goedemorgen iedereen,
zoals ik het lees en interpreteer is TRITON er niet in geslaagd om binnen de voorziene periode het benodigde kapitaal samen te krijgen en is de rest nu beschikbaar voor de vrije markt. Hieronder de officiële mededeling die ik van Libby via mail zojuist ontving. Andere meningen of opmerkingen zijn steeds welkom, succes iedereen
Triton Minerals Limited (ASX: TON) (Triton or the Company) advises that the pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer of one (1) fully paid ordinary share for every three (3) fully paid ordinary shares (Shares) held by eligible shareholders on 30 December 2015 at an issue price of $0.09 per share to raise up to $11,296,483 (before costs), with one (1) free attaching option for every two (2) Shares subscribed for under the offer (Options) (Entitlement Offer) closed on 13 January 2016.
The Entitlement Offer was partially underwritten up to $4 million by GMP Securities Australia Pty Limited. A total of 125,518,076 Shares and 62,759,936 Options may be issued pursuant to the Entitlement Offer.
The Company has received acceptances for a total of 20,436,431 Shares and
10,218,298 Options, including applications for 4,097,174 Shares and 2,048,580 Options from eligible shareholders applying in excess of their entitlement, to raise a total of approximately $1.84 million. The issue of Shares and Options pursuant to the Entitlement Offer is scheduled to occur on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 with trading of these securities expected to commence on 21 January 2016.
The shortfall under the Entitlement Offer is 105,081,645 Shares and 52,541,638 Options (Shortfall).
The underwritten Shortfall of 24,008,013 Shares (approx. $2.16 million) and 12,004,007 Options will be issued in accordance with the underwriting agreement.
The Directors reserve the right to place the remaining Shortfall of 81,073,632 Shares and 40,537,631 Options (approx. $7.3 million) within three months of the closing date. All figures are subject to rounding and final clearance of cheques.