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Nyrstar halveert zinkproductie in Budel en twee andere smelterijen
Van onze redacteur 11:38

Het terrein van De Zink in Budel-Dorplein, tussen Eindhoven en Weert, met daarachter een zonnepark. Foto: Trafigura

Zinkproducent Nyrstar neemt radicale maatregelen om de scherpe stijging van de energieprijzen het hoofd te bieden. Het zinkbedrijf beperkt met ingang van woensdag de productie in drie Europese smelterijen met zo'n 50%.

De maatregel geldt voor de smelterijen in het Brabantse Budel, het Belgische Badel en het Franse Auby. Nyrstar verwacht niet dat de tijdelijke productiebeperking gevolgen zal hebben voor de werkgelegenheid bij het zinkconcern. Er werken circa 500 mensen bij Nyrstar in het Brabantse Budel-Dorpplein.

Niet meer rendabel
Het zinkbedrijf noemt het economisch niet langer haalbaar om de productie op ‘volle capaciteit’ te laten draaien vanwege de aanzienlijke stijging van de elektriciteitskosten en de kosten van de door de elektriciteitssector uitgestoten CO2. Het bedrijf berekent de kosten van uitgestoten CO2 door aan industriële en huishoudelijke klanten.

'Nadelige concurrentiepositie'
Energie-intensieve producenten kunnen een kostencompensatie krijgen om hun concurrentiepositie ten opzichte van producenten van buiten de EU te beschermen, maar die verschilt per Europees land. ‘Dit plaatst de Nyrstar-vestigingen in Budel, Balen en Auby in een nadelige concurrentiepositie, waardoor de impact van extreme energieprijzen nog wordt versterkt’, zegt het zinkbedrijf in een woensdag uitgegeven verklaring.

‘Ondanks het feit dat onze operaties efficiënter zijn dan ooit en we hun capaciteit en productie uitbreiden, hebben we de moeilijke beslissing moeten nemen om de productie op dit moment terug te schroeven’, verklaarde ceo Daniel Vanin woensdag.

Beperken productie kan heel snel
Nyrstar kan de productiebeperkingen snel doorvoeren, omdat de fabrieken volledig geëlektrificeerd zijn. Daardoor beschikt het bedrijf naar eigen zeggen over de operationele flexibiliteit om snel te kunnen reageren op de hoge energieprijzen.

Er hoeft in elk geval voorlopig niet gevreesd worden voor reorganisaties. ‘Hoewel de hoge energieprijzen een impact zullen hebben op de zinkproductie, wordt niet verwacht dat de tijdelijke beperking een impact zal hebben op de werkgelegenheid bij Nyrstar. We zullen ook de nodige inspanningen leveren om aan onze contractuele leveringsverplichtingen te voldoen’, aldus de ceo.

Nyrstar is eigendom, toeleverancier en klant van het Zwitserse grondstoffenbedrijf Trafigura, dat raffinaderijen, mijnen en schepen voor zijn olie-, energie- en metalenhandel bezit.

Aluminiumfabriek Aldel
Vorige week kondigde het Groningse Aldel al aan de productie voor 60% tot 70% stil te zullen leggen vanwege de hoge gasprijzen. De maatregel is afgelopen zondag ingegaan.

Door de stijging van de gasprijzen is het voor de in Delfzijl gevestigde aluminiumfabriek niet langer rendabel om op de normale voet door te gaan, verklaarde financieel directeur Eric Wildschut vorige week. Aldel betaalt nu al €4500 aan elektriciteitskosten per ton aluminium. De verkoopprijs is €2500 per ton. Wildschut: 'Dat kan dus absoluut niet uit. We stoppen met het maken van vloeibaar aluminium, en dat is twee derde van onze bedrijfsactiviteit.' Bij Aldel werken zo'n 400 mensen, van wie 350 in vaste dienst.

Vorige maand schreef de directie van Aldel, samen met de top van zinkproducent Nyrstar en chemiebedrijf ESD-SIC, een brief aan demissionair minister Stef Blok van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, waarin ze stelden dat ze bij de huidige prijzen de productie zoveel mogelijk verminderen. Zij noemden de prijsstijgingen 'absurd'.

