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Voor Thrombogenics gaat het koersdoel bij KBC Securities de hoogte in. Deze ochtend meldde Thrombo dat het oogmiddel Jetrea gelanceerd is in Duitsland. Dat is het tweede Europese land, na het Verenigd Koninkrijk, waar Jetrea op de markt komt en wordt terugbetaald. Voor het eerst krijgen beleggers zo een inkijk in de afzetprijs van Jetrea, een oogmedicijn. In Duitsland wordt een fiool Jetrea verkocht voor 3.078 euro. Daarop verhoogt analist Jan De Kerpel zijn verwacht prijsniveau voor een Jetrea-fiool van 2.400 euro tot 2.800 euro en zijn koersdoel van 48 euro tot 50 euro.
ThromboGenics NV increases share capital through warrant exercises

3 May 2013
Leuven, Belgium – May 3, 2013 - ThromboGenics NV (NYSE Euronext: THR), an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative ophthalmic medicines, announced today a capital increase arising from employee warrant exercises.

Since its inception in 2006, ThromboGenics has used warrant plans to incentivize personnel and management and have them share in the success of the company. Following warrant exercises during the exercise period in April 2013, ThromboGenics issued 234.125 new ordinary shares for a total capital increase (including issuance premium) of €2.960.992,50.

To date, ThromboGenics total share capital amounts to €162.404.449,73; the total number of securities conferring voting rights is 36.094.349 which is also the total number of voting rights (the "denominator"). All voting rights are of the same category.

As a result of this capital increase, Biggar LTD has passed a threshold of 5% of the total outstanding warrants.

As per 3 May 2013, based on the transparency notifications received, ThromboGenics NV has been informed of the following major shareholdings:

