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Taiwan's CSC sees strong final quarter for sales

Strong sales in December contributed to a surging final quarter of 2016 for Taiwan’s China Steel Corporation (CSC), Kallanish learns from the company. Steel sales slipped slightly on those in November but net operating revenue hit a monthly high for 2016 as the steelmaker ended its year strongly.

Sales of steel fell marginally from November to TWD 22.4 billion ($700 million) CSC data show. This is the third consecutive month that monthly sales have been above TWD 20 billion. Cumulative steel sales for 2016 amount to TWD 234.6 billion.

CSC had increased prices for December shipments by an average 3.7% which will have helped support the strong ending to the year. It has also raised prices for the first quarter 2017 by 12.6%, which again represents the mean increase across its full range of products (see Kallanish 30 November).
Monthly net operating revenues in December, which includes steel sales, non-ferrous industrial sales, construction income, transport and labour income, were the highest in 2016 at TWD 28.3 billion.

CSC is Taiwan’s main steel producer and had an output of 14.8 million tonnes of crude steel in 2015, leaving it just outside the world’s top twenty steelmakers by volume.

Macarthur Minerals secures Singapore investment

Australian iron ore and lithium prospector Macarthur Minerals says it has secured a strategic investment from Singapore’s Tulshyan Group. The investment give Macarthur access to capital to develop its iron ore deposits, it adds.

Tulshyan Group is primarily engaged in shipping but also trades stainless steel through its ship breaking arm, Wirana, Kallanish notes. It will pay CAD 243,750 ($184,547) for 3.75 million shares in Macarthur. Macarthur is listed in Toronto but plans an IPO for its Australian projects in the near future.

The new investor not only has access to capital for Macarthur’s projects but has experience in shipping, sales and marketing of steel and iron ore, Macarthur ceo and director David Talpin adds. The two companies already have a joint venture, Macarthur Tulshyan Joint Venture, which is 51% owned by Tulshyan Group and is concerned with shipping, sales and marketing.

Macarthur’s most likely project is the Ularring Hematite Project, which already has a mining licence. This contains an indicated 54.46 million tonnes of 47.2% Fe haematite and an inferred 25.99mt of 45.4% Fe ore. Macarthur would need a significant capital investment to start mining and concentrating ore, and would likely need iron ore prices to remain fairly strong to make a return.

The company also hopes to develop the Moonshine Magnetite Project and lithium project in Australia and in Nevada in the USA.  

Turkey's 2016 automotive production grows on export demand

Turkish motor vehicle production increased 9% on-year to 1.49 million units in 2016. The growth was supported by exports, which accounted for 77% of the country's total production, Kallanish learns from the Turkish Automotive Manufacturers' Association (OSD).

Passenger car production increased 20% to 950,888 units last year, while commercial vehicle (CV) production fell -6% to 535,039 units, OSD says.
Motor vehicle exports in 2016 increased 15% to 1.14 million units, including a 23% growth in automobile exports to 745,709 units and a 2% rise in CV exports to 395,673. 

Local carmakers TOFAS, OYAK Renault and Ford Otosan were Turkey's top three motor vehicle exporters in terms of volume in 2016.
In December alone, Turkey's passenger car production grew 43% on-year to 106,963 units and CV production fell -4% to 535,039 vehicles.

The Turkish automotive industry's total export value rose 12% to $24.25 billion in 2016, including a 21% growth in passenger car exports to $8.34 billion. The industry retained its position as Turkey's top export earner in 2016 with a 16.8% share in the country's total exports.

Turkish steel industry meets 2016 exports target

The Turkish steel industry succeeded in meeting its exports target for 2016, despite the problems experienced during that year, says the Turkish Steel Exporters' Association (CIB).

Turkey's total steel exports in 2016 came in at 16.5 million tonnes, up 2.4% over 2015. In terms of value, however, the decline in commodity prices led to an -8.1% drop in 2016 exports to $9.1 billion, CIB informs in a statement sent to Kallanish.

The Turkish steel industry had to cope with political and economic problems in 2016. Other difficulties included the decline in global steel prices, “… unfair” dumping allegations, instability in the Middle East and North Africa, and exports “… in breach of WTO rules” by countries such as China, Russia and Ukraine, the association explains.