De Noorse kunstmestproducent Yara kondigde eerder ook al aan een groot deel van zijn Europese productie stil te zullen leggen, waaronder die in Nederland. De naar recordhoogte gestegen prijs van aardgas tast de marges aan van de ammoniakproductie, grondstof voor kunstmest. Het bedrijf stelde in september al de productie terug te schroeven op verschillende Europese locaties, waaronder die in het Zeeuwse Sluiskil, de grootste productielocatie van Yara. Zo’n 40% van Europese ammoniakproductie van Yara is uit bedrijf.

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Positieve geluiden voor AM
Er zit volgens Bloomberg beweging in het staalconflict tussen Amerika en Europa. De Amerikanen willen de bestaande heffingen van 25 en 10% op staal en aluminium vervangen door invoerquota. Met het naderen van een deadline voor een akkoord doet Washington meer concessies, De importheffingen stammen uit de tijd dat Donald Trump president van de VS was. Als er 1 december geen overeenstemming is gaan automatisch nieuwe Europese heffingen op Amerikaanse producten in.
Beursblik: JPMorgan verlaagt koersdoel ArcelorMittal
Maar koopadvies blijft gehandhaafd.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) JPMorgan Cazenove heeft het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal verlaagd van 47,00 naar 44,00 euro, maar herhaalde het Overwogen advies op de staalreus. Dit bleek woensdag uit een sectorrapport van de Amerikaanse zakenbank.

"Het derde kwartaal is traditiegetrouw een zwakker kwartaal in Europa", stelden de analisten van JPMorgan.

Zij verwachten dat ArcelorMittal in het derde kwartaal een EBITDA behaalde van 6,1 miljard dollar, hetgeen een winst per aandeel opleverde van 3,75 dollar. Daarmee zit JPMorgan wel iets onder de analistenconsensus van Bloomberg die uitkomt op 6,2 miljard dollar. De consensus die ArcelorMittal zelf publiceerde zit echter ook op 6,1 miljard dollar.

In het tweede kwartaal kwam de EBITDA van de staalreus uit op nog geen 5,1 miljard dollar.

Mocht ArcelorMittal zich over het vierde kwartaal uitlaten, dan denkt JPMorgan dat het staalbedrijf zal voorspellen dat de laatste maanden van het jaar iets zwakker worden dan de afgelopen periode.

Verder ziet JPMorgan de schuldenlast van ArcelorMittal dalen naar 4,5 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Advies van ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF over Aperam
Aandeel APERAM
Datum 13 oktober 2021
Advies Kopen
Koersdoel 75,00 EUR

Detail advies
PARIJS ( - Op 13 oktober 2021 hebben de analisten van ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF hun beleggingsadvies voor APERAM (APAM; ISIN: LU0569974404) herhaald. Het advies van ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF voor APERAM blijft "kopen".

Het koersdoel wordt door de analisten verhoogd van 70,00 EUR naar 75,00 EUR.

Op 28 juli 2021 publiceerde APERAM halfjaarcijfers.
Beursblik: JPMorgan verhoogt koersdoel Aperam
Naar 61,00 euro.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) JPMorgan Cazenove heeft woensdag het koersdoel voor Aperam verhoogd van 56,30 naar 61,00 euro met een onveranderd Neutraal advies. Dit bleek uit een sectorrapport van de Amerikaanse zakenbank.

Voor het derde kwartaal mikken de analisten op een EBITDA voor Aperam van 287 miljoen euro. De Europese staalprijzen bleven het goed doen, aldus JPMorgan.

Verder denken de analisten dat Aperam bij de komende kwartaalrapportage zal mikken op een stijgende EBITDA in het vierde kwartaal. JPMorgan houdt rekening met 301 miljoen euro.

Het aandeel Aperam steeg woensdagmiddag 1,7 procent naar 47,94 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Tenaris BlueDock Connector Increases Efficiency in Wells inBolivia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:15 am

The robust, high fatigue performance and fast make up of TenarisHydril BlueDock premium connector yielded optimal running times for customers Repsol and YPFB Andina drilling complex wells in Bolivia. The analysis, engineering and field service work carried out by Tenaris for Repsol and YPFB Andina generated a successful running of 30” diameter BlueDock weld-on connectors in Bolivia. In the six gas wells, with a depth near 5.500 meters, the incorporation of the premium connector, which has optimized design characteristics, helped to reduce operating times, increasing the installation speed by 120% compared to technologies previously used.

