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Chinese steelmakers the relative winners in coking coal surge – Mr Russell

Mr Clyde Russel wrote in Reuters that while no steel maker will be happy with the explosion in coking coal prices, Chinese mills are the best placed to deal with the impact, given they are nowhere near as exposed to spot prices as competitors in the rest of Asia and Europe. Given that about 770 kg of coking coal is required to make one tonne of steel, the more than tripling of prices since this year's rally took off in July will be causing pain for steelmakers, who have not enjoyed nearly as large gains in their products.

While only a small percentage of coking coal cargoes are actually sold at the spot price, the quarterly contract price was recently settled above USD 200 a tonne and customers of Australia's BHP-Mitsubishi Alliance will be paying prices linked to monthly indexes.

Given Chinese steel makers are far less reliant of seaborne imports than those in Japan, South Korea and Britain for example, their competitive advantage has been increasing. While domestic Chinese coking coal prices have been rising, they are still well below the seaborne equivalents.

Chinese coking coal output rose 7.3% to 39.29 million tonnes in September from a year earlier, taking production for the first nine months of the year to 331.74 million tonnes, down 1.6% from the same period in 2015, the National Bureau of Statistics said on October 19. There are two main points to note from this data, firstly that coking coal has largely been spared from the cuts in domestic output that has seen China's total coal output slump 10.5 percent in the first three quarters, and secondly, domestic production accounts for the major slice of China's consumption.

While Australia is China's biggest supplier, meeting almost half of import demand, the second biggest source is Mongolia. This gives Chinese steelmakers a further advantage as coking coal sourced from Mongolia is far less expensive than cargoes from the seaborne market, given Mongolia's mines have effectively only one buyer for their output, thereby cutting their pricing power.

Mongolia supplied 12.78 million tonnes of coking coal to China in the first eight months of the year, a jump of 51.7% from the same period in 2015. In contrast, imports from Australia were 18.75 million tonnes, a gain of 8.5%, numbers that clearly indicate a mounting preference by Chinese steel mills for cheaper Mongolian cargoes.

Source : Reuters
Change of Guard - Turmoil erupts in Tata Group

Tata Group abruptly ousted its chairman of almost four years in a rare display of discord atop India’s biggest conglomerate, casting the spectre of a leadership vacuum at the USD 100 billion coffee-to-steel business empire. Chairman Cyrus Mistry, 48, was replaced by his 78-year-old predecessor at a board meeting on Monday. Mr Ratan Tata, a scion of the founding family, will serve as the interim chief and take part in the search for a more permanent successor.

Back at the closely held holding company, Tata Sons created a panel comprising of Ratan Tata, Venu Srinivasan, Amit Chandra, Ronen Sen and Kumar Bhattacharyya to find a new chairman within four months, according to the statement.

A spokeswoman for Tata Sons declined to comment beyond the company’s two-paragraph statement.

The move signals the end of Mistry’s push to transform Tata Group into a more prudent enterprise than the globetrotter that bought Jaguar Land Rover and steelmaker Corus Group Plc under Ratan Tata. In recent years, the Indian conglomerate refinanced loans and sold assets to help tackle debt levels that had bloated to more than UD 30 billion.

The group, founded in 1868, is an Indian giant that employs more than 660,000 people and has 29 listed units with a combined capitalization of more than UD 100 billion.

Source : South China Morning Pot
Nippon Steel seeks USD 96 per tonne price hike from buyers

Reuters reported that Japan's biggest steelmaker Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp is seeking an increase in product prices of about JPY 10,000 (USD 96) per tonne from customers amid surging coking coal prices and weak margins.

Mr Kosei Shindo president of Nippon Steel said that "We've sought a price hike since the first half of this financial year to improve our margin. Given the surge in coking coal prices, we are now seeking an increase in steel product prices by JPY 10,000 a tonne in total."

Prices of steelmaking coal, or coking coal, have more than doubled this year.

