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Uttam Galva Steel reports Q3 results

Uttam Galva Steel reported net loss to INR 530.72 crore for December quarter 2018 due to increased finance costs and decline in income. The company had posted a net loss of INR 179.96 crore during October-December 2017. Total income plunged to INR 100.05 crore in the said period from INR 680.48 crore in the year-ago quarter.

The company's finance costs zoomed to INR 291.93 crore in the period under review from INR 121.31 crore in December quarter 2017.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal announced 2019 capital investment program

PAO Severstal one of the world’s leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, today announces its capital investment program for 2019. In line with previous announcements, Severstal plans to invest approximately 95.7 billion rubles in 2019, focusing on the key areas of the Company’s updated strategy disclosed during its Capital Markets Day in November 2018 superior client experience, cost leadership and embracing new opportunities and aimed at further strengthening its financial performance, maximising value creation and enhancing shareholder returns.

Severstal will invest approximately 64.8 billion rubles into its Russian Steel division in 2019, of which 48.6 billion rubles will be committed to development projects.

The most significant projects in 2019 will be the construction of the new Blast Furnace #3 (expected to be launched in 2021), the Coking Battery #11 (to be launched in 2022 to replace batteries #8 and #9) and the flat steel production development programme aimed at improving the Company’s product mix. Cutting-edge technology will allow the Company to produce more high-value added and innovative products and solutions, improve customer care and reduce its environmental impact.

Severstal Russian Steel will invest 16.2 billion rubles in maintenance, environmental and health and safety projects in 2019.

Severstal will invest approximately 30.9 billion rubles in its Resources division in 2019, of which 18.9 billion rubles will be invested in asset development.

One of the main investment areas within Severstal Resources is development of Yakovlevskiy mine which will receive investment of 8.3 billion rubles in 2019. This will allow the Company to upgrade its production capacity to 5 m tonnes.

Among other significant projects are construction of a conveyor for run-of-mine transportation at Tsentralniy pit, redesign of the boiler-house aimed at switching from oil to peat fuel, increasing pellet quality by introducing lime hydrate at Karelskiy Okatysh etc. Besides, the company will continue investing in restoring volumes at Vorkutaugol.

Severstal will continue to focus on safety and ecology in 2019 and boost its investments in these areas. The Company plans to invest a further 1.1 billion rubles into safety improvement measures (almost half of which will be invested into health and safety initiatives including digital systems at Vorkutaugol), and an additional 827 million rubles in environmental projects.

The Company will commit 5.7 billion rubles of investment capital to digital and IT projects focused on at further improving operational excellence and enhancing product quality and customer service.

The planned investments are preliminary estimates and amounts are subject to adjustments dependent on FX changes. The majority of the Company’s expenditure in 2019 will be in rubles.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ISSDA calls for stopping misuse of provisions of India-ASEAN FTA rules in stainless steel imports

Business Line reported that Indian Stainless-Steel Development Association said that there has been a nine times increase of Indonesian imports of stainless steel to India on the back of widespread mis-declarations by exporters from ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam to avail preferential tariff under the FTA. Mr KK Pahuja, President of ISSDA, said “The menace of misdeclaration needs to be nipped in the bud. It must be mandated by the government to clear consignments, with provisional duty by taking bank guarantees, to safeguard the government revenue. Moreover, the government must initiate appropriate actions against erring importers who are not only causing loss to the exchequer but also hurting domestic industry.”

He said “Chinese investments in Indonesia are backed by the Chinese government subsidies provided to expand in overseas markets. They are also subsidized generously by the Indonesian government to attract more investments. Since there is hardly any domestic demand growth in Indonesia, all the surplus capacity thus created is being dumped in a growing market like India at an alarming rate.”

The ISSDA has requested the Centre to impose an Anti Dumping Duty or a Countervailing Duty on imports of stainless-steel flat products from Indonesia, to counter Chinese imports, which are now being routed through ASEAN FTA route.

