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Japan's stainless steel output up in January

In January, Japan produced 254,372 tonnes of stainless steel products up by 0.6% and 12.2% on last December and last January respectively.

In January, the country’s output of chrome-based and nickel based stainless steel totaled 122,718 tonnes and 131,654 tonnes up by 8% and 10.3% on last year respectively.

The stainless steel stocks at the Japanese mills totaled 124,845 tonnes in the end of January up by 4.4% on last January. About the other special steel, the stocks in end of January totaled 3,613 tonnes down by 18.5% compared to last year.

Source - www.yieh.com
Europe's stainless crude steel production fall in January

According to a report released by Germany based service center Damstahl, Europe’s stainless crude steel production totaled 670,000 tonnes in January, decreasing by 3% YoY.

In the given period of time, the stainless steel production in Germany decreased by 19%; that in Sweden fell by 4% and that in Slovenia rose by 24%, all compared to the figures in the same period of a year ago.

Finland stainless steel maker Outokumpu announced to close in Germany Krefeld smelters plant in December 2013, which is one of reasons for production decline.

Source - www.yieh.com
Japanese production of stainless steel in Jan surges by12% YoY

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced the production volume of stainless steel products (hot rolled products) in January 2014 was 254,372 tonnes which represented a slight increase of 0.6% versus the prior month and an increase of 12.2% versus the year earlier month.

The breakdown was Chrome-type: 122,718 tonnes (Cr-type: 102,573 tonnes, Cr-Mo-type: 20,145 tonnes), down by 8.0% from the prior month and Nickel type: 131,654 tonnes (Cr-Mn-type: 3,020 tonnes, Ni-Cr-type: 103,481 tonnes and Ni-Cr-Mo-type: 25,153 tonnes) up by 10.3% ditto. The production of Cr-type decreased due to a return action to the high level of the prior month, which however exceeded the monthly average in 2013 substantially. As to Nickel type, only Mn type (200 series) was down from the prior month, but other Ni type were up and offset the decrease in the production of Chrome type.

The stainless steel mill's inventory as of end January was Stainless steel products: 124,845 tonnes (up by 4.4% from the prior month) and Other special steels: 3,613 tonnes (down by 18.5% ditto). The details are as per the table below.

The TEX Report
China March ferroalloy output up 13.46pct YoY

Based on latest statistics from NBS, China's ferroalloy output is 3577491.45 tonnes in March up 13.46pct YoY. During first three months of this year, ferroalloy output is accumulated to 9343403.28 tonnes up 10.61% YoY.

Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
China steel information centre and industry database
Russia stainless steel plates exports increasing in February

According to Russia SpetsStal Association data said that Russia exports of stainless steel sheet reached 731 tons in February of this year, increase by 5.6% compared to last month.

Meanwhile, Russia exports of long products increase by 21.8% compared to last month; plate exports increase by 44%; ERW pipes exports down by 62.8%; seamless pipe exports increased by 33.9% and wire rod exports were remained flat.

Source - www.yieh.com
China stainless steel flats exports up 40pct in March

Based on statistics from China Customs, China exported 244780 tonnes stainless steel flats in March up 40% over 174417 tonnes of February and up 37.6% YoY.

On March 14, base price of 304 series 2 mm CR stainless steel was executed at USD 2350 per tonne to USD 2480 per tonne (CIF, East Asia), only USD 40 per tonne to USD 50 per tonne or 2% higher than that by the end of February.

Taiwan was still the major stainless steel purchaser. Taiwan purchased 68759 tonnes in March up 26.2% over February while down 3.6% YoY. Meanwhile, South Korea imported 49324 tonnes stainless steel from China up 24.5% from the prior month and up 45.6% YoY; India imported 14328 tonnes stainless steel from China up 114.7% MoM.

In Q1, China totally exported 666692 tonnes stainless steel flats, 457976 tonnes higher than the same period of last year.

Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
China steel information centre and industry database
US stainless scrap prices continue lift as LME nickel peaks 14 month high

It is reported that US stainless steel scrap prices have continued to hike this week as LME nickel prices hit the highest record for past 14 months.

