KidBackInTown schreef op 6 augustus 2016 07:43:
"According to our calculations ArcelorMittal S.A. is currently rated as SELL.
ArcelorMittal S.A. is currently rated as Outperform by analysts and as Buy by the crowd. The valuation analysis sees ArcelorMittal S.A. as Overvalued. Compared to the current price of ArcelorMittal S.A. of €5.75 on the main market Xetra, analysts, the crowd and our valuation analysis believe that the price of ArcelorMittal S.A. might drop by -1.24%.
ArcelorMittal S.A. has risen by 2.49% since the last trading day. The current price is €5.75."
"The analysts think ArcelorMittal is Outperform.
There are currently 9 Buy, 6 Outperform, 9 Hold, 2 Underperform and 2 Sell opinions by professional analysts for ArcelorMittal. The average target price for this stock calculated by the analysts is 5.51€. According to their estimates the price will drop by -4.25%. Over the last week the average analyst opinion for ArcelorMittal has stayed the same."
"The crowd rates the ArcelorMittal stock as Buy.
Currently only a few users cover the ArcelorMittal stock. The consensus target price of the crowd is €7.91, which means that the crowd expects the current price of ArcelorMittal to change by 37.51%."
"ArcelorMittal SA is considered overvalued in both of its historical (KPI: P/S ratio) and peer (KPI: P/S ratio) comparison analysis. As a result, this stock is therefore currently considered 'overvalued'. However ArcelorMittal SA would be considered 'undervalued' if its price declined below 5.51 $. Furthermore, even though ArcelorMittal SA is considered overvalued by the valuation, its price could be supported long-term because of its limited downside risk with a P/B ratio below 1.0, unless its cash flow worsens going forward. Disclaimer: The fact that ArcelorMittal SA is considered "overvalued" by the analysis does not mean that its price will decline in the future. Monitor the sales and other related figures of ArcelorMittal SA closely and keep an eye on its external environment when making your investment decision."