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TomTom in 2018

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JanssenB schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:06:

Prima dagje TonTom als je beurs breed kijkt
Bon ton
De consensus cijfers voor het vierde kwartaal zijn vandaag gepubliceerd.

Als ik de cijfers vergelijk met de eerder gepubliceerde cijfers (na de Q3 resultaten), dan is met name de verwachting voor de omzet van Automotive omhooggegaan (van € 46 mln naar € 50 mln).
Ik had al in een eerdere post aangegeven dat de consensus voor deze divisie veel te laag was, en dat is nog steeds het geval. Ik ga op basis van de autoverkopen in het vierde kwartaal uit van € 56 mln.
Met uitzondering van Consumer, waar de omzetverwachting met € 1 mln verlaagd is, zijn ook de verwachtingen van de andere twee divisies licht hoger.

De cost of sales is gelijk gebleven, waardoor de gross margeverwachting naar boven is bijgesteld tot 64.7% (was 64.2%). Adjusted net income zal nu uitkomen op € 16 mln in Q4. De eerdere verwachting was € 14 mln.

groeibriljant schreef op 30 januari 2018 14:29:


Zijn ze kennelijk ingeseind dat er volgende week beter dan verwachte cijfers worden gerapporteerd. Vooral de wpa 2018 zal naar mijn verwachting spectaculair gaan groeien.(koers naar boven de 12)

Deze week nog de aankondiging van verkoop van Sports? (koers naar boven de 10)
Net zo zeker als de deal met Tesla?
Tom Tom durft wel wat te zeggen, als ik links op de twitter side kijk.

TomTom?Geverifieerd account?


TomTom is shaping the future, leading the way with autonomous driving, smart mobility and smarter cities.

Vrij vertaald :

Tom Tom is vormgever van de toekomst, wij zijn leider in SDC, slimme mibiliteit en slimme steden.

bekeken schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:11:

De consensus cijfers voor het vierde kwartaal zijn vandaag gepubliceerd.

Als ik de cijfers vergelijk met de eerder gepubliceerde cijfers (na de Q3 resultaten), dan is met name de verwachting voor de omzet van Automotive omhooggegaan (van € 46 mln naar € 50 mln).
Ik had al in een eerdere post aangegeven dat de consensus voor deze divisie veel te laag was, en dat is nog steeds het geval. Ik ga op basis van de autoverkopen in het vierde kwartaal uit van € 56 mln.
Met uitzondering van Consumer, waar de omzetverwachting met € 1 mln verlaagd is, zijn ook de verwachtingen van de andere twee divisies licht hoger.

De cost of sales is gelijk gebleven, waardoor de gross margeverwachting naar boven is bijgesteld tot 64.7% (was 64.2%). Adjusted net income zal nu uitkomen op € 16 mln in Q4. De eerdere verwachting was € 14 mln.

Als ik zo naar de consensus kijk !

Sorry voor de afkorting, maar dan zit Ketchup er toch behoorlijk naast.

*Natte krant* schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:12:

Net zo zeker als de deal met Tesla?
Die deal met Tesla is er. Alleen mogen wij het nog niet weten. De beta-testers van Tesla rijden inmiddels rond met data van TomTom. Dat is 100% zeker. De inhoud van de deal echter nog niet. Het lijkt vooralsnog beperkt maar het kan net zo goed de voorbode zijn van het gebruik van de TomTom HD-maps en RoadDNA/RRS door Tesla.

Overigens zou het mooi zijn als TomTom ook deze deal de komende week bekend maakt.

groeibriljant schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:36:


Die deal met Tesla is er. Alleen mogen wij het nog niet weten. De beta-testers van Tesla rijden inmiddels rond met data van TomTom. Dat is 100% zeker. De inhoud van de deal echter nog niet. Het lijkt vooralsnog beperkt maar het kan net zo goed de voorbode zijn van het gebruik van de TomTom HD-maps en RoadDNA/RRS door Tesla.

Overigens zou het mooi zijn als TomTom ook deze deal de komende week bekend maakt.
Dat zou meer dan mooi zijn. Misschien zelfs wel een verplichting van TomTom.

tatje schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:35:


Als ik zo naar de consensus kijk !

Sorry voor de afkorting, maar dan zit Ketchup er toch behoorlijk naast.
Hoezo ?