Source : Business Line
AISI update on Raw Steel Production in US in Week 05

In the week ending on February 2, 2019, domestic raw steel production was 1,889,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 81.2 percent. Production was 1,744,000 net tons in the week ending February 2, 2018 while the capability utilization then was 74.8 percent. The current week production represents an 8.3 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending February 2, 2019 is down 1.7 percent from the previous week ending January 26, 2019 when production was 1,922,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 81.1 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through February 2, 2019 was 8,954,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 80.5 percent. That is up 10.3 percent from the 8,115,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 73.8 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending February 2, 2019 in thousands of net tons: North East: 225; Great Lakes: 667; Midwest: 209; Southern: 714 and Western: 74 for a total of 1889.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Zoethoudertje voor de aandeelhouders van Aperam

Hoe houd je aandeelhouders tevreden als het allemaal wat minder gaat? Je kunt ze beterschap beloven, vertellen dat er de komende kwartalen echt verbetering in zit. Of je geeft ze simpelweg meer geld.

Voor die laatste optie kiest roestvrijstaalmaker Aperam, die een roerige periode achter de rug heeft. Of, zoals bestuursvoorzitter Timoteo Di Maulo woensdagmiddag op een ietwat vermoeide toon tegen analisten zei: 'Het was een heel, heel zwaar jaar'.

Dat was te zien aan de resultaten in het vierde kwartaal: het brutobedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) ging van €130 mln in 2017 naar €90 mln vorig jaar. En dat was dan nog flink onder de €97 mln die analisten verwachtten volgens Bloomberg. De winst per aandeel ging in dezelfde periodes bijna door de helft.

Importheffingen en tegenmaatregelen
Aperam heeft, net als veel concurrenten, te maken met importheffingen door de Verenigde Staten. De tegenmaatregelen die Europa neemt zijn volgens het Luxemburgse staalconcern, dat ook op de Amsterdamse beurs staat genoteerd, niet voldoende.

Beleggers schreven Aperam vorig jaar af. Het was een van de slechtst presterende aandelen op het Damrak, er ging vorig jaar bijna een derde van de koers af. Maar woensdag, na de teleurstellende resultaten, was daar opeens een flinke koerssprong. Op de Amsterdamse beurs steeg het aandeel bijna 7%.
Dat kan wel eens te maken hebben met de zoethoudertjes die Aperam voor beleggers had. Het was in de woorden van de Vlaamse krant De Tijd zelfs een heus cashbonanza. Want ondanks de tegenvallende cijfers gaat het dividend per aandeel, als de aandeelhouders dat later dit jaar goedkeuren, omhoog van €1,53 naar €1,75.

Dat is nog niet alles, want het bedrijf doet er nog eens een aandeleninkoopprogramma van €100 mln bovenop. Tot het eind van dit jaar zal de staalmaker maximaal 3,7 miljoen van zijn eigen stukken inkopen, waarmee de aandelen die overblijven meer waard worden. Zo gaat er direct en indirect ongeveer €240 mln naar de aandeelhouders.

Kijken naar Shell?
Zo'n stap is niet uniek, kijk maar naar Shell. De dividendkoning onder de beursbedrijven flikte een paar jaar geleden nog hetzelfde kunstje: de winst ging omlaag, maar het dividend bleef keurig op peil. Zo kun je vermijden dat beleggers gaan twijfelen aan je status als dividendaandeel.

