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Iran's annual crude steel output rises 9pct - WSA

According to the World Steel Association, Iran’s crude steel output rose 9% in the past Iranian calendar year 1392, which ended on March 20th 2014 compared to the year before.

Iran produced 15.64 million tonnes of crude steel last year. Iran’s crude steel production reached 14.89 million tonnes in the Iranian calendar year which ended in March 2013.

According to officials, the output is projected to increase to 55 million tonnes by the end of the Fifth Five Year Development Plan (2015). Iran was the biggest producer of crude steel in the Middle East in 2013.

World crude steel production in 2013 amounted to 1.607 billion tonnes, an increase of 3.5% compared to 2012. China, Japan and the US were the three biggest crude steel producers in 2013 with 779 million tonnes, 110 million tonnes and 87 million tonnes of output, respectively.

On January 5, Mr Mohammad Jafar Sarqini deputy industry minister Iran said that Iran has liberalized exports of steel products until the end of spring in a bid to give an incentive to domestic producers.

Mr Sarqini said that exports of steel products and ingots will be unlimitedly free till the end of Khordad month (June 21).

Source – Tehran
mvliex 1
Barclays stapt uit grondstoffen

Gepubliceerd op 22 apr 2014 om 17:21
LONDEN (AFN/RTR) - Barclays neemt afscheid van een belangrijk deel van zijn handel in grondstoffen. De Britse bank, nu nog een van de grootste grondstofhandelaren ter wereld, bevestigde dinsdag de berichten die hierover al eerder in de media circuleerden.

Barclays stapt uit de handel in metalen, energie en landbouwproducten. De bank blijft wel actief in onder meer kostbare metalen en enkele olie- en gasproducten.

Verscheidene branchegenoten gingen Barclays al voor in de beslissing om de handel in grondstoffen vaarwel te zeggen, onder meer omdat het toezicht hierop steeds scherper wordt. De Amerikaanse Federal Reserve liet vorig jaar al weten dat het banken misschien zou dwingen zich uit de grondstoffenhandel terug te trekken omdat de activiteiten te veel risico's met zich mee zouden brengen. Daarnaast brengt de handel minder op door de lagere en minder fluctuerende prijzen.
Global crude steel production in Q1 crosses 400 million tonne mark

World crude steel production for the 65 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 141 million tonnes in March 2014, an increase of 2.7% compared to March 2013.

The crude steel capacity utilisation ratio for the 65 countries in March 2014 was 79.0% and it is 0.4 percentage points lower than March 2013. Compared to February 2014, it is 1.4 percentage points higher.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
China steel futures stretch losses to near 1 month low

Reuters reported that Chinese rebar futures fell for a sixth day to a near one month low as concerns over slowing economic growth in the world's top steel producer offset hopes for a seasonal recovery in demand.

The benchmark October rebar futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange dropped to a low of CNY 3,219 per tonne, the lowest since March 25. It traded half a percent lower at CNY 3,233 by 0211 GMT and has lost 4% in the six sessions to Tuesday.

At the Dalian Commodity Exchange, the iron ore contract for delivery in September dropped to a session low of CNY 768 its lowest since March 28. It traded 0.9% lower at CNY 775 by 0211 GMT.

A rebar futures broker in Shanghai said that "The market sentiment is currently mixed. Investors are bearish on China's economic outlook, but they are still expecting steel demand to improve and there is a possibility that prices might rebound soon after continuous falls.”

A trader in eastern Jiangsu province said that “Tight credit also has a big impact on our business as our orders are actually good but customers can't settle the payment in a timely way. Iron ore prices dropped to the lowest in more than three weeks on the extended losses in steel prices and rising supply.”

Steel use typically improves in the Q2 as construction and manufacturing activity pick up during the warmer months, but Beijing having made clear it has no intention to roll out major stimulus measures or loosen credit is expected to weigh on demand.