Limited liability company
having made a public appeal on savings
Gaston Geenslaan 1
3001 Heverlee
0881.620.924 RLE Leuven
The board of directors has the honour to invite the holders of shares and warrants to attend the annual
shareholders' meeting which will be held at the headquarters of the company at 3001 Heverlee, Gaston
Geenslaan 1, on Tuesday 7 May 2013 at 2:00 PM with the below agenda, containing proposals for decision.
Agenda of the annual shareholders' meeting
1. Deliberation on the annual report of the board of directors on the annual accounts relating to the
financial year closed on 31 December 2012 (including deliberation on corporate governance policy)
and on the auditor's report on the annual accounts relating to the financial year closed on 31
December 2012.
Comments on the agenda item:
The board of directors requests the shareholders' meeting to take note of the annual report of the
board of directors on the annual accounts relating to the financial year closed on 31 December 2012
and the auditor's report on the annual accounts relating to the financial year closed on 31 December
2. Deliberation on the remuneration report of the board of directors, as explained by the nomination
and remuneration committee and included in the annual report.
Proposed resolution:
Approval of the remuneration report prepared by the board of directors, as explained by the
nomination and remuneration committee and included in the annual report.
3. Deliberation on and approval of the statutory annual accounts relating to the financial year closed on
31 December 2012 and of the allocation of the results as proposed by the board of directors in its
annual report. Acknowledgement of the consolidated annual accounts relating to the financial year
closed on the same date.
Proposed resolution:
Approval of the annual accounts relating to the financial year closed on 31 December 2012 and on
the allocation of the results as proposed by the board of directors in its annual report.
4. Discharge of the directors.
Proposed resolution:
This is a translation of a Dutch document into English. Reasonable care was taken to ensure that it is accurate. However, you should be aware that
words and legal concepts used in one language may not have exact equivalents in another. It cannot be guaranteed that the translation will have
exactly the same meaning as the original.Non-binding translation
0084307-0000046 BR:7863879.1 2
Discharge to the directors for the performance of their mandate during the previous financial year
that ended on 31 December 2012:
• PATCOBEL NV, with as permanent representative Mr Désiré Collen;
• ViBio BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Patrik De Haes;
• SOFIA BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Chris Buyse;
• Innov'activ BVBA, with as permanent representative Ms Patricia Ceysens;
• Mr Jean–Luc Dehaene;
• VIZIPHAR Biosciences BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Gustaaf Van Reet;
• LUGOST BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Luc Philips; and
• Mr Thomas Clay.
5. Discharge of the auditor.
Proposed resolution:
Discharge to the auditor, BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren, with registered office at 1935 Zaventem, The
Corporate Village, Da Vincilaan 9, box E.6, represented by Bert Kegels, for the performance of its
mandate during the previous financial year that ended on 31 December 2012.
6. Reappointment of VIZIPHAR Biosciences BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Gustaaf
Van Reet and LUGOST BVBA, with as permanent representative Mr Luc Philips as independent
directors of the Company upon proposal of the board of directors, based on an advice received from
the nomination and remuneration committee, and decision on the remuneration for the performance
of the mandate of the directors.
Proposed resolution:
Reappointment of the following persons as independent directors of the Company, with immediate
effect, for a three year period, until the closing of the general shareholders' meeting resolving on the
annual accounts of the financial year that will have ended on 31 December 2015. The following
persons are independent directors in the sense of article 526ter of the Belgian Company Code and
meet all independence criteria required by article 526ter of the Belgian Company Code and
prescribed by the Belgian Corporate Governance Code:
• VIZIPHAR Biosciences BVBA, Legal Entities Register Turnhout 0862.727.797, with registered
office at 2460 Kasterlee, Polpulierenlaan 14, with as permanent representative VAN REET
Gustaaf; and
• LUGOST BVBA, Legal Entities Register Brussels 882.417.413, with registered office at 1820
Steenokkerzeel (Perk), Platanenlaan 14, with as permanent representative PHILIPS Luc Karel.
The independent directors stated above will for the performance of their mandate receive an annual
amount of EUR 10,000, increased with an amount of EUR 2,000 for each meeting of the board of
directors, the audit committee or nomination and remuneration committee, which the directors
7. Deliberation on the proposal of the audit committee regarding the reappointment of the statutory
The audit committee proposes to reappoint the candidate stated in point 8 of the agenda as statutory
auditor of the Company for a three year period until the closing of the general shareholders' meeting
resolving on the annual accounts of the financial year that will have ended on 31 December 2015.Non-binding translation
0084307-0000046 BR:7863879.1 3
8. Reappointment of the statutory auditor and decision on the remuneration for the performance of the
mandate of the statutory auditor.
Proposed resolution:
Upon proposal of the board of directors, based on an advice received from the audit committee, the
general shareholders' meeting resolves as follows:
Reappointment of BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren, with registered office at Da Vincilaan 9, 1935 Zaventem,
with as permanent representative Bert Kegels, as statutory auditor of the Company, with immediate
effect, for a three year period, until the closing of the general shareholders' meeting resolving on the
annual accounts of the financial year that will have ended on 31 December 2015.
9. Power of attorney.
Proposed resolution:
Power of attorney to be granted to Mr Désiré Collen and Mr Chris Buyse, each of them acting
individually, to draft, execute and sign all documents, instruments, acts and formalities and to give