Natuurlijk kan je de stap zien in het licht van de koersevolutie van het afgelopen jaar, zegt analist Stijn Demeester van ING. 'Het was geen goed jaar, misschien willen ze de onvrede onder aandeelhouders toch wat stoppen', zegt hij.
Toch is er meer aan de hand, want Aperam zat op een flinke zak geld die overbleef toen een overname van VDM Metals eind 2018 afketste. De Europese Unie vond dat er te weinig concurrentie zou overblijven. Het gevolg is wel dat Aperam nagenoeg schuldenvrij is nu de overname van €600 mln afketste.
'Dus rees de vraag', zegt DeMeester, 'wat te doen met die cash?' Nu hebben beleggers het antwoord op die vraag.
Outokumpu: roestvrijstaalmarkt nog uitdagend

Gepubliceerd op 7 feb 2019 om 09:37 | Views: 1.234

Aperam 16:31
27,66 -0,84 (-2,95%)

HELSINKI (AFN) - Het Finse Outokumpu denkt dat de markt voor roestvrij staal in het eerste kwartaal uitdagend zal blijven, vanwege de grote voorraden bij distributeurs. Dat schrijft de branchegenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam in zijn cijferpublicatie.

Het bedrijf denkt dat het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) in de eerste periode van dit jaar lager zal uitvallen dan het resultaat van 89 miljoen euro in het vierde kwartaal. In 2018 zag het bedrijf de onderliggende ebitda dalen naar 485 miljoen euro, van 631 miljoen euro in 2017. Volgens Outokumpu stonden in Europa de prijzen sterk onder druk door de hoge import van goedkoop roestvrij staal, terwijl de transport- en grondstofprijzen toenamen. Het bedrijf spreekt van een ,,buitengewoon'' jaar voor de Europese roestvrijstaalsector.

De omzet ging vorig jaar naar bijna 6,9 miljard euro, van bijna 6,4 miljard euro in 2017. Daarbij werd onder meer geprofiteerd van hogere prijzen in Noord- en Zuid-Amerika en de verkoop van duurdere producten. De verschepingen bleven vrijwel stabiel op meer dan 2,4 miljoen ton.
ArcelorMittal presteert conform verwachting

20,45 -0,82 -3,86 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het vierde kwartaal van 2018 op kwartaalbasis een lager operationeel resultaat geboekt dan een jaar eerder bij een eveneens gedaalde omzet. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit cijfers van de staalgigant.

De winst voor aftrek van rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie van goodwill (EBITDA) kwam uit op 1.951. miljoen dollar. Analisten rekenden in aanloop naar de cijfers op 1.958 miljoen dollar.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2017 kwam de EBITDA uit op 2.141 miljoen dollar en in het derde kwartaal van 2018 was dit 2.729 miljoen dollar.

De nettowinst van ArcelorMittal, zoals deze toekomt aan de aandeelhouders van de vennootschap kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 1.193 miljoen dollar, tegenover 1.039 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode van 2017. De omzet steeg van 17.710 miljoen over het laatste kwartaal van 2017 naar 18.327 miljoen dollar afgelopen kwartaal. In het derde kwartaal kwam de omzet uit op 18.522 miljoen dollar. ArcelorMittal verscheepte in het vierde kwartaal 20,2 miljoen ton staal tegen 20,5 miljoen ton in het derde kwartaal en 21,0 miljoen ton in het vierde kwartaal van 2017.

Eind december bedroeg de netto schuld 10,2 miljard dollar, dat is 0,1 miljard dollar minder dan eind december 2017 en 0,3 miljard dollar minder dan aan het eind van september van het vorig jaar.


De staalreus wil over 2018 het dividend voor het lopende boekjaar verhogen naar 0,20 dollar per aandeel ArcelorMittal. Op de aandeelhoudersvergadering van mei van dit jaar wordt dit voorstel in stemming gebracht.


Het concern kondigde vandaag eveneens aan dat het een aandeleninkoopprogramma voorstelt met een maximum van vier miljoen aandelen ArcelorMittal.


Voor 2019 verwacht het bedrijf een lichte stijging van de mondiale vraag naar staal op jaarbasis. De raming van ArcelorMittal voor deze toename ligt op 0,5 procent tot 1 procent.

De prijzen voor ijzererts blijven in de verwachting van het concern dit jaar stabiel in vergelijking tot 2017.

