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zit er iemand in Impact Silver Corp.

16 Posts
mijn: www.impactsilver.com/s/Home.asp


kon geen ander draadje vinden.

volg het een tijdje. lijkt mij nogsteeds een goede koop alhoewel ik met mijn kennis de vooruitzichten van hun nieuwe gebieden niet kan overzien en de prijs de laatste tijd behoorlijk opgelopen is. afgelopen vrijdag hoge omzet. ze maken in ieder geval winst als een van de weinige juniors. of blijft excellon een betere investering? daarin heb ik al een flinke positie. maar spreiding is een overweging.
grt, roos
Gold Is Cheap, Yamada, Banks Assert as Sales Pared (Update3)

By Pham-Duy Nguyen

Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Just because gold is down 14 percent from its high of $732 an ounce on May 12, doesn't mean the rally that began six years ago is coming to an end anytime soon.

The swooning U.S. dollar, which has become a proxy for the slowing American economy and the nation's humiliating lack of success arranging regime change in Iraq, banning weapons of mass destruction in North Korea and Iran and reducing its trade and budget deficits, is making gold Wall Street's darling again for 2007.

``Gold is the purest play against the dollar,'' said Louise Yamada, managing director of Yamada Technical Research Advisors LLC in New York, who sees gold surpassing $730 next year on its way to $3,000 within a decade. Yamada, the former head of technical research at Citigroup Inc., proclaimed gold cheap in 2001 when it fetched $279.

She now has lots of company among the world's biggest financial institutions. Deutsche Bank AG's chief metals economist, Peter Richardson, made gold his favorite pick for 2007. JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts John Normand and Jon Bergtheil on Dec. 7 said only corn could rival gold as the best bet while Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Michael Jalonen elevated gold's value through 2010.

``If you can only make one commodity investment,'' gold is the ``choice for 2007,'' said Richardson from his office in Melbourne.

That's partly because five of the past six bear markets for the dollar led to an increase in gold.

Dollar's Slide

The U.S. currency started gasping last February against the Euro and dropped 13.8 percent since then during what has been the worst American housing market in 15 years. On a trade- weighted basis, it has lost 6 percent of its value and is headed for its biggest annual drop since 2004.

Gold, up 22 percent in 2006, is poised for its sixth straight annual gain. The streak is unmatched since 1971 when gold was freed from its peg to the dollar after the U.S. government said it would no longer exchange its currency for the metal.

From the end of World War II, the dollar was fixed at $35 per ounce of gold. In 1934, gold rose to $35 per ounce from $20.67 after passage of the Gold Reserve Act in January that year.

Prices have jumped 131 percent since the end of 2000. The last such rally was in 1979, when gold advanced to $541 from $229 a year earlier and was headed to a record $850 in January 1980.

Breaking Gold Link

To be sure, there are enough skeptics to make the betting on gold controversial.

``It's rare that an asset outperforms others consistently year on year,'' said Andrew Kinsey at Johannesburg-based Craton Capital, whose $267 million precious-metals fund rose 51 percent this year. ``The dollar-gold relationship may break down next year. Geopolitical risks and energy prices could rise to the forefront and impact gold more than the value of the dollar.''

The U.S. dollar will rebound in 2007, said Joe Prendergast, global head of currency strategy at Credit Suisse in London, during a recent radio interview with ``Bloomberg on the Economy with Tom Keene.'' He predicts a 3 percent appreciation for the dollar by December 2007.

Some analysts say the current consensus that predicts no end to the dollar's weakness is wrong. ``The dollar is completely undervalued,'' said Tetsu Emori, chief commodities strategist at Mitsui Bussan Futures Ltd. in Tokyo. ``Metal prices are hitting the tops. This month and next January, base and precious metals prices will go down.''

Gold Rallies

Investors who sell assets denominated in U.S. currency often buy gold. Declines of more than 20 percent for the dollar against six major currencies led to a gold rally of 22 percent from January 1971 to July 1973 and 95 percent from June 1976 to October 1978.

A tumbling dollar caused the metal to rise 40 percent from February 1985 to the end of 1987, 6 percent from June 1989 to September 1992 and 83 percent from July 2001 to December 2004.

Gold's $75 billion market, a fraction of the $2 trillion traded daily in foreign exchange, is getting a lift from widening budget and trade deficits that undermine the dollar. The International Monetary Fund estimates the U.S. current account deficit will expand 9.8 percent to $869.1 billion in 2006.