The complex geology of the subsoil and the significant depth of the most productive target formations in Bolivian gas fields require multiple casing sections. For this reason, operators must carry out important investments for the drilling, development, completion and start up of these wells.

BlueDock premium connector incorporates design concepts from the extensively tested Blue Series, and provides reliable performance in the most complex ultra-deepwater operations requiring gas sealability and fatigue performance. This Tenaris's integrated solution grounds on experience in pipe manufacturing, premium connection design and welding technology. Pipe and connector are manufactured under the same quality management system, allowing us to supply a full casing and tubing package for offshore wells. Success with major operators is backed by Tenaris's global service network providing technical assistance, product testing, pipe management and technical support in the field.
OMK Chusovoy Plant Supplies Auto Springs to European Car Makers

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:18 am

Russian steel maker United Metallurgical Company OMK’s manufacturer of automotive components for trucks of Russian and foreign brands Chusovoy Plant in Perm Territory of Russia has supplied pilot batches of springs under its own Springer brand for MAN, Scania, Volvo and others in Europe. Several types of springs for trucks were shipped to customers from Portugal, springs for a trailer were sent to Hungary, new springs were delivered to Italy, mastered on a special order. Another test batch of springs for agricultural trailers is being prepared for shipment to Germany.

Spring products for foreign cars under the Springer brand have been produced at OMK's Chusovoy plant since 2016. In production, they use modern equipment including robotized rolling mills, use special technologies of shot blasting and finishing, which increase the resistance of the metal to fatigue and increase the service life of the springs. The products are tested under conditions as close as possible to real operating conditions. The quality management system of the OMK Chusovoy plant meets high European standards, in the development of which car manufacturers from Italy, USA, France, Great Britain and Germany participated.

In the summer of 2021, OMK's Chusovoy plant began deliveries to the Middle East - it shipped a batch of Springer brand spring products to the United Arab Emirates. By the end of the year, the company plans to ship to the UAE about 300 tonnes of spring products.
Olympic Steel Names Mr James D Esway as General Manager

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:21 am

Leading US metals service center Olympic Steel Inc announced that Mr James D Esway has joined the company as General Manager of the organization’s facilities in Buford and Winder in Georgia. Mr Esway will lead the day to day operation of both facilities, which have continued to experience notable growth since the opening of the Buford facility in 2020.

Mr Esway brings more than 20 years of commercial and leadership experience in the metals industry, including his most recent role as Chief Commercial Officer for a major metals and industrial products manufacturer, processor and distributor. In addition to several leadership training certifications, Mr Esway earned his associate’s degree from Kent State University and his bachelor’s degree in organizational studies and leadership from Robert Morris University.

Mr David J Gea will continue to serve as Vice President for the region, which includes both Georgia facilities as well as a distribution center in Hanceville in Alabama.

Founded in 1954, Olympic Steel is a leading US metals service center focused on the direct sale of processed carbon, coated and stainless flat-rolled sheet, coil and plate steel, aluminum, tin plate, and metal-intensive branded products. The Company’s CTI subsidiary is a leading distributor of steel tubing, bar, pipe, valves and fittings, and fabricator of value-added parts and components. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Olympic Steel operates from 41 facilities in North America.
LIBERTY Ostrava Modernizes Guard Rail Production Line

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:25 am

LIBERTY Ostrava has completed the modernization of the Arnold line for the production of beams used in motorway guard rails. It has allowed the plant to extend portfolio of the guard rails. LIBERTY Ostrava has completed the second phase of the CZK 15.5 million upgrade of the guard rails production. The first phase was finished four months ago. The project has enabled Liberty Ostrava to extend the rails length by almost 50% to more than 6 meters, making the assembly of safety retention systems easier and quicker

In the first phase of the project, the range of girders was expanded, which brought optimization and acceleration of production. The second phase, which was now completed after four months, consisted mainly of moving the calibration press, the stacker with the conveyor, modifying the storage program and the software of the entire line. The line was modified by the Ostrava based Ingeteam.