all necessary and useful instructions to implement the aforementioned resolutions, including, but not
limited to, the filing of the annual accounts and the consolidated annual accounts closed on 31
December 2012, and the annual report and the statutory auditor’s report relating thereto, with the
National Bank of Belgium, and the completion of the necessary publication formalities, with the
right to delegate.
Admission requirements to be fulfilled in order to be admitted to the general shareholders' meeting
and to vote
The company points out that only the persons who have fulfilled the two conditions set out below under
point 1 and 2, shall have the right to participate in and to vote at the annual shareholders' meeting.
1. Registration of the shares
The right to participate in and to vote at the annual shareholders' meeting is granted on the basis of the
accounting registration of the shares of the shareholder, on 23 April 2013, at midnight (Belgian time). The
day and time specified above constitute the "registration date"
Registered shares: registration will be established through their registration in the register of shares of the
Company, on the registration date.
Dematerialized shares: registration will be established through their registration in the accounts of a licensed
account holder or a settlement institution, without any initiative of the shareholder being required. The
licensed account holder or settlement institution providesthe shareholder with a certificate stating how many
dematerialized shares are registered in its accounts in the name of the shareholder on the registration date.
Only persons who are shareholders on the registration date are entitled to participate in and vote at the
general shareholders' meeting.
2. Notification of the intention to participate in the general shareholders' meeting
The shareholder must notify the company, no later than on 1 May 2013, that he or she wishes to participate
in the annual shareholders' meeting and the number of shares for which it wishes to vote. The certificate, if
any, issued by the licensed account holder or the settlement institution, is to be attached to the notification. Non-binding translation
0084307-0000046 BR:7863879.1 4
The company points out that 1 May 2013 is a public holiday, therefore shareholders are advised to notify the
Company prior to this date.
The notification should be done by e-mail to chris.buyse@thrombogenics.com, by fax +32 16 751 311 or by
letter to the attention of Chris Buyse – Gaston Geenslaan 1 – 3001 Heverlee.
The holders of bonds, warrants or certificates issued with the cooperation of the company, are allowed to
attend the general meeting, subject to compliance with the admission requirements for shareholders.
Participants are invited to be present at the company's registered office on 7 May 2013 as from 1.15 PM in
order to allow for an efficient handling of the registration formalities.
The possibility to put items on the agenda and / or to submit proposals for resolutions
In accordance with article 533ter of the Belgian Company Code, one or more shareholders who hold,
individually or jointly at least 3% of the share capital, may put items on the agenda of the general
shareholders' meeting and submit proposals for resolutions in relation to matters placed or to be placed in the
agenda. These requests are to be sent by e-mail to chris.buyse@thrombogenics.com, no later than 15 April
2013 at 5:00 pm (Belgian time).
More detailed information about the conditions of this possibility can be found on the website
By 22 April 2013 at the latest, the Company shall publish the amended agenda.
The right to ask questions
At the general shareholders' meeting the directors give answers to the questions raised by the shareholders
during the meeting or in writing before, with respect to their reports or with respect to the items on the
agenda, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The auditors give answers to the questions raised
by shareholders at the meeting or in writing before, with respect to their report.
Questions should be sent by e-mail to chris.buyse@thrombogenics.com, by 1 May 2013, 5:00 pm (Belgian
More detailed information on the right to ask questions can be found on the website
Shareholders who wish to be represented, should use the proxy form which has been drawn up by the board
of directors and a copy of which can be obtained at the registered office. The proxy form will also be
available on the website of the company (www.thrombogenics.com). Other proxies will not be accepted.
An original copy of this proxy must be filed at the registered office of the company for the attention of the
board of directors no later than 1 May 2013 at midnight. The Company points out that 1 May 2013 is a
public holiday, therefore the actual final date is 30 April 2013 at midnight.
The shareholders are requested to follow the instructions set out on the proxy form in order to be validly
represented at the general shareholders' meeting.
Provision of documents
Shareholders and holders of warrants may as from 5 April 2013 during weekdays and during normal office
hours at the registered office of the company (Gaston Geenslaan 1, 3001 Heverlee) look into the documents Non-binding translation
0084307-0000046 BR:7863879.1 5
to be submitted to the general shareholders' meeting; the list of shareholders which have not fully paid-up
their shares, indicating the number of their shares and their place of residence; the list of public funds, shares,
bonds and other securities of companies constituting the company's portfolio; the proposed resolutions or if
the subject for discussion does not require a resolution, comments from the board of directors for each
subject on the agenda to be addressed; and the forms that can be used for voting by proxy.
Each shareholder and warrant holder may, upon presentation of its security, as from the publication of this
convocation notice obtain a free copy of these documents at the headquarters of the company.
The requests to obtain a free copy can also be sent in writing to Chris Buyse - Gaston Geenslaan 1 – 3001
Heverlee or by e-mail to chris.buyse@thrombogenics.com.
The information which must be published on the website of the company, in accordance with article 533bis,
§2 of the Belgian Company Code, will be available no later than as from 5 April 2013 on the website
The board of directors
Ik hoop het niet!
Maar soms heb ik andere zaken aan mijn hoofd en heb ik niet de tijd om hier actief te zijn.