The Middle East was Turkey's top steel export destination in 2016, with 5.3mt of intake, despite the difficulties experienced in the region. The EU ranked second with a 29% increase in procurement to 3.6mt. Exports to North America climbed 1% to 2.5mt and shipments to North Africa rose 2.3% to 2.3mt.

The highest growth in exports volume in 2016 was registered to Yemen, Israel, Spain, Egypt and the Netherlands.

The most exported Turkish steel product for 2016 was rebar, with 7mt shipped. Next ranked hot rolled flat products, welded pipe and profiles with exports of 2mt, 1.8mt and 1.5mt respectively. 

In December alone, Turkey's steel exports increased 11.9% year-on-year to 1.6mt and their total value grew 22% on-year to $927 million, the association adds.

Yazd Rolling Mill boosts concentrate, pellet capacities

Iranian long steelmaker Yazd Rolling Mill plans to install two iron ore beneficiation lines in order to secure feed for its pellet plant expansion. It then intends to sell iron ore concentrate in the domestic market, a company official tells Kallanish.

The beneficiation lines will each have a 850,000 tonnes/year capacity, giving Yazd a 1.7 million t/y capacity of iron ore concentrate compared to zero at present. “There will be a shortage of concentrate in the Iranian market, so we’re trying to tap into that,” the official says. “Capacity built downstream, direct reduced iron and steelmaking, has progressed faster… investment into concentrate hasn’t yet caught up.”

The lines are set to come on line in the second quarter, simultaneously with Yazd’s new 500,000 t/y iron ore pellet module that will double overall pellet capacity to 1m t/y. Pellet is sold on the merchant market as Yazd is yet to install a captive DRI plant; however, it plans to do so in future in order to complete its production chain.

Yazd has a 500,000 t/y electric arc furnace-based billet plant, 300,000 t/y rebar mill, 400,000 t/y wire rod mill and 500,000 t/y sections mill, meaning it has to buy billet from the merchant market. The firm also plans to add a 300,000-400,000 t/y rebar mill.

Syria's Gecosteel nears completion of delayed capacity expansion

Syrian steelmaker Hadeed Hama, or Gecosteel, is close to finally completing its long-delayed billet capacity expansion, with production scheduled to begin in March, a source close to the development tells Kallanish.

The four-fold billet capacity increase to 288,000 tonnes/year was initially due to be completed in 2011. However, social unrest broke out in Syria and forced representatives of Indian technology supplier Apollo International to leave the country before they could assist with commissioning. The representatives returned to Syria last summer to continue where they left off, and are now in the final stages of testing the continuous caster, according to the source.

The entire revamp includes the upgrade of Gecosteel’s two 25-tonne electric arc furnaces to 30t units, as well as the additions of a new ladle furnace and two new continuous casters for billet. The firm will use only scrap sourced from the domestic market as feedstock.

Gecosteel is studying the possibility of also expanding its rebar capacity of 100,000 t/y, although no concrete plans exist for this yet. In the immediate future the focus will be on the merchant billet market. “There are a lot of private rolling mills in Syria, so there is enough demand for billet,” the source concludes.

Gecosteel could not be reached for comment before deadline.
Syria used to import substantial tonnages of billet from Turkey and the CIS, with overall semi-finished product imports peaking at 901,000 t in 2011, according to worldsteel. This was before war broke out in the country. Semis imports dropped to 39,000t in 2015.

Crude steel production in Argentina tumbles in 2016

Crude steel production in Argentina registered a big drop in 2016, while an outlook for 2017 remains linked to a possible recovery of the construction sector, Kallanish learns from the national steel association Camara Argentina del Acero (CAA).

Argentinian crude steel production dropped -17% year-on-year in 2016 to 4,126,500 tonnes. In December 2016 crude steel output was 312.600t, down -15.9% y-o-y.

HRC output in December was 310,100t, down -16.7% y-o-y, annual production fell from 4,571,600t to 3,854,800t, while CRC output declined -3.9% same basis.

According to the CAA, the automotive industry in the country has not shown any recovery, although agricultural machinery manufacture has given some indication of growth.
"The construction sector is expected to start recovering vigorously in the short term due to the support of civil engineering, hence setting a trend for other related sectors," the CAA adds.