Liberty Ostrava has been producing road barriers for more than 50 years. Since 1968, it has produced more than 58,000 kilometers. Liberty Ostrava manufactures 5 types of barriers, including single sided and double sided route barriers, bridge and rail barriers and barriers with increased protection for motorcyclists, which form a total of 33 restraint systems. Over the last few years, it has developed a number of new or innovated restraint systems. In addition to the design, the material from which the barriers are made is also being innovated, eg microalloyed steel is used. A novelty of recent years is the motorcycle barrier, which is equipped with a lower flange. This prevents the motorcyclist from undermining, which is often the cause of serious injuries, and at the same time mitigates the effects of the biker's impact on the barrier in the event of an accident by absorbing part of his kinetic energy.
Feralpi Sees Interruptions over EscalationinElectricity Gas Prices

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:28 am

Italy based Feralpi Group's announced that its steel production in the first eight months of 2021 returned to pre Covid levels, even exceeding the volumes of the same period of 2019. Its steel production grew by 7% compared to January-August 2019, amounting to 1.73 million tonnes. In the first half of this year, the group's revenues reached EUR 879 million, recording an increase of 65.9 percent compared to the first six months of 2020. These results were driven by the increase in both volumes and prices amid government incentives in the construction and automotive sectors. Feralpi Group’s Chairman Mr Giuseppe Pasini said “The first eight-nine months of this year have been brilliant for the entire steel supply chain. However, now we see some shadows ahead, mainly due to the escalation of electricity and gas prices. This is a problem not only for Italy but in all of Europe.”

Feralpi does not rule out possible production interruptions at the most critical moments. Actually, some stoppages are already occurring, also due to the recent slowdown of the domestic finished product market, Pasini indicated.

However, Feralpi will invest around EUR 100 million within the next five years to produce renewable energy. The goal is to reach an installed power capacity of over 100 megawatts for its own consumption, in order to cover 20 percent of the energy needs of the companies of the group in Italy. Feralpi Group aims to reduce C02 emissions by approximately 85,000 tons per year once the project is completed. The investment will also have a positive economic impact thanks to a competitive cost of electricity compared to market values.
Worldsteel Announces 6 Winners of 12th Steelie Award

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:32 am

The World Steel Association has announced the winners for 12th Steelie Award, recognising member companies for their contribution to the steel industry over a one-year period. The Steelies are awarded in six categories:

1. Excellence in Digital Communications - Tata Steel Limited

2. Innovation of the Year - POSCO for roll stamping technologies for automotive giga steel

3. Excellence in Sustainability - Tata Steel Europe for zero carbon logistics

4. Excellence in Life Cycle Assessment -JSW Steel for using LCA to evaluate the environmental performance of new product development and promotion

5. Excellence in Education & Training - HBIS Group Co Ltd for online training and innovation platform

6. Excellence in Communications Programmes -POSCO for Park1538, an innovative cultural space showcasing breakthrough technology and the ultimate beauty of steel

Nominations overview

Excellence in Digital Communications

1. JSW Steel Limited

2. Metinvest Holding LLC


4. Severstal

5. Tata Steel Limited

6. Ternium

Innovation of the Year

1. Acciaierie Bertoli Safau SpA ABS Quality Wire Rod QWR 4.0

2. EVRAZ Development of ultra premium strength rail grade (Apex G2HH) with improved wear and rolling contact fatigue, ductility, weldability and enhanced safety through superior fracture toughness

3. JFE Steel Corporation Green beverage can with unique Cr plated steel sheet

4. Nippon Steel Corporation MEGA NSHYPER BEAM™

5. POSCO Roll stamping technologies for automotive giga steel

Excellence in Sustainability

1. ArcelorMittal Sustainable charcoal use for C02 neutrality

2. China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited Research and application of waste heat cascade comprehensive utilisation method and its key technolog in the iron and steel industry

3. HBIS Group Co Ltd Large integrated intelligent unmanned material yard

4. JSW Steel Limited Recycling of plastics in electric arc furnace leveraging innovative techniques to tackle global sustainability issues POSCO Slag upcyding for negative emissions