Source – Reuters
US sets preliminary anti dumping duties on steel rebar from Mexico and Turkey

Reuters reported that the US Commerce Department set preliminary duties on millions of dollars worth of imports of steel rebar from Mexico and Turkey after a complaint by US producers about price undercutting by foreign competitors.

The department set dumping duties of up to 66.7% on imports from Mexico and duties of up to 2.6% on Turkish imports after American producers alleged companies from the two countries were selling steel rebar, which is used to reinforce concrete, at unfairly low prices. A final decision is due on July 2.

The US International Trade Commission and the Commerce Department launched investigations after a petition was filed last year by Nucor Corporation, Commercial Metals Company and other manufacturers. The trade commission found there was reasonable indication the imports are harming local firms.

Mr John Ferriola CEO of Nucor said that “Imports from Mexico and Turkey had doubled since 2010 and were having a devastating impact on the industry.”

Commerce said that in 2013 imports of steel concrete reinforcing bar from Mexico were valued at an estimated USD 182.1 million and from Turkey at USD 381.3 million. The manufacturers accuse Mexican and Turkish competitors of unfairly undercutting US prices to grab sales and market share, a trade strategy known as dumping.

US manufacturers also claimed rebar imports from Turkey were subsidized by the Turkish government, but Commerce ruled in February that this was not the case.

Monday's preliminary ruling set duties of 66.7% on goods from Mexico's Grupo Acerero SA de CV while Grupo Simec received a preliminary dumping margin of 10.66%. All other producers and exporters in Mexico received a preliminary dumping margin of 20.59%.

Turkish goods will face a duty of 2.64% except for those from Habas Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi AS, which was excused. Duties will apply on goods from Grupo Simec and Turkey's Icdas Celik Enerji Tersane ve Ulasim Sanayi AS from next week. Duties on other imports will be backdated 90 days, to start in late January.

In a second high profile steel case, US producers have urged Commerce to reconsider a February ruling that found no dumping of steel tube for the oil and gas industry from South Korea, although preliminary duties were set on imports from countries including Turkey and Vietnam.

Source – Reuters
ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih's crude steel production down in Q1

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, a subsidiary of the world’s steel giant ArcelorMittal in Ukraine announced that its crude steel output amounted to 1.4 million tonnes in the Q1 of this year down by 12.7% YoY.

In the given period of time, the company’s production of finished steel products totaled 1.25 million tonnes down by 11.4%; that of pit iron was at 1.24 million tonnes down by 11% both compared to the figures in the same period of a year ago.

In March alone, the company’s crude steel production totaled 492,200 tonnes decreasing by 13% YoY.

Source -
China's shipbuilding industry to rise 18pct in 2014

Mr Tan Naifen vice director for information department, at the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, has stated at SteelHome's 10th Steel Development Strategy Conference held in Shanghai at the weekend that China's shipbuilding industry indicated a good performance in the January-February period this year, adding that steel demand from the domestic shipbuilding industry is expected to total 13 million tonnes in 2014, which would represent a rise of 18.2% YoY.

The CANSI official stated that in the January to February period this year the aggregate shipbuilding output in China (from a total of 80 shipbuilding enterprises) amounted to 4.14 million DWT, down 27.2% YoY while China's new ship orders amounted to 18.08 million DWT up 259% YoY. She went on to say that as of the end of February ship orders on the books of Chinese shipbuilding enterprises totaled 144.93 million DWT up 36.4% YoY and up 10.6% compared to the data recorded at the end of 2013.

Furthermore, in the January to February period the aggregate shipbuilding output for export orders in China totaled 3.65 million DWT down 25.8% YoY, China's new ship export orders in the given period amounted to 15.87 million dwt, up 307% YoY. As of the end of February, ship export orders on the books of Chinese shipbuilding enterprises totaled 128.99 million DWT up 41.9% YoY.