Type 316 solids rise from USD 2,260 per tonne to USD 2,350 per tonne to USD 2,330 per tonne to USD 2,375 per tonne last week as well as 304 solids increase from USD 1,790 per tonne to USD 1,835 per tonne to USD 1,835 per tonne to 1,860 per tonne.

The short term reason is because of strong consumer demand for material and higher buying price to processor. The major factor is coming from the impact of Indonesia's ore export ban since this January and Russian material shortage due to the political instability between Russia and Ukraine.

However, Mills are not intended to lift prices too further even having market volume and demand since processors would prefer to hold buying because they cannot make any margins.

Source - www.yieh.com
Vale CEO sees nickel prices strengthening

Brazilian mining giant Vale believes nickel prices could strengthen following Indonesia's ban on ore exports. Indonesia accounts for 18-20% of global nickel supply.

Vale is the world's second largest producer of nickel with mines and operations in Brazil, Canada, Indonesia and New Caledonia, as well as fully owned and JV refineries in China, South Korea, Japan, the UK and Taiwan. Vale Indonesia, which processes all of its nickel ore in the country at four smelters, received an export permit from the government in February.

Mr Murilo Ferreira CEO of Vale said that "Industry experts estimate that the market is once again unbalanced as a result of a number of factors, including Indonesia's ore ban. Analysts have been very accurate in predicting stock turnover, new projects and a series of concomitant technical difficulties."

According to the executive, analysts have been very emphatic in affirming an upward movement in nickel prices in the coming months and years. There are several price assumptions. Nickel prices ranged around USD 25,000 tonnes in 2006 and reached USD 54,000 per tonne in 2007. Nickel closed at USD 18,200 per tonne on the London Metal Exchange on April 30 after entering a bull market on March 18.

Mr Ferreira said that "Depending on the prices charged, cash generation for the nickel business is substantially altered. We are currently working with an Ebitda cash generation floor of about BRR 3 billion. And this cash can certainly provide better conditions for two reasons: either because the price rises or costs are reduced.”

On April 28, the commodities team at JP Morgan raised its 2014 and 2015 forecast for nickel, which it says will provide a much needed boost for Vale. Most of the company's Ebitda comes from iron ore, but the extent of the modification of its nickel price forecast is significant enough to lift Vale's 2014 and 2015 Ebitda by a respective 4% and 10%, international press reported.

Vale's nickel sales revenues fell 14.4% YoY in 1Q14 to USD 928 million due to the lower average realized price of USD 14,277 per tonne verus USD 17,206 per tonne in Q1 2013. The decrease in sales revenues was partially mitigated by a slight increase in sales volumes to 65,000 tonnes compared with 63,000 tonnes in 1Q13.

Source – Bnamericas.com

European stainless producers hike alloy surcharges for May

Reportedly, the major stainless steel producers in Europe including Aperam, Outokumpu and Acciai Speciali Terni have all announced to raise alloy surcharges for May, driven by soaring nickel prices.

It’s leaned that the alloy surcharges for 304 grade stainless steel sheets with thickness of 2mm increased to EUR 97 per tonne to EUR 108 per tonne. Meanwhile, the LME nickel prices closed at USD 18,230 per tonne on April 29th.

Source - www.yieh.com
POSCO lifts stainless steel price for May

Posco in South Korea announced to lift the 304 price by USD 194 per tonne while keep the 430 price flat for May.

After the price lift, 304 hot-rolled coil and 304 cold rolled coil are quoted at USD 3,100 per tonne and 3,362 per tonnr respectively.

In addition, the company’s price of 430 hot rolled coil and 430 cold rolled coil are quoted at USD 2,073 per tonne and USD 2,441 per tonne respectively.

Source - www.yieh.com
China's stainless steel production rises by 15pct in Q1

According to data of the Stainless Steel Council of China Special Steel Enterprises Association, China’s stainless steel output totaled 5.08 million tonnes in the Q1 of this year, rising by 15.4% YoY.

