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Beursblik: margedruk voor staalfabrieken

13,806 0,488 3,66 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De lage prijzen voor staal in combinatie met de hoge prijzen voor erts en cokes zetten de marge van veel staalfabrieken onder druk. Dit is dinsdag de conclusie in een rapport van ABN AMRO over de metaalsector.

Als gevolg van die druk moeten veel staalbedrijven hun beleid afstemmen op kostenbesparingen en dat kan door goedkoper ijzerertsen met een lagere kwaliteit en een hogere energiebehoefte in te kopen.

De handelsoorlog, extreme weersomstandigheden en een natuurramp hebben voor veel beweeglijkheid in de prijzen gezorgd, aldus ABN AMRO, en sinds maart 2018 toen de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump met zijn importtarieven een handelsoorlog ontketende, zitten de staalprijzen in een neerwaartse glijvlucht.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2018 volgde een ommekeer. “Als gevolg van hevige regenval liepen veel mijnen in Australië en Brazilië onder. Het aanbod daalde en de prijzen van ijzererts en cokeskolen stegen weer. De staalprijzen hielden echter hun neerwaartse trend vast, door overproductie en zwakke vraag”, concludeerde econoom Casper Burgering van ABN AMRO.

“Sinds januari dit jaar is de prijs van staal aan het dalen, blijft de prijs van cokeskolen nagenoeg stabiel en stijgt de prijs van ijzererts in hoog tempo. En daarmee stapelen de uitdagingen zich op.”

ABN AMRO voerde dinsdag aan dat de inkoop van goedkopere ertsen ook meer CO2 uitstoot met zich meebrengt, waarmee de milieudoelstellingen in gevaar kunnen worden gebracht.

“Dit kan voor veel staalfabrieken een duivels dilemma opleveren: blijven voldoen aan de milieudoelstellingen of de financiële gezondheid van het bedrijf waarborgen. De laatste doelstelling blijkt prioriteit te hebben”, aldus Burgering.

De staalprijs is momenteel laag als gevolg van een zwakke vraag en ABN AMRO verwacht dat die voorlopig ook zwak blijft, gezien het aanstaande zomerseizoen. Daarbij is er sprake van tegenvallende autoverkopen wereldwijd.

Wel is de econoom van ABN AMRO te spreken over de pogingen van de Europese Commissie om de Europese staalmarkt te beschermen tegen dumping van goedkoop buitenlands staal. “De Europese import van staal is namelijk gedaald de afgelopen maanden.” Dit heeft volgens de econoom echter nog niet geleid tot prijsherstel, “aangezien in Europa overcapaciteit ook een structureel probleem is”.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Russische staalgigant groter dan ArcelorMittal

Gepubliceerd op 4 jun 2019 om 09:58 | Views: 4.721

ArcelorMittal 15:05
13,85 +0,54 (+4,02%)

MOSKOU (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Russische staalconcern Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) is staalgigant AcelorMittal voorbij gestreefd in marktwaarde. Dat is volgens kenners een nieuw signaal dat de Russische staalindustrie bloeit terwijl de Europese industrie, waar ArcelorMittal een speler van belang is, worstelt.

De Russen maken veel minder staal dan ArcelorMittal, maar profiteren van lagere kosten en een sterke vraag. Dat komt bijvoorbeeld omdat Rusland zijn uitgaven aan infrastructuur flink heeft opgevoerd. ArcelorMittal heeft daarentegen veel last van de zwakke Duitse auto-industrie en goedkope import uit onder meer China. ArcelorMittal is de grootste staalproducent ter wereld.

Dat zet de aandelen in beweging. De koers van NLMK is de afgelopen tijd stevig aangedikt en de onderneming heeft een marktwaarde van ongeveer 15,9 miljard dollar. De aandelen ArcelorMittal staan juist onder druk en de marktwaarde van het bedrijf is circa 15,3 miljard dollar.
Is China Low Quality Steel On Rise Again? - Nikkei

Nikkei reported that China's output of low quality steel made from melted-down scrap metal is on the rise again, raising concern that international steel prices will suffer. The Chinese government has worked to stamp out illegal production of steel, which contributed to the country's overcapacity and disrupted the international steel market a few years ago. But steelmakers in some regions are resuming black-market production as the crackdown eased in response to an uptick in prices. Now those prices are falling again, apparently in response to the intensifying US China trade war. Officials in the international steel industry fear that an increase in illegal steel production risks repeating the earlier glut. Changzhou, about 200 km south of Shanghai, was once a thriving steel town, but it lost its shine due to the crackdown on illegal steel production last year. Among the steps the government took was cutting off electricity to plants that were turning out low-quality steel. The number of trucks operating in the city fell sharply as a result. Now they are back. The sound of machinery rings out from plants and many people are seen working at previously idle sites. Steel scrap is piled in heaps on factory grounds, waiting to be melted down.

