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SBM Offshore - on topic - januari 2015

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knife catcher schreef op 29 januari 2015 13:22:

De uitspraken van Petrobras gaan over carwash, hier staan de perikelen met SBMO buiten
Dat zou best eens kunnen @kc.
Het gaat bij de toelichting over de Q3 cijfers immers over assets en nog te boeken afschrijvingen.
En Petrobras heeft geen assets in relatie tot SBM. Zij least enkel.

Martijn den Drijver lijkt alles op één hoop te gooien.
Lijkt mij veel te kort door de bocht.

SBM nog geen 3 cent lager
kun je zien hoe serieus ze die knuppel van SNS zien
wat een lulloverhaal zeg
we gaan het groen is
misschien wel juist positievee afwikkeling en helemaal geen claims en boetes
SBM gaat mooie cijfers presenteren, boven verwachting zelfs, op korte termijn maakt de lage olieprijs niet het verschil....ze zitten in het midden van de keten(de piramide)...ze lopen op lange contracten.

SNS is niet meer wat het geweest is, het is gewoon weer een andere staatsbank met dito medewerkers.

knife catcher schreef op 29 januari 2015 14:06:

maar ook de deze week gemelde versnelling in de golf van mexico, waarover Shell al in onderhandeling is over FPSO met SBM....
Heb je meer hierover, @kc?

knife catcher schreef op 29 januari 2015 13:22:

Dit verhaal van sns is wereldkundig vanaf ongeveer 12.00h?

Het doet helemaal niets met de koers, en dit is waarom

De uitspraken van Petrobrsa gaan over carwash, hier staan de perikelen met SBMO buiten

dan kun je wel gaan rekenen aan percentages van de contracten, maar het slaat gewoon weer nergens op....

Ik heb geen toegang tot dit artikel. Kan je er wat meer over zeggen.

Kopermans schreef op 29 januari 2015 15:15:

Heb je meer hierover, @kc?
Shell has confirmed a discovery at its Power Nap prospect in the Vito area of the Gulf of Mexico.
bron ' upstream 27/1'

Even verderop ontwikkelen ze al een loskoppelbare FPSO (stones)
mogelijk dat er een soortgelijke achteraan komt?

IIg heeft SBM met Shell een overeenkomst voor fpso's; logisch dat ze hier over voortborduren, maar ik was misschien wat stellig

boki moet ff wachten want ik moet er tussenuit


knife catcher schreef op 29 januari 2015 15:35:

Shell has confirmed a discovery at its Power Nap prospect in the Vito area of the Gulf of Mexico (bron ' upstream 27/1').
Even verderop ontwikkelen ze al een loskoppelbare FPSO (stones)
mogelijk dat er een soortgelijke achteraan komt?
IIg heeft SBM met Shell een overeenkomst voor fpso's; logisch dat ze hier over voortborduren, maar ik was misschien wat stellig
Bedankt, @kc, lijkt me voor de hand liggend dat er dan gesproken zal worden. Uitgelezen kans voor SBM.
Vandaag uitgestapt op 9.7 , eens met een ieder die gelukkig is met zijn / haar long positie.
Het behaalde rendement over de afgelopen weken is nu voldoende om de komende periode de ontwikkelingen van de zijlijn te aanschouwen.
Waar ik, en jullie natuurlijk, benieuwd naar zijn:

- verkleinen afhankelijkheid van petrobras -> kan worden verminderd door het open breken van de Braziliaanse en Mexicaanse markt
- teruglopen van tenders -> ondanks eerdere berichten zie ik de laatste maanden weinig guning van contracten aan concurrenten gezien de Outlook van de energy majors liggen er nu meerdere tenders in de pijplijn.
- oplossen Braziliaans geschil -> succes
- afbouwen shorters -> dont fight the FED misschien ook don't fight the shorts

Succes allen en mocht een gedeelte van de issues worden opgelost en / of een nieuwe tendering gegund worden dan zit ik met liefde op de blaren, lees terugkoop op €11.5.