Source - Visit for more
Oud, maar mooi artikel: (zie dagdraad 23 april 2014 met dank aan poster Karel Pieter)

Warily, Europe’s Steel Makers Are Firing Up Their Furnaces Again


DUNKIRK, France — Steel mills like ArcelorMittal’s 1,200-acre complex here on the French coast are forbidding places, full of incandescent metal and groaning machinery. But longtime industry executives like Henri-Pierre Orsoni, who runs the company’s operations in northern France, relish being around these dusty behemoths.

“It is a passion,” he said on a recent day, walking past rivulets of molten slag streaming from a blast furnace. But Mr. Orsoni, who has spent his 33-year career at ArcelorMittal and its predecessors, acknowledged that the last few years, when Europe’s demand for steel all but evaporated, had been painful.

Now, though, he and others in the industry are beginning to see signs of a revival in the hard-hit sector, which remains a good proxy for the broader European economy. After sporadic shutdowns during the recession to cope with a lack of orders, all three blast furnaces at Dunkirk are running at full capacity.

Mr. Orsoni expects the Dunkirk plant this year to produce about 6.6 million metric tons of raw steel slabs, about 5 percent more than last year. His customers, particularly those in the auto industry, which buys about half of his steel, are increasing their orders as the pace picks up at their factories.

But the tough times have made him wary. “We are feeling only that it is starting to be better,” he said. “But everybody is cautious.”

If the steel business in Europe does perk up, profits may soar for ArcelorMittal, based in Luxembourg. It is the world’s largest steel maker and produces about 25 percent of European steel. Its main rivals, which include ThyssenKrupp of Germany and Voestalpine of Austria, would also benefit.

The big question is whether demand will be sufficient to keep all of Europe’s mills busy. Businesses have been buying about 30 percent less steel than during the peak in 2007, and steel industry employment has shrunk by about 16 percent since the downturn began, to around 350,000 jobs.

Like Mr. Orsoni, others in the industry predict that as the European economy stabilizes, demand for steel, which is widely used in building and manufacturing, will gradually increase. But they are not forecasting a boom.

“Quite definitely, there will not be any skyrocketing figures,” Wolfgang Eder, Voestalpine’s chief executive, told reporters recently.

The crisis in Ukraine, where ArcelorMittal has a large plant, is a worrisome distraction. But because Ukraine and Russia are only small markets for Western European steel plants, unless the situation turns significantly worse, the bigger uncertainties for the industry are whether Western European companies will step up investments, whether consumers will increase their buying of cars, refrigerators and washing machines, and whether construction will rebound.

Demand from manufacturers who make things like appliances and cars is on the rise. But construction, which accounts for about 35 percent of European steel consumption, remains slow, said Peter Fish, chairman of the industry consulting firm Meps in Sheffield, England.

Countries like Spain and Italy, whose earlier economic booms depended on construction, “are still in trouble,” Mr. Fish said. Governments focused on reducing debt are not spending much on large projects.

Jean-Christophe Vigouroux, chairman of Bacacier, a French maker and distributor of steel buildings and supplies that will buy 70,000 tons of steel from ArcelorMittal this year, says he thinks the French market for his products will be flat this year but “much more interesting in 2015.”

Steel makers have been trying to negotiate modest price increases of about 4 percent, to about 470 euros, or $650, a metric ton, but are having trouble making them stick, according to Jeff Largey, an analyst at Macquarie Securities in London. “Confidence in the market is still shaky,” Mr. Largey said.

Some of ArcelorMittal’s rivals say that still more cuts in steel production are required in current conditions. Mr. Eder of Voestalpine, Europe’s third-largest steel maker, recently estimated that the European steel industry had permanently shuttered 10 million metric tons of crude steel capacity since the financial crisis but needed to remove an additional 25 million tons of capacity to prevent downward price pressure.

“We should do this as quickly as possible,” said Mr. Eder, who is also president of the industry trade group Eurofer.

But closing plants in Europe is far from easy, as ArcelorMittal well knows. Part of the reason Dunkirk is going flat out is that the company has already shut down other operations, including blast furnaces elsewhere in France and in Belgium. The partial closing of operations in Florange in northeast France, with the loss of about 600 jobs, drew a threat of nationalization in 2012 from the government of President François Hollande in 2012.

