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Colossus Minerals : kolossale grades & width

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Onder het motto 'het kan dus wel' hierbij een bericht over Colossus Minerals:

Koers zowat verdrievoudigd sinds april, en nu weer deze mega-drilling.


Colossus Minerals Drills Further High Grade Gold-Platinum-Palladium at Serra Pelada
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 11, 2008) - Colossus Minerals Inc. (TSX:CSI) announces results from three drill holes, SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 from the Company's ongoing program on the Serra Pelada Project, a Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture.


- SPD-002 intersected
46.72 metres @ 24.11g/t gold, 9.04g/t platinum and 11.57g/t palladium
(50.95g/t gold equivalent(ii))
14.65 metres @ 22.51g/t gold, 4.56g/t platinum and 5.01g/t palladium
(35.64g/t gold equivalent(ii))

- SPD-004 intersected
53.50 metres @ 5.35g/t gold, 2.51g/t platinum and 4.01g/t palladium
(13.20g/t gold equivalent(ii))

- Both holes exhibit very high grade Au- and PGE-rich subzones

- Drilling to date shows continuity of high grade gold-platinum-palladium
mineralisation along 100 metres of strike length and vertical intervals of
more than 50 metres in the Central Mineralised Zone up to 260metres
southwest of the historic Serra Pelada open pit.


Diamond drill holes SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 were HQ-cored for a total of 902m as part of 5000m drill program by the Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture on the Serra Pelada gold-platinum-palladium deposit, located in Para State, Brazil. SPD-002 was collared 90m southwest of SPD-001 at an initial inclination of -68.5 deg. and azimuth of 310 deg. to test the Central Mineralised Zone on Section 00, 260m southwest of the historic Serra Pelada open pit. SPD-003 undercut SPD-002 on a similar azimuth, but steepened unexpectedly, largely missing its target. SPD-004 was drilled at an initial azimuth of 305 deg. and inclination of -75deg. on Section 50NE, to test the Central mineralised zone between Section 100NE and Section 00. An additional hole (SPD-012) is currently drilling on Section 50NE. A plan view of Serra Pelada drill traces may be examined on www.colossusminerals.com.

SPD-002 intersected two intervals of continuous gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation, hosted mainly by altered metasediments of the Central Mineralised zone but separated by a weakly-mineralised felsic dyke. These subzones respectively contain intervals of spectacular grades of platinum plus palladium and high grade gold. Assay results for SPD-002 are presented in the following table.

From To Recovered/ Gold Platinum Palladium Gold
(metres, (metres, assay g/t g/t g/t equivalent
down-hole) down-hole) interval g/t
(metres) (i) (ii)
204.5 253.60 46.72 24.11 9.04 11.57 50.95
Incl. 219.00 253.60 32.22 33.25 12.79 16.25 71.18
incl. 228.00 231.00 3.00 233.85 101.35 130.75 535.37

274.65 289.50 14.65 22.51 4.56 5.01 35.64


Other intersections (greater than 0.5g/t gold equivalent) in SPD-002 include 256.25-257.45m down-hole: 1.20m@ 1.2g/t Au, 0.47g/t Pt and 0.18g/t Pd; 269.3-270.5m.: 1.20m@ 0.66g/t Au, 0.32g/t Pt and 0.27g/t Pd; 295.25-296.4m: 1.15m@ 1.05g/t Au, 1.15g/t Pt and 1.93g/t Pd. The latter interval appears to represent a mineralized zone footwall to the Central Zone which may correlate with a similar zone observed in SPD-001.

SPD-004 intersected broadly continuous gold-platinum-palladium mineralization between 193.0 and 258.0m down-hole, mainly in altered metasediments of the Central Mineralized Zone. Core recoveries were low in a number of intervals and this has probably contributed to underestimation of Au-PGE grades and mineralized intervals for SPD-004, to be clarified by additional drilling on Section 50NE. Assay results for SPD-004 are presented in the following table.

From To Recovered/ Gold Platinum Palladium Gold
(metres, (metres, assay g/t g/t g/t equivalent
down-hole) down-hole) interval g/t
(metres) (i) (ii)
193.00 258.00 53.50 5.35 2.51 4.01 13.20

Incl. 193.00 199.70 6.7 17.83 18.50 29.24 75.56


(i) Total assayed interval - excludes intervals of no core recovery; true
widths to be established

(ii) Gold equivalent assuming Au:Pt:Pd prices in the ratio 1:2.33:0.5

Other intersections (greater than 0.5g/t Au equivalent) in SPD-004 include 180.4-181.5m down-hole: 1.0m@ 0.69g/t Au, 3.01g/t Pt and 2.16g/t Pd; 186.5-187.8m: 0.60m@ 1.59g/t au, 0.09g/t Pt and 0.12g/t Pd; 261.2-262.3m: 1.10m@ 0.10g/t Au, 4.63g/t Pt and 2.25g/t Pd.

Due to its unexpected steepening, SPD-003 cored mainly siliceous-altered metasediments which commonly envelope the Central Mineralised Zone and are less well mineralised. Evidently SPD-003 clipped the south east margin of the Central Mineralised Zone, and an additional hole will be drilled to examine the untested parts of this Zone on Section 00. Assay results are expected shortly.