Gister een interessante discussie gezien over de toegenomen voorraden in de VS, hoe interessant ook, is de correlatie tussen deze voorraden en de koers van SBM erg zwak.

De groei potentie voor SBM ligt in de "Golden Triangle" :WAF, GOM, Brazilië. Waar bij voor die laatste twee regio's erg bullish ben wegens het toetreden van gerenommeerde IOM in de komende jaren. Zoals eerder aangegeven zou SBM verder kunnen / moeten diversifiseren door ook floating LNG aan te boren. Hiervoor is echter wel veel geld een een lange adem nodig, maar ik neem aan de meerderheid hier daarvoor liever naar HAL dan een emissie kijkt?

Eerder vandaag het rapport gelezen over het gebrek aan rationeel achter een Boskalis / Fugro overname. Operationeel zou hetzelfde gesteld kunnen worden over de toevoeging van SBM. Met SBM zou Boskalis echter in nog meer fases van olie/gas lifeycle actief worden, wat hun strategie is..
Olieprijs naar nieuw dieptepunt
Gepubliceerd: 29 januari 2015 17:18
De olieprijs stond donderdag opnieuw stevig onder druk. Een vat ruwe Amerikaanse olie (WTI) werd daardoor voor het eerst sinds maart 2009 voor minder dan 44 dollar verhandeld.
Shortposities iets terug dankzij afbouw van Blackrock.
WorldQuant 0,61 (was 0,58)
BlackRock 0,79 (was 0,88)

Bokie schreef op 29 januari 2015 15:26:


Ik heb geen toegang tot dit artikel. Kan je er wat meer over zeggen.
deel II
Mesnik, the managing partner at São Paulo-based Humaitá Investimentos, which has 180 million reais under management. “When it didn’t [announce a write-down], the credibility went down the drain and nothing else matters. We need to see, as investors, a credible statement with the numbers.”

Shares fell more than 11% in morning trading in São Paulo and more than 12% in New York. Shares have fallen 44% in the last three months.

The corruption scheme involves three former Petrobras executives, some of Brazil’s largest construction-companies, and a group of money launderers that allegedly colluded to inflate the cost of Petrobras contracts, and then pocketed the difference. The three former Petrobras executives have been charged with money laundering and corruption. More than 30 people have been indicted so far, and more arrests are expected in the case, which is known as Operation Car Wash.

Petrobras had indicated that it would include a write-down based on the cost of those inflated contracts in its earnings report, and the company says that it has been working since November to tally the financial damage from the alleged corruption scheme, but that doing so now is “impracticable.”

“The testimonies examined by Petrobras have indicated the commission of unlawful acts, such as cartelization of suppliers and former employees taking bribes, indicating that the payments to such suppliers were improperly recognized as part of the cost of our fixed assets, therefore requiring adjustments,” Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster said in a statement on Wednesday.

Ms. Foster said disclosing a specific amount wasn’t possible “since the [illegal] payments were made by external suppliers and cannot be traced back to the company’s accounting records.”

Petrobras said it considered two possible approaches to quantifying the alleged corruption. The first would include alleged improper payments specifically mentioned in the probe as well as 3% of the value of contracts signed with the companies under investigation. That methodology resulted in “an estimated loss of BRL4.06 billion.”

‘The testimonies examined by Petrobras have indicated the commission of unlawful acts, such as cartelization of suppliers and former employees taking bribes, indicating that the payments to such suppliers were improperly recognized as part of the cost of our fixed assets, therefore requiring adjustments.’
—Petrobras Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster, on Wednesday..
The other approach Petrobras considered was to have certain assets appraised by independent auditors to determine the difference between their fair value and their book value.

Ms. Foster said Petrobras and its independent auditors appraised 188.4 billion reais in fixed assets—about one-third of the company’s property, plant and equipment—that were contracted with companies mentioned in Operation Car Wash between 2004 and April 2014, when the corruption allegedly took place. The assets’ fair value was determined to be 61.4 billion reais less than their book value.

