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crystallex permit nabij?

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..heb maar eens een flinke pluk aangeschaft op $1,13


Crystallex Says Venezuela Reconsiders Mine Permit (Update1)
By Stewart Bailey

June 24 (Bloomberg) -- Crystallex International Corp. said the Venezuelan government may overturn its denial of a permit for the development of the country's largest gold deposit. The shares soared.

The Ministry of the Environment was advised by the government to reconsider the permit if modifications are made to the Las Cristinas project, Toronto-based Crystallex said today in a statement. Changes include remediation of existing environmental damage and improvements to social plans for the area, the company said.

Crystallex waited more than four years for the permits to develop the 21-million ounce deposit. Minister of Environment Yubiri Ortega rejected the application on April 30 to protect a forest reserve and small-scale miners working in the area. Crystallex met with the ministry again on June 18.

``Crystallex welcomes the opportunity to help create additional solutions to the extensive environmental damage that already exists due to illegal mining in the Las Cristinas area, and to improve the project in order to respond to issues'' raised by the ministry, the company said.

Crystallex jumped 48 cents, or 74 percent, to C$1.13 at 9:31 a.m. on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Before today, the shares plunged 60 percent since April 29, the day before the permit was rejected.

The company also received minutes of a meeting held on June 4 by the Permanent Committee for the Economic Development of the National Assembly to discuss the mine's delay. They showed that the project has the support of the Ministry of Mines, the company said.

The Ministry of the Environment also had rejected permits for Gold Reserve Inc. to develop the Brisas copper and gold project near Las Cristinas.

To contact the reporter on this story: Stewart Bailey in New York at sbailey7@bloomberg.net.
tnx HTG,

Hierbij een vers bericht. Ziet er naar uit dat er beweging in de zaak komt.


Sector Informatietechnologie
Valuta EUR

Laatste koers (17:26) 0,18*
Koers-winstverhouding 2006
WPA 2006 0,00
Nettowinst -436.000,00
Omzet 6,05 miljoen
Uitstaande aandelen 133,44 miljoen

Dividend rendement
Dividend 0,00
Pay Out Ratio 0,00%

Eigen vermogen per aandeel 0,01
Eigen vermogen 1,62 miljoen
Balanstotaal 4,49 miljoen


hieronder het goede stuk:

Mind you , dit is een world class deposit met plm 17 mio ounces een direct overnametarget voor de majors.



The stocks of Canadian mining company Crystallex International soared on Tuesday as the company announced the beginning of talks with the Venezuelan Ministry of the Environment.

The news raised expectations about a mining license to develop Las Cristinas mine.

The Venezuelan government had instructed the Environment Minister Yuvirí Ortega to discuss the changes in the Las Cristinas Project in order to grant the permit, said Crystallex in a communiqué, Reuters quoted.

The huge deposit contains approximately 17 million ounces of gold.

Crystallex hoped to receive the final consent for the development this year. However, the Ministry of the Environment denied the license ending April. The move toppled by 57 percent the corporate stocks.

All in all, last Tuesday, Crystallex securities climbed from 0.52 to 1.17 Canadian dollars at the Toronto Stock Exchange as the eventual grant gave a cause for optimism.

"It is early for Crystallex to forecast how the authorization will be solved, but it relies on the support of the government and the National Assembly," stated the mining company.

Securities dropped in May after Minister Ortega promised to stop all pit mining in Imataca, the reserve where Las Cristinas is located.

Crystallex reported that ministerial officials had suggested possible changes to the project, such as lessening the environmental impact.
Tja, het schijnt er toch van te komen, maar met Chavez weet je het nooit...

Porque no te callas?


Crystallex clears a 'major roadblock'

Stock soars over good news from Venezuela


Posted 8 hours ago

Crystallex International Corp.'s beaten-down stock (TSX:KRY) surged more than 60 per cent Tuesday after Venezuela's Ministry of the Environment said it was willing to discuss ways for the miner to obtain long-entangled approval of its Las Cristinas gold project.

Crystallex said it had conferred with ministry officials last week and discussed several concerns, including ways to lessen the impact of mining in the area and improve the site once the life of the mine ends.