Het aandeel ArcelorMittal sloot woensdag op een groen Damrak 3,2 procent hoger op 21,27 euro

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Beursblik: ArcelorMittal voldoet aan verwachtingen

20,41 -0,86 -4,04 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het vierde kwartaal conform verwachting gepresteerd. Dit is de conclusie van ING na publicatie van de resultaten over het vierde kwartaal 2018 door de staalreus.

De EBITDA daalde met 28 procent op kwartaalbasis naar 1.951. miljoen dollar, wat volgens de analisten vooral het gevolg was van een lagere hoeveelheid staal die ArcelorMittal verscheepte.

Tegelijkertijd bleek de nettoschuld van het bedrijf onder de verwachting van analisten uit te zijn gekomen, zo onderstreepte ING.

ING wees in zijn conclusie verder op de aanhoudend gunstige omstandigheden die ArcelorMittal in 2019 zegt te zien, terwijl de kasbehoefte in 2019 zal oplopen van 4,3 miljard dollar naar 6,4 miljard dollar, met name als gevolg van oplopende investeringen.

ING hanteert voor het aandeel ArcelorMittal een koopadvies met een koersdoel van 31,00 euro.

De koers van het aandeel noteerde donderdag op rood Damrak 0,6 procent lager op 21,14 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Staalconcern ArcelorMittal voert winst op

Gepubliceerd op 7 feb 2019 om 07:39 | Views: 6.432

ArcelorMittal 16:41
20,59 -0,68 (-3,20%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in 2018 een hoger bedrijfsresultaat behaald dan een jaar eerder, geholpen door gestegen prijzen en overnames. De verschepingen van staal gingen wel omlaag door een afnemende vraag in verschillende landen. Verder kondigde 's werelds grootste staalproducent een aandeleninkoopprogramma aan en een verhoging van zijn dividend.

ArcelorMittal denkt dat dit jaar de wereldwijde staalvraag licht zal toenemen in vergelijking met 2018. De staalverschepingen nemen naar verwachting toe, aldus het in Luxemburg gevestigde bedrijf. Wel ziet ArcelorMittal de vraag in China dalen, na een stijging vorig jaar. De vraag in Europa en de Verenigde Staten zal wat afzwakken, denkt het bedrijf. De staalindustrie heeft volgens ArcelorMittal te maken met macro-economische risico's en aanhoudend overaanbod.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) bedroeg afgelopen jaar 10,3 miljard dollar. Dat was 8,4 miljard dollar in 2017. De omzet ging naar 76 miljard dollar, van 68,7 miljard dollar een jaar eerder. De nettowinst lag bijna 13 procent hoger op 5,1 miljard dollar.


De staalverschepingen daalden op jaarbasis met 1,6 procent tot 83,9 miljoen ton, vooral door minder vraag in Kazachstan, Zuid-Afrika en Oekraïne. ArcelorMittal rondde vorig jaar de overname af van de Italiaanse staalfabrikant Ilva, de eigenaar van de grootste staalfabriek in Europa in de Zuid-Italiaanse stad Taranto. Ook sloot ArcelorMittal een overnamedeal in Brazilië en was het bedrijf winnaar in de overnameslag rond het failliete Indiase Essar Steel.

Het AEX-bedrijf gaat tot eind dit jaar voor maximaal 113,4 miljoen dollar eigen aandelen inkopen. Het dividend gaat naar 0,20 dollar per aandeel. Dat is een verdubbeling ten opzichte van een jaar eerder.

Positief jaar

De nettoschuld bedroeg eind vorig jaar 10,2 miljard dollar. ArcelorMittal heeft een doelstelling om de schuld te verlagen tot onder 6 miljard dollar. De kapitaalinvesteringen worden voor dit jaar geraamd op 4,3 miljard dollar. De onderneming werkt aan een programma om in 2020 de kosten met 3 miljard dollar te verlagen. Daarvan is al 1,6 miljard dollar gerealiseerd.