Source : Reuters
Cleaner but not leaner - China steel mills defy capacity cutbacks

Reuters reported that Chinese steel mills are becoming cleaner every month as Beijing pushes to curb its smoke-stack industries but they're not getting any leaner. Despite efforts to step up environmental checks and trim out excess capacity, steel output by the world's top producer has risen year on year for the past seven months.

As emissions cuts will mean steel mills are better able to meet stricter government standards, Beijing may find it more difficult to cut overcapacity in a sprawling industry.

Industry experts had predicted this would see a big drop in output in a province that accounts for a fifth of national production, going some way to realising government goals on output and capacity cuts. But production dipped by far less than expected as mills sustained output even as they cleaned themselves up.

They could do this largely because steel prices have risen 40 percent this year, and strong domestic demand is expected to continue, underpinning those increases, though exports have fallen to their lowest since February.

By end-September, China had completed more than 80 percent of this year's capacity reduction goals in coal and steel of targeted cut of 45 million tonnes from its surplus steel capacity this year. But the battle to tackle excess capacity and curb pollution has failed to dent production.

Source : Reuters
Chinese steel companies are managing to ride over the tough times with complementary businesses

China Daily reported that Chinese steel companies are managing to ride over the tough times thanks to complementary businesses. In 2015, largeand medium-sized steel companies in China reported CNY 112.7 billion (USD 6.77 billion) loss in their main business. In comparison, their complementary businesses recorded CNY 48.1 billion's profit. The complementary businesses of some of the super large steel smelters, such as Baosteel Group, Shougang Group and Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, have reached or exceeded CNY 100 billion. The major complementary businesses of steel companies include high technologies, waste gas recycle, real estate and finance.

Mr Li Xinchuang, president of China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute said that "Steel covers a wide range of industries, including minerals, recycling, logistics, environment management, finance and steel deep processing, which provide a lot of options for the steel smelters.”

Mr Li suggested that the complementary businesses should be part of the steel smelters' long-term plans. He said that "The complementary businesses can form its own cycle where real estate, trade, new energy and logistics generate sufficient cash flow and profits to support deep processing and waste management. This way, the companies' portfolio will be more diversified and less reliant on steel, which is facing overcapacity downsizing pressure.”

Source : China Daily
Students across UK are queuing up to land jobs with British Steel

Scunthorpe Telegraph reported that university students from across the UK are queuing up to land jobs with the back in profit Scunthorpe-based British Steel company. During the first week of recruitment the company received 171 applications for its 2017's graduate intake from students wanting to take up permanent engineering and technical roles at its sites in Scunthorpe and Teesside. A further 55 students have also applied to join the company on placements, ranging from three to 12 months.

Mr Paul Martin, British Steel's human resourcees director, said that "We are delighted with the response, particularly in such a short space of time. The fact so many people want to join British Steel shows how far we have come and it speaks volumes for the quality of our graduate training programmes.

Mr Martin said that "We have always placed great emphasis on ensuring our employees get the very best training and our graduates are no exception. This is an excellent time to join our business and the successful candidates will have the opportunity to join a growing company offering superb career opportunities. The calibre of applications has again impressed us and there is no doubting competition will be high as we look to recruit a new generation of steelworkers. I wish all the applicants the best of luck and would encourage other students to explore the fantastic opportunities we offer here at British Steel."

Since British Steel was launched in June, more than 270 people have joined the business including the 2016 graduate intake. This summer 16 graduates joined the company while a further 18 joined on placements.

It is hoped many of the students on graduate placements will go on to join the company on a permanent basis.

Source : Scunthorpe Telegraph
China September refined copper output up by 7.2%

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's refined copper production jumped 7.2% in September from a year ago.

Note: *Year-on-year percentage changes (zie bijlage)

Source : Reuters
Hogere winst voor Acerinox

Spaanse staalmaker behaalt minder omzet.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Acerinox heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2016 meer winst behaald, onder meer gesteund door een stabilisatie van de nikkelprijzen. Dit maakte de Spaanse fabrikant van roestvast staal woensdagmorgen bekend.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) steeg gedurende het derde kwartaal met bijna 150 procent op jaarbasis naar 103 miljoen euro. Het bedrijfsresultaat in de eerste negen maanden lag met 223 miljoen euro echter 9 procent lager dan een jaar eerder.