The complete assay data sets for SPD-002 and SPD-004, plus geology-drill Section 00 for may be examined on www.colossusminerals.com.

To date, the Company has completed 11 holes for approximately 3350 metres of an initial 5000 metre drilling program.

Vic Wall, Colossus President comments "Colossus' drilling at Serra Pelada continues to realise the potential of this extraordinary noble metal deposit. The results of SPD-001, SPD-002 and SPD-004 demonstrate the continuity of high value gold-platinum-palladium mineralisation through large vertical intervals and over 100m of strike length of our main target zone well south of the historic Serra Pelada open pit. The apparent persistence of high grade PGE subzones is particularly encouraging."


Sampling of SPD-002, SPD-003 and SPD-004 core (by Colossus personnel) and sample preparation (by SGS GEOSOL LABORATORIES LTDA., Belo Horizonte) were carried out under strict protocols recommended in the 43-101 Technical Report on Serra Pelada. After photographing and logging, nominal 1 metre intervals of HQ core were cut and/or split in half, yielding samples of 2 to 3 kilogram mass. Where core recoveries were low, intervals were composited to yield 1 kilogram minimum sample masses. Duplicates, blanks and certified gold-PGE reference materials were inserted in the sample train by Colossus personnel prior to secure shipping to SGS.

SGS pulverised 1 kilogram splits (greater than 95% passing 106 microns) from the crushed (greater than 95% passing 1.7mm) dri
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Maar nu weer in de lift . Hpelijk houdt het aan.


Colossus Minerals Inc. Takes Another Step Ahead With The Completion Of Its Phase I Drilling Program On Serra Pelada

Colossus Minerals Inc. (“Colossus”) (CSI:TSX) is proud to announce a summary of activities on the Serra Pelada project in Brazil, a Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture.

Serra Pelada Project (gold and PGE’s):

Colossus has successfully completed its Phase I drilling program on Serra Pelada. 17 diamond drill holes were completed for 5129 metres of HQ coring. One other hole (SPD-009) was abandoned due to poor drilling conditions. Drilling was focused on the Central Mineralized Zone along 250m strike length down plunge and southwest of the historical Serra Pelada open pit. All completed drill holes intersected apparently mineralised material but SPD-003, SPD-005 and SPD-006 were off target.

One drill hole, SPD-017 tested the Western Zone of mineralisation just to the west of the historical pit. This is a separate target from the Central Mineralised Zone, with limited historical drilling.

Additionally, one PQ diamond hole (SPD-019) is nearing completion and another is planned to provide samples for initial metallurgical test work.

Some 2266 half-core samples from 16 holes, representing 2596 metres of Phase I drilling, have been submitted over the past five months to SGS Limited (Belo Horizonte) for fire assay for gold, platinum and palladium. Colossus anticipates receiving more assay results within the next 3 weeks.

Complete assay results from SGS Belo Horizonte have been announced for SPD-001, SPD-002 and SPD-004 (see news releases May 29 and June 11, 2008) and are summarised below:

SPD-001 intersected 88.00 metres @ 5.80g/t gold, 6.11g/t platinum and 6.83g/t palladium
SPD-002 intersected 46.72 metres @ 24.11g/t gold, 9.04g/t platinum and 11.57g/t palladium
14.65 metres @ 22.51g/t gold, 4.56g/t platinum and 5.01g/t palladium
SPD-004 intersected 53.50 metres @ 5.35g/t gold, 2.51g/t platinum and 4.01g/t palladium
A contract has been let for 5000m of Phase II diamond drilling by two rigs to be commenced first week of October.

The first phase of Colossus’ program of re-sampling and re-assaying a portion of the 40,000 metres of historical CVRD half-core has been completed. To date the results of screen fire and 50 gram fire assays for gold, palladium and platinum have been received for 605 samples, representing 623 metres of historic core. Two batches of these results, which have increased our confidence in CVRD’s historical assay database and defined additional mineralization, have been released (see news releases April 01 and April 15, 2008). Check assaying for gold, platinum and palladium by Genalysis (Perth) is underway on several re-assay batches.

Genalysis is also undertaking assays of these materials for other PGE’s (rhodium, etc.) for which there is limited historical data. Multi-element analysis is also being performed on a representative range of samples.

Colossus has continued its intensive community and joint venture partner relations programs, including support for COOMIGASP’s evaluation of historical tailings and waste, environmental studies, and the provision of an ambulance for the Serra Pelada community.

Ari Sussman, CEO of Colossus, adds "The Colossus 2008 program represents a significant advance for Serra Pelada. Starting from scratch, our team has developed the facilities for handling major drilling and assay programs, executed these programs and laid the base for other advances toward mine development. On behalf of Colossus and COOMIGASP, I wish to thank the team for its continuing contribution.”

Vic Wall, President of Colossus Minerals and qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for this release and has verified the contents disclosed.