ThromboGenics is niet bang van shorters

Ontdek waarom dit opkomende biotechbedrijf koopwaardig is volgens MoneyTalk

Het aandeel van ThromboGenics heeft last van verkoopdruk. Shorters denken dat Jetrea, het eerste geneesmiddel van ThromboGenics, geen onmiddellijk commercieel succes wordt.
(bijdrage van MoneyTalk)

Sinds vorige zomer viel alleen positief nieuws te melden over ThromboGenics. Het Leuvense biotechbedrijf kreeg zowel van de Amerikaanse als van de Europese autoriteiten groen licht om zijn nieuwe ooggeneesmiddel Jetrea te commercialiseren. De verkoop kwam midden januari in de Verenigde Staten op gang; vorige week werd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk de Europese verkoop afgetrapt. De koers van het aandeel klom tussen vorige zomer en begin dit jaar met 135 procent, tot een piek van 47 euro. Als kers op de taart werd ThromboGenics midden maart opgenomen in de Bel-20-index.

Toch staat het aandeel 25 à 30 procent lager dan in januari. Het medische risico dat het potentiële geneesmiddel mogelijk de markt niet haalde, is nu vervangen door een commercieel risico: haalt Jetrea de beoogde verkoopcijfers? Daardoor is het aandeel erg gevoelig geworden voor shorters, die geleende aandelen verkopen en hopen op een koersdaling, om de aandelen goedkoper te kunnen verwerven. Hun activiteit raakt al minstens 6 procent van de aandelen.

De shorters gaan ervan uit dat Jetrea geen onmiddellijk commercieel succes wordt. Ze hebben daarvoor geen aanwijzingen, maar sommige instellingen shorten systematisch alle eerste productlanceringen van biotechbedrijven. Uit de statistieken blijkt dat dit in acht op de tien gevallen een succesvolle strategie is, want de eerste verkopen worden vaak overschat. Het Amerikaanse beurshuis Jefferies is tot nog toe het positiefst geweest voor het aandeel, met een koersdoel van 53 dollar en een geschatte verkoop van 70 miljoen dollar in de Verenigde Staten dit jaar. Als dat cijfer wordt gehaald of benaderd, is er niets aan de hand voor ThromboGenics.

ThromboGenics wou wachten tot de bekendmaking van de halfjaarresultaten in augustus om informatie over de Amerikaanse verkoop van Jetrea vrij te geven. Om de aandeelhouders gerust te stellen, wordt dat vervroegd tot de tradingupdate van midden mei. Een ander nieuwsfeit dat de koers in het tweede kwartaal zal beïnvloeden, wordt de bekendmaking van de fase II-resultaten van Jetrea voor de behandeling van leeftijdsgebonden maculadegeneratie (AMD). Die markt is potentieel tien keer groter dan die van de indicatie oogverkleving (5 miljoen tegenover 500.000 potentiële patiënten). Zijn die resultaten gunstig, dan moeten ThromboGenics en zijn partner Alcon beslissen over een mogelijke fase III-studie voor die extra indicatie.

Het verkooppotentieel van Jetrea zou zo substantieel kunnen stijgen. Omdat er geen fundamentele reden is voor de sterke koersdaling, vinden we het aandeel opnieuw koopwaardig.


Nicolaas90 schreef op 8 mei 2013 09:46:

Pensionado, Aston Martin, Chatin, is dit forum een beetje dood of niet?
Ja sorry Nicolaas.
Ben momenteel niet actief met thrombogenics bezig.
Heb eigenlijk een heel groot pakket(lees:bijna alles) verkocht en zit nu sinds 2weken volop in Arcelor.
Nog even meerijden en hopelijk ben ik niet te laat om nog op tijd en gunstig mee in te stappen bij thrombo.
Morgen is het dan zover de Business Update Q1, hopelijk met positief nieuws wat toch wel verwacht wordt door iedereen. Wat denken jullie komt het nieuws morgen voor of na beurs? En wat zal de koers van morgen worden mocht het voor beurs zijn koers richting: € 43 - 45. Is het nabeurs dan verwacht ik de koers van 17 Mei rond de €45 - 47. We zullen zien...

ThromboGenics Business Update

16 May 2013
• JETREA® gaining acceptance from the US retina community. US sales through end of April 2013 have exceeded $10 million

• Phase IIa study evaluating JETREA® in wet AMD patients shows 24% VMA resolution rate for JETREA® treated patients, versus 12% for sham injection. This positive trend and safety profile warrant further larger studies to confirm clinical benefits

• Company Cash position: over €200 million

Leuven, Belgium – 16 May, 2013 - ThromboGenics NV (Euronext Brussels: THR), an integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative ophthalmic and oncology medicines, today issued a business and financial update ending 30 April, 2013.