5. Tata Steel Europe Zero-carbon logistics

Excellence in Life Cycle Assessment

1. ArcelorMittal Comparative LCA for water drainage systems

2. JSW Steel Limited Using LCA to evaluate the environmental performance of new product development and promotion

3. POSCO Using LCA to assist automakers in recognising the benefits of steel

4. Tata Steel Limited Using LCA in developing India's first Type-1 Eco-label for steel rebars

Excellence in Education & Training

1. Gerdau SA Realizar 2020 Programme

2. HBIS Group Co Ltd Online training and innovation platform

3. JFE Steel Corporation Education system through MR/VR

4. JSW Steel Limited Developing the next generation of leaders at JSW

5. Tata Steel Limited Safety standard knowledge dissemination to 30,000 Tata Steel Limited Eorkforce Learn, Apply, Excel

Excellence in Communications Programmes

1. ArcelorMittal Evoluir Programme

2. POSCO Parkl 538, an innovative cultural space showcasing breakthrough technology and the ultimate beauty of steel

3. Tata Steel Limited Integrated communications approach for COVID-19 preparedness and response across all operating locations

4. Tata Steel Limited Tomorrow LAB

5. Tenaris Safety commitments at Tenaris yards

6. Ternium The soul of Mexico
NLMK Group Trading Update for Q3 & January-September 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:35 am

Russian steel maker NLMK Group announced that during July-September 2021 quarter steel output decreased by 15% QoQ to 3.9 million tonnes, up 1% YoY, due to the incident in the steelmaking production oxygen supply infrastructure at the Lipetsk site in August and the subsequent repair works. Capacity utilization rates recovered once repairs were complete and reached 97% in September. Sales during July-September 2021 quarter were down by 4% QoQ to 4.1 million tonnes, down 7% YoY, following a decrease in NLMK Lipetsk production output. Sales of semi-finished products to third parties grew by 1% QoQ, due mainly to higher pig iron sales. Sales of finished products increased by 1% QoQ to 2.7 million tonne, flat YoY, amid stable demand in key markets. Sales in home markets totalled 2.8 million tonne flat QoQ and YoY. Sales in export markets grew by 2% QoQ to 1.4 million tonne

NLMK’s steel output in January-September 2021 increased by 8% YoY to 12.9 million tonne as equipment ramped up to full capacity after upgrades at NLMK BF and BOF operations, and following output growth at NLMK Russia Long Products and NLMK USA. Sales in January-September 2021 totalled 12.4 million tonne down 7% YoY amid resumed intragroup slab supplies from NLMK Lipetsk to NLMK USA at 0.9 million tonne. Sales in home markets grew by 2% YoY to 8.3 million tonne, due mainly to increased demand on the US market up 23% YoY. Sales in export markets decreased by 23% YoY to 4.0 million tonne due to the high base of last year, when supplies were redistributed in favour of exports due to weak demand in Russia during lockdown limitations.


Q3 - Steel output decreased by 19% QoQ, flat YoY, to 2.9 million tonnes due to the incident in the steelmaking infrastructure at NLMK in August. Sales decreased by 15% QoQ to 3.0 million tonnes down 9% YoY due to a 33% QoQ reduction of slab shipments to export markets caused by a temporary steel output decrease

9M 2021 - Steel output grew by 5% YoY to 9.8 million tonnes following the completion of the reconstruction at NLMK Lipetsk steelmaking operations in Q1-Q3 2020 and at NLMK Lipetsk BF operations in H2 of 2020. Sales of the Segment decreased by 7% YoY to 9.5 million tonnes due to a number of factors


Q3 - Steel output grew by 4% to 0.8 million tonnes up 3% YoY following the increase in capacity utilization rates at NLMK Ural. Sales decreased by 9% QoQ to 0.75 million tonnes down 7% YoY due to lower export shipments following the introduction of export tariffs for steel products in Russia. Finished product sales totalled 0.7 million tonnes down 3% QoQ & 8% YoY

9M 2021 performance

Steel output increased by 16% YoY to 2.4 million tonnes due to the low base effect: last year the production programme was reduced as demand dropped during the pandemic.