“Everyone acknowledges that quantifying the impacts of corruption on the value of assets is difficult. The problem is the lack of transparency,” said Rogerio Freitas, a fund manager at Rio de Janeiro’s Teórica Investimentos, which has around $100 million under management. “The range is so big that it shows how little transparency the process has.”


Petrobras Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster at a meeting with journalists in Rio de Janeiro last month. She said on Wednesday that Petrobras and its independent auditors had appraised 188.4 billion reais in fixed assets—about one-third of the company’s total. Photo: Reuters
Petrobras’ balance sheet wasn’t entirely without impairment charges, however. The company wrote off a total of 2.71 billion reais related to the construction of two refineries, Premium I and Premium II, in northeastern Brazil, after deciding not to move forward with them.

The company also provided more details on a slowdown in its ambitious spending program, saying that it would reduce the pace of investments in certain projects, though it declined to say which projects, and its new budget for this year would be between $31 billion and $33 billion. Previously, the company was averaging around $44 billion a year as part of a plan to spend more than $220 billion by 2018, primarily on ramping up offshore oil production.

The delay in reporting its earnings had effectively shut off Petrobras’ access to capital markets, a major concern for investors since Petrobras is among the most indebted oil companies in the world, with some $170 billion in debt, according to Moody’s Investors Service.

On Wednesday, Petrobras said it would not need to access debt markets in 2015 “due to steps that will increase cash flow.”

That contrasts with a report by Fitch Ratings earlier this week that said Petrobras would likely require “at least” $15 billion to $25 billion of financing in 2015. The amount included $11 billion in debt maturing this year as well as the expected gap between the company’s cash flow and its capital expenditures.

Fitch said it expected the Brazilian government to step in with loan guarantees or direct financing from state development bank BNDES to cover the shortfall.

Financial ratings firms have threatened to downgrade Petrobras' credit if it continued to delay reporting its earnings.

In addition to Brazilian authorities, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Justice Department are conducting their own investigations into alleged wrongdoing at Petrobras.

Petrobras is also the target of more than a dozen class-action lawsuits in New York, where Petrobras shares are traded. The suits allege that Petrobras willfully misled investors about the alleged corruption.

Petrobras says that it is cooperating with these investigations, and has set up an internal compliance division to deal with possible issues of impropriety going forward.

—Rogerio Jelmayer contributed to this article.
deel I uit WSJ

Scandal-Hit Petrobras Quiet on Corruption Cost

Brazilian Oil Company Reports Results, Fails to Set Sum For Write Downs Linked to Corruption
Demonstrators clean the street in front of the Petrobras headquarters during a protest against corruption in Sao Paulo last month. Photo: Reuters

Will Connors And

Paul Kiernan
Updated Jan. 28, 2015 11:47 a.m. ET

RIO DE JANEIRO—Brazilian state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA reported its delayed third-quarter results Wednesday, but didn’t include an estimate for how much a vast corruption scandal has cost, a move that sent Petrobras shares tumbling and raised questions about the management of one of Latin America’s biggest companies.

The third-quarter results, released Wednesday, were originally expected in November but were delayed after an alleged kickback scheme involving Petrobras contracts led the company’s auditing firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, to decline to sign off on the results.

Petrobras said Wednesday it posted a third-quarter 2014 net profit of 3.09 billion reais ($1.18 billion), down from 3.39 billion reais in the same period of 2013. The company’s revenue totaled 88.37 billion reais in the quarter, up from 77.7 billion reais. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or Ebitda, decreased nearly 10% year-over-year to 11.7 billion reais.

Petrobras’s Cidade de Angra dos Reis platform off the Brazilian coast in the Atlantic. Photo: European Pressphoto Agency

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The third-quarter results remain unaudited. Petrobras said “we continue to work closely” with PricewaterhouseCoopers to release audited results “as quickly as possible.”

A PricewaterhouseCooopers spokeswoman declined to comment.

Beyond those results, investors were looking for Petrobras to assign a dollar amount to the corruption scandal. Petrobras said it was “impracticable” to announce a specific corruption-related write-down because of various accounting difficulties.