Speciaal voor onze Mexicaanse vrienden...

AHMSA sets new production record in 2016

Mexican steelmaker Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA) registered a new record for production in 2016, which had stood since the mill was opened in 1941, Kallanish learns from a company release.

The mill’s output reached 4.65 million tonnes of crude steel, up some 200,000t compared with the previous year. The company shipped 4.25mt of finished products, registering an increase of almost 8% compared with 2015.
The results were made possible by the investments and improvements aimed at maximising the productivity of the mil and increasing the range of steels produced, including special steels for the automotive sector.

While the record year was welcomed by the management, Luis Zamudio Miechielsen, ceo of the company noted in the statement that price levels for sales were not completely satisfactory. This was due to competition from China and the difficulties in the international market.

AHMSA has put put its normalising plant in operation in 2016 and the steel plant in Monclova is also investing in the installation of a twin vacuum degasser.

AHMSA produces flat products for the oil, construction, heavy machinery, automotive and white goods industries.


voda schreef op 12 januari 2017 20:37:

Speciaal voor onze Mexicaanse vrienden...

AB, Voda.

Zo zie je maar weer dat Ford niet de juiste beslissing genomen heeft om geen nieuwe fabriek hier in Mexico te bouwen.

Ook Arcelormittal is hier vertegenwoordigd.

De Braziliaanse staalbedrijven doen het goed de laatste dagen, Gerdau knokt om boven de 4 USD te blijven en SID zit bijna tegen de 12 maanden top aan.

Ik ben benieuwd of morgen de draad weer opgepakt wordt met Mittal, of dat deze eerst corrigeerd.

Ik meende dat je vorig jaar een positie had ingenomen met Mittal rond de emissie.

Success en groeten vanuit Mexico.

150 tonne liquid steel falls from ladle at RINL SMS I

Times of India reported that around 150 tonne of liquid steel fell from the ladle at steel melting shop-I of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant on Wednesday morning, disrupting production for the next two days. Luckily, no one was injured. According to sources, the estimated loss of production is around Rs 2-3 crore.

This is the second time in four months that liquid steel has fallen from the ladle before travelling all the way to the mixing unit where hot metal is moulded into rods and blooms. During the previous incident, around 120 tonne of liquid steel fell from the ladle.

According to sources, the incident occurred during in the first shift when the ladle was carrying the hot metal from the blast furnace to mixing unit. The ladle's valve was accidentally opened and the liquid fell on the tracks.

Source : Times of India
Uganda steel troubles melt away in 2017

Independent reported that like most of the Uganda’s manufacturing industry, 2016 was brutal for the steel industry, with dwindling production due to low demand. Uganda has 12 steel mills with a production capacity of more than 500,000 tonnes annually, but the country’s steel processing firms had to cut their production to between 30 to 50% in 2016 over low demand.

Over the same period, however, the country imported 20 to 25 % of steel sold locally and in the regional market, according to the industry executives. Mostly imported steel was used in on going major public infrastructure projects including two hydroelectricity power dams at Karuma 600MW and Isimba 183MW, and the Kampala-Entebbe Express Highway. These projects are being undertaken by Chinese firms which sourced steel products from China instead of buying locally.

Meanwhile, the local steel industry is feeling the pain. One of the country’s oldest steel mill; the Steel Rolling Mills which is a subsidiary of Alam Group of Companies started running into financial trouble when its production fell by half to around 36,000 metric tonnes. The worst came in April when the firm failed to meet its loan obligations and went under receivership over failure to pay Shs50 billion owed to Standard Chartered Bank.

Sensing trouble, the government stepped in. First, President Yoweri Museveni directed that no accounting officers should buy government products from foreign markets when similar or equivalent products are also manufactured locally. He said his directive was intended to promote local industries.

Then on November 17, 2016, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Amelia Kyambadde, announced that the government was officially implementing the Buy Uganda, Build Uganda Policy. Unveiled in 2015, the policy aims at increasing consumption of local products and increasing participation of the locally established firms in domestic trade.

Local manufacturing firms, especially those in the steel industry, had made numerous complaints to the government about being denied market for their products in the on-going infrastructural projects amidst the harsh economic environment on claims that that their products did not meet the required standards and thus hurting their operations.

