Het eerste gebruik van RUCONEST bevestiging in 2018.
Achter de schermen gaat het dus gewoon door!!!!!Burdie dat klopt helemaal!!
Happy New Year! It is the first #Ruconest infusion of 2018, and it went pretty well. Needle placement was a challenge, and I was dealing with some mild discomfort. As a distraction my daughter and I watched the last few episodes a K drama. Seeing her fuss,or laugh at the antics of the odd characters was hilarious, and entertaining to me too. I’ll have to figure out what our next series will be for #Ruconest infusion nights.
Starting the New Year with an infusion is actually pretty awesome, it is like I’m setting the tone for this coming year. Out with the old health insurance company, and in with a new one. This new company so far is off to a good start, and I’m hoping to avoid all the drama and battles of the past. All my specialists, great hospitals, and pharmacy are in network. I’ll start the process of getting all my specialty medication authorizations approved. I’m hoping that I’ll keep out of the ICU this year, and spend more time with my Ohana and friends not the doctors and nurses. I look forward to sharing more of my stories, posting more videos, and getting to know you all more. Thank you for starting this journey with me last year, and I hope you’ll continue to do so in 2018.