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ArcelorMittal en Italië eens over Ilva-fabriek
Gepubliceerd op 4 maart 2020 17:02

ROME (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal blijft toch investeren in de Italiaanse Ilva-fabriek. Het bedrijf en de Italiaanse overheid hebben een akkoord bereikt over die fabriek. Italië steekt daar nu meer geld in. Ook moeten andere geldschieters worden gevonden die mee willen investeren in schonere productiemethoden voor de fabriek in het Zuid-Italiaanse Tarente.

Precieze bedragen zijn door beide partijen niet bekendgemaakt. Eerder meldde persbureau Bloomberg dat ArcelorMittal in plaats van 2,4 miljard euro nu 2,1 miljard euro investeert in de fabriek. Zo hoeft de grootste staalfabrikant ter wereld minder geld te steken in het opruimen van de omgeving van de fabriek, maar gaat daarentegen meer geld naar het vergroten van de capaciteit.

ArcelorMittal kwam enkele jaren geleden als winnaar uit de bus in de biedingenstrijd om de Ilva-fabriek. Toen Italië besloot een maatregel te beëindigen die voorkwam dat het bedrijf kon worden aangeklaagd voor vervuiling, wilde ArcelorMittal van het contract af. In de nieuwe overeenkomst is afgesproken dat als die niet voor eind november is goedgekeurd, dat ArcelorMittal alsnog onder de deal uit kan.
Rome en ArcelorMittal sluiten vrede

13,06 0,158 1,22 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Italiaanse overheid en ArcelorMittal lijken de strijdbijl te hebben begraven.

De staalreus meldde woensdagmiddag dat het tot een akkoord is gekomen met Rome over een "significante" investering van de Italiaanse overheid in AM Invest. Concrete bedragen werden niet genoemd.

"De basis voor een belangrijke nieuwe samenwerking", aldus het staalbedrijf, dat eerder de noodlijdende Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva kocht.

Ook zullen er nog andere investeerders worden gezocht.

De investering van Rome zal volgens ArcelorMittal ten minste gelijk zijn aan de resterende verplichtingen die AM Invest nog heeft inzake de overname van Ilva.

De nieuwe overeenkomst betekent ook dat ArcelorMittal zich niet terugtrekt uit Ilva, zoals het eerder dreigde te doen omdat Rome volgens de staalreus bepaalde garanties niet langer wilde nakomen.

Indien de investeringsplannen op 30 november niet zijn uitgevoerd, dan kan AM Invest zich alsnog terugtrekken en heeft het recht op een vergoeding.

De definitieve afronding van de aankoop staat gepland voor mei 2022.

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ArcelorMittal en Italiaanse regering bereiken akkoord over openhouden Ilva-staalfabriek

De fabriekscomplex van het voormalige Ilva in Tarente dat ArcelorMittal in 2017 overnam. Foto: Reuters

ArcelorMittal en de Italiaanse regering hebben een akkoord bereikt over een investering in de voormalige Ilva-fabrieken in Tarente in het zuiden van Italië. Daarmee lijkt een einde te zijn gekomen aan de maandenlange strubbelingen tussen het Europese staalbedrijf en de regering in Rome. Dat heeft ArcelorMittalMT€13,06+1,22% woensdag nabeurs bekendgemaakt.

De omvang van het geldbedrag is niet bekendgemaakt, maar het gaat om 'een aanzienlijke investering'. In ruil daarvoor zal ArcelorMittal zich niet terugtrekken uit de Italiaanse fabriek, die een zeer vervuilend imago heeft. Het bedrijf zegde eerder in totaal €2,3 mrd toe om de milieuprestaties van het oude-Ilva-complex te verbeteren.

De investeringen zijn vooral bedoeld om milieumaatregelen te treffen om te voorkomen dat de staalfabriek definitief zijn poorten moet sluiten. Onderdeel van de plannen is de bouw van een installatie waarmee milieuvriendelijker ijzer kan worden gemaakt voor de staalproductie. Verder krijgt de fabriek een elektrische vlamboogoven, in staaltermen electric arc furnace genoemd.
De voorgenomen investering is afkomstig van 'door de Italiaanse staat gesubsidieerde entiteiten' die het geld in een speciaal vehikel storten met de naam AM Invest Co. De investering door de Italianen moet even groot zijn als de verplichtingen van AM Invest die voortvloeiden uit de overname van Ilva. Daarmee verwerft de Italiaanse regering een belang in AM Invest en wordt medeaandeelhouder.