Determined to stanch persistent losses in Europe, the company has consolidated its production of raw steel, the heart of the business, to a handful of locations. Those include Ghent in Belgium, Fos-sur-Mer in southern France and near the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, where about 300,000 Allied troops were evacuated in 1940 ahead of advancing German forces.

Like the other favored sites, Dunkirk has certain basic qualifications. The blast furnaces, towerlike structures where iron ore is converted to molten iron, are big and efficient. Large ships bearing the vast quantities of iron ore and coal required for steel making can dock at the Dunkirk site, lowering costs.

Smaller inland blast furnaces, like those at Florange and Liège in Belgium, are doomed.

Dunkirk is the ArcelorMittal site still left in this part of Europe where iron from blast furnaces is blended with a leavening of molten scrap and alloys and then poured into long, glowing slabs of steel.

Other plants in the region, including the one at Florange, which still employs more than 2,000 people, then press the slabs into long, flat sheets and coat or otherwise finish them for use as car parts, washing machine bodies, roofing or steel cans.

ArcelorMittal has signaled its intent to continue investing in Dunkirk. The company says it will reline one of the blast furnaces next year, a necessary but expensive — €90 million — project.

Already the plant, which was built in the 1960s but has been periodically updated, stands out from many other steel facilities. It has bright, airy control rooms with video screens that allow technicians to monitor the caldrons of hot metal without getting too close.

Union representatives say that while the investments in Dunkirk are reassuring, they are unhappy that the company is whittling away staff and employing young and temporary workers as the plant’s older workers retire.

Serge Vanderlynden, a 39-year employee and representative of the Force Ouvrière, a union, recalls that in the 1970s there were about 10,000 employees at the site, compared with about 3,100 now.

“We can feel the gloominess,” he said. “People are worried.”

Mr. Orsoni, who runs both Dunkirk and Florange, says that he is bringing in about 200 replacements for the 300 people retiring this year. It is not hard to hire locally, where unemployment is about 14 percent.

Deel 2:

“I feel very lucky,” said Antoine Desormon, a 29-year-old factory floor worker who was recently hired after working at the plant for a contractor. “It is hard to find a job.”

Lakshmi Mittal, the company’s chief executive, has had little choice but to streamline European operations, which he acquired through the hostile takeover of Arcelor, an amalgam of European steel companies, in 2006.

The long economic slump in Europe, where ArcelorMittal produces more than 40 percent of its steel, has been a drag on the company. The main European business, for which Mr. Orsoni works, lost $933 million on revenues of $27 billion last year. The company’s comparable business in the Americas made a profit of $852 million.

Mr. Mittal says he has cut about $1 billion in costs from the European operation, moves that he says should make it profitable. He forecasts that demand in Europe will rise about 2 percent, compared with projected growth of about 4 percent in the United States.

ArcelorMittal bases its European projections in part on the forecasts of customers like Toyota in Europe.

“We will buy more compared to last year,” said Galina Staykov, Toyota’s senior manager for purchasing in Europe. “Everyone, almost, will buy more steel because the market itself is growing.”

Your capital is at risk schreef op 24 april 2014 09:42:

Thx Voda!!
Beste Voda, ik zag dat je voor rotte vis uitgemaakt werd v.d. week. Ik vind je bijdrage in het nieuwsdraadje minimaal +1. Thanks daarvoor!
Shares of ArcelorMittal SA (NYSE:MT) saw a significant drop in short interest in the month of January. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 30,920,629 shares, a drop of 9.9% from the March 14th total of 34,317,475 shares, Analyst RN reports. Currently, 0.0% of the company’s shares are sold short. Based on an average trading volume of 5,212,563 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 5.9 days.