“The main issue for Petrobras was to gain credibility,” Frederico
voor informatie over andere olie- en gas gerelateerde bedrijven hebben we dus een off-topic draadje.



ff_relativeren schreef op 29 januari 2015 19:11:

voor informatie over andere olie- en gas gerelateerde bedrijven hebben we dus een off-topic draadje.


het was je misschien ff ontgaan, maar ene l*l den drijver had iets te vertellen over de invloed van het proces rond Petrobras op de risico's voor SBM. Hij haalde naar zeer grote waarschijnlijkheid zijn info uit dit artikel.
Gevraagd naar info in deze discussie heb ik het hier ook on topic geplaatst; misschien moeten we er volgende keer over stemmen of ik het hier plaatsen mag?

man hou toch op, ik ben al weer weg


knife catcher schreef op 29 januari 2015 19:02:


deel II
Mesnik, the managing partner at São Paulo-based Humaitá Investimentos, which has 180 million reais under management. “When it didn’t [announce a write-down], the credibility went down the drain and nothing else matters. We need to see, as investors, a credible statement with the numbers.”

Shares fell more than 11% in morning trading in São Paulo and more than 12% in New York. Shares have fallen 44% in the last three months.

The corruption scheme involves three former Petrobras executives, some of Brazil’s largest construction-companies, and a group of money launderers that allegedly colluded to inflate the cost of Petrobras contracts, and then pocketed the difference. The three former Petrobras executives have been charged with money laundering and corruption. More than 30 people have been indicted so far, and more arrests are expected in the case, which is known as Operation Car Wash.

Petrobras had indicated that it would include a write-down based on the cost of those inflated contracts in its earnings report, and the company says that it has been working since November to tally the financial damage from the alleged corruption scheme, but that doing so now is “impracticable.”

“The testimonies examined by Petrobras have indicated the commission of unlawful acts, such as cartelization of suppliers and former employees taking bribes, indicating that the payments to such suppliers were improperly recognized as part of the cost of our fixed assets, therefore requiring adjustments,” Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster said in a statement on Wednesday.

Ms. Foster said disclosing a specific amount wasn’t possible “since the [illegal] payments were made by external suppliers and cannot be traced back to the company’s accounting records.”

Petrobras said it considered two possible approaches to quantifying the alleged corruption. The first would include alleged improper payments specifically mentioned in the probe as well as 3% of the value of contracts signed with the companies under investigation. That methodology resulted in “an estimated loss of BRL4.06 billion.”

‘The testimonies examined by Petrobras have indicated the commission of unlawful acts, such as cartelization of suppliers and former employees taking bribes, indicating that the payments to such suppliers were improperly recognized as part of the cost of our fixed assets, therefore requiring adjustments.’
—Petrobras Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster, on Wednesday..
The other approach Petrobras considered was to have certain assets appraised by independent auditors to determine the difference between their fair value and their book value.

Ms. Foster said Petrobras and its independent auditors appraised 188.4 billion reais in fixed assets—about one-third of the company’s property, plant and equipment—that were contracted with companies mentioned in Operation Car Wash between 2004 and April 2014, when the corruption allegedly took place. The assets’ fair value was determined to be 61.4 billion reais less than their book value.

“Everyone acknowledges that quantifying the impacts of corruption on the value of assets is difficult. The problem is the lack of transparency,” said Rogerio Freitas, a fund manager at Rio de Janeiro’s Teórica Investimentos, which has around $100 million under management. “The range is so big that it shows how little transparency the process has.”


Petrobras Chief Executive Maria das Graças Foster at a meeting with journalists in Rio de Janeiro last month. She said on Wednesday that Petrobras and its independent auditors had appraised 188.4 billion reais in fixed assets—about one-third of the company’s total. Photo: Reuters
Petrobras’ balance sheet wasn’t entirely without impairment charges, however. The company wrote off a total of 2.71 billion reais related to the construction of two refineries, Premium I and Premium II, in northeastern Brazil, after deciding not to move forward with them.