Acerinox, een sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam, behaalde daarentegen over de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar op jaarbasis 12 procent minder omzet op 2.915 miljoen euro.

"Het derde kwartaal van 2016 werd gekenmerkt door een sterke vraag, de stabilisering van de nikkelprijzen en een einde van voorraadwijzigingen. Al deze factoren hebben de gewoonlijke daling van leveringen in het derde kwartaal gecompenseerd", zei de Spaanse onderneming.

Nikkel is nodig om roestvast staal te produceren en nikkelprijzen worden doorberekend in verkoopprijzen. Wanneer nikkel goedkoper wordt wachten klanten met bestellingen. Acerinox wees erop dat de nikkelprijs zich momenteel op het laagste niveau sinds 2008 bevindt. In de komende maanden kan echter een opwaartse trend beginnen, aangezien de nikkelmijnen in de Filipijnen worden gesloten.


Het bestuur van Acerinox verwacht in het vierde kwartaal positieve resultaten te behalen en rekent voor heel 2016 op een verbetering ten opzichte van 2015. Wat betreft 2017 gaan de Spanjaarden ervan uit dat de vraag in het eerste kwartaal zal aantrekken.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Beursblik: vooruitzichten Europese staalsector blijven negatief

Moody's blijft druk zien van vooral Chinese import.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese staalsector blijft voorlopig last houden van dumping door China en Rusland, maar ook van stijgende grondstofprijzen en prijsvolatiliteit. Dit schreven analisten van Moody's woensdag in een rapport.

"De aanhoudende wereldwijde en regionale onbalans tussen vraag en aanbod zal op de sector en op de staalprijzen blijven wegen in 2017, waarbij het risico bestaat dat de winstgevendheid verder onder druk komt", zei analist Humert Allemani.

Volgens de analist zijn de vooruitzichten in de sector ook in de komende 12 tot 18 maanden negatief.

"De Europese staalsector blijft last houden van overcapaciteit en een beperkte onderhandelingsmacht over prijzen, vooral in de middelgrote en kleinere staalfabrieken", stelde Allemani.

De conservatieve inschatting van Moody's is dat de vraag naar staal in Europa volgend jaar met slechts 1 procent zal toenemen. De vraag vanuit de automotive sector zal volgens de kredietbeoordelaar minder hard groeien dan vanuit de bouwsector en de sector waarin kapitaalgoederen worden geproduceerd.


De voortdurende invoer van goedkoper staal uit China en Rusland zal volgens de analisten een deel van de verwachte groei opslurpen. Het dumpen van staal zal enigszins beperkt worden door recent ingevoerde maatregelen door de Europese Unie, maar de geïmporteerde volumes zullen ook volgend jaar aanzienlijk blijven omdat volgens de analisten initiële effecten langzaam zullen verdwijnen als de import van staal verschuift naar landen waartegen geen maatregelen zijn genomen.

Moody's denkt dat de staalprijzen in 2017 onder druk komen te staan na de volatiliteit van dit jaar als gevolg van het dumpen van staal. Toch verwacht de kredietbeoordelaar niet dat de dieptepunten zullen worden bereikt van begin dit jaar.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Gewipte bestuurder Tata slaat van zich af

Gepubliceerd op 26 okt 2016 om 12:57 | Views: 2.410

MUMBAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Indiase industriële conglomeraat Tata Group staat er financieel veel slechter voor dan de top wil doen geloven. Afschrijvingen op verlieslatende bedrijfsonderdelen kunnen oplopen tot omgerekend ruim 16 miljard euro. Daarvoor waarschuwt de eerder deze week ontslagen bestuursvoorzitter Cyrus Mistry in een brief aan houdstermaatschappij Tata Sons, die het leeuwendeel van de aandelen bezit.