A worker at one plant said that "We are starting to produce steel from scrap, in addition to other steel products, though not as much as before. The rebound in reprocessed steel began about six months ago, said the owner of a parts shop nearby. The steel is getting into circulation because it is profitable, thanks to a pickup in steel prices.”

Source : Nikkei
Canada Takes Steps To Stand Up for Canada's Steel Industry

The Canadian government announced new measures to prevent the dumping of low-priced foreign steel into the Canadian market as it seeks to maintain its privileged trade status with the United States. Finance Minister Bill Morneau said the measures are necessary because Canada risks becoming a target for steel dumping following last month’s agreement between Canada and the US to eliminate steel and aluminum tariffs on trade between the two countries. Mr Morneau said the new legislation is aimed at addressing those concerns. He said “We know that as we took those tariffs off, we created the opportunity for steel producers around the world to move their steel into the Canadian market, creating some potential vulnerabilities both for workers and for steel producers. What this legislation does is gives us the ability, should we need it, to put in place safeguards with a shorter time frame than we were previously allowed to do.”

The minister introduced a ways and means motion Monday, which is the first step toward introducing a government bill with financial implications.

In October 2018 Canada imposed provisional steel safeguards for a period of 200 days to help stabilize the market. These safeguards help protect against foreign steel being dumped in the Canadian market. As required by law, the Government asked the Canadian International Trade Tribunal to undertake a comprehensive, arms-length and transparent inquiry into whether final safeguards are warranted. The Tribunal issued its report on April 3, 2019, finding that final safeguards are warranted for imports of heavy plate and stainless steel wire.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SAIL In Talks With Nippon, JFE, Mitsubishi Steel & POSCO For Auto Steel JV - Chairman

Express News Service reported that Steel Authority of India Limited is in talks with Japanese and Korean steel-makers for a possible joint venture to manufacture auto grade steel, after a similar deal with ArcelorMittal reportedly got stuck. SAIL chairman Mr Anil Kumar Chaudhury said “A steel ministry delegation has visited Japan and we have met Japanese steel-makers like Nippon, JFE and Mitsubishi Steel.”

The talks are expected to be taken forward by officials who may accompany Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a trip to Japan later this month.

According to Mr Chaudhury, SAIL has also reached out to POSCO for talks on auto-grade steel.

SAIL started looking for potential alternative partners in manufacturing auto grade steel, which it wants to sell to the booming Indian automobile industry after ArcelorMittal indicated that they were keener on gaining control of Essar Steel rather than on investing in a joint venture with SAIL

SAIL and ArcelorMittal signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2015 to set up the joint venture and since had several years of hard bargaining over the terms, including prices to be paid for raw material to be given by SAIL, equity structure, non-exit and non-compete clauses etc. In 2017, SAIL, however, managed to get plans finalised and approved.

Source : Express News Service
Tangshan Loosens Steel Output Cut Restrictions In June - Report

Platts reported that Tangshan city, has told its mills to cut production in June by the same level as that of winter heating season, which means that most of these steel mills’ output cuts in June would be around 39.3%. However, not all of these mills will have their output cut by such an amount, as some will be subject to higher cuts of 53% to 60%. Steel mills in the Tangshan districts of Lubei, Kaiping, Guye, Fengnan, Qian’an, Luanzhou and Luannan have been ordered to lower their capacity utilization rates at blast furnaces and converters in June to the same levels as during the winter heating season of mid-November to mid-March, which was around 39.3%. Another five steel mills, with better environmental protection records, will reduce their production rates by 20% in June, the same level as in May.

Tangshan has exempted eight mills, with a combined capacity of 23.3 million tonne, from the output cuts in June as they are in the process of relocating to rural areas.

Steel traders are concerned that looser restrictions on steel output will put further pressure on prices in June, which is a seasonally slow period for construction demand due to wet weather in parts of China.