Among them, the output of 300 series totaled 2.61 million tonnes soaring by 22.3%; that of 200 series was at 1.35 million tonnes, rising by 4.2% and that of 400 series was at 1.13 million tonnes increasing by 15.2%, all compared to the figures in the same period of 2013.

In the given period of time, the country’s exports of stainless steel amounted to 811,000 tonnes, rising by 13.4% YoY. Meanwhile, the apparent stainless steel consumption in China totaled 3.88 million tonnes in the January to March period, rising by 16.6% YoY.

Source - www.yieh.com
Aperam verwacht weinig impact van conflict Oekraine en sancties Rusland
Woensdag 7 mei 2014 19:14
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Staalbedrijf Aperam sa (056997440.LU) verwacht weinig invloed voor zijn productie door de crisis in Oekraine en eventuele bredere economische sancties op Rusland. Dit heeft de chief executive van het staalbedrijf Philippe Darmayan woensdag verklaard in een conference call naar aanleiding van de eerste kwartaalcijfers.
"Een marginaal effect", aldus de CEO die erop wees dat Aperam wat dat betreft wat gunstiger gepositioneerd is dan andere Europese bedrijven omdat het geen Russische aandeelhouders heeft en er geen ruw materiaal uit Rusland komt.
Staalbedrijf Aperam heeft in het eerste kwartaal meer omzet behaald. Ook het bedrijfsresultaat verbeterde ten opzichte van een jaar eerder en het kwartaal ervoor, bleek woensdag verder bij het openen van de boeken over de eerste drie maanden van 2014.
"Onze verbeterde prestaties in het eerste kwartaal reflecteren de behendigheid van Aperam om te profiteren van betere marktomstandigheden terwijl we voortgang blijven boeken met ons Leadership Journey-programma en onze nettoschuld onder controle houden", aldus Darmayan ter toelichting op de cijfers.
Bij de jaarcijfers begin dit jaar kondigde het bedrijf aan dat het de doelstelling voor het besparingsprogramma heeft verhoogd tot $475 miljoen per eind 2015. Het eerdere doel was $425 miljoen per eind 2014.
De nettoschuld staat per 31 maart 2014 op $689 miljoen, tegen $690 miljoen eind december. Aperam geeft aan te verwachten dat de nettoschuld in het tweede kwartaal iets afneemt.
De CEO van de producent van roestvast staal zegt verder: "Vooruitkijkend, ondanks het recente herstel van de reeele vraag naar roestvast staal, blijven we voorzichtig gezien de ontwikkeling van de nikkelprijs en de schijnbare vraag in 2014."
Nikkel is een essentiele grondstof voor de productie van roestvast staal. Wanneer de prijs daalt stellen afnemers hun bestellingen uit in afwachting van verdere prijsdalingen. Sinds het begin van het jaar is de prijs juist behoorlijk gestegen. Over een eventueel tekort aan nikkel maakt Darmayan zich vooralsnog geen zorgen. De hoge nikkelprijs wijt hij op het moment vooral aan het exportverbod in Indonesie en minder aan de ontwikkelingen in Rusland, een grote exporteur van nikkel.
In de eerste drie maanden van 2014 kwam het bedrijfsresultaat voor rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie, de EBITDA uit op $129 miljoen, tegen $65 miljoen een jaar eerder en $84 miljoen in het vierde kwartaal. De verbetering was te danken aan een hogere activiteit, ondermeer door een zogenaamd herbevoorradingseffect bij afnemers omdat de nikkelprijs steeg. Aperam verwacht dat de EBITDA in het tweede kwartaal hoger uitkomt dan in de afgelopen verslagperiode.
De omzet kwam in de driemaandsperiode uit op $1,394 miljard, tegen $1,269 miljard in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder en $1,281 miljard in het vierde kwartaal. Verder wist Aperam een verlies van $28 miljoen in het eerste kwartaal van 2013, gevolgd door een verlies van $42 miljoen eind vorig jaar, in de eerste drie maanden van 2014 om te buigen in een nettowinst van $19 miljoen. Per aandeel was dit een winst van 24 dollarcent, om een verlies van 36 cent in het eerste kwartaal een jaar eerder en 53 cent in de laatste drie maanden van 2013.
De staalverschepingen stegen in de afgelopen verslagperiode naar 475 kiloton, van 401 kiloton een jaar eerder en 441 kiloton in het vierde kwartaal.
Het aandeel sloot woensdag 0,3% hoger op EUR18,96.

