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This Multi-Bagger May have More Bagging to Do as Two Big Customers Roll in
By Malcolm Stacey | Friday 2 February 2018
Hello, Share Bunnies. The nearest you get to a joke in the bible is when someone asks about Jesus, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’. As a Northerner, I could say the same about Woking. However, I know of at least one good internet firm based in Woking and I commend it to your further attention now.
Sopheon (SPE) is in a game called product life-cycling. This turns out to be providing hi-tech services for making client companies run more efficiently. Now, if I’ve got that wrong, I blame the website of the outfit I feature today because I can’t understand much of the jargon on there. Though this isn’t unusual for this kind of venture.
Like me, you may not hitherto have had too much luck with software companies. But some such companies are getting it right. Sopheon, if the rocketing share price is any guide, is one of them.
A mere two years ago the shares were about 70p a pop. As I write they are 570p. Wow, indeed! But of course, this might only indicate that the shares have been overbought and are courting a correction. Too late to join the party, then?
Except that Sopheon has just issued a jolly trading statement. It has, it seems, signed a pair of big deals. Customer one is big and hails from Germany. Client two is also big and lives in America (though I can’t see the two company names in the trading update).
The 2017 year’s income is expected to be over $28 million. That’s $5 million+ up on 2016 and two orders from two big corporations could signify similar take-ups soon. And the company believe profit for the full year will be above market expectations as well. Ok, we already have a seven-bagger over two years here. And you might be inclined to think you’re too late. But we all know companies which have done a lot better than that. So please make up your own mind.
As I rejoin the Punter’s Return.