This prompted the Trade and Finance ministries to carry out a countrywide survey in with the help of Uganda National Bureau of Standards to ascertain the capacities of the local industries to supply assorted materials to the huge infrastructure projects being undertaken by government.

In the survey, 11 steel producing firms; including Steel Rolling Mills, Roofings Rolling Mills, Uganda Baati, Madhvani Steel, and the East African Roofing Systems were confirmed to have demonstrated capacity to meet the required standards and supply requirements.

Part of the findings, according to Kyambadde, were centered on the issue that most of the steel companies did not meet the requisite standards; namely producing steel bars from virgin iron and steel raw material which is a requirement to qualify to supply the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).

Other issues centred on the technology required in their manufacture process, for instance the need for zignalization technology as opposed to zinc coating to protect the steel bars which is widely used in the steel companies.

Kyambadde told journalists in Kampala in November that some of these requirements call for a complete overhaul of the manufacturing belt to include these technologies that are needed for the SGR. Her position reveals the extent to which quality issues are a major challenge to the local steel industry.

A 2011 study conducted by Kyambogo University don Christopher Senfuka and others on the “Options for improvement of the Ugandan Iron and Steel Industry” shows that obsolete technology, lack of proper training and appropriate technology transfer initiative and absolute lack of research and development at enterprise level have held back productivity, capacity utilization, product diversification and enterprise advancement.

The study said that “The major raw material is scrap iron which is also getting scarce adding that quality related issues have also not been effectively addressed to ensure that only standard and reliable products reach end users.”

But Kyambadde told journalists that the companies that demonstrated capacity will be recommended to supply steel to the on-going government projects including new ones expected in 2017 like the Standard Gauge Railway project and the Kampala-Jinja Express Highway.

Source :
Iron ore extends gains

Seaborne iron ore prices inched up further on Thursday as Chinese steel and iron ore futures continued to increase. A series of accidents this week served as a reminder of the unpredictability of the business, but baring a much greater upset prices should decline into Q2.

The Kallanish index for 62% Fe Australian fines gained another $0.26/tonne to $79.53/dry metric ton cfr Qingdao. PB fines sold at $79.51/t in a tender for 170,000 tonnes with a laycan in 25 January-3 February. February 62% futures in Singapore meanwhile gained $0.37/t to $77.28/t.

Iron ore ports have suffered two fires this week, although shipments appear largely unaffected. On Tuesday a fire at Vale’s Ponta da Madeira terminal in the state of Maranhao killed one worker and injured another. The fire actually occurred near a fertiliser unit of Vale’s but the port is also responsible for the export of ore from the new S11D complex, which began production in December.

On Wednesday a fire on a barge off Whyalla in South Australia caused no serious injuries but put the barge out of action for an indefinite period. It had been transferring iron ore to a Panamax vessel when the fire broke out and crews of both ships had to jointly combat the blaze.

Chinese steel futures continue to drive upwards

Chinese steel futures remained strong on Thursday as forward market sentiment for the sector continues to veer to the upside, Kallanish notes.
The May rebar contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange closed at CNY 3,207/tonne ($459/t), up CNY 34/t while the same contract for hot rolled coil closed up CNY 28/t at CNY 3,592/t. Rebar futures rose for the fourth successive day.

The shift upwards was not as big as that seen on Wednesday but the increase continues to the growing sentiment that Chinese steel supply could struggle to match market requirements as the year proceeds.

The removal of inferior grades and mislabelled steel from the market by the government (see Kallanish passim) will also be affecting demand positively, as companies at different levels of the distribution chain offload suspect material.

ISSB: Protectionist policies boost US steel output

Protectionist policies implemented in late 2015 and the election of self-proclaimed fair-trade champion Donald Trump could bolster US steel production through at least 2018, Kallanish learns from a report by the International Steel Statistics Bureau (ISSB).

“The surprise election of Donald Trump could have a profound effect on the way that the US trades with the rest of the world. Trump appears to favour a more aggressive trade policy, regularly citing job losses as a result of imports from other countries, especially China,” ISSB says. “As the US is already agile in its application of anti-dumping legislation when necessary, it seems likely that US policy going forward will be geared even further towards protecting domestic interests.”