During 2013, ThromboGenics delivered a number of key corporate milestones, the most important of which was the launch of JETREA® (ocriplasmin) in the US on 14 January via its own commercial organization. ThromboGenics’ partner outside the US, Alcon, launched JETREA® in the UK and Germany after its approval by the European Commission in March 2013. The EU approval and the launch of JETREA® in the UK led to ThromboGenics receiving two equal milestones from Alcon amounting to a total of €90 million.

Following these launches, patients and physicians in the US and the EU now have access to the first pharmacological treatment for the sight-threatening condition known as symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion (VMA)/ vitreomacular traction (VMT) respectively. The launches of JETREA® complete ThromboGenics’ transformation into an integrated company with operations in R&D through to full-scale commercialization.

ThromboGenics and Alcon are now focused on generating greater awareness of the drug and driving JETREA® adoption and revenues in the US and Europe.

Highlights (including post-period events):

Commercializing JETREA® (ocriplasmin) in the US

• JETREA® launched in the US on 14 January as the first pharmacological treatment for symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion (VMA)
• Highly focused commercial team, including specialty sales force, now working to drive the US sales of JETREA®
• In absence of J-code, reimbursement specialists are educating physicians on ThromboGenics’ comprehensive reimbursement support program to assist US physicians in gaining reimbursement for JETREA® and explaining relevant patient assistance programs
• Code (reimbursement code) should be in place from 1 January 2014 – J-code will automate ‘bill and payment’ process for practices

Positive reaction to JETREA® from US retina community:

• Sales of $10.2 million since the product’s US launch through the end of April
• 40% of total targeted retina practices have ordered JETREA®
• 50% of these practices have reordered the product

Commercializing JETREA® in Europe and ROW

• In March 2013, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved JETREA® for the treatment of vitreomacular traction (VMT), including when associated with macular hole of diameter less than or equal to 400 microns
• The EU approval led to ThromboGenics receiving a €45 million milestone payment from Alcon
• Thrombogenics received a further €45 million payment from Alcon in April 2013 for the first order of JETREA® in Europe

JETREA® Phase IIa wet AMD trial reporting:

• ThromboGenics today reports positive data from a Phase IIa study showing that JETREA® has potential to resolve VMA in patients with wet AMD
• In the study, at Day 28 (primary endpoint), 24% of the treated patients achieved resolution compared to 12% in the sham injection arm
• No unexpected safety issues were identified, and the safety profile is in keeping with the previous pivotal trial data
• Further larger studies to confirm clinical benefits are warranted

Financial Update

• At the end of April 2013, the Company had a cash balance exceeding €200 million
• In March the Company’s shares started trading as part of the BEL20 index on the Euronext stock exchange.

Dr Patrik De Haes, CEO of ThromboGenics, said: “The start of 2013 has been a very positive period for ThromboGenics with our lead product JETREA® being launched in the US and Europe. As a result, patients and physicians on both sides of the Atlantic now have access to the first pharmacological treatment for symptomatic VMA/VMT, an important sight-threatening condition. We are pleased with the positive reaction to JETREA® from the US retina community, and are confident that this momentum will continue.

“The EU approval of JETREA® and its recent launch in the UK and Germany triggered a total of €90 million in milestone payments from Alcon. These funds strengthen our financial position, and will allow us to invest further in the US commercialization of JETREA®, develop new indications for this novel medicine and expand our R&D pipeline. Over the next 12 months we expect to generate further shareholder value as the US sales of JETREA® continue to build and we receive royalties from Alcon as JETREA® continues to be rolled out across Europe.”

Tsja het nieuws bericht is niet heel positief maar ook niet negatief. Ben benieuwd wat de koers gaat doen vandaag. Wat verwachten jullie?
idd Nicolaas,ben weer stukje voor stukje aan het inkopen.
Heb blijkbaar toch op goede moment verkocht !!
Iemand een idee of we maandag verder gaan dalen of zal er een recuperatie komen.
Update moet nog komen en toch al paniek.Gelukkig kan ik nu geregeld oppikken en een mooie return krijgen.
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