Uiterlijk 20 november van dit jaar moet Italië geld in het investeringsvehikel hebben gestort, zo is vastgelegd in de investeringsovereenkomst tussen AM Invest en de commissarissen van Ilva. Gebeurt dat niet, dan kan AM Invest een vergoeding eisen voor het niet nakomen van de afspraken.

ArcelorMittal, het grootste staalbedrijf ter wereld, nam in 2017 Ilva voor $1,8 mrd over, maar dreigde de fabriek te sluiten vanwege de enorme milieu-investeringen die nodig bleken te zijn. Wel nam het een annuleringsoptie op in het koopcontract als het door ArcelorMittal ingediende milieuplan niet zou worden goedgekeurd.
AM InvestCo Signs Amendment Agreement with Ilva Commissioners

ArcelorMittal announced that AM InvestCo and the Ilva Commissioners have signed an amendment to the original lease and purchase agreement for Ilva. The Amendment Agreement outlines the terms for a significant investment by Italian state-sponsored entities into AM InvestCo, thereby forming the basis for an important new partnership between ArcelorMittal and the Italian government. The equity investment by the Italian Government in Ilva, to be captured in an agreement to be executed by 30 November 2020, will be at least equal to AM InvestCo’s remaining liabilities against the original purchase price for Ilva. The Amendment Agreement is structured around a new industrial plan for Ilva, which involves investment in lower-carbon steelmaking technologies. The core of the new industrial plan is the construction of a DRI facility to be funded and operated by third party investors and an EAF to be constructed by AM InvestCo.

In addition, AM InvestCo and the Ilva Commissioners have entered into a separate settlement agreement whereby AM InvestCo agreed to revoke its notice to withdraw from the original agreement and the Ilva Commissioners agreed to withdraw their request for an injunction, which was scheduled to be heard in the Civil Court of Milan on 6 March 2020.

In the event that the Investment Agreement is not executed by 30 November 2020, AM InvestCo has a withdrawal right, subject to an agreed payment.

Final closing of the lease and purchase agreement is now scheduled by May 2022, subject to various conditions precedent*.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MMK Steel Bans Business Trips to China due to Coronavirus

TASS reported that Russian steel producer MMK Group has banned business trips of its employees to China until further notice. A company representative told TASS. "Pursuant to the requirements of Decree No 2 by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2020, the company issued an order prohibiting, until a special order, business trips of employees of MMK and organizations of the MMK Group to the territory of China. In addition to this, informational materials, special memos on hygiene for influenza, coronavirus infection and acute and respiratory infection were distributed among employees.”

Earlier, Russian Railways, Gazprom, Alrosa, Severstal, Yandex and some other Russian companies restricted foreign business trips of their employees due to the spread of the new coronavirus.

Source : TASS
Danieli Bloom Caster at BaoWu Baoshan to be upgraded

The 14-m CCM with 4 strands was supplied in 2008 to produce 320x425-mm sections and later revamped by Danieli in 2014 to add round sections up to 380 mm. The caster originally included 9 soft-reduction modules per strand. With the addition of more demanding grades and ever-increasing requests for higher quality from the market, BaoWu has contracted Danieli to upgrade the modules from soft to hard reduction to achieve a greater total squeezing effect, leading to better porosity and segregation control.

The contract comes as further confirmation of the great partnership between the Danieli and BaoWu Group, which started decades ago. The first contract for a long-products caster was signed back in 1986, and 33 years later both groups proudly continue collaborating to achieve the highest quality cast products.

China BaoWu, formed in 2016 by the merger between steel giants Baosteel Iron and Steel and Wuhan Iron and Steel, is the world’s second-largest steel producer.

The contract was signed in October 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Future EU-UK Partnership Must Guarantee Frictionless Trade - EUROFER

With negotiations on the future of the EU and UK relationship beginning this week, the European Steel Association has urged both sides to reach as comprehensive an agreement as possible. The European steel industry, its suppliers and downstream users need frictionless trade in a stable environment, mutual market access, a level playing field between competitors and reciprocity in the treatment of regulation, firms, products and staff. EUROFER Director General Axel Eggert said “We welcome the official start of the negotiations, given the importance of protecting the prosperity of citizens and businesses on both sides of the channel. While each side rightly wants to defend its regulatory autonomy, a deal that ensures EU and UK trade interactions are fair, reciprocal and frictionless is essential.”

