Uit het kwartaalverslag, = 5,76
The share in the net result and direct equity movements of TNT Express are based on the Q1 2013 and the Q2/HY 2013
reports of TNT Express, as published on 29 April 2013 and 29 July 2013 respectively. The purchase price adjustments of
€8 million include the net amortisation charge of the identified intangibles. In Q2 2013, PostNL received a dividend of
€5 million from TNT Express.
As a result of the withdrawal of the offer of UPS in Q1 2013, the share price of TNT Express decreased from €8.43 per
31 December 2012 to €5.72 as per 28 March 2013 resulting in an impairment charge of €481 million. In Q2 2013, the
share price of TNT Express increased to €5.76 as per 28 June 2013, which did not trigger the reversal of previously
recognised impairments.
The following table presents summarised financial information of TNT Express, as reported by TNT Express in its Q2/HY
2013 report, published on 29 July 2013.