Tight Supply

``Gold is probably the most straightforward investment to go with in this environment because of its consistent inverse relationship to the dollar,'' said Yamada, voted Wall Street's best technical analyst from 2001 to 2004 in surveys by Institutional Investor magazine. ``Other countries are trying to diversify their dollar holdings. They're buying gold and anything they can to get out of the dollar.''

JPMorgan Chase's Normand and Bergtheil told clients that gold and corn will offer the best opportunities among commodity investments next year because of tight supply and a weakening dollar. The London-based analysts raised their estimate of average gold prices next year by 11 percent to $678 an ounce. Prices in 2008 will average $725 an ounce, they wrote.

``Gold is the only metal, base or precious, which will see no meaningful increase in mining supply next year,'' the analysts wrote, estimating that supply will grow by 1 percent.

Merrill's Jalonen raised his projections for gold in 2008 to $650 an ounce from $600, and 2009 was increased to $625 an ounce from $600. The Toronto-based analyst maintained his 2007 projection for a rally to an average of $675 an ounce ``due to a rebound in gold fabrication demand for bullion, lower central bank sales and continued growth in investment demand.''

Central Bank Sales

Sales of gold by central banks fell 31 percent in the third quarter to 59 metric tons from a year ago, according to the World Gold Council. European Central Bank members this year failed to meet the 500-ton quota for gold sales under the second so-called Central Bank Gold Agreement.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke in April told Congress that he looks at gold prices on his computer screen ``every day'' in assessing inflation expectations. Inflation, using the Fed's preferred index that subtracts food and energy from consumer spending, was 2.4 percent for the year ending in October.

``There's information in gold prices as there is in other commodity prices,'' he said. Rising gold prices reflect inflation concern, ``but clearly, a factor in the gold price has got to be global geopolitical uncertainty and the view of some investors that, given what's going on in the world today, that gold is a safe haven investment.''

Gold Outperforms

A slowing economy may force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates next year for the first time since June 2003, curbing investment in U.S. assets. The Fed has kept its benchmark rate at 5.25 percent since June, while the ECB on Dec. 7 raised rates for a sixth time in a year to 3.5 percent.

Gold has also produced higher returns than the Standard and Poor's 500 Index, up 13 percent this year. The benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury rose 2.8 percent. The Reuters-Jefferies CRB Commodity Price Index is down 5.4 percent, led by declines in natural gas, sugar, cotton and gasoline.

International purchases of U.S. long-term financial assets have already begun to slow. Investors in September reduced their net holdings of government debt for the first time since February 2003,
Dutch Trader
Dit is gewoon een buy. Vandaag maar gekocht. Ze zijn profitable en wellicht een overnamekandidaat. By the way Mexicaanse zilvermijn.

Great Panther had ik helaas gemist en durf ze nu niet meer te kopen.
Ik heb 4000 euro in dit aandeel zitten, omdat het naar mijn mening een van de beste zilver juniors is. Ze hebben geen schulden, maken winst, hebben een gigantisch stuk land, waar vroegere zilverproductie was, en hun grades zijn behoorlijk hoog. Dit is waarschijnlijk wel een ten bagger.
Landpackages mooi, maar de drillings zijn nogal 'veinerig' en de capaciteit van de mills 500 plus 2 x 200 tpd is niet giga...
Op grond van de huidige productie zou de MC heel ruw gerekend ongeveer moeten kloppen imo, maar dan krijg je de claims etc dus gratis....

Dutch Trader
Ik zie dit puur als een overnamekandidaat door een meer gekapitaliseerd bedrijf.Die ook daadwerkelijk wat meer budget kan neertellen om de productie en drilling op te schalen.

Wat natuurlijk ook heeft meegespeelt is de asset base en het feit dat ze geen schulden hebben en winst maken.

Ja dat geeft idd vastigheid in de koers, dat zie je ook ten tijde van eind 2008, niet eens zo'n idiote dip....

Gokken op overname.. kan een heeeele long shot zijn, dan weet ik er nog wel 100... of 1000!

Dutch Trader
Klopt, overname speelt natuurlijk wel een rol maar ik weet dan in desbetreffende regio waar men actief is er zoveel (edel)metalen in de grond zitten dat ook op dat front het bedrijf een mooie slag kan maken.