Source : Platts
South Korea Government Order Hyundai Steel To Stop Operation For Inspection

Donga reported that South Chungcheong Province has recently ordered Hyundai Steel to stop the operation of its Dangjin Steel Mill for 10 days starting from July 15, citing the result of the local government’s inspection that the steel mill, in the process of repairing a blast furnace, discharged pollutants by opening a breather (safety valve) not equipped with facilities to prevent air pollution. If it is true that large steelmakers, which have stressed the importance of upholding social responsibility, have illicitly emitted pollutants, they must be held accountable for the wrongdoings.

However, the latest administrative measure is not based on clear evidence, and thus is a hasty, excessive decision that does not take into account its potential impact on the industry.

A suspension of operation at steel mills would deal a huge blow to the country’s steel industry. Steel production facilities should be operated around the clock to prevent molten metal in a furnace from hardening. After ten days of dormancy, it could take up to six months to rerun the facilities, which would affect the supply and price of steel products. Automobile, shipbuilding, construction, and other related industries are also likely to take a hit.

Source : Donga
Mr Pradhan Conducts Review Meeting With Steel Ministry Officials

PTI reported that Mr Dharmendra Pradhan, who took over the charge of the steel ministry Friday, held a review meeting with senior officials and discussed key challenges being faced by the steel sector. Mr Pradhan said in a tweet “Met with the officials of @SteelMinIndia and discussed strategic roadmap and key initiatives in the sector. Steel has been a major contributor in India’s economy, we shall work to further strengthen steel industry in India,”

Several key points regarding the working of the ministry and functions of the various sectors were discussed at length by both Pradhan and Minister of State for State in the same department, Faggan Singh Kulaste.

Steel Secretary Binoy Kumar along with other senior officials was present in the meeting.

Source : PTI
Ningbo Baoxin Stainless Steel Orders DMS 20Hi EcoMill From Fives

Ningbo Baoxin Stainless Steel Co Ltd China has ordered a new cold rolling mill DMS 20Hi EcoMill to process precision stainless steel for high-end applications. This will be the company’s first cold rolling mill to produce precision steel, but the fifth ordered from Fives over the last 20 years. The new DMS 20Hi EcoMill will be able to roll strip down to 0.03 mm (30 microns) over the width of 1,040 mm. The mill will have an annual production capacity of 50,000 tons of steel (30,000 tons of the final products) for automotive, electronics and photovoltaic panels applications. A large portion of equipment for the mill will be manufactured locally under the supervision of Fives’ subsidiary in China. The mill is scheduled to begin production by the end of 2020.

The latest developments for the DMS 20Hi EcoMill include increased rolling speed, new design of strip and work roll spraying, new strip wipers, improvements for fume exhaust, and a cutting-edge concept for flatness actuators and mandrel greasing. As a result, the steelmakers will benefit from reduced operating costs thanks to:
• Less energy consumption
• Production improvements
• Faster maintenance
• Improved design of mechanical parts

Additional benefits include the ease of operation, increased cleanliness and overall reduced environmental impact.

The order follows the successful commissioning last year of the first DMS 20Hi EcoMill installed at Shanghai STAL Precision Stainless Steel in China. The mill installed at Shanghai STAL is able to roll strip down at 40 microns at the full width of 1,250mm to produce ultra-thin stainless steels for automotive, chemical and medical industries, and electronic products.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
IISCO Steel Plant CEO Mr AV Kamlakar Gets Additional Charge As Durgapur Steel Plant CEO

ET reported that Mr AV Kamlakar, CEO of IISCO Steel Plant, has assumed additional charge as Chief Executive Officer Durgapur Steel Plant & Alloy Steels Plant on June 1, 2019. Earlier, Mr Kamlakar worked as Executive Director of Salem Steel Plant and was also held additional charge as Executive Director, VISL. Since April 26, 2019 he has been posted as OSD at ISP

Mr Kamlakar joined SAIL at Bhilai Steel Plant in 1987 after completing his BE in Metallurgy from Ravishankar University Raipur. He worked for about 25 years in Rail & Strl Mill in Bhilai Steel Plant. At Bhilai Steel Plant he rose through the ranks to head the Mill as General Manager in 2013. He was also instrumental as a Project Owner in finalizing design of the Modex unit, Universal Rail Mill, which is equipped with the first walking beam furnace, that became operational in Jan 2017, and rolls out the world’s longest 130 metre rail. In July, 2016, he joined Durgapur Steel Plant as an expert for stabilization of Medium Structural Mill and assumed the charge of GM in charge of Mills.