Omzet fy17 rond 900 mio (875_900 voor range)
WPA adj fy17 30_35 ct range

Je moet outlook 2018 niet verwarren met estimate 2017
ING en ABN gaan ervan uit dat Sports/consumer uitfaseert en daarom voorzien zij een range van 800_850 mio voor 2018
Volgende week 12 voor de komma
ik ben er zeker van dat het jaren wachten nu echt mega goedgemaakt gaat worden

moneymaker_BX schreef op 30 januari 2018 17:59:

Volgende week 12 voor de komma
ik ben er zeker van dat het jaren wachten nu echt mega goedgemaakt gaat worden
ik ben er op 10,50 dan al volledig uit en mogen jullie cashen op >12 euro. winst is winst.
ING en ABN gaan ervan uit dat Sports/consumer uitfaseert en daarom voorzien zij een range van 800_850 mio voor 2018

Ik zal het wel niet snappen !

6 feb 2018 zegt Harold sports is verkocht of stopt.

Ik heb consumer PND op 320 en sports op 50 staan in 2017.

In 2018 is er geen omzet sports meer.


Consumer PND 320 en sports 50 totaal 370
consumer hardware 41
Automotive 184
Licensing 143
Telematics 162

Totaal 900

Dasss ook de begin stand 2018 zonder die 50 sports.

Ik laat consumer zonder sports dalen en de rest stijgen en kom dan in 2018 op 877

We zullen het zien.

Sparren doe je inderdaad met respect.

En dat heb ik voor jou :-)

Ook voor een aantal anderen, maar niet voor allemaal :-)

@ Tatje, het allerbeste is als HG helemaal niets meer binnen de cijfers rapporteert voor heel consumer en dat vanaf 2018 consumer niet langer onderdeel uitmaakt van TT's toekomst visie.
gewoon consumer onder de lijn rapporteren, zijnde niet langer van belang, het is toch allemaal al afgeschreven in de boeken, haal het er dan ook maar uit voor performance doeleinden.
dan kunnen we verder gaan met groei onderdelen aan groei-multiples, gaat de koers vanzelf omhoog als rijzend bakmeel.

zo niet blijf je negatievelingen houden die blijven zeuren over krimp en over besluiteloosheid.

goed ik zie strak blauwe luchten en denk dat HG gaat leveren.
06 februari Hemelvaartsdag voor TT

Mooi interview met Strijbos

j-a: What is next for TomTom in terms of autonomous capability?

WS: We will be adding additional partners, it's the phase that the industry's now getting into, the partnering has been going on for a long time, but it is now getting more and more concrete so there's a lot of suppliers like us really integrating with other automotive suppliers and a lot of discussions I have here at CES are about that. Then we'll start to see vehicles hit the road with those maps inside in about 2020-21 which is when most of the automotive manufacturers are asking for delivery. I think we'll then continue to make that maps richer, more features, refine the experience, all with the goal of making the drive safer and more comfortable.

j-a: What would you say your major competition for mapping is? Would it be HERE the BMW and Daimler joint venture? Why do they feel the need to have their own mapping technology?

WS: That's what you should ask them! I don't know what their exact motivation is, I just read what I read in the press, they were afraid that they would become dependent on Google, that's one of the arguments that they use in the press. They said Google would have bought HERE, or Apple or one of the other Silicon Valley guys.

j-a: So it seems to me there's much duplication of effort and if one of the drivers for autonomous is the elimination of road traffic accidents wouldn't it be better if everybody joined together and shared all the data?

WS: I agree.
Deel I

TomTom, synonymous with satellite navigation systems, is making a big push into the autonomous vehicle area where it can leverage its mapping and UX expertise. At the 2018 CES in Las Vegas just-auto's Calum MacRae met with Willem Strijbosch, head of autonomous driving, TomTom to find out about their latest developments.

just-auto: So you've just announced a whole raft of developments in autonomous and what TomTom's going to be doing in the area. Can you take me through each of them and why they are game changing?

WS: There were six announcements, five of them were related autonomous driving. I'll try and recall all five! One of them was about AutoStream, which is a product to get high definition map data into the vehicle in a timely way and only the relevant data. Timeliness and relevance are key. Data needs to be up to date so that is as close to reality as it can be.

j-a: How do you ensure it is up to date?

We have several sources for our HD map database that we then stream with AutoStream

WS: We have several sources for our HD map database that we then stream with AutoStream, we have our own survey vehicles and we have sources coming in from cars on the road - crowd sourcing - that bit is small now but growing fast.

j-a: So anyone who's got a TomTom is contributing to the real time data that you have?

WS: Yes, but not necessarily a TomTom, because we need it from cameras and radars and LiDAR in the vehicles. That data's partially processed in the vehicles but we then process and we translate it into maps.

j-a: So you announced that you partnered with two companies for that, Baidu and Zenuity, are there going to be more partners and why those two first?

WS: There will be more partners and we're first with Baidu and Zenuity because they are long-standing partners of our. We pitched the concept of AutoStream to many OEMs and many other suppliers and there's a lot of positive reception for it. So undoubtedly there will be more.

j-a: And the other announcement was the driver sensing or the driver in the loop inputs wasn't it?