President Hugo Chavez's administration had told the Ministry of the Environment to start talks over how a permit could be issued, the company said.

Crystallex shares rose 43 cents to

$1.08 on the TSX, a jump of 66 per cent on close to 9.5 million shares traded. That's still down from almost $5 a year ago.

Las Cristinas had been left in disarray by the ministry's decision last month to refuse a permit for open-pit mining, which caused concern among development officials elsewhere in the government.

The project has been dogged for years by uncertainty, initially over its ownership and later about whether Chavez's populist government would nationalize the mining industry and whether it would allow the project to go ahead.

"Crystallex has been riding a roller-coaster of emotions and factors in the last 30 days, and it appears that they have been able to clear a major roadblock in that they are able to sit down with the environmental ministry -- that's a first sign of negotiation," said John Ing, a gold analyst with Maison Placements Canada Inc.

"In the process it appears that there is some strong support coming from the government in support of the Crystallex position."

Everyone from the Ministry of Mines and Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana, the owner of the deposit, to local governments and a parliamentary committee appears to support the project, Ing said.

Crystallex shares took a new hit last month when the Environment Ministry declared that Venezuela wouldn't allow open-pit mining.


Crystallex said then that this position conflicted with the ministry's approval of its environmental impact study and acceptance of a construction compliance bond and environmental tax, as well as with presidential and National Assembly directives.

With Tuesday's announcement, it appears the only official opposition to the project comes from the Ministry of the Environment.

That ministry is now stressing the importance of submitting modifications to the mining plan in a speedy manner in order to get the process moving.

Crystallex said the modifications suggested by ministry representatives include expanding social projects in the area, mitigating the mine's impact and improving remediation, including repairing environmental damage already done by illegal miners.

All are "manageable and achievable," Ing said. "The logjam, at long last, appears broken."
Why Crystallex May Now Be a Buy
By Ian Cooper | Saturday, June 28th, 2008

Mid-May 2008, all looked grim for shares of Crystallex (KRY), as Venezuela pulled the plug on the company's Las Cristinas property. Production was expected to begin there by 2009.

At the time, Venezuela refused to grant a permit to KRY for the Las Cristinas mine after deciding not to grant licenses for open-pit mining for gold, diamonds and coal. Instead, they opted to step up oversight on the mining industry. Citing ecological damage for the move, Venezuela dashed KRY's hopes to mine in the nine million acre reserve.

But that was in May.

Today, shares of Crystallex may be a buy after the Venezuelan government said it was willing to reconsider the cancellation of the permit for the Las Cristinas project. In this release, the company said it was invited to a meeting by representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, and was told that possible modifications of the Las Cristinas project could result in an issued permit.

Modifications included further optimizing the social project in the area, mitigating the impact of open vein deposit in the affected areas of the Imataca, improving the remediation plans at the end of the mine life as well as remediation of the existing environmental damage caused by illegal miners.

Even better, from the minutes from a National Assembly committee meeting, Crystallex learned that representatives from the Ministry of Mines "confirmed support" for the company.

While nothing is set in stone just yet, so far the news is good for the company and shareholders of the beaten down stock. Keep it on radar.

Good Investing,

Ian L. Cooper

Chavez is voorlopig niet af te brengen van zijn plan om van Venezuela een socialistisch oliegeld wegpisparadijs te maken.

Nu de cementindustrie alweer genationaliseerd.

Que dramatico.

Ik stond op het punt om in te stappen, maar nu zie ik er geen heil meer in...

Tja hierbij dan het grafschift: Crystallex kan het voorlopig vergeten.


Venezuela's Chavez says "taking back" mines
Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:59pm EDT Email | Print | Share | Reprints | Single Page | Recommend (0) [-] Text [+]
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CARACAS, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Friday he is "taking back" mines, a sign the leftist may order takeovers in a sector that includes a large gold project run by Canada's Crystallex (KRY.TO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz).

Chavez, who has nationalized swaths of the oil-based economy, appeared to single out Las Cristinas, the Crystallex-owned project that has the potential to be a world-class mine but was denied an exploration permit in April.