Onder meer de Europese tak van Tata Steel, waar ook het voormalige Hoogovens in IJmuiden toe behoort, kampt volgens Mistry met onverantwoord hoge verliezen en schulden. Dat geldt ook voor autofabrikant Tata Motors en voor de hotel- , energie- en telecomactiviteiten van het concern. Hoewel hij zelf de afgelopen vier jaar de leiding had, weerspreekt Mistry dat die situatie aan hem te wijten is.

Mistry werd maandag weggestuurd, naar verluidt in verband met tegenvallende prestaties. De brief duidt evenwel op een interne machtsstrijd met zijn voorganger Ratan Tata, telg uit de oprichtersfamilie, die inmiddels weer tijdelijk het roer heeft overgenomen totdat een definitieve opvolger is gevonden.
Hij was de eerste topman van het concern van buiten de familie, al is zijn zuster wel getrouwd met een Tata.

De gewipte bestuurder zegt bij zijn komst een financiële puinhoop te hebben aangetroffen. Pogingen om het tij te keren liepen evenwel op niets uit door tegenwerking van Ratan Tata. Die zou bijvoorbeeld een stokje hebben gestoken voor plannen om te stoppen met de zwaar verlieslatende productie van de Tata Nano, een goedkoop autootje voor de Indiase markt dat hij zelf had bedacht.

Mistry wordt ook gezien als de drijvende kracht achter pogingen van Tata Steel om zijn Europese activiteiten onder te brengen in een gezamenlijk bedrijf met branchegenoot ThyssenKrupp. Een deal daarover lijkt volgens analisten dan ook een stuk verder weg, aangezien Ratan Tata er geen voorstander van zou zijn. De Nederlandse vakbonden kregen overigens eerder deze maand de garantie dat een eventuele fusie geen banen zal kosten in IJmuiden.
Hoogste winst staalbedrijf Posco sinds 2013

Gepubliceerd op 26 okt 2016 om 10:58 | Views: 2.428

SEOUL (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Zuid-Koreaanse staalconcern Posco heeft de hoogste kwartaalwinst sinds 2013 behaald. Het bedrijf profiteerde de afgelopen drie maanden van de aantrekkende staalprijzen door een grote vraag uit China.

De nettowinst exclusief minderheidsdeelnemingen kwam uit op ruim 539 miljard won (circa 435 miljoen euro). Vorig jaar werd in dezelfde periode nog 550 miljard won verlies geleden. Het resultaat van de op drie na grootste staalproducent ter wereld bleef evenwel achter bij de verwachtingen van analisten, die in doorsnee rekenden op een winst van ruim 587 miljard won.

De staalprijzen stegen dit jaar al zo'n 40 procent. Daarmee kwam een einde aan de daling van de staalprijzen die staalbedrijven al zo'n vijf jaar in haar greep hield.

In Europa maakte ook roestvrijstaalmaker Acerinox resultaten bekend. Het Spaanse bedrijf behaalde onder meer door verbeterde marktomstandigheden in de eerste negen maanden van het jaar een winst van 36 miljoen euro. Daarmee scoort het nu al beter dan in het gehele voorgaande jaar.
Siemens installs new drive system at Qatar Steel

Siemens has installed its new Integrated Drive System at Qatar Steel’s Rolling Mill #1, which is expected to raise annual output by up to 3.7% and reduce troubleshooting time by up to 20%

The IDS, installed for the first time in the Middle East, is a unique technology from Siemens which allows the entire drive system in a manufacturing chain to be seamlessly integrated.

Mr Ali Bin Hassan Al-Muraikhi, Qatar Steel's managing director and general manager said that "Boosting our output and reducing the maintenance and troubleshooting time are becoming increasingly important for us to improve our manufacturing operations. We are pleased to be the first company in the Middle East to implement this innovative Siemens technology, which is distinguished by its efficiency and reliability.”

Mr Al Muraikhi added that “Through using an integrated drive system to streamline our rolling mills operations, we look forward to improving our performance and realizing the required efficiency, in terms of operations and productivity.”

Mr Bernhard Niessing senior executive vice president, Process Industries and Drives of Siemens Middle East said that “This is a landmark installation for the Middle East’s manufacturing sector. An Integrated Drive System is capable of significantly transforming the productivity of manufacturing facilities, and we are proud that Qatar Steel is the first company in the Middle East to use this technology.”

