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Hot Searchlight: Koninklijke BAM Groep nv (BAMNB)
Koninklijke BAM Groep nv (BAMNB) belongs to Industrials sector that received attractive attention from Investors and traders. It is going under observations and created a move of -3.00% at recent price at € 3.175 in most recent Trading session. Koninklijke BAM Groep nv stock price identified moved of 506.80% from its 52-week maximum price level and marked a change of 281.40% from its 52-week minimum price level. These 52-week values data help to compare its recent price with high or low prices inside a one-year framework.
Investors are searching for easily tradable or highly liquid stocks, here we screened Koninklijke BAM Groep nv stock with recent volume of 568595 shares. Particularly for day traders, high volume is crucial, as the higher the volume the more liquid the stock is. Looking around last three track record, it holds trading capacity of 1386738 shares on average basis. If you own a stock that has extremely low daily volume, it may be difficult to get free of in a short time period. BAMNB registered activity of relative volume at 0.41.
BAMNB has a market cap of € 1000029027.3792. Market capitalization refers to the total dollar market value of a company’s outstanding shares. The company holds Outstanding share with figure of 277067008 and noted 251596298 floating shares. Beta factor detected at 1.351584. Beta measures stock’s price volatility relative to the market.
BAMNB stock’s RSI is standing at 47.02. RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between 0 and 100. Traditionally the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. When the RSI reading is between 30 and 0, the security is supposed to be oversold and ready for an upward correction. When the security reading is between 70 and 100, the security is supposed to be heavily bought and is ready for a downward correction.
The objective of using RSI is to help the trader identify over sold and overbought price areas. Overbought implies that the positive momentum in the stock is so high that it may not be sustainable for long and hence there could be a correction. Likewise, an oversold position indicates that the negative momentum is high leading to a possible reversal.
The company made a return on asset (ROA) of 0.37% and return on equity (ROE) of 3.24% in past twelve months period. Price to book ratio was 1.154965 while price to sales ratio of the stock was 0.130733. Analysts suggested consensus 1.7 rating after analysis.
ADX value stands at 30.22. Average directional index (ADX 14) is a technical indicator that quantifies the strength of a trend regardless of its direction or momentum. The values of ADX range from 0 to 100 and are also important for distinguishing between trends and non-trends. Many traders will use ADX readings above 25 to suggest that the trend’s strength is strong enough for trend trading strategies. Conversely, when ADX is below 25, many will avoid trend trading strategies.
Koninklijke BAM Groep nv (BAMNB) stock price is trading at distance of 317.08% from the its 50-Day SMA. SMA 50 is an average stock price from the last 50 days calculated as an unweighted mean of the previous 50 stock closing prices. The current stock price is moving with difference of 356.31% to its 200-Day SMA. Simple moving average of 200 days for a stock is an unweighted moving average over the past 200 days.