About Colossus:
Colossus is an exploration and development Company focused on mineral resource
properties in Brazil. The Company is currently focusing its efforts on the high grade gold-platinum-palladium Serra Pelada project in Para State, Brazil. Between 1980 and 1986 Serra Pelada was host to the largest precious metals rush in Latin American history. Coverage by 60 Minutes of this famous mining rush can be viewed at the following link: sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.a... In addition, the Company is advancing its Sumidouro property located near Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais State, Brazil and the Natividade Property in the State of Tocantins, Central Brazil.

For further information, please contact:

Elina Chow
Colossus Minerals Inc.
Tel: (416) 643-7655
Web site: www.colossusminerals.com
Email: info@colossusminerals.com

Brisco Capital Partners
Scott Koyich, President
Tel: (403) 262-9888
Email: scott@briscocapital.com

Opnieuw mega-drills voor Colossus. De koers is inmiddels ver teruggelopen zoals bij de meeste juniors. Een historische divergentie?

CSI mee in de verdere dip, nu over de volle breedte eindelijk eens koerswinst voor juniors.

Ook CSI 10% up.

Is het ergste nu eindelijk over voor de junior markt.

Gisteren weer 11% in de rebound.

Het lijkt wel een bodem zeg.

Zou het dan eindelijk???

Yamana, HudBay, Uranium One among takeover targets
Posted: November 19, 2008, 12:00 PM by Peter Koven
Mining, Takeovers, Uranium One, HudBay Minerals, Yamana Gold
With market volatility as a backdrop, analysts at Canaccord Adams have identified a number of potential takeover targets in the mining space as well as their possible buyers. Three names in particular stand out among the targets: Yamana Gold Inc., HudBay Minerals Inc., and Uranium One Inc.

Yamana has been a very aggressive buyer in the last few years, but analyst Steve Butler figures it is turning into an attractive target because of its production growth, discounted valuation, and outstanding El Penon asset. Yamana is trading at just 4.1 times estimated cash flow for 2009 compared to a sector average of 10.5 times, he noted. Possible buyers include Barrick Gold Corp., Kinross Gold Corp. and Newmont Mining Corp., all of which are big investors in the Americas.

HudBay has long been considered a target because of its huge cash position, and analyst Gary Lampard noted that the company's projects are robust enough to survive the economic downturn that has hit the base metals sector. He does not believe that HudBay's Manitoba assets are good enough to attract a major, but does think that Quadra Mining Ltd. could be interested.

The stunning collapse of Uranium One, which was one of the industry's biggest upstarts last year, has been well-documented. The stock is now dirt-cheap, and analyst Orest Wowkodaw wrote that the company's low-cost assets in Kazakhstan could be appealing for Cameco Corp., which is currently commissioning its Inkai project there.

The analysts also mentioned a number of other possible takeover targets in the mining space: Andina Minerals Inc., Detour Gold Corp., Premier Gold Mines Ltd., Canplats Resources Corp., Colossus Minerals Inc., Corriente Resources Inc., Hathor Exploration Ltd., MAG Silver Corp., Ur-Energy Inc., PhosCan Chemical Corp., and Potash One Inc.

Peter Koven

Colossus als overnameprooi? Ziet er goed uit.
De drills zijn iig van Aurelian-achtige proporties. Hopelijk krijgt Colossus dan wel een betere deal voor de aandeelhouders...

CSI gisteren 38% up...

Een titanenstrijd lijkt zich af te spelen tussen fysiek en papiergoud.
Komt het tot een grote uitbarsting in december?


Colossus Minerals Inc. (Public, TSE:CSI) - Add to Portfolio

+0.190 (38.00%)
Nov 21 - Close Open: 0.59 Mkt Cap: 29.25M P/E: - Dividend: -
High: 0.69 52Wk High: 4.00 F P/E: - Yield: -
Low: 0.50 52Wk Low: 0.50 Beta: - Shares: 42.40M
Vol: 174,400.00 Avg Vol: - EPS: -0.07 Inst. Own:
Toronto, Ontario, November 25, 2008 - Colossus Minerals Inc. (“Colossus”) (TSX:CSI) is pleased to announce that it has intersected further high grade gold-platinum-palladium in drilling of the Central Mineralised Zone of the Serra Pelada Project, the Colossus-COOMIGASP joint venture located in Para State, Brazil.


* SPD-010 intersected
87.58 metres @ 6.04 g/t gold, 2.49 g/t platinum and 4.36 g/t palladium
24.70 metres @ 10.20 g/t gold, 7.15 g/t platinum and 12.99 g/t palladium
9.20 metres @ 13.97 g/t gold, 2.35 g/t platinum and 3.09 g/t palladium;

* SPD-011 intersected
89.55 metres @ 2.48 g/t gold, 0.47 g/t platinum and 0.84 g/t palladium
including several intervals totalling more than 30 metres of +7 g/t gold + platinum + palladium ;

* These drill holes, 25 metres to the southwest and northeast of previously announced drilling, demonstrate strong lateral and vertical continuity the Central Mineralised Zone.
Tja, dit blijven echt geweldige resultaten...

ik zou nou wel eens een overzicht willen zien van de geschatte omvang van het geheel...

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