Persoonlijk denk ik dat ze zelf gewoon een keer geld moeten ophalen om alles op te schalen. Het management moet gewoon met investeerders om de tafel gaan zitten en de alternatieven/opties eens doorspreken.
Impact Silver gaat met een beetje geluk Silvercorp achterna. Op dit moment is het bedrijf niet zozeer een producent die ook aan exploration doet, maar eerder omgekeerd een explorer die ook produceert en daarmee zijn eigen exploration financiert.

Dat kan onder omstandigheden echter zomaar veranderen, zeker bij de huidige prijs van zilver. De kans is groot dat zij op hun enorme stuk land een grote vondst gaan doen. Hun laatste persbericht geeft al een hint in die richting. Het lijkt mij slechts een kwestie van tijd.
Dutch Trader
IMPACT Silver Corp. (IPT)

Exchange: TSX Venture Exchange

$1.390 Nov 8, 2010, 12:52 PM EST Change: 0.150 (12.10%)Volume: 328,294


De afgelopen dag nog een keer:

Price: 1.51
Change: +0.13
% Change: +9.42%
Volume: 321,354
Day High/Low: 1.51/1.3
52 Week High/Low: 1.6/0.8

Als je weet wat er speelt in de zilverwereld dan zit je met de meeste zilverfondsen goed:


Oud draadje.....
weer ff bovenhalen.
wel interessant aangezien zilver stukken goedkoper geworden is.
Nu weer redelijk in te stappen na een erg slechtte periode.
Cijfers zijn weer plus na dikke minnetjes de afgelopen jaren.
Met zilver in de lift zit er zeker wat in het vat!


Weer ingestapt her en der dit jaar:

IMPACT Silver Finds Native Silver at Guadalupe Mine, Mexico & Provides Operational Update

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 18, 2019) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSXV: IPT) (OTC Pink: ISVLF) ("IMPACT" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on operations at its Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver-Gold Project operations in Mexico where the central Guadalupe processing plant is fed by four separate mines.

Native Silver found at Guadalupe Mine
Numerous exceptional native silver specimens have recently been recovered by miners in the Guadalupe Mine between levels 15 and 30 in an area on the main Lipton vein named the Jewelry Shop. Photos of the native silver samples can be viewed at www.impactsilver.com/s/Production_Gua...

Guadalupe Mine - Expanding Production
The Guadalupe Mine is located adjacent to the Guadalupe plant. This mine has a long history of mining dating back almost 500 years to 1529 and more recently restarted commercial production in September 2018 after a hiatus of five years. It is now the largest producing mine on the property. Very low hauling costs associated with mining here as well as positive drill results led to a decision to restart mining in this low cost operation. With a lower cost structure and improving grades, the Company is expanding production in the Guadalupe Mine, and has upgraded the shaft and is upgrading other infrastructure to access additional veins for mining.

Negra Mine - New Mine Production
The Negra mine is a new small open pit operation which commenced commercial production in the past few weeks. It is a near surface bulk tonnage zone up to 50m wide that previously saw limited mining in the 1980s. Initial production is sending a silver-rich feed grading 200g/t silver to the Guadalupe plant located four kilometers to the southeast. Work in progress is focussed on determining the full upside production potential of this zone.

San Ramon Deeps Mine - New High Grade at Depth
The San Ramon Mine is located 5 kilometres south of the Guadalupe plant. San Ramon has been a significant contributor to production since 2008 and in 2014 on the San Ramon Deeps Zone was discovered at depth. Known mineralization over the total San Ramon workings has a down dip extension of over 500m, a length of up to 180 metres and widths of 2 to 17 metres. Size and grade at San Ramon Deeps were decreasing at depth resulting in recent decreasing production but drilling below current mining levels intersected new high grade mineralization (see IMPACT news release dated September 11, 2019) which may allow renewed expansion of production. A new underground drill station is being excavated to drill the depth extensions of this new mineralization.

Cuchara Mine - Continuing Mill Feed
The Cuchara mine is located 2.5 kilometres east of the Guadalupe mill and commenced production in the second quarter of 2013. The mine contributes modest tonnages of silver-lead-zinc feed to the Guadalupe plant from a corridor of veins.

Read more at stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/20...
Silver en goud mogelijk uitbraak. Goud ziet er al top uit.

IPT is zeker 1 van mijn favo's

De zilverstocks in mijn porto:

Ook wel willen hebben; AUMN.TO maar (nog) niet in porto.

Naar mijn mening de betere die er momenteel zijn aan een goede instapprijs.
Wel met dito risico up and down.

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