“As Qatar’s economy diversifies, the efficiency and reliability of its manufacturing sector is of increased importance. Innovative technology such as the Integrated Drive System is a key contribution to ensuring our customers in the region are getting the most out of their facilities, and operating at their most competitive.”

The productivity gains are mainly due to a marked reduction in maintenance shutdown time and complexity, as the IDS allows for flexible maintenance cycles. A reduction in troubleshooting time by up to 20 per cent also means that potential problems are diagnosed faster, and major maintenance cycles can be better planned for.

Moreover, the plant-wide standardization of Siemens machinery means that there is less downtime as parts are readily available. All these factors will lead to a faster time to market for Qatar Steel.

Siemens Integrated Drive Systems are the world‘s first true one-stop solution for entire drive trains. They enable noticeably shorter time to market and shorter time to profit. Integrating seamlessly in any drive train, any automation environment, and even in the entire lifecycle, Siemens IDS turn common drive components into drive systems and make assets become drivers of success. The result is less wear on machinery, easier diagnosis of potential errors and a more flexible approach to maintenance.

Source : TradeArabia News Service
No decision yet on legal recourse to Cyrus Mistry ouster - Shapoorji Pallonji

A day after its nominee Cyrus Mistry was ousted as Chairman of Tata Group, Shapoorji Pallonji on Tuesday said it is studying the "circumstances" and has not yet decided on taking legal recourse. The single largest shareholder with 18.4% stake in Tata Sons - the holding company of Tata Group, Shapoorji said it will make a statement on the course of action it chooses when such a thing becomes necessary.

The construction group said in an emailed statement that "Neither the SP Group nor Mr Cyrus Mistry have made any statement yet. While the circumstances are being studied, there is no basis to media speculation about litigation at this stage. As and when a public statement becomes necessary, it would be made.”

In a sudden and dramatic turn of events, Mistry wason Monday sacked as Chairman of India's largest conglomerate Tata Group. He has been replaced by his predecessor Mr Ratan Tata in the interim, a development that can trigger a confrontation between the single-largest shareholder and the company's founding family.

Source : DNA
UK media reacts overwhelmingly to steel sector prospects after ouster of Mr Cyrus Mistry

Financial Express reported that the shockwaves over Tata Group’s decision to oust its chairman Cyrus Mistry were felt strongly in UK with the British media today speculating that it may be good news for the company’s UK operations due to interim chairman Ratan Tata’s affinity towards the business. Media reports, almost overwhelmingly, expressed concerns over the future of thousands of steelworkers employed by Tata Steel at its plants in the UK.

Guardian in an article titled “Why the removal of the Tata boss matters to the UK economy” wrote “If only Tata had acted as decisively with its UK steel business as it has with axing Mistry. The Indian company announced it was reviewing the future of its UK business in March, but this remains unresolved. The departure of Mistry as chairman could be good news for Tata Steel’s 11,000 UK workers because Ratan Tata is a renowned Anglophile who bought the business in the first place…There is now a new uncertainty hanging over this deal. After months of worrying about their future, workers at the Port Talbot steelworks owned by Tata Steel could do without this.”

The Financial Times also seemed to indicate some hope for the future of Port Talbot, due to interim chairman Ratan Tata’s affinity towards the business, having acquired Corus from Anglo-Dutch owners during his chairmanship in 2007. The newspaper quoted a person with direct knowledge of the group’s plans as saying that the Port Talbot steelworks may well be virtually safe following Mistry’s exit as the company is likely to invest whatever it takes to make it efficient.

The Times also expressed concerns over the fresh uncertainty for UK steelworkers, at a sensitive time for the conglomerate.

The Telegraph summed up Mistry’s sudden removal as a defenestration at an inopportune time when the fate of thousands of UK workers hangs in the balance.