Topman Lakshmi Mittal zei in een toelichting dat 2018 een positief jaar was voor ArcelorMittal, met belangrijke strategische en financiële vooruitgang in een gezond marktklimaat. Hij wijst daarbij ook op de verhoging van de beoordeling van de staalfabrikant door de drie kredietbeoordelaars S&P, Moody's en Fitch in het voorbije jaar.
Suncoke Energy announced full year 2018 results

SunCoke Energy, Inc reported fourth quarter and full-year 2018 results, reflecting strong operating performances from our coke and logistics businesses. Mr Mike Rippey, President and Chief Executive Officer of SunCoke Energy, Inc said that "Our fourth quarter results contributed to the Company's highest annual Adjusted EBITDA performance since 2012 and illustrate the strength of our businesses as well as the continued progress on our asset performance improvement initiatives. In 2018, we delivered strong operating results, which included exceptional operational improvement at Indiana Harbor driven by sound execution on our oven rebuild initiative as well as record volumes at Convent Marine Terminal."

Looking forward, the Company expects 2019 consolidated Adjusted EBITDA to be between USD 265 million and USD 275 million, reflecting continued improvement in our coke and logistics businesses.

In addition, the Company also announced it has entered into a definitive merger agreement with SunCoke Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SXCP) whereby SXC will acquire all outstanding common units of SXCP not already owned by SXC in a stock-for-unit exchange transaction ("Simplification Transaction"). Pursuant to the terms of the merger agreement, SXCP unaffiliated common unitholders will receive 1.40 SXC common shares for each SXCP common unit.

Rippey continued, "As we move forward into 2019, we remain focused on operational excellence, including the execution of the final phase of the Indiana Harbor rebuild initiative, as well as successfully completing the Simplification Transaction, which we believe will unlock our full potential. We are confident that we can again execute against our objectives and deliver significant value to SunCoke shareholders."

Revenues increased USD 9.3 million and USD 119.4 million for the fourth quarter and full-year 2018, respectively, primarily reflecting the pass-through of higher coal prices and higher sales volumes in our Domestic Coke segment. The revenue increase in the fourth quarter from our Domestic Coke segment was partially offset by the absence of deferred revenue recognized in our Logistics segment.

Comparisons between quarterly results is impacted by the recognition of deferred revenue on throughput volumes for certain Logistics take-or-pay contracts. In the fourth quarter of 2017, we recognized USD 16.4 million of deferred revenue related to these contracts due to volume shortfalls during the year. Throughout most of 2018, our coal export customers provided volumes in excess of the take-or-pay contract minimums; therefore, we did not recognize any deferred revenue from these contracts in the fourth quarter of 2018. Rather, revenue was recognized throughout 2018 based on volumes handled. The timing and recognition of deferred revenue affects quarterly comparisons but does not have an impact on full-year results.

Fourth quarter 2018 Adjusted EBITDA decreased USD 3.6 million to USD 65.9 million, primarily driven by the timing of revenue recognized on our Logistics coal export take-or-pay contracts discussed above. Excluding this timing impact, fourth quarter 2018 results improved USD 12.8 million as compared to the prior year period due to improved performance in our Domestic Coke segment.

Full-year Adjusted EBITDA increased USD 28.5 million to USD 263.2 million, primarily due to improved operating performance at our Indiana Harbor facility.

Prior period net income attributable to SXC was impacted by a deferred income tax benefit of USD 125.0 million recorded in connection with the tax legislation passed in the fourth quarter 2017, which resulted in the remeasurement of U.S. deferred income tax liabilities and assets at the lower enacted corporate tax rates.

Excluding the impact of this 2017 tax event, net income attributable to SXC decreased USD 7.2 million for the fourth quarter 2018 and reflects higher depreciation expense, primarily due to the revisions in the estimated useful lives of certain assets in our Domestic Coke segment and the timing of deferred revenue recognition partly offset by improved operating results. Excluding the 2017 tax event, net income attributable to SXC increased USD 28.8 million for the full-year due to improved operating results and the absence of a loss recognized in 2017 in connection with debt refinancing activities partly offset by higher depreciation in our Domestic Coke segment.