A number of analysts have recently weighed in on MT shares. Analysts at Zacks downgraded shares of ArcelorMittal SA from a “neutral” rating to an “underperform” rating in a research note on Monday, April 14th. They now have a $15.00 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Credit Suisse downgraded shares of ArcelorMittal SA from an “outperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Wednesday, April 2nd. They now have a $17.00 price target on the stock, down previously from $20.00. Finally, analysts at Kepler Capital Markets downgraded shares of ArcelorMittal SA from a “hold” rating to a “reduce” rating in a research note on Tuesday, March 25th. Seven analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, five have assigned a hold rating and eight have given a buy rating to the company. The company currently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $18.60.
US updates on weekly raw steel production

In the week ending April 19th 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,808,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 75.2%. Production was 1,837,000 net tonnes in the week ending April 19th 2013, while the capability utilization then was 76.7%.

The current week production represents a 1.6% decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending April 19th 2014 is up 1.3% from the previous week ending April 12th 2014 when production was 1,785,000 net tonnes and the rate of capability utilization was 74.2%.

Adjusted year to date production through April 19th 2014 was 28,439,net tonnes, at a capability utilization rate of 76.1%. That is a 0.9% decrease from the 26,687 net tonnes during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 76.9%.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending April 19th 2014 in thousands of net tons: North East: 207; Great Lakes: 589; Midwest: 238; Southern: 682 and Western: 92 for a total of 1,808.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
AK Steel announces financial results for Q1 of 2014

AK Steel announced its financial results for the Q1 of 2014.

Q1 2014 Performance Summary;
1. Shipments of 1,262,100 tonnes
2. Sales of USD 1.38 billion with an average selling price of USD 1,096 per tonne
3. Net after tax loss of USD 86.1 million, or USD 0.63 per diluted share
4. Adjusted net after tax loss of USD 54.4 million, or USD 0.40 per diluted share, for adjustment of non cash income tax charge
5. Completed a new USD 1.1 billion credit facility expiring in 2019
6. Ended Q1 with strong liquidity of approximately USD 787 million

AK Steel reported a net loss of USD 86.1 million, or USD 0.63 per diluted share of common stock, for the Q1 of 2014, compared to a net loss of USD 9.9 million, or USD 0.07 per diluted share, for the Q1 of 2013 and net income of USD 35.2 million, or USD 0.26 per diluted share, for the Q4 of 2013.

The company reported an adjusted EBITDA loss (as defined in the Non GAAP Financial Measures section below) of USD 2.8 million, or USD 2 per tonne for the Q1 of 2014 compared to adjusted EBITDA of USD 66.8 million, or USD 52 per tonne for the year ago Q1 and adjusted EBITDA of USD 87.2 million, or USD 61 per tonne for the Q4 of 2013.

The Q1 2014 results were negatively affected by both a planned and an unplanned blast furnace outage, higher energy costs as a result of the extreme weather conditions and a legal settlement. Income taxes differ from the amount included in the company's previous earnings guidance, primarily as a result of computing income tax expense using the discrete method as compared to the effective tax rate method used in the earnings guidance. As a result of using the discrete method, net loss for the Q1 of 2014 included a non cash income tax charge of USD 31.7 million, or USD 0.23 per diluted share, relating to a change in the company's deferred tax asset valuation allowance.

Net sales for the Q1 of 2014 were USD 1.38 billion on shipments of 1,262,100 tonnes compared to net sales of USD 1.37 billion on shipments of 1,289,800 tonnes for the year ago Q1 and net sales of USD 1.46 billion on shipments of 1,420,000 tonnes for the fourth quarter of 2013. The reduction in shipments in the Q1 of 2014 compared to the Q4 of 2013 was primarily due to the effects of the previously disclosed unplanned outage at the company's Ashland Works blast furnace discussed below. The overall reduction reflects a decline in shipments of electrical steel and of carbon steel to the spot market, partially offset by higher automotive shipments.

The company said its average selling price for the Q1 of 2014 was USD 1,096 per tonne a 3% increase from the Q1 of 2013 and an increase of 6% from the Q4 of 2013. The increase in average selling price is principally due to a richer shipment mix of value added products.