ISSB notes that US trade policy has gone beyond dumping and counter-vailing duty cases on pure steel products to proposed tariffs on downstream goods, such as automobiles.

“The long term effect of these protectionist policies is rather more uncertain but in November, the month of the election, US steel production increased by over 6% year on year, the first growth since May,” ISSB says. “Going forward, the Australian Department of Industry is now predicting US steel production to grow by 6% this year and a further 13% in 2018 compared to the pre-election forecasts of 3% and 7% respectively.”

Southern European HRC price increases falter

After a slow start to the month due to the Christmas holiday southern European hot rolled coil prices are not set to increase again in January, sources believe. The upward price trend however is seen continuing during Q1 as anti-dumping duties and high coal and iron ore prices will continue to impact HRC production on a global scale, Kallanish hears.

Most buyers believe that the southern European HRC price will not reach a transaction level of €600/tonne ($640/t) ex-works as forecast by some players last month. That sentiment was due to the fast string of price hikes announced by producers as the year ended.

There is a rumour that a large European steel maker would announce a further HRC increase this week. This has however left some space for the more moderate news of the consolidation of higher prices already asked in December.

The HRC range in southern Europe remains at €520-550/t base ex-works with most transactions positioning on €520-530/t ex-works and infrequent and smaller transactions settling at the €550/t ex-works level. In Italy the price of €550/t has also been rarely achieved and some producers are asking €540/t for April delivery.

Only one large steel maker is asking €580/t ex-works but has obtained substantially less so far, Kallanish hears. That company is said to be in the process of trying to achieve €560/t base ex-works. With the downward price adjustment for coal at least for January, HRC asking prices in Southern Europe are seen remaining at December transaction levels with some possible upticks, sources suggest.

Turkish scrap starts New Year slowly

Turkish scrap imports have had a sluggish start to the New Year as the depreciation of the lira has discouraged mills from purchasing while wintery conditions have reduced market activity, market participants tell Kallanish.

Four deep-sea scrap cargoes have been heard booked since the turn of the year, one from the Baltic and three from Europe. The former was for 5,000-7,000 tonnes each of HMS 1&2 80:20 and bonus scrap, and 15,000-17,000t of shredded for an average of $295/t cfr Turkey. This equates to $290/t for the HMS 80:20 component, unchanged from bookings in the second half of December.

Two of the European-origin cargoes were for February shipment – one had the HMS 80:20 component priced at $282/t cfr. The second comprised HMS 75:25, new cuttings and P&S HMS 1 at an $286/t average, equating to approximately $284/t for HMS 80:20. The third European cargo was for prompt January shipment with the HMS 80:20 component priced at $286/t. These prices suggest a slight decline from last month.

US-origin scrap is yet to be booked in 2017, with merchants in the States said to be holding out for $290/t cfr Turkey and above, higher than Turkish mills are currently prepared to pay. With the lira depreciating and long product demand thin, mills are looking for discounts on scrap purchases. But US suppliers claim demand elsewhere means they do not need to lower quotes.

“The local market is blocked because of the lira depreciation and heavy snow,” a Turkish trader says. “Lots of people think mills won’t buy scrap for 15 days. We’re not expecting an upside. But it’s not easy to get a downside either, especially from the US.”

A Turkish mill source offers another view: “The political situation in Turkey is affecting the market’s psychology. The new constitution being debated in parliament is not democratic… This is affecting the confidence of investors.”

Turkish rebar quotes are at $430-440/t fob (see related story).

January promises minor hikes for NW Europe HRC

In the second week of the year, effectively the first of operation for quite many northern European companies, coil prices have not seen much noticeable movement. Market observers in Germany however are prepared for a minor increase once activity picks up.

“No one has come out of the woodwork yet, but I anticipate a hike attempt of maybe €10-20/tonne ($10.6-21.3/t) for hot-rolled coil for delivery in or after April,” a manager at a large group tells Kallanish. Others confirm this view, maybe somewhat more modestly. “Prices are already on a high level, so I won’t expect much more, maybe €5-10/t,” one trader says. The market will accept an increase of that order, the sources believe.