Our 2019 guidance, which does not include the benefit from the Simplification Transaction, is as follows:
Domestic coke production is expected to be approximately 4.1 million tons
Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be between USD 265 to USD 275 million
Adjusted EBITDA attributable to SXC is expected to be between USD 182 to USD 188 million, reflecting the impact of public ownership in SXCP
Capital expenditures are projected to be between USD 110 to USD 120 million, including USD 40 million to USD 48 million related to our Indiana Harbor oven rebuild project and approximately USD 6 million related to completing our Granite City gas sharing project
Cash generated by operations is estimated to be between USD 180 million and USD 195 million
Cash taxes are projected to be between USD 4 to USD 8 million.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW USA restarts EAF at Mingo Junction

After almost ten years of inactivity, JSW USA, part of JSW Group, restarted, in mid December last year, its facility in Mingo Junction, Ohio. After being idle for 3,545 days, the facility will be melting its own steel being more cost effective and ensuring the highest quality for its customer. The process used in Mingo Junction is the Electric Arc Furnace in combination with Tenova's exclusive Consteel® system, the only fully tested industrial process in operation today that continuously pre-heats and feeds metallic charge to the EAF, while simultaneously controlling gaseous emissions.

Counting more than 50 installation all over the world, JSW Mingo Junction is the largest Consteel® in North America. Mr Kyle Shoop, Vice president sales and engineering Upstream North America said that “I am particularly proud that the Tenova team started working with JSW USA from day one to get this facility ready. Several months ago, JSW USA started a monumental task to restart a mill that had not been operational for almost ten years. Now that the plant is producing steel again, we look forward to continuing to work alongside JSW USA to improve production and assist them in their future plans for the facility.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
PCS’ Eunice facility to be repurposed to support steel fabrication

KATC News reported that PCS, a Crest Industries company, will begin repurposing the Eunice facility to support their Steel Fabrication capacity at PCS’ sister company, DIS-TRAN Steel. The transition will focus on relocating a significant amount of DIS-TRAN Steel plate processing from its Tioga facility to the PCS facility, according to a press release. This will include substantial asset transfer as well as millions of dollars of additional capital investment and will open future employment opportunities.

Along with this transition, the PCS machining services will be discontinued. PCS will work with its customers during this change in fulfilling existing orders.

Source : Katc News
Two steel plants come on stream in Iran

Financial Tribune reported that Iran’s first vice president Es'haq Jahangiri inaugurated two steel plants in Hamedan Province. The first project is Sabanour Pellet Plant, which came on stream with an investment of 3 trillion rials (USD 11.15 million) and created 120 jobs. The plant, located in Hamedan's Asadabad County, has the capacity to produce 2,000 tons of pellets per day.

An iron ore concentrate factory, established in 2014, feeds the pellet plant.

Source : Financial Tribune
Oil spilled in Black river at Republic Steel

Chronicle reported that firefighters were called to Republic Steel at about 12:45 PM on Feb 5 for an oil spill into the Black River. Lorain Fire Assistant Chief Jeff Fenn said the amount of oil spilled at the facility at 1807 E 28th St. is unknown, and that that the spill is still active. The source of the spill is a pipe at the back of the building. Mr Fenn said that “It’s just a matter of finding the source and getting it cleaned up or shut down, whatever it may be.”

Ohio EPA agents and Republic Steel employees were working on the cleanup.

Anthony Chenault, media coordinator for Ohio EPA, said in a written statement that Republic Steel will also hire an environmental contractor to help with the cleanup.

Ohio EPA is aware of a sheen on the Black River and has (its) environmental response staff en route to the site.

The agency will be helping coordinate containment of the material and determine potential impact to the waterway; staff also will assist in determining the source, nature and extent of the release.