The company also provided more details on a slowdown in its ambitious spending program, saying that it would reduce the pace of investments in certain projects, though it declined to say which projects, and its new budget for this year would be between $31 billion and $33 billion. Previously, the company was averaging around $44 billion a year as part of a plan to spend more than $220 billion by 2018, primarily on ramping up offshore oil production.

The delay in reporting its earnings had effectively shut off Petrobras’ access to capital markets, a major concern for investors since Petrobras is among the most indebted oil companies in the world, with some $170 billion in debt, according to Moody’s Investors Service.

On Wednesday, Petrobras said it would not need to access debt markets in 2015 “due to steps that will increase cash flow.”

That contrasts with a report by Fitch Ratings earlier this week that said Petrobras would likely require “at least” $15 billion to $25 billion of financing in 2015. The amount included $11 billion in debt maturing this year as well as the expected gap between the company’s cash flow and its capital expenditures.

Fitch said it expected the Brazilian government to step in with loan guarantees or direct financing from state development bank BNDES to cover the shortfall.

Financial ratings firms have threatened to downgrade Petrobras' credit if it continued to delay reporting its earnings.

In addition to Brazilian authorities, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Justice Department are conducting their own investigations into alleged wrongdoing at Petrobras.

Petrobras is also the target of more than a dozen class-action lawsuits in New York, where Petrobras shares are traded. The suits allege that Petrobras willfully misled investors about the alleged corruption.

Petrobras says that it is cooperating with these investigations, and has set up an internal compliance division to deal with possible issues of impropriety going forward.

—Rogerio Jelmayer contributed to this article.

Dank je wel voor het artikel. Trouwens als dit de basis is voor de opmerkingen van die analist, dan interpreteert hij dit artikel helemaal fout. Dit gaat m.i. helemaal over dat carwash gebeuren.
Independent trader
AB voor plaatsen artikel

Als dit op dit moment niet on-topic is, weet ik het ook niet meer. Maar koning ff heerst met ijzeren hand over zijn draadjes.. ;-)
Het Braziliaanse Openbaar Ministerie heeft gisteren een website gepubliceerd waar het een stand van zaken geeft in de zaak Lava Jato.

Waar het procedurehandelingen stelde tegen 150 personen en maar liefst 232 bedrijven, met 2.1 mia real aan 'afgeleide gelden', waarvan 450 mio werd gerecupereerd en 210 mio werd geblokkeerd. Tevens overzicht van alle 18 klachten die het OM in dat verband behandeld.

En SBM? Wordt zelfs niet vernoemd.

Het moge nu dan ook voor eens en voor altijd duidelijk zijn dat het ene niets met het andere te maken heeft.

Kopermans schreef op 30 januari 2015 06:47:

Het Braziliaanse Openbaar Ministerie heeft gisteren een website gepubliceerd waar het een stand van zaken geeft in de zaak Lava Jato.

Waar het procedurehandelingen stelde tegen 150 personen en maar liefst 232 bedrijven, met 2.1 mia real aan 'afgeleide gelden', waarvan 450 mio werd gerecupereerd en 210 mio werd geblokkeerd. Tevens overzicht van alle 18 klachten die het OM in dat verband behandeld.

En SBM? Wordt zelfs niet vernoemd.

Het moge nu dan ook voor eens en voor altijd duidelijk zijn dat het ene niets met het andere te maken heeft.
Wellicht was deze publicatie gisteren de oorzaak dat SBM nog zo goed bleef liggen, terwijl Shell zo hard omlaag ging.

Bokie schreef op 30 januari 2015 07:53:

Wellicht was deze publicatie gisteren de oorzaak dat SBM nog zo goed bleef liggen, terwijl Shell zo hard omlaag ging.
@Bokie, dit zag ik pas vanmorgen gepubliceerd, dus ik vermoed hier geen verband. Er zijn voor SBM gewoon geen verkopers meer die het nog veel erger zien worden (zie ook de stabilisering van de olieprijs rond 45$).
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