Source : Financial Express
EUROFER overview of steel using sectors in EU

As expected, activity in the EU steel using sectors gained momentum in the second quarter: output growth streng- thened to 4% YoY, coming from 2.1% in the first quarter.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Is Chinese steel overcapacity cutting plan working well

Caixin reported that efforts to trim excess capacity seem to have paid off as the Chinese steel industry appeared to have met more than 80% of its annual target by September and steel prices rebounded. This may sound like good news, but it does not necessarily mean that the sector is set for a recovery any sooner than expected.

The latest figures on the progress of capacity cuts now reaching 36 million tonnes of steel, or 80% of the national annual target that were revealed by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology official Huang Libin at a news conference on Thursday surprised market watchers. That's largely because two months previously, steel producers were reported to have met just 47% of their target reductions.

During the announcement in August, Zhao Chenxin from the National Development and Reform Commission said that cuts in steel capacity had fallen behind schedule. This prompted several government departments to send inspection teams to local governments and steelmakers to check on their progress, which put a lot pressure on them.

Steel producers responded to this by adopting ingenious measures to nearly double the amount of capacity trimmed by counting long-closed production lines as newly reduced overcapacity in a bid to conjure up more-attractive figures.

Some of these "dead" steel factories, which had ceased production for as long as three years, have been recorded by provincial governments as trimmed capacity, an industry source told Caixin.

In one survey, industry watcher CUSteel estimated that 71% of the combined annual targets of 24 provincial governments involved long shuttered mills, representing a reduction in capacity of 82 million tons of steel.

Many factories were also ordered to suspend operations during major events such as the G20 summit in Hangzhou in September, and events to mark the 40th anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake in July, which also helped to hasten reductions in overcapacity.
The 45 million tonne target for capacity cuts for steel production were based on the total amount of capacity in 2014, 1.1 billion tons, as published by the National Bureau of Statistics. However, this figure did not cover small steel factories, which were believed by insiders to have pushed up total annual production to as much as 1.2 billion tonnes.

Source :
Vietnamese steel imports in 9 months up by 25%

Vietnam General Department of Customs' statistics revealed that Viet Nam spent USD 5.84 billion importing 13.92 million tonnes of steel and iron products in the first nine months of the year. The numbers were up 24.7% and 2.3% in volume and value, respectively, against the same period last year.

Imports from China were at 8.22 million tonnes, worth more than USD 3.25 billion, accounting for nearly 60% of the total volume and 55.7% of the total value. Import numbers from Japan and South Korea were 2.11 million tonnes and 1.33 million tonnes, worth USD 907 million and USD 722 million, respectively.

With this import value, iron and steel products was ranked fifth among the country's 10 largest imported products in the first nine months of the year.

The Viet Nam Steel Association attributed the increase in steel imports to rising construction demand in the domestic market. Domestic steel sales surged 27.8% YoY.

Source : Biz Hub
Did Tata Steel exit long products Europe business in a hurry

Business Standard reported that last month, Mr Roland Junck, executive chairman of British Steel, had suggested that the Scunthorpe steelworks, that Tata Steel sold in May for one pound, had become inward-looking and stopped comparing themselves with the best under its previous management. Mr Junck said the business was back in profit at an underlying level before financing costs 100 days after the sale. Mr Junck has squarely blamed the Tata Steel management and suggested that it lost interest in Scunthorpe steelworks.

As per reports in British media, the new owners of Scunthorpe were targeting a 10 per cent profit margin on its annual revenues of GBP 1.2 billion, meaning it could make a profit of GBP 120 million a year.

But officials close to the development, however, pointed out that the recovery in international steel prices and currency depreciation had helped Scunthorpe register better results. A person familiar with the plant said “If coke prices appreciate the way they are now, then it will be back to square one for Scunthorpe.”

Divestment of under-performing Corus assets happened even when Ratan Tata was the chairman of Tata group. In 2011, Tata Steel sold Teeside Cast Products to Sahaviriya Steel of Thailand for USD 467 million. In March, Tata Steel decided to explore all options for the UK business which included sale. Seven bidders were shortlisted. The process, however, was put on hold in July, on Brexit concerns.