Sales grew by 17% YoY to 2.3 million tonnes driven by the growth of demand in the construction sector


Q3 - Segment sales increased by 17% QoQ to 0.6 million tonnes up 60% YoY amid high demand for steel and additional measures to support infrastructure construction in the US

9M 2021 - Sales stood at 1.5 million tonnes up 23% YoY amid recovering demand for steel in the US


Q3 - Sales decreased by 20% QoQ to 0.13 million tonnes up 34% YoY amid scheduled equipment maintenance

9M 2021 - Sales increased by 22% YoY to 0.47 million tonnes following the recovery in demand for steel in the EU in Q1-Q2 2021

NLMK Belgium Holdings JV

Q3 - Sales grew by 16% QoQ to 0.4 million tonnes following the completion of the first stage of the Hot Strip Mill upgrade at NLMK La Louviere

9M 2021 - Shipments dropped by 21% YoY to 1.2 million tonnes due to the rolling capacity upgrades in H1 of 2021
ArcelorMittal to Acquire Pipe & Coating Plant at HFZA in Sharjah

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:37 am

Sharjah’s Hamriyah Free Zone Authority announced that ArcelorMittal Projects has signed a MoU to acquire the assets of a pipe and coating mill located at the Hamriyah Free Zone. Besides the acquisition, ArcelorMittal Projects has leased 1.38 million square feet of industrial land in the zone. According to the agreement, the company shall provide complete, customised, and sustainable steel solutions and services via three specialised and project-related business lines: Foundation Solutions, Solar Projects, and Energy Projects with anti-corrosion coating solutions, in addition to water transmission pipeline and infrastructure sleeves & construction.

ArcelorMittal Projects CEO Mr Johannes De Schrijver said "We are pleased to forge a long-term partnership with HFZA, through which we seek to provide the most cost-effective solutions. Our products are backed with the technical expertise of highly qualified people with an average experience of more than 15 years in HSAW & SSAW pipe manufacturing and anti-corrosion coating. The HSAW/SSAW pipes can be produced with a diameter ranging from 16” up to 100” and wall thickness starting from 6 mm to 25 mm with a capacity of 150,000 tonnes per annum. Pipes can be produced with lengths up to 36 meters without circumferential weld. Longer pipes can be achieved by welding. We can provide pipes in all requested steel grades due to our worldwide network of coil producers.”

Alongside production, ArcelorMittal Projects Middle East also offers anti-corrosion coating of external and internal pipe surfaces according to international technical specifications and standards.
Ford Honors ArcelorMittal as Supplier at World Excellence Awards

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:40 am

ArcelorMittal was announced as a Supplier Sustainability Award winner at Ford Motor Company’s virtual event this week in Detroit in USA. Ford’s World Excellence Awards recognise companies that exceed expectations and achieve the highest levels of excellence in quality, cost, performance and delivery. ArcelorMittal North America CEO Mr John Brett, who accepted the award for ArcelorMittal, said “We are honoured to be recognised with a Supplier Sustainability Award for our supply chain efforts. Our company has long been an innovation leader in automotive steels and co-engineering with our OEM partners. Now, ArcelorMittal is taking the lead in decarbonising the steel industry. With our commitment to IRMA (Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance) we are ensuring responsible sourcing for our steels and we are beyond pleased to be recognised for our efforts by Ford, one of our most valued customers.”

Ford Motor Company’s World Excellence Awards recognise top-performing suppliers around the world for helping bring the Ford+ plan to life. Suppliers like ArcelorMittal are key to Ford’s continued success as we leverage foundational strengths to build new capabilities and enrich customer experiences.

Honourees are recognised for achieving the highest levels of global excellence in categories including:

1. Primary brand pillar awards – Treat Customers Like Family, Turn Around Automotive Operations and Compete Like a Challenger, Create Must-Have Products

2. Diversity and inclusion awards for suppliers that excel in integrating diversity into their organisation and business process

3. Sustainability awards for suppliers that improve the business environment

4. Gold and Silver Quality awards for supplier manufacturing sites demonstrating superior quality, delivery and cost performance throughout the year
MMK Trading update for Q3 & 9M of 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:43 am

Russian steel maker MMK announced Trading Update for Q3 and 9M of 2021.