Maintaining a level playing field and reciprocity should be the leading principles of the negotiations for both sides. EUROFER hopes the EU and UK will agree on solutions that ensure the continuity of the logistical procedures involved in the movement of goods between the two countries. Mutual market access, as well as alignment of standards on state aid, competition policy, state-owned enterprises, employment, environment, climate change, relevant tax matters and other regulatory measures and practices, is vital.

On 25 February the EU released its negotiating mandate, with the UK doing the same two days later. During the current transition period, nothing changes in terms of the UK’s trading relationship with the EU. The EU and UK can agree on an extension but must do so by 1 July – otherwise, the transition ends on 31 December 2020 even if there is no agreement reached.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Dansteel Supplies S500MC High Strength Steel Plate to German Client

NLMK Group’s Denmark based production site NLMK DanSteel has delivered its first thousand tonnes of S500MC high-strength steel plate (500 MPa yield strength) to German machine-building companies. The hot-rolled steel plates will be used to manufacture heavy vehicle components, including wheel axles parts. The use of high-strength steel ensures strong performance under high static and dynamic loads at temperatures as low as minus 50°C and increases the reliability of equipment.

NLMK DanSteel launched industrial production of 13-60 mm S500MC plate in 2019. This became possible after the plate mill was equipped with an accelerated cooling system. Thermomechanical treatment ensures high strength and viscosity properties and better plate weldability.

Slabs used by NLMK DanSteel for the production of high-strength plates are supplied by NLMK Lipetsk, NLMK Group’s flagship site in Russia.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Four Firms Interested in British Steel's French business

France’s finance minister Mr Bruno Le Maire said that four bidders have expressed interest in buying British Steel’s French palnt at Hayange, which employs more than 400 people and is considered a strategic asset as a supplier for railway company SNCF. He told BFM Business TV “My position is very simple: Hayange manufactures the SNCF’s rails, so it’s a strategic activity. So I want to find another buyer since British Steel will be taken over without Hayange.”

Mr Le Maire did not name the bidders, but a union source told Reuters that global number one steelmaker ArcelorMittal, Germany’s Saarstahl, Olympus Steel and Britain’s Liberty House, are interested. However, a source close to the matter played down Liberty House’s interest.

Source : Reuters
Baosteel to Issue Bonds worth up to USD 430 million

Reuters reported that Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd would issue bonds worth up to CNY 3 billion (USD 430 million), partly to boost working capital amid the coronavirus outbreak. The bonds, with maturity of three years, will be the first tranche of the company’s 20 billion yuan issuance plan from 2020 approved by the securities regulator in October. The funds raised will also be used to repay debt

Beijing has beefed up financial support to prop up businesses, allowing debt financing and debt issuance by companies heavily affected by a fast-spreading coronavirus.

Source : Reuters
Canadian Steel Producers Set Goal to Achieve Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050

The Canadian Steel Producers Association announced its goal to achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. This goal is the central plank of the CSPA’s newly unveiled Climate Call to Action, an industry first that lays out the necessary conditions to achieving this significant vision. CSPA President Catherine Cobden said “We know that climate change is a global challenge that requires our collective action. While net zero is an aspirational goal, we believe we can achieve our vision of a low-carbon steel sector if we work in collaboration with governments, stakeholders, customers, and the supply chain. Canadian steel producers are proud of our contribution to the circular economy and the overall sustainability of our processes. However, to achieve our goal of net zero, we must develop new break-through technologies. The scale of the challenge is significant but by working with others, we believe we can find new ways to meet this challenge.”

As part of the Climate Call to Action, the CSPA has outlined five key conditions for success:
Creating unique partnerships and research collaborations
Developing and adopting breakthrough clean technologies and innovative products
Driving operational excellence through state-of-the-art manufacturing
Levelling the playing field and supporting carbon advantages of domestic use of Canadian steel
Remaining global leaders in sustainability, energy management and environmental best practices.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest Modernises Electric Arc Furnaces at Ural Steel Using FMF Technology

Metalloinvest has completed the modernisation of the electric arc furnaces, as part of the comprehensive strategic development programme at Ural Steel, at the plant’s Electric Arc Furnace Shop. The furnaces were launched after a reconstruction process using the unique Flexible Modular Furnace echnology. During a visit to Ural Steel on 4 March, Denis Pasler, Governor of the Orenburg Region, had the opportunity to familiarise himself with how the furnaces operate. The furnaces were put into pilot operation in 2019, with EAF #2 launching in February and EAF #1 in September. Since then, the furnaces have produced over 600,000 tonnes of high-quality steel.

