capital ratio at the end of the third quarter of 2007 stood at 29 percent, the lowest since 1999.

The Company's trailing 12-month return on capital (ROC) stands at 11.8 percent including significant investments in growth projects and construction work in progress; excluding investments in growth and construction work in progress, ROC is 14.6 percent.
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Volume gemiddeld 2.867.370
Volume gisteren 9.002.030

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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