Door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@wsj.com

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
May 07, 2014 13:14 ET (17:14 GMT)
Outokumpu's stainless steel shipments fall in Q1

Finland based stainless producer Outokumpu announced that its stainless steel shipments totaled 670,000 tonnes in the Q1 of this year, falling by 2.2% YoY from 691,000 tonnes.

Meanwhile, the sales of ferrochrome amounted to 25,000 tonnes, decreasing by 10.7% YoY. The dip in stainless steel shipments was caused by weak demand in Europe, affected by sluggish market and falling nickel prices.

The company posted a net loss of EUR 248 million in the Q1 compared to a net loss of EUR 152 million in the same period of last year.

Source - www.yieh.com
Global nickel near 15 month high on supply concerns

Reuters reported that nickel prices climbed towards 15 month highs on worries about tightening supplies from Indonesia following an export ban on unprocessed ores and on concerns that political tension could restrict supply from Russia.

The increased tensions in Ukraine, however had the opposite impact on other metals, sparking cautious risk off trading, stirred up by continued concern about growth in China after fresh data. Aluminium hit the lowest levels in over a month.

Three month nickel on the London Metal Exchange climbed to a session high of USD 18,700 per tonne near a 15 month high of USD 18,715 hit on April 28. Nickel trimmed gains to close 0.8% higher at USD 18,650. The metal has surged more than 33% this year.

Prices for nickel ore in China have risen this year after Indonesia banned shipments of the raw material, which is used to make nickel pig iron (NPI), a substitute for refined nickel in its stainless steel industry.

Coinciding with the ore export ban were worries that hefty sanctions could be imposed on Russia, home to the world's largest nickel miner Norilsk Nickel, following its intervention in Ukraine. So far Norilsk is not among the 17 companies that the United States sanctioned. Ukraine has experienced its deadliest week since a separatist uprising began, with the country's slide towards war depressing appetite for risk.

Mr Naeem Aslam chief market analyst at Ava Trade said that "The geopolitical tensions are one of the major drivers for nickel and we do not see this situation finding any solution soon enough so things can very well become ugly before they become any better."

Mr Peter Peng of consultancy CRU in Beijing said that “In a further boost to nickel prices, some stainless steel makers have turned back to refined nickel and scrap metal as feed for their production. NPI production started to drop in April as some of the largest producers also cut back production because their laterite ore stocks decreased greatly."

Nickel pig iron is typically formed from laterite ore with low nickel content, from Indonesia and the Philippines. Some plants had stocked (a total of) about 2 or 3 million tonnes early this year but less than 1 million tonnes is left in their warehouses.

Source – Reuters

Japan's stainless steel scrap price to increase

It is reported that Japan’s stainless steel mills will release stainless steel scrap purchasing in next week as price expected to be around JPY 160,000 per tonne.

The main reason for price rise is due to tight supply. Meanwhile, major traders are expected to offer stainless steel scrap prices at JPY 165,000 per tonne up by JPY 10,000 per tonne from April.

Nippon Steel and Sumikin Stainless Steel Corporation and Nisshin Steel Company Limited have set schedule for furnace repair work in May.

Source - www.yieh.com
Eight Chinese enterprises invest to build ferronickel smelting plants

Eight Chinese enterprises are planning to invest USD 2.4 billion to build ferronickel smelting plants in Bantaeng, Indonesia.

Each of the eight enterprises will turn 120 tonnes nickel to other value-added products. At least three or four enterprises of the above eight will nail down the investment within this year.

Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
China steel information centre and industry database

Nickel at 2 year high as Vale suspension fuels supply concern

Bloomberg reported that nickel reached a two year high in London after Vale SA suspended activity in New Caledonia, stoking concern supply might fall short of reviving demand.