FMF technology allows the production of steel using a converter method without electrodes or requiring electric energy. The FMF furnace can use any charge components (hot metal, pig iron, HBI, scrap) with the possibility of increasing the share of hot metal in the charge to 85%. The advantages of FMF® technology include the use of energy created by a chemical reaction to melt the solid part of the charge, which reduces energy consumption and minimises waste gas emissions.

Tenova, a multinational company specialised in innovative solutions for the metals and mining industry, provided the technology for the reconstruction of EAF #1 and EAF #2.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Covid-19 May Elevate Downside Risks for Steel Sector – Ind-Ra

India Ratings and Research expects the Covid-19 outbreak to increase downside risks for the steel sector in the near term, with the already modest domestic steel prices impacting the operating margins. However, the magnitude of the impact would depend on the evolving severity and duration within China and spread of virus to other parts of the world. Certainly, the quantum of global supply imbalance could be substantial, as alone China produces and consumes more than half of the global steel production. China’s steel output, despite ongoing curtailment efforts, could outpace the receding steel consumption demand, resulting in an inventory pile-up and pricing pressures. China’s steel output has not seen severe cuts in the north-eastern steel-making heartland provinces such as Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong, where each province have large capacities of around 100 million metric tonnes. Moreover, keeping the blast furnace capacities, constituting 90% of China’s total steel capacity, idle is not possible, while China has witnessed a severe impact on steel demand due to a weak construction activity and an overall consumption slowdown. The demand-supply imbalance could also aggravate if the virus outbreak in other large steel producing nations, such as Japan, South Korea, India, and the US, worsens. Presently, Indian producers’ plant capacity utilisation has not been directly impacted, as there are no exports to China and no direct imports of raw materials from the country. Indian steel producers export only around 8% of their total production; hence, any larger spread of coronavirus in the world (other than China) could only affect that much. India’s top five export destinations in 9MFY20, constituting 45% of the total exports of INR415 billion, are Vietnam (15%), UAE (8%), Italy (7%), Belgium (6%) and Nepal (6%).

Ind-Ra’s Base Case Scenario: As per Ind-Ra’s base case scenario, Covid-19 could impact China 2020 steel demand growth by about 100bp, which could mean a surplus of around 10MT over the year largely skewed over February-June 2020. China’s local steel demand has reduced drastically in 1Q20, creating an inventory pile-up of about 20% yoy higher, leading to steel price pressures globally and restricting any major price increases in India over March 2020. Largely, the Chinese steel demand would be delayed but not disappearing, while the expected stimulus measures would support the demand pick-up in 2H20. Ind-Ra’s base case assumptions of the impact factor in the present situation of the outbreak and the agency assumes the virus impact would recede globally by April 2020. We shall revise our assumptions if the situation changes considerably and the virus keeps spreading beyond April 2020.

Ind-Ra Stress Case Scenario: In a pessimistic scenario of the spread of virus going beyond April 2020 up to June 2020, China 2020 steel demand growth and global steel demand growth may be impacted by 200-300bp and 200bp, respectively. As in such a scenario, other large consumers may have a severe virus impact on their local steel consumption as well. It would keep the steel prices depressed even in 2H20 while Ind-Ra is unable to ascertain such a situation at this point in time and even fiscal stimulus may not provide for a recovery. It could create a larger surplus globally of around 40MT with price risks of about USD70/tonne in 1H20. China steel exports in 2H20 could also bump up, subject to port logistics availability, as producers would try to offset their domestic demand and profit losses over 1H20.

China Steel Market: The China steel market would continue to witness a demand-supply imbalance, which could result in price fluctuations continuing over March-May 2020 in the range of USD30-40/tonne, while a price recovery would only come up with an appropriate government stimulus. Freight on Board (FOB) China (2.5mm) hot rolled coil (HRC) steel prices have softened to USD470 in February 2020 while they remained steady in January 2020 at around USD503/tonne, after firming up strongly over November-December 2019 from the lows of USD428/tonne in October 2019. As a precedence of such an epidemic crisis, the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003 had led to a correction of commodity prices in the range of 5%-15% over the period of SARS escalation in March-May 2013.