"We are taking back big mines, and one of them is one of the biggest in the world. And do you know what it is? It's gold, it's gold," Chavez told supporters at a rally during a speech about the benefits of state control in an economy.

Las Cristinas has been on standby for years in need of permits. The government's permit denial this year sent Crystallex' stock plummeting.

Since then, the company has failed to have the permit ruling overturned. But it has said it has held encouraging talks with the government about the project.

Government officials have not publicly echoed such sentiment. (Reporting by Enrique Andres Pretel; Writing by Saul Hudson; Editing by Marguerita Choy)

© Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved

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Hoezeer de toekomst van Crystallex verweven is met het al dan niet aanblijven van Chavez blijkt uit dit uitstekende stuk economische journalistiek:


De ingestorte olieprijs geeft 'Hugo' een instrument minder om zijn geldstrooi politiek te blijven uitvoeren. Het kan de moeite waard zijn de gok te nemen dat hij binnenkort verdwijnt, KRY is op een dieptepunt beland.

Wat niet wegneemt dat dit stuk bij nader inzien vooral geschreven lijkt om publicitair de bonen voor een takeover van KRY door Russoro vast in de week te zetten.

De schrijver van het artikel flashed nogal opzichtig richting de officials van Chavez:
Bepaalde de Chavez-kliek onwelgevallige aan KRY gelieerde types ( met name Paris, die kennelijk letterlijk 'in the wings' zou hebben staan wachten tijdens de anti-Chavez coup van een paar jaar geleden) zouden na een overname door Russoro vervangen kunnen worden, aldus dit artikel.

Hmmm, eigenlijk een zeldzaam staaltje gekonkel, dit.
Russoro heeft hier ongetwijfeld de hand in.

Wat niet wegneemt dat het gunstig kan zijn voor de koersontwikkeling.

... en opnieuw een artikel van Roy S. Carson, waarin Russoro nadrukkelijk naar voren gebracht wordt als ideale partner in KRY.

Het begint te lijken op een opzichtig charme-offensief richting Chavez, georchestreerd door Russoro.


hmmm... Ik ben nog niet opnieuw ingestapt.


smith&jones schreef:

hmmm... Ik ben nog niet opnieuw ingestapt.

Howdy, Pas instappen op het moment dat Chavez sterft, wordt vermoord, of wordt gearresteerd door de oppositie.

Tja, tenzij het Russoro lukt om met deze vette knipogen richting het Chavez-gebeuren de aandacht te trekken.

Begrijp echter niet waarom dit in de openbaarheid moet....
Daarom alleen al een zwaktebod.

Inderdaad maar afblijven dus en wachten op een terminaal griepje (lees : acute loodvergiftiging) van Hugo.

En weer een gezellig class action-tje:

SOURCE: Sarraf Gentile LLP
Dec 31, 2008 16:30 ET
Sarraf Gentile LLP Provides Update on Securities Fraud Class Action Against Crystallex International Corporation
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - December 31, 2008) - On December 8, 2008, the law firms of Sarraf Gentile LLP and Vianale & Vianale LLP filed a securities fraud class action lawsuit in New York City on behalf of those investors who acquired the securities of Crystallex International Corporation ("Crystallex" or the "Company") (AMEX: KRY) between July 28, 2005 and April 30, 2008.
This is the only class action filed on behalf of Crystallex shareholders to recover money for securities fraud violations. Sarraf Gentile LLP and Vianale & Vianale LLP are the only law firms representing Plaintiff. No other counsel has filed an action seeking relief for the proposed class.
If you are a Crystallex shareholder you have until February 6, 2009 to ask the Court to appoint you lead plaintiff. To learn more about your rights and whether you qualify to be a lead plaintiff, please contact: Joseph Gentile at Sarraf Gentile LLP (telephone: 212-868-3610; e-mail: joseph@sarrafgentile.com).
Sarraf Gentile LLP and Vianale & Vianale LLP have extensive experience litigating securities fraud class actions across the United States and have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of injured shareholders. They alone investigated and filed this class action, and are the only attorneys representing the Plaintiff.
Russoro speelt open kaart!!!!