According to the island archipelago’s Southern Province government, the suspension at the plant was ordered after a spill. Nickel surged 41% in London trading this year after leading global miner Indonesia barred exports of raw ores in January. The potential for sanctions against Russia also aided prices.

Mr Robin Bhar an analyst at Societe Generale in London said that “Clearly with the nickel market already tightening on Indonesia and possible sanctions against Russia, this is adding to the general sense that the market is facing a supply shortage over the coming months, if not years.”

Mr Cory McPhee a Vale spokesman in Toronto said that "The spill was yesterday and operations were suspended. At this point an investigation into the spill and its impacts is underway and I have no forecast on how long the suspension of operations will continue.”

Source - Bloomberg
Jinchuan may have to compete with BHP to secure nickel

Jinchuan Group Company China’s largest refined nickel producer, may have to compete with BHP Billiton Limited for supply from Western Area Limited’s operations.

Mr Dan Lougher MD of Western Area said that “Jinchuan’s supply contract with Western Areas runs out at the end of the year, while BHP closed its Perseverance nickel mine in Western Australia in October and needs to source new supply to feed its Nickel West smelter.”

Mr Lougher said that “We can give them more if they pay the right dollar. Jinchuan is always keen to talk about life-of-mine contracts. The competitive tension that you can get around the smelters is quite important for us.”

According to Citigroup Inc, nickel, used to make stainless steel, rose to a two-year high this month on concern that Indonesia’s ore export ban is reducing global supplies. Nickel may rise to more than USD 30,000 per tonne next year.

Western Area’s mines, also located in Western Australia, are two of the highest grade operations in the world. Its plant has production capacity of 25,000 tonnes of nickel concentrate annually. BHP, the world’s largest mining company, is contracted to buy 12,000 tonnes a year and Jinchuan purchases 13,000 tonnes annually under its current contract.

BHP’s production from its Nickel West unit, which includes mines and a smelter, will decline 10% in the next financial year after the closure of the Perseverance mine because of a seismic event. It re opened its Rocky’s Reward mine to mitigate the supply shortage.

Source – Bloomberg

Japan to put off negotiations on CR stainless sheets for while

Most Japanese cold rolled stainless steel mills are predicted to shelve negotiations for Asia for June and July shipment as the LME nickel price soared to USD 8.80 per pound in late last week. If the nickel prices continue to rise to the level of USD 9 to USD 10, the Japanese mills are likely to set their prices to SUS304 at around USD 3,500 CFR.

The stainless steel mills are saying responding to soaring prices of nickel that their offers cannot be done with fear and against customers being necessary to buy products soon, they will limit the offer validity to 3 to 4 days and make offers at more than USD 3,000 CFR in case of the nickel price being the level of USD 9.00.

Meantime, the overall domestic demand for CR austenitic stainless sheets is brisk, and in addition to this, as some mills are conducting the periodic maintenance of facilities, there will be no production problem even to put off export negotiations, so they are in a stance to wait-and-see for the time being.

In the Wuxi market of China, the price of CR austenitic stainless sheets rose by CNY 700 last week. In the Chinese stainless steel market where had been moving slowly, signs of market movement begin to have been shown at long last. It is because although its water front inventory of nickel ore is decreasing while it is increasing import of ore from the Philippines as a countermeasure against Indonesia's export ban of nickel ore, prices of home made ore are also rising, so such situations are seen to have an impact on nickel pig iron and so on.

The Japanese mills have already lost their competitiveness on austenitic ones to SUS304. Therefore, if they have to cut their prices competing with other countries, they could study to commit sale of ferritic stainless sheets which have been developed as a substitute of products to SUS304.

Source - The TEX Report
Nickel surplus drops to 3600 tonnes in March - INSG

According to International Nickel Study Group, surplus in global nickel market was 3,600 tonnes in March compared to a surplus of 7,600 tonnes during the same period of last year.

Meanwhile, INSG also indicated that the nickel production was 4800 tons higher than demand in February.

In January to March, there was 13,400 tonnes of excess supply of nickel while it was 38,900 tonnes in a surplus during the same period of last year.

Source - www.yieh.com
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