Source : Chronicle
Man hurt while working at Evraz NA steel plant in Regina

The Canadian Press reported that an Evraz employee was seriously injured at the Regina rolling mill on Wednesday morning. A spokesperson with Evraz says an accident happened at its rolling mill Wednesday, around 7 AM. First responders took the employee to hospital, and he remains there.

The company did not release further details about what happened or the nature of the man's injuries. It says it is looking into the cause and circumstances of the accident.

Source : The Canadian Press
CISC denies US claim on fabricated structural steel from Canada

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction is opposing petitions for the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on certain fabricated structural steel from Canada. Mr Ed Whalen, President and CEO of CISC said that “AISC’s allegations that these products from Canada are unfairly traded and cause injury to US producers of fabricated steel products are baseless. The negative effects of the Section 232 steel tariffs are the more likely cause of injury for the US downstream steel sector, not Canada. Canada and the US have been in each other’s markets for generations.”

Canadian fabricators of structural steel compete fairly in worldwide markets, including the United States. According to CISC, producers in Canada offer high quality fabricated steel produced with significant experience in design and engineering with unique design-assist/engineering capabilities, delivered timely to customers. In addition, a significant number of Canadian fabricators have made important investments in the United States, such as establishing American subsidiaries and affiliates that produce fabricated structural steel and employ US workers. CISC said that “We are confident that the investigations will prove that imports from Canada are fairly traded and cause no injury to US producers. We will vigorously defend our industry’s interests in these investigations.”

On February 4, the American Institute of Steel Construction launched a trade action against China, Mexico and Canada on certain fabricated structural steel products. The US Department of Commerce will investigate the three countries for evidence of dumped and subsidized products. As well, the US International Trade Commission will be investigating whether the US industry is being materially injured or threatened from the subject imports.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Dalmia OCL acquires German refractory maker GSB Group GmbH

ET reported that Dalmia-OCL the refractories business of Dalmia Bharat Group, announced its first ever overseas acquisition of GSB Group GmbH - a German specialty refractory maker. The acquisition also marked the company's expansion into Europe, an official statement said. The German company is a global leader in lance production, essential producing clean steel of good quality. The company, however, did not disclose the size of the deal.

The takeover will give Dalmia-OCL access to customers in the heart of steel and refractory making belt in Europe and state-of-the-art technology to produce cleaner steel apart from strengthening its market share in India.

Dalmia-OCL is India’s second-largest refractory company with a production capacity of 250,000 tonne a year. The company expects a revenue of Rs 800 crore this year, 60% of which is likely to be contributed by the steel segment.

Source : ET
Indian steel mills seek higher import duty - Report

Times Now reported that executives from top Indian steel companies met with government officials on Wednesday and sought an increase in duties on imports of steel to check surging shipments from overseas. The companies asked the government to implement higher duties or other short-term emergency measures to curb imports.

Indian steel firms are putting pressure on the nation's government to impose higher duties on imports as trade disputes and a global economic slowdown divert surplus Asian steel stocks to India, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

Source : Times Now
Brazil wants compensation for EU safeguards on steel goods

Agencia Brasil reported that Brazilian government said that the circumstances under the Agreement on Safeguards of the World Trade Organization for the provision of compensation applicable in case of tariffs, with quotas of 25 percent on steel imports, as recently announced by the European Union. In this connection, Brazil will continue to seek the adequate compensations from the European Union to balance out the adverse effect of these safeguards on the commercial flow

Since the beginning, the Brazilian government has observed the EU’s proceedings regarding the safeguards, and has expressed his opposing stance several times. On February 1, the European Union published its regulations on the introduction of definitive safeguards on steel imports. The measures will take the shape of 25 percent tariffs on imports above the limits set according to product category.

In March 2018, the EU had initiated an assessment on the introduction of safeguards, which were temporarily implemented in June last year. The goal of making the measures definitively effective was reported by the EU to the WTC on January 4, 2019. The measure expires on June 2021.

