Ik ben nog eens aan het teruglezen over wat er zoal gemeld is over Sports.
Q1 17 CC
Sports as a whole did not grow in Q1. It contracted a little bit. That was according to plan. We stay with our guidance that we expect 10% growth for the full year, but that will be back-end loaded.
Q2 17 CC
And we started with our Sports business in 2011, and since then, we have seen growth year-over-year to reach [revenue] over EUR 100 million at the end of 2016, with growth level of more than 50%. That said, the -- we were not able to make profit at those levels, and we knew that we had to grow our business further to at least EUR 200 million to start to be breakeven or to start to make profits. We -- in our expectations for 2017, we didn't think we would reach that level already in 2017, but we would get there somewhere in 2018. But when we saw the first quarter results coming in, they weren't great, but we felt that, that would be more a temporary event. But then after a marketing campaign in Q2 and still no growth year-over-year, we decided early July that we couldn't go on this way.
AvA 2017
Dat hebben we geprobeerd op te lossen en te compenseren met de sportsector en met name de horloges. Dat loopt goed, maar dat is nog niet voldoende gebleken om die tegenvallende PND-markt te compenseren
Zie de 3 highlighted opmerkingen. De opmerking tijdens Q2 spreekt de opmerking van Q1 en de AvA tegen.
Waarom ligt ik dit eruit? Het toont in mijn ogen aan dat TomTom bereid is schaamteloze onwaarheden te verkondigen. Wat mij betreft is het vertrouwen verdwenen dat TomTom bereid is een open beeld te schetsen van waar ze staan. Niemand dwingt Wakkie om te zeggen dat het goed gaat met Sports, dat doet hij uit vrij wil, terwijl het achteraf gezien niet klopt.