Nu dan eerder dan verwacht een openlijke zet van Russoro.
Kennelijk zijn ze heel zelfverzekerd dat ze dit varkentje met Chavez kunnen wassen. Er moet zich onder de tafel iets afgespeeld hebben in de Venozelaanse politiek....

Maar kennelijk stinkt de Gold Reserve deal, het is dus maar de vraag of het allemaal gaat lukken.

De koers vliegt intussen op en neer...


Vancouver-based Rusoro consolidating Venezuela's gold industry
Peter Koven, Financial Post
Published: Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Related Topics

Crystallex International Corporation
Gold Reserve Inc.
Gold Mining and Processing
George Salamis

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George Salamis is confident about Rusoro Mining Ltd.'s ability to get gold mining done in Venezuela. So confident, in fact, that he believes his company can break the industry's most famous political deadlock.

Southeast Venezuela is home to Las Cristinas and Brisas, two of the world's best undeveloped gold deposits. They sit side-by-side in the Kilometre 88 district and hold more than 30 million ounces of measured and indicated gold reserves.

Crystallex International Corp. and Gold Reserve Inc. have spent years trying to get permission to develop these projects, but have run into well-publicized opposition from Hugo Chavez's government.

That has created room for Vancouver-based Rusoro, which is consolidating Venezuela's gold industry and now has its sights firmly set on Kilometre 88.

Last month, the company launched a $120-million hostile offer for Gold Reserve (which controls Brisas) and has also expressed interest in Las Cristinas, where Crystallex has its mining contract.

"The government has said vocally that they're not happy with the situation down there," said Mr. Salamis, Rusoro's president. "They've got massive unemployment, and what I would call one of the top five mining environmental disasters on the go at Las Cristinas."

After emerging out of nowhere in late 2006, Rusoro bought Venezuelan gold mines from Gold Fields Ltd. and Hecla Mining Co., which tired of the political and operating challenges in Mr. Chavez's country. Rusoro managed to fix some problems surrounding those projects, and appears to be the government's preferred partner for gold mining. The company sees no reason why it cannot resolve the problems at Kilometre 88 as well.

Rusoro has a big advantage in that its backers -- Russia's Agapov family and Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra -- have very strong government relations. The Agapov connection also allows Rusoro to capitalize on the political ties between Russia and Venezuela.

But Gold Reserve is proving to be a less willing partner for Rusoro than either Gold Fields or Hecla. The company firmly rejected the takeover offer and kick-started an ugly war of words that continues to this day.

"If you look at this offer, Gold Reserve would be providing 84% of the cash, 84% of the gold reserves, and 100% of the copper reserves for 22 to 30% [of the combined company]," said Doug Belanger, Gold Reserve's president. "It's nowhere near enough."

Gold Reserve accuses Rusoro of enough ethical lapses to make Rod Blagojevich blush. It hired veteran forensic accountant Al Rosen to investigate Rusoro, and Mr. Rosen issued a savage report that raised questions about Rusoro's financial viability and the large number of related-party transactions on its books.

Rusoro, for its part, firmly rejects any claims of problems with its finances or its governance.

"Anyone can poke holes in someone else's financial statements and create clouds around issues that are non-issues. We don't lend any credence to what they've said at all," Mr. Salamis said.

More fireworks are expected in the coming days, as Rusoro's offer does not expire until Jan. 21st and Gold Reserve does not plan to go quietly.

But Mr. Salamis is confident that Rusoro will win out in the end, and prove it has what it takes to operate in Venezuela's most controversial gold district.

"We seem to be successful at getting things done in Venezuela. Our track record speaks for itself," he said.
..Begint een aardige klucht te worden. Crystallex van alle kanten belaagd. Is dit weer een georkestreerde poging het zittende management onder druk te zetten?

Inmiddles weer 10% gestegen.


Blijft een beetje piekeren: welke juniors kiezen, er ligt zoveel voor het oprapen momenteel.

KRY blijft me intrigeren: een giga-deposit in politieke deadlock.
De omvang van KRY is van absolute wereldklasse, elke major zou het willen hebben als de goudprijs niet keldert.

Prijs kruipt omhoog....


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