So far, prices still remain at the level they had held two weeks prior to Christmas, seen by most at €560-580/t ex-works. The manager at the large group gives €560/t as the upper end, possibly attributable to the large volumes bought by his company.  Prices for cold-rolled and hot-dip galvanized have not been available for one month, as capacities seem to be filled far into the second quarter.

To some extent, quotations for HRC have also been hard to get in the meantime, according to a buyer at a service centre. “When we have customers coming [… to us] who need 500 tonnes for a construction project some months ahead, we have a hard time giving a price because we don’t get one, either. It’s a risky game”

Chinese energy usage controls restrict steel capacity development

China’s National Energy Administration has launched its 2016-2020 energy development plan, setting total energy consumption limits and per unit GDP energy consumption limits. According to 21st Century Business Herald, local governments have already received their allocation for energy consumption, Kallanish notes.

According to the plan, China aims to decrease the energy consumed per CNY 10,000 ($1445) of GDP by 15% by the end of 2020. Total annual energy consumption meanwhile is to be controlled under 5 billion tonnes of standard coal equivalent, compared to 4.3 billion tonnes in 2015.

Jiang Kejun, an energy research analyst under the National Development and Reform Commission, says that the energy consumption limits mean there is little space for development of heavy industries over 2016-2020. Newly-added steel projects might have less opportunity as the ongoing steel overcapacity elimination campaign continues in China.

Provinces will have to limit their total energy consumption by 2020 to 9-34% above 2015 levels, the new targets suggest. Comparing this change with their GDP growth targets for the same year, implies that most will have to severely curtail their heavy industry or turn exclusively to non-energy intensive sectors for growth. This is especially true in southern and eastern China.

Each year the State Council will check local energy consumption and use their findings as a key evaluation metric for officials. Provinces failing to control consumption under the limit could see approvals stopped for high-energy consumption projects.

European steel distribution shipments rise in November

European steel distributors’ association Eurometal tells Kallanish that European Union (EU) distribution sector shipments increased while inventories decreased year-on-year for both flat and long products in November.

Flat steel service centres (SSC) saw EU shipments grow by 4% y-o-y in November following a -7% fall in October. Over the first eleven months of 2016 shipments have risen by 1.4% on-year. Stock volumes within EU SSC, when expressed in days of sales, noted 62 days in November 2016, compared with 63 days in November 2015, Eurometal says.

EU Multi-Product & Proximity Stockholding distribution, mainly involving longs, tubular products and stainless steel, also registered an increase in shipments in all main product lines, except for tubular products and stainless steels, Eurometal adds.

November shipments in this sector rose by 2% y-o-y and grew slightly by 0.1% y-o-y for the first eleven months of 2016. Stocks within the EU Multi-Product & Proximity Steel Stockholding Distribution sector, expressed in days of sales, reached 69 days in November 2016, the association continues. This compares with 72 days during the same month of 2015.

German construction remains buoyant in 2017 says HDB

Construction activity in Germany in 2017 will keep up the momentum it has had in the most recent years, says the industrial construction companies’ interest group, Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauwirtschaft. 2016 has been an outstandingly successful year, with the highest order backlog in 20 years witnessed at its beginning. The year-on-year increase in revenues was 6%.

One development highlighted by managing director Michael Knipper is that a wind of change is in evidence in the public infrastructure segment. “The continuous criticism of the [… government’s] reservation for investing in the public domain has borne fruit. The federal transport ministry has initiated an investment rally in public roads, which will be felt by the construction industry,” Knipper says.

However, the effective execution of projects is often stalled at state and municipality administrative level, caused by a lack of planning capacity at the authorities. This particular drawback has recently also been signalled to Kallanish by the interest group for structural steel construction, Bauforum Stahl. The latter promotes construction with especially heavy plate and sections, often used in public infrastructure. Knipper is asking strongly that certain planning duties be transferred from the authorities into the hands of private construction companies to facilitate faster action.

One cause of the bottleneck at authorities has been the influx of refugees which tie up administrative capacity to a large extent.  On the plus side, immigration and migration within the country will also contribute to keep the segment of residential construction at a high level. 300,000 new residential units are expected to be built this year, for the first time since 2001.

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