India Steel Market: In 2Q20, Indian steel producers would face pricing pressures of about USD30/tonne related to import price parity with a lag, which could result in margin pressures of USD25/tonne in the base case scenario. China FOB HRC steel prices witnessed downward price fluctuations over February 2020 of around 8%, while Indian steel prices could still stay firm in the interim supported by the domestic re-stocking and strong seasonal consumption. Hence, the spreads of China FOB prices and Indian domestic HRC prices have widened over February-March 2020, but are not sustainable any more. Moreover, margin pressures could aggravate with iron ore cost pressures building up with new iron ore premiums in place. Indian HRC steel prices have firmed up by about INR2,000/tonne in February-March 2020, despite cost & freight India prices (from China) dropping by about USD30/tonne. Ind-Ra expects the spot price gap could start compressing though only gradually. (Long-term spread average of USD60/tonne, USD100/tonne as of March 2020). Indian steel HRC prices have consistently increased over November 2019-January 2020, resulting in a cumulative increase of 12%.

Limited Risk on Supply Glut from Imports: China steel exports to India have been reducing since anti-dumping duties came in force in February 2016. Also, any supply glut of imports from China is partially protected by the anti-dumping duty kicking in at USD489/tonne, while free trade agreement nation imports from Japan and South Korea can definitely pose additional risks on the domestic balance and prices. Also, transport and logistical challenges amid the virus outbreak would restrict a near-term increase in steel exports from China.

Moreover, large global steel consumers have increased the shield of protection over the years; hence, any exponential increase in China steel exports, as happened over 2014-2016, would not be possible.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
IMR Metallurgical Metallurgical Resources Proposes to Set Up Steel Plant in Andhra Pradesh

Swiss commodity trading group IMR Metallurgical Resources has proposed to set up a major steel plant in YSR Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh by investing more than INR 12,000 crore. This was disclosed by the representatives of IMR Metallurgical who held discussions with chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. The IMR representatives said that they have entered into a deal with NMDC for supply of iron ore to the proposed steel unit in YSR Kadapa district.

The chief minister said that there would be scope for improving industrialisation in YSR Kadapa district once the proposed steel plant comes up and added that the government was ready to provide all the basic infrastructure facilities. The chief minister said Krishnapatnam port, railway connectivity and highways were readily available for transportation purposes. Moreover, it would provide better employment opportunities to the local people.

Chief Secretary Neelam Sawhney, Industries Special Chief Secretary Rajat Bhargav, IMR-AG chairman Hans-Rudolf Wild, Director Anirudh Misra, Group CFO and Business Development Carl Dilner, project president Arindam De, Finance Director Sanjay Sinha, and AP High Grade Steels Limited Managing Director P Madhusudhan were among those present.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
New Zealand Steel Mill Worker Catches Coronavirus

New Zealand media reported that New Zealand’s Ministry of Health has confirmed a fourth positive test for coronavirus Covid-19 in New Zealand. New Zealand Steel has confirmed that the man is an employee at the company's Glenbrook plant. CEO Gretta Stephens said "We are pleased to advise that the affected employee has confirmed that they are not seriously ill and are in isolation at home. Ee are working directly with the Ministry of Health, and the practises we have put in place are consistent with their recommendations. This includes contacting and working with those employees who have had primary contact with this employee. We can confirm that the affected employee has not been in any plant operating areas or the cafeteria."

The Auckland man is the spouse of a woman who was confirmed to have the illness earlier this week. The man had been with his partner in northern Italy, and they arrived in Auckland from Singapore on February 25 on Air New Zealand flight NZ0283.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AMNS India to Increase Finished Steel Volumes to 8.5 Million Tonnes by 2024

ArcelorMittal in its Annual Report for 2019 said that “The Resolution Plan also includes a capital expenditure plan of INR 18.697 crore to be implemented in two stages over six years. The first stage involves investments to increase the production of finished steel goods sustainably to 6.5 million tonnes per annum and includes completion of ongoing capital expenditure projects with respect to a coke oven, second sinter plant, third line CSP caster. Paradeep pellet plant and Dabuna beneficiation plant. The first stage will also include investment in maintenance to restore current assets, the implementation of an environmental management plan and the implementation of ArcelorMittal’s best practices on raw material sourcing, plant operations, sales and product mix (in particular through greater sophistication of the quality and markets of the steel produced with a focus on developing sales to the automotive industry), people management and health & safety. The second stage will involve investments to increase the production of finished steel goods from 6.5 million tonnes per annum to 8.5 million tonnes per annum by the end of 2024, including asset reconfiguration and the addition of a coke oven, blast furnace and basic oven furnace.