The company incurred higher production costs in the Q1 of 2014 due to several significant factors. The extreme cold weather conditions in the United States during the Q1 of 2014 affected operations and caused severe spikes in energy costs. As a result, the company's costs for natural gas and electricity were approximately USD 30.0 million higher than they were for the Q1 of 2013 and approximately USD 27.0 million higher than they were for the Q1 of 2013.

Another major driver of the company's higher production costs for the 2014 Q1 was the previously disclosed incident at the company's Ashland Works blast furnace. That incident occurred in late February and resulted in a temporary unplanned outage of the Ashland Works blast furnace. The company immediately began repairs and the blast furnace resumed operations in March. The company incurred approximately USD 18.0 million in costs during the Q1 of 2014 as a result of this unplanned outage.

In addition, the company incurred USD 29.4 million for planned outage costs during the Q1 of 2014, compared to USD 1.0 million in the year ago Q1 and USD 1.5 million in the Q4 of 2013. The higher planned outage costs in the Q1 of 2014 include the acceleration of the majority of a previously disclosed planned maintenance outage at Ashland Works that had been originally scheduled for the Q2 of 2014. The company does not have any significant outages planned for the remainder of 2014.

Mr James L Wainscott chairman, president and CEO of AK Steel said that "Our first quarter results were negatively impacted by extreme cold weather in the US as well as planned and unplanned outages at our Ashland Works. Having worked through those challenges, we believe that AK Steel is well positioned for a much improved Q2."

Source – Strategic Research Institute
China's overcapacity problem cannot be resolved in short term

Mr Wu Wenzheng from SteelHome indicated that the overcapacity problem in China cannot be resolved in the short term, adding that many steel companies have high debts and are operating at low margins, with many others incurring losses and having huge financial costs.

Mr Wu stated that due to the current market conditions, one third of steel traders have withdrawn from the market, while another third have reduced their activities. He went on to say that in 2013 steel consumption in China reached 539 kilogram per capita, while capacity utilization stood at 76%. Only 14% of production is exported, and it is impossible to see 30% of output being exported like in many other countries.

Regarding 2014, Mr Wu said that China's crude steel demand is expected to increase by 3% to 750 million tonnes with crude steel production expected to amount to 805 million tonnes up 3.3% both YoY. Meanwhile, China's GDP growth rate for 2014 is forecast at 7.5%.

According to 2014 forecasts, Mr Wu said the iron ore imports will go up by 50 million tonnes to 870 million tonnes while iron ore prices are expected to fluctuate between USD 110 per tonne to USD 140 per tonne but mostly between USD 120 per tonne to USD 140 per tonne.

He concluded by saying that the Chinese industry needs to be centered on financial management, to give more emphasis to e-commerce and information management, to focus on restructuring, and to implement low cost strategies and better purchasing management.

Source - Visit for more
123 Heavily polluted enterprises will be removed from main City Area in Hebei

Recently, Mr Yin Guangpin vice director of Hebei Department of Environmental Protection, Mr Song Liming, vice director of National Development and Reform Commission and Mr Zhou Juntang, vice director of Hebei Department of Industry, introduced the progress of preventing and controlling air pollution to media of Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region.

At present, Hebei has confirmed the removal task of 123 heavily polluted enterprises related to steel, petrochemical, chemical industry, nonferrous metal, cement, flat glass. Now it began remove 24 heavily polluted enterprises from the main city area as well as renovate 8347 heavily polluted small companies.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Russian crude steel output down slightly in Q1

According to the statistics from the Russtat (Federal State Statistics Service), Russian output of steel products in the Q1 of this year totaled 14.6 million tons, down by 1.1% on last year.

Russian output of crude steel from January to March totaled 17.1 million tons, down by 1% compared to the same period of last year. The country produced 12.5 million tonnes of pig iron from January to March, almost the same level with last year.

In addition, Russia produced 2.4 million tonnes of steel pipe in the first three months, down by 0.6% compared to the same period of last year.

Source -
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