Source : ET
UAW Members Ratify Labor Agreement For AK Steel’s Zanesville Works

AK Steel announced last week that members of the United Auto Workers, Local 4104, have ratified a new three year labor agreement covering about 110 hourly production and maintenance employees at the company’s Zanesville (OH) Works. AK Steel said that UAW officials notified the company that the new contract was ratified in voting held on May 30, 2019 in Zanesville. The new agreement takes effect on May 31, 2019 and runs through May 31, 2022.

Roger K. Newport, Chief Executive Officer of AK Steel, said “We are pleased to have reached a labor agreement at Zanesville Works for our employees. The new agreement continues to provide a competitive and flexible labor contract for AK Steel and our Zanesville employees.”

Zanesville Works is a specialty flat rolled finishing facility for AK Steels’ electrical and stainless steels.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
APL Apollo Tubes completes acquisition of production unit of Taurus Value Steel & Pipes

APL Apollo Tubes Limited has completed the acquisition of production unit located at Chegunta, Hyderabad, one of the unit of Taurus Value Steel & Pipes Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Shankara Building Products Limited, Bangalore.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AISI Update On Raw Steel Production In US In Week22

In the week ending on June 1, 2019, domestic raw steel production was 1,890,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 81.2 percent. Production was 1,809,000 net tons in the week ending June 1, 2018 while the capability utilization then was 77.2 percent. The current week production represents a 4.5 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending June 1, 2019 is down 0.1 percent from the previous week ending May 25, 2019 when production was 1,892,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 81.3 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through June 1, 2019 was 41,235,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 81.6 percent. That is up 6.2 percent from the 38,842,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 76.6 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending June 1, 2019 in thousands of net tons: North East: 203; Great Lakes: 741; Midwest: 189; Southern: 685 and Western: 72 for a total of 1890.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Group Launches New By Product Fueled Facility

NLMK Group a global steel company, has started hot testing at its briquetting plant, a facility to manufacture metallurgical briquettes for use in blast furnace operations. The project will enable the production of feedstock from blast furnace by-products, and the recycling of previously accumulated waste. The production technology is NLMK’s in-house development. It was conceptualized by Ivan Kurunov, an honorary steelmaker of Russia, professor and former chief blast furnace operator at NLMK Lipetsk, who tragically died in 2017. He supervised the design of the plant. The new production facility has a total capacity of 700,000 tonnes of briquettes per year.

Briquettes are produced from Fe-containing waste, generated during blast furnace gas treatment, and coke and coal dust recovery. The technology is based on an environmentally friendly roasting-free pressing method. The resulting briquettes will be used as feedstock for hot metal production and will partially substitute primary iron ore and coal raw materials.

Mr Grigory Fedorishin NLMK Group President and CEO, said that “The company has invested more than $1 bn in environmental projects since 2000. This enabled us to cut specific emissions by over 50% while growing production by 60%. We have achieved the best available technology (BAT) level in Russia, and we now review all of our upgrade and new construction projects from the BAT perspective. The briquetting plant is also based on the BAT and is a great example of environmentally friendly resource-saving operations that contributes to boosting our efficiency at the same time."

The new facility was equipped with a high-efficiency dedusting and gas treatment system that will prevent dusting when handling dry materials, and bring the level of air purification in line with best available technologies.

Investment in the project totalled RUB 3 billion. The project created around 200 new jobs at NLMK.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iran Iron Ore Concentrate Production Volume Exceeds 4 Million Tonnes

MNA reported that statistics showed that 4,013,413 tonnes of iron ore concentrate were produced by nine mineral companies in the country in the first month of the current year (March 21 to April 20), showing a one percent decline as compared to the last year’s corresponding period. Major producers of iron ore in the country produced 45,484,656 tonnes of iron ore concentrate in the past year (ended March 20, 2019).

In addition, 3,809,045 tonnes of iron ore conglomerate was produced by nine major iron ore production companies in the first month of current year (March 21 to April 20), showing a six percent hike as compared to the same period of last year.

Major iron ore production firms produced more than 26.7 million tonnes of conglomerate in the past year (ended Mar. 20, 2019), registering more than 49% growth as compared to the same period of last year.

Director General of Industry, Mine and Trade of Yazd Province Mohammad Reza Alamdar-Yazdi said that "The reserves were discovered recently at a depth of 1,500 meters.”

The official described the mine "unique" in terms of reserves and iron content in the world, and said, "It will help the capacities of Yazd and Iran in general in a huge way, where the country's total reserves of iron ore, the steel-making ingredients, are already more than 3 billion tonnes."