It added “There is also a long-term aspiration to increase finished steel shipments to between 12 and 15 million tonnes tonnes through the addition of new iron and steelmaking assets, so that AMNS India can play an active role and fully benefit from the anticipated growth in the Indian steel industry.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Primetals Technologies Commissions 2 LiquiRob Systems at Baosteel Meishan

In 2019, two LiquiRob systems from Primetals Technologies commenced operation at the Meishan plant of Chinese steel producer Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd. Commissioning only took four to five days. Additionally, an order was placed to supply a LiquiRob system for Baosteel´s Zhanjiang plant. This raises the total number of LiquiRobs operating in Baosteel plants to five. The projects followed successful commissioning and operation of two robot systems supplied to Baosteel Shanghai´s caster CCM3 in 2018.

After the successful commissioning of two LiquiRob systems at BaoSteel Shanghai’s CCM3 in 2018, BaoSteel awarded the order to Primetals Technologies to supply two further LiquiRob systems for the Meishan plant. This project includes two robots performing shroud manipulation with the Safe Opening System (SOS) shroud, where oxygen lancing is included in the shroud. The systems, for two continuous casting machines, provide tundish temperature measurement, O2 content measurement and steel sampling as well as oxygen lancing and tundish powder handling.

The LiquiRob systems are now operating on casters CCM4 and CCM3 in the Meishan plant. With only five days of commissioning downtime of CCM4, the first of the two LiquiRob systems performed shroud manipulation - attaching and detaching a shroud to and from a ladle - as well as tundish measurements. One week later, after just four days of commissioning downtime of CCM3, the second robot system successfully started operation. The positive results achieved with the LiquiRob systems active in Baosteel´s Shanghai and Meishan plants prompted an additional order for a fifth robot system to be set up at caster CCM3 at Baosteel Zhanjiang.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Jindal Stainless Exits Corporate Debt Restructuring

India's largest stainless steel manufacturer Jindal Stainless Ltd said that it has successfully exited from the corporate debt restructuring framework with effect from March 31 last year. The existing CDR lenders have realised the full recompense of about Rs 275 crore in cash which will add to their income in the current fiscal itself. Additionally, JSL has fully redeemed the outstanding optionally convertible redeemable preference shares which were issued to the lenders in June 2017 and has paid around INR 558 crore, taking the aggregate realisation of lenders to around INR 833 crore.

Earlier, promoter group entity infused equity and subsequently, JSL issued nonconvertible debentures worth INR 400 crore to Kotak Special Situations Fund. These funds assisted JSL in redeeming the OCRPS. KSSF has also acquired about 5 per cent equity stake in JSL through the secondary market, which demonstrates increased investors' confidence in the company's operations and growth outlook.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico Hot-dip Galvanized Steel Facility Begins Production

Nucor Corporation announced that Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico Sde RL de CV, located in Silao, Guanajuato in central Mexico, has begun operating its continuous galvanizing line, which will produce hot-dip galvanized sheet steel for the automotive market. The hot-dip galvanized sheet steel production facility has a production capacity of 400,000 tons annually. It can produce sheet thickness from 0.4 mm to 2.6 mm and widths of 800 mm to 1,850 mm. Nucor-JFE has begun trial production and will move towards full-scale sales and production once customer approvals have been obtained.

Nucor-JFE is well-positioned to serve the large number of automakers who have built facilities in central Mexico. Automotive production in Mexico is expected to continue to grow and the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement increases the amount of North American content required in cars and trucks to avoid tariffs imposed by the United States. Nucor and JFE will each supply an equal amount of substrate to be processed at the new facility.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
American Iron and Steel Institute CEO Mr Thomas J Gibson to Retire

The American Iron and Steel Institute announced that Mr Thomas J Gibson, president and CEO, will retire in the fall of this year. A search for his successor will begin immediately. Mr Gibson has led AISI since September 2008. Under his leadership, the Institute successfully advocated for once in a generation legislation to strengthen the trade laws against unfair trade practices and level the playing field for steel manufacturers, for successful passage of transportation and infrastructure bills to benefit the steel industry, and for a balanced approach to energy and environmental regulations that do not diminish manufacturing competitiveness and capitalize on the natural gas renaissance in the U.S.

Prior to joining AISI, Gibson served as Senior Vice President of Advocacy for the American Chemistry Council. Previously, Gibson served as the Senior Vice President, Government Affairs for the Portland Cement Association, Chief of Staff for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Majority Deputy Staff Director to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Prior to his civilian government service, he worked as an engineer and program manager at the Raytheon Company, and served on active duty at sea as a Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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