PGS vandaag hard omhoog.
Het lijkt er ook op dat de afschrijvingen op assets nog niet voorbij zullen zijn.
"As a result of the weak market fundamentals the Company recorded impairments of goodwill and intangible assets, primarily stemming from acquisitions made in a significantly stronger market, of $172.4 million in Q4 2015. There is no remaining carrying value of goodwill in the Company’s balance sheet as of December 31, 2015.
For the full year 2015, impairments and loss on sale of assets amounted to $397.2 million. The Company currently expects a continued weak market through 2016 and a gradual recovery in the years thereafter. Depending on several factors, including market developments and the Company’s projections and plans, further impairments of long-term assets, including property and equipment, MultiClient library and deferred tax asset may arise in future periods."
Dus geen goodwill meer op de balans..
Niet helemaal vergelijkbaar, maar Fugro heeft nog 575 mln aan goodwill op de balans (per 31 dec. 2014). Ook voornamelijk door "acquisitions made in a significantly stronger market".