According to a note by the Brazil’s Foreign Ministry, the safeguard “will make an impact on Brazilian exports.” The Brazilian government, it goes on to say, “has talked to the European Union in a bid to preserve the exports of domestic businesses.”

The ministry also declared it will continue to work with the federal government as well as the private sector “to spare no efforts to protect the interests of Brazilian exporters.”

Source : Agencia Brasil
SW Steel: Weak exports take a toll on volumes
Steel News - Published on Thu, 07 Feb 2019
Image Source: Wikipedia
JSW Steel Limited has reported its results for the third quarter and the nine months ended 31st Dec, 2018.

Key highlights of the quarter:

Standalone Performance:
Crude Steel production: 4.23 million tonnes, up by 3% YoY
Saleable Steel sales: 3.68 million tonnes, down by 7% YoY
Revenue from operations: INR 18,393 crores, up by 9% YoY
Operating EBITDA: INR 4,438 crores, up by 24% YoY
PAT: INR 1,892 crores, up by 68% YoY

Consolidated Performance:
Quarterly Saleable Steel sales: 3.62 million tonnes, lower by 10% YoY
Revenue from operations: INR 20,318 crores, up by 11% YoY
Operating EBITDA: INR 4,501 crores, up by 17% YoY
PAT: INR 1,603 crores, down by 10% YoY
Net Debt to Equity : 1.40x and Net Debt to EBITDA : 2.32x

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Crude Steel production during the quarter increased by 3% YoY to 4.23 million tonnes aided by higher capacity utilization at both Vijayanagar and Dolvi works. With 9MFY2019 production at 74.7% of FY2019 guidance, the company is on track to achieve the crude steel production guidance of 16.75 MTPA for FY2019.

As domestic demand remained firm during the quarter, the company strategically focused on increasing sales to domestic markets. However, exports during the quarter dropped sharply as both steel demand and pricing in international markets witnessed a soft patch, driving overall destocking and weak offtake. As a result, saleable steel sales volume for the quarter stood at 3.68 million tonnes, which was lower by 7% YoY

With 9MFY2019 sales volumes at 71.6% of full year guidance, and lost volumes unlikely to be recouped during the fourth quarter, the Company's overall sales volumes for FY2019 is likely to fall short of our guidance of 16 MTPA by 2 to 3%.

On a consolidated basis, the company continued to gain market share as domestic sales surged by 15% YoY, with sales to the automotive sector increasing by 23% YoY. However, exports declined by 70% YoY due to muted demand and weak pricing, and exports accounted for only 10% of total sales. As a result, consolidated saleable steel sales declined by 10% YoY to 3.62 million tonnes during the quarter. Sales of value added and special products (VASP) accounted for 54% of total sales volumes.

JSW Steel Coated Products:
During the quarter, JSW Steel Coated Products registered a production volume (Galvanised/Galvalume products) of 0.42 million tons and sales volume of 0.42 million tonnes. Revenue from operations and Operating EBITDA for the quarter stood at INR 2,964 crores and INR 97 crores respectively. It reported a Net Profit after Tax of INR 18 crores for the quarter.

US Plate and Pipe Mill:
The US based Plate and Pipe Mill facility produced 91,183 net tonnes of Plates and 16,367 net tonnes of Pipes, reporting a capacity utilization of 38% and 12%, respectively, during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 69,634 net tonnes of Plates and 16,737 net tonnes of Pipes. It reported an EBITDA of $4.06 million for the quarter.
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JSW Steel USA Ohio Inc (Acero) :
The US based HR coil manufacturing facility produced 55,438 net tonnes of HRC during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 47,339 net tonnes. It reported an EBITDA loss of $10.55 million for the quarter.

JSW Steel (Italy) S.r.l. (Aferpi) :
The Italy based Rolled long products manufacturing facility produced 68,036 tonnes of and Sold 45,948 tonnes during the quarter. It reported an EBITDA loss of 7.36 million Euros for the quarter.
Source : Strategic Research Institute
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