Latin America imported 8.3 million tonne of finished steel from China
In 2014, Latin America imported 8.3 million tonnes of finished steel from China at a value of USD 5,474 million. This implies an average price per ton of USD 658. During the same period, China sent to the rest of the world (ex-Latam) 76 million tons at a value of USD 53,484 million (average price per tonne USD 700).
According to the information provided by the Chinese Customs Authority, Between January and December 2014, Latin America received finished steel from China at an average price 6% lower than the rest of the world (ROW). Almost every Latin American country received Chinese finished steel at prices below the world average. Argentina and Venezuela were the only exceptions. Even though trade flow was quite limited, these countries received Chinese steel at prices markedly above the average prices for the region and for the rest of the world. Cuba also describes a similar trend, but at a not so noticeable price difference.
This Chinese procedure of reducing prices at a regular pace may reflect the existence of unfair trade practices, as Chinese domestic prices did not experience a similar decline.
Central America (that recorded import prices at an average of USD 569 per ton, 19% lower than the rest of the world average), and Peru (average price of USD 601, 14% below ROW) were the most affected destinations. They also rank 3rd and 4th among Latin American destinations for Chinese finished steel in terms of volume.
Graph 2 describes how the increase in the amount of finished steel that Latin America received from China from the beginning of 2013 to the end of 2014, is much more abrubt than the world average. During these two years, average export prices from China decreased at a similar path for both destinations (with cummulative decreases of almost 20%). However, it is worth noting that the average prices to Latin America remain below the ROW average all over the period.
Flat products to Latin America;
In 2014, flat steel products accounted for 67% of the Chinese finished steel exports to Latin America, reaching 5.5 million tonnes at a price 16% below the ROW average. The trend observed during the last two years (2013 and 2014) describes an increase of 184% in the volume of flat products shipped to Latin America. Meanwhile, the flow to the ROW increased 96%. During the same period, average price to Latin America fell 11% while average price to ROW dropped 15%.
The lowest average prices of the region were registered in Ecuador (that received flat products at an average price of USD 593 per ton, 23% below ROW average) and Peru (at an average price of USD 600, 22% below ROW average). Brazil and Chile the two main destinations for Chinese steel imports in the region- confronted prices 13% and 17% above the ROW. Among flat products, sheets and coils of other alloy steels represented 39% of the volume shipped from China to the region in 2014, reaching 2.1 million tonnes. During the last quarter of 2014, average export price to Latin America for these products was 2% higher than the price to ROW.
Long products and seamless tubes to Latin America;
In 2014, Chinese exports to Latin America of long products (27% of the finished steel received from China) registered an average price per ton of USD 558, slightly higher than ROW average (+3%). In Brazil, the largest importer, average price was 16% higher than ROW average.
Latin America received seamless tubes from China at an average price per ton of USD 1,245, 3% below the ROW average.
Source - Strategic Research Institute