Pig iron output decreased slightly, by 0.6% QoQ to 2,624 thousand tonnes

Steel output remained flat QoQ at 3,390 thousand tonnes, reflecting favourable market conditions and the launch of the electric arc furnace facility at the Turkish asset

MMK Group’s sales of steel products totalled 2,761 thousand tonnes, down 16.8% QoQ, driven by an increase in exports with longer delivery lead times.

Sales of the Group’s premium products were down 12.1% QoQ to 1,224 thousand tonnes, driven by the scheduled overhaul of Mill 5000 and growth in exports of cold-rolled and galvanised steel with longer delivery lead times.

MMK Coal’s coal concentrate production moderately declined QoQ to 867 thousand tonnes.


Pig iron output increased by 14.8% YoY to 7,836 thousand tonnes as blast furnace operations were not being overhauled during this period

Steel output increased by 22.1% YoY to 10,091 thousand tonnes, as no overhauls took place at converter facilities, as well as the completion of Hot-Rolling Mill 2500’s modernisation

MMK Group’s sales of finished products increased by 16.5% YoY to 8,985 thousand tonnes, driven by favourable market conditions and the high utilisation rate of Mill 2500 after its modernisation

Sales of premium products slightly decreased YoY to 3,770 thousand tonnes on the back of the scheduled overhaul of Mill 5000

Production of coal concentrate increased by 15.1% YoY to 2,557 thousand tonnes, driven by stronger demand from MMK amid favourable market conditions.
EU Imposes AD Duty on Wire Rod Imports from China

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:46 am

The European Commission has imposed a definitive antidumping duty on imports of wire rod originating in China following an expiry review of previous measures. Upon completion of the investigation, the European Commission imposed a definitive antidumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of bars and rods, hot rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron, non alloy steel or alloy steel other than of stainless steel originating in the People's Republic of China. The duty rates are 7.9% for Valin Group and 24% for all other Chinese companies.

EC said “Although the anti-dumping measures in force prevented dumped imports from the PRC to enter the Union market to a large extent, the Union industry suffered material injury during the review investigation period and its situation is fragile, as confirmed by the negative trends of the injury indicators. The Commission established that there is a strong likelihood of recurrence of injury originally caused by imports from this country should the measures expire. The influx of substantial volumes of dumped imports from the PRC would cause further injury to the Union industry. This would worsen the already very fragile economic situation of Union industry and threaten its viability. The Commission thus concluded that the maintenance of the anti-dumping measures against the PRC is in the interest of the Union industry.”

The review request was submitted on July 14, 2020, by the European Steel Association EUROFER on behalf of EU producers representing around 60% of the total production of wire rod in the region. The request for review was based on the grounds that the expiry of the measures would likely result in recurrence of dumping and injury to the Union industry.

The review investigation period covered the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. The examination of trends relevant for the assessment of the likelihood of a continuation or recurrence of injury covered the period from 1 January 2017 to the end of the review investigation period.

CN codes 7213 10 00, 7213 20 00, 7213 91 10, 7213 91 20, 7213 91 41, 7213 91 49, 7213 91 70, 7213 91 90, 7213 99 10, 7213 99 90, 7227 10 00, 7227 20 00, 7227 90 10, 7227 90 50 and 7227 90 95
Rio Tinto Developing Steel Making Technology Using Biomass

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:49 am

Australian mining giant Rio Tinto is progressing an innovative new technology to deliver low carbon steel, using sustainable biomass in place of coking coal in the steelmaking process, in a potentially cost-effective option to cut industry carbon emissions. Over the past decade, Rio Tinto has developed a laboratory-proven process that combines the use of raw, sustainable biomass with microwave technology to convert iron ore to metallic iron during the steelmaking process. The patent-pending process, one of a number of avenues the company is pursuing to try to lower emissions in the steel value chain, is now being further tested in a small-scale pilot plant. If this and larger-scale tests are successful, there is the potential over time for this technology to be scaled commercially to process Rio Tinto’s iron ore fines.