Source : MNA
Workers Of Jhelum Steel Factory Stage Protest

The workers of the Jhelum Steel Factory Private Limited located in SIDCO Phase 1 Samba on Saturday staged protest against the industry management and demanded release of their pending wages. A large number of the workers of the Jhelum Steel Factory assembled outside the establishment and raised slogans against the management.

Protesters led by Mr Rupesh Kumar, alleged that the owner of the aforesaid industry gas not paid their wages for the last month. They appealed to the officer of District Administration Samba to look into the matter. They warned if their salaries are not paid at the earliest they will come on road and stage strong protest against the industry management.

Source : StateTimes
NLMK Group, Russian Ministry And Lipetsk Region Inks Cooperation Agreement

NLMK Group, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service and the Administration of the Lipetsk Region have signed a four way Cooperation Agreement in sustainable development. The Agreement calls for a consolidated effort by the parties to efficiently address sustainability challenges.

Mr Svetlana Radionova Head of Rosprirodnadzor, said that “Business-government cooperation to achieve the environmental goals set by the country's leadership is not a formality. Projects are successfully on track. This agreement will kick-start the Federal Clean Air Project. This is the first case of a public-private partnership in Russia aimed at improving the quality of the environment through cutting emissions.”

Under the agreement, NLMK Group will implement a number of upgrade and new construction projects. The document also sets targets to reduce gross air emissions and emissions of specific substances monitored by Rosprirodnadzor. Total investment in such projects will exceed RUB 110 billion until 2023, including around RUB 20 billion towards environmental protection equipment.

Mr Grigory Fedorishin NLMK Group President and CEO, said that “NLMK is guided by the principle of achieving the best available technology level in executing its upgrade projects. BAT implies the most efficient equipment and technical solutions that ensure a reduced environmental footprint. NLMK Group has invested more than USD 1 billion in environmental projects since 2000. This enabled us to cut gross emissions by 23% to achieve the Russian BAT level, while growing production by 60%. The goal for the next five years is to reach the EU BAT level.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest Announced IFRS Financial Results For Q1 2019

Metalloinvest published its IFRS financial results for the first quarter ended 31 March 2019. Mr Alexey Voronov, Finance Director of Management Company Metalloinvest, commented that “The growth in high value added products sales, favourable market conditions and the implementation of the operational improvement programme allowed Metalloinvest to enhance its financial results in Q1 2019. EBITDA grew by 8.1% compared to Q1 2018 and amounted to USD 730 mn, while EBITDA reached USD 3.0 bn over the past 12 months (since April 2018). The Company's leveraging remained low with Net Debt / EBITDA LTM at 1.1x. The Company’s rating upgrades by S&P and Moody’s in Q1 2019, as well as Fitch and Expert RA in May 2019, were a positive assessment of the Company’s performance.”

Financial highlights
Revenue USD 1,856 million (+2.4% YoY)
EBITDA USD 730 million (+8.1%)
EBITDA margin 39.3% vs. 37.2% in Q1 2018
Net Income USD 539 million (+29.6%)
Net Debt USD 3,336 million (-0.7% compared to 31 December 2018)
Net Debt / EBITDA LTM 1.1x (at the level of 31 December 2018)
Capital Expenditure USD 88 million (-7.4%)

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Places USD 500 Million 7 Year Eurobond

NLMK announced the placement of 7 year USD 500 million Eurobonds with an annual coupon rate of 4.7% payable semi-annually. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. The issue was oversubscribed by more than three times with the order book exceeding USD 1.7 billion at the peak and more than 150 investors. The final order book was subscribed by a broad range of international investors, including investors from the UK 40%, Europe, 27%, the United States, 15%, Russia, 15% and others, with Asset Managers & Funds taking the majority, 78% of allocations followed by Banks & Private Banks, 22%.

JP Morgan and Société Générale acted as the Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners, and ING and UniCredit Bank acted as the Joint Bookrunners for the new issue. The 4.7% Loan Participation Notes due in May 2026 were issued by Steel Funding DAC, an Irish company formed for the sole purpose of issuing debt instruments and financing loans to NLMK.

Mr Shamil Kurmashov CFO of NLMK commented that “We are very pleased with the successful placement of the Company’s Eurobonds backed by a very high level of interest from fixed income investors globally. The 4.7% coupon is the lowest USD coupon achieved by a corporate issuer out of Russia & CIS since September 2017 with a 7-year tenor or longer.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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