WS: Yes, MotionQ. It's a concept about problems that many people don't think about but that do exist. In this case motion sickness in self driving vehicles and how can you deal with that. And we have a long heritage of course in all sorts of user interface thinking in products. Some say that we already have three passengers in a vehicle having an autonomous experience that doesn't take into account that they may be facing backwards, standing up or they may be without a view out from windows.

MotionQ is a set of visual cues that enable passengers to anticipate an autonomous vehicle's motion, leading to a more comfortable experience

MotionQ is a set of visual cues that enable passengers to anticipate an autonomous vehicle's motion, leading to a more comfortable experience. It does this with intuitive overlays on the central display, communicating the vehicle's intended motion. It's here at CES in the Rinspeed Snap concept. The key is that we're exploring the concept, we're not really saying it's working we're just saying this is a problem, this is a concept that solves it to some extent, but it's one step in the direction.

j-a: How does the autonomous opportunity compare with your traditional business of embedded navigation systems?

WS: What we do in autonomous driving is provide an HD map service - MotionQ's a concept at this stage - including AutoStream and receiving all sorts of data from the vehicle. I'm not going to put any numbers on it, but analysts have for me and some of them are talking of a US$20 billion market. They're not my numbers, but we compare that to the market for standard navigation maps, which is about US$2 billion globally, and we're talking about a different sort of magnitude.

j-a: Do you think the need for good mapping is often disregarded in the race to autonomous because everyone tends to think it's about cameras, LiDAR and radar?

WS: That was probably the case a few years back. You'd have heard people say that humans drive with just our eyes, so we can make a computer do that as well. But that's a false analogy because we humans actually make maps in our heads. As soon as you have a commute with a car, as soon as you've driven it once you start to build a map in your head. You use point objects to localise yourself and if you for example take the exit of the highway to your home, there's multiple lanes at the bottom of the exit, it doesn't matter when it's raining, snowing, full of other cars, you know where you should put your vehicle, which lane you need to take because you've built that map. You're not reprocessing every time all the visual information. And that all translates to computing as well, it's very efficient and it leads to more safety and comfort in the vehicle if you have that map.

j-a: How far do you think you can go with your mapping technology in autonomous, will there be a point when that's it and you can't do anymore development on it?

WS: Nothing is infinite but we are still developing our standard definition map technology and that's 20 years ago, we've done a major overhaul of our whole map making platform. We will continue to improve there.
Deel III

j-a: Do you think that will happen in the future or is are there too many commercial sensibilities?

WS: It won't be perfect but we are moving in that direction. I think that there will be more open standards, there will be more sharing.

j-a: Earlier on you said some of your information is crowd-sourced, so how many sources of information do you have on the road at the moment that are contributing to your mapping and how many do you see in five years time?

For change detection we already have more than 550 million devices contributing GPS information anonymously to us...we are so accurate picking up roadworks that the same governments that plan these roadworks come to us and ask "where do we have roadworks?"

WS: We have crowd sources and survey vehicles and at the moment survey vehicles are the main source, crowd sources is small but growing. Over time it will become a much larger part of the mix. You do crowd sourcing for two purposes, the minimum purpose is change detection. Which is super valuable. So you find where a crossing has become a roundabout for example. We only know that that has happened, the data that you have is not good enough to actually update the map, but now we know we can send a survey vehicle. For change detection we already have more than 550 million devices contributing GPS information anonymously to us. This information is even to the point that we can pick up roadworks and we are so accurate that governments come to us, the same governments that plan these roadworks, and they ask us, "where do we have roadworks?" I'm not kidding!

The number of devices we have reporting information will only grow as more and more cars get connected and some of those 550 million are smart phones used in a car, which is also still growing. The data we get is not limited to TomTom only devices. There are apps on mobile phones from which we get data, we have telematics units or a fleet management units - those guys contribute data. Some of the data we actually buy as there are competing telematics companies that also sell this data. It's a whole mix of sources.
Mooi gevonden Sunshine band.

het volgende gedeelte zegt eigenlijk alles.

j-a: What is next for TomTom in terms of autonomous capability?

WS: We will be adding additional partners, it's the phase that the industry's now getting into, the partnering has been going on for a long time, but it is now getting more and more concrete so there's a lot of suppliers like us really integrating with other automotive suppliers and a lot of discussions I have here at CES are about that. Then we'll start to see vehicles hit the road with those maps inside in about 2020-21 which is when most of the automotive manufacturers are asking for delivery. I think we'll then continue to make that maps richer, more features, refine the experience, all with the goal of making the drive safer and more comfortable.

Kun je dat stand alone of moet je veel groter denken.

Een samenwerking - een strategische alliantie - een overname.

Kan allemaal :-)
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