...........Pan American will offer 0,2495 of one of each shares, plus 0,1 of a share purchase warrant, for each Aquiline common share..................
The company will also make formal takeover bids for each outstanding series of Aquiline warrants and Aquiline's convertible debenture.
Based on closing prices of both shares on October 13, the implied value of the share offer is C$7,47 per Aquiline common share, which represents a premium of around 36,6% for Aquiline shareholders, who will own about 19% of the enlarged Pan American.
.......The transaction has the backing of both boards...................................
The addition of Navidad and Aquiline's other projects would increase Pan American's estimated measured and indicated silver resources (including proven and probable reserves) to some 945-million ounces, the firm said.
Estimated inferred silver resources would increase to approximately 233-million ounces and the combined companies would boast approximately 1,9 million ounces of gold in estimated measured and indicated resources, plus about 817 000 oz in inferred resources.
Pan American shares slid 6,1% on Wednesday, to C$25,08 apiece by 15:51 in Toronto.
Aquiline leapt 20,8%, to C$6,61 a share.
aan frampie2.......
wilt u geld of aandelen Pan American ?