Rio Tinto’s process uses plant matter known as lignocellulosic biomass, instead of coal, primarily as a chemical reductant. The biomass is blended with iron ore and heated by a combination of gas released by the biomass and high efficiency microwaves that can be powered by renewable energy. Lignocellulosic biomass includes agriculture by-products (i.e. wheat straw, corn stover, barley straw, sugar cane bagasse) and purpose-grown crops, which would be sustainable sources for the process. Importantly, the process cannot use foods such as sugar or corn, and Rio Tinto would not use biomass sources that support logging of old-growth forests.

Rio Tinto researchers are working with the multi-disciplinary team in the University of Nottingham’s Microwave Process Engineering Group to further develop the process.

The use of raw biomass in Rio Tinto’s process could also avoid the inefficiencies and associated costs of other biomass-based technologies that first convert the biomass into charcoal or biogas.
Volvo Unveils Mining Vehicle made from SSAB’s Fossil Free Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:57 am

In a world-first, Volvo Group revealed the first vehicle made of fossil-free steel produced by SSAB. The machine, a load carrier for use in mining and quarrying, was unveiled at a Volvo collaboration event in Gothenburg in Sweden. SSAB President & CEO Mr Martin Lindqvist said “Having the world’s first actual vehicle made using SSAB’s fossil-free steel is a true milestone. Our collaboration with Volvo Group shows that green transition is possible and brings results. Together, we will continue reducing climate impact all the way to the end customer while ensuring that our customers get high-quality steel. We look forward to continuing to work with Volvo Group in research and development to produce more fossil-free steel products.”

Volvo Group is committed to pioneering partnerships such as this with SSAB to develop attractive, safe and efficient new vehicles and machines that pave the way for a more sustainable transport and infrastructure system adopted for the future. More vehicles and machines will follow in 2022 in a series of concept vehicles and components using fossil-free steel from SSAB.

This is the seventh announcement by SSAB for development & supply of green steel in recent times

1. April - Volvo to Produce Trucks Made from Hydrogen Steel from SSAB

2. June - Volvo Cars to Explore Using Fossil Free Steel with SSAB

3. September - SSAB to Deliver Fossil Free Steel to Mercedes-Ben

4. September - SSAB to Supply Fossil Free Steel to Faurecia for Automotive Seats

5. September - SSAB to Deliver Fossil Free Steel to Cargotec

6. October - SSAB to Deliver Fossil Free Steel to Construction Firm Peab

In 2026, SSAB plans to supply the market with fossil-free steel at a commercial scale after a conversion of its Oxelösund blast furnaces into an electric arc furnace and by using HYBRIT technology, which replaces coking coal traditionally needed for iron ore-based steelmaking, with fossil-free electricity and hydrogen. This process is a deciding move toward virtually eliminating carbon dioxide-emissions in steel production.

In August 2021, SSAB was able to show the world´s first fossil-free steel plate made from hydrogen-reduced iron produced at HYBRIT’s pilot plant in Luleå, Sweden. The HYBRIT initiative is collaboration between SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, and an essential step toward a completely fossil-free value chain for steelmaking.
Chinese Iron Ore Import & Steel Export Dip in September 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 5:00 am

China’s iron ore imports in September 2021 fell 1.9% from a month earlier as environment-related steel production controls restrained consumption of the steelmaking raw material. The latest data from General Administration of Customs shows that China imported 95.61 million tonnes of iron ore in September 2021 as compared with 97.49 million tonnes in August 2021 and 108.55 million tonnes in September 2020. China imported 841.95 million tonnes of iron ore during January-September 2021, down 3% YoY from the same period in 2020

China's steel exports slowed in September to the lowest level since December 2020 following China’s export control polices, as well as weaker Southeast Asian demand because of its Covid19 lockdowns. China exported 4.92 million tonne of finished steel in September 2021, down 2.6% MoM but up 28.5% YoY. In the January-September 2021 period, China exported 53.024 million tonnes of finished steel, increasing by 31.3% YoY

China imported 1.256 million tonnes of finished steel, down 56.4% YoY but up 18.2% Mom. In the January-September 2021 period, China imported 10.716 million tonne of finished steel, down 28.9% YoY
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