In May, Tata Steel completed sale of its long products Europe business which included Scunthorpe steelworks, two mills in Teeside, an engineering workshop in Workington, a design consultancy in York, and associated distribution facilities as well as a rail mill in northern France to Grebull Capital LLP.

Source : Business Standard
Ternium in talks with ThyssenKrupp for buying CSA - Report

Reuters, citing three people familiar with the matter, reported that Ternium SA has resumed negotiations to buy ThyssenKrupp AG's money-losing Brazilian steel mill CSA Cia Siderúrgica do Atlántico SA, months after talks broke down because of legal and environmental concerns. They said that “Talks between Ternium and ThyssenKrupp are in an advanced stage. While no formal offer for CSA has been extended yet, Ternium is interested in the possibility of using CSA to produce more slabs, which are in shortage in Brazil.”

The people said price is a focus of the talks. A source said “Ternium is willing to go ahead with a deal at a price significantly below market perceptions about the asset.”

Ternium is a Luxembourg-based producer of flat and long steel products with a strong presence in Latin America.

CSA, the largest foreign investment project ever in Brazil at an estimated cost of about USD 10 billion, has been operating since 2010. ThyssenKrupp has unsuccessfully tried to offload CSA since 2012, when it announced a plan aimed at reducing exposure to steelmaking. Thyssenkrupp became the sole owner of CSA in April after partner Vale SA exited for a token sum.

The CSA plant, which is located in the city of Santa Cruz in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro state, had been operating over the past six years with pre-license authorization after being the target of several pollution lawsuits. CSA recently won a permanent operating license. CSA has an annual production capacity of 5 million tons. The plant swing to a EUR39 million operating profit in the third quarter of the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, up from a EUR25 million loss in the same quarter last year.

Source : Reuters
Anglo American announces Q3 result

Anglo American PLC reported broadly higher output in the third quarter across all divisions, except for copper, as it continues to reap the benefits of its focus on operational performance.


1. Diamond production increased by 4% to 6.3 million carats compared with Q3 2015 when production was reduced in response to the prevailing trading conditions.

2. Platinum production (expressed as metal in concentrate)(2) was broadly unchanged, increasing by 1% to 619,000 ounces. Refined platinum production increased by 14% to 694,700 ounces, following recovery at the Precious Metals Refinery.

3. Copper production from the retained operations decreased by 9% to 139,800 tonnes. Expected lower grades at Los Bronces and the impact of strikes at Los Bronces and El Soldado, were partly offset by strong plant performance and higher grades at Collahuasi.

4. Nickel production increased by 66% to 11,300 tonnes following the successful completion of the Barro Alto furnace rebuilds in 2015.

5. Iron ore production from Kumba increased by 3% (33% vs. Q2 2016) to 11.8 million tonnes due to productivity improvements at Sishen following its restructuring.

6. Iron ore production from Minas-Rio increased by 53% to 4.5 million tonnes (wet basis) as the operation continues to ramp-up.

7. Export metallurgical coal production was broadly unchanged, increasing by 1% to 5.5 million tonnes due to the ramp-up at Grosvenor and a longwall move at Moranbah in Q3 2015, offsetting geological issues at Grasstree and the sale of Foxleigh, which completed on 30 August 2016.

8. Export thermal coal production remained flat at 8.8 million tonnes. An increase in production at Cerrejón was offset by a ramp-down at Drayton where mining activities will cease in Q4 2016.

Mr Mark Cutifani CEO of Anglo American said that “Operational improvements continue across the portfolio, delivering a 4% production increase on a copper equivalent basis(9) in the third quarter, and a 12% increase compared to Q2 2016. The latter increase is largely due to the strong recovery at Kumba’s Sishen mine, a 46% production increase, following the successful completion of its restructuring. In our diamond and platinum businesses we continue to maintain discipline on volumes by mining to demand, whilst the ramp-ups at Minas-Rio and Grosvenor are progressing well, and Barro Alto has now reached nameplate capacity. The modestly higher production at De Beers is reflective of improved market conditions relative to Q3 2015, but we maintain a cautious outlook.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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