BultiesBrothers schreef op 8 november 2019 19:02:
Het enige wat we over Q3 kunnen achterhalen is het volgende:
Recent Developments
Based on the current information available to management, total sales volumes for the two months ended August 31, 2019 are in line with management expectations and increased by approximately 7% compared to the two months ended August 31, 2018. Increases in sales volumes were primarily driven by (i) the ramp-up of Natgasoline, which was fully reflected in July volumes; (ii) a doubling of DEF sales volumes; and (iii) the start-up of BioMCN’s second line during the third quarter, as well reflecting full production from BioMCN’s first line, which was down for a planned turnaround during the third quarter of 2018. Management believes that sales volumes were lower than could have otherwise been achieved (i) due to scheduled turnarounds at a number of our nitrogen facilities (IFCo, Sorfert, EFC and OCI Nitrogen), which management planned to coincide with the usual seasonal demand slowdown, and (ii) an unplanned shutdown at Natgasoline starting in August due to an isolated event related to the waste heat boiler that is currently being resolved.
Dit gaat wel over Juli en Augustus (September is daarbij nog niet meegerekend)
- Ik mag hopen dat september wel een goede maand is geweest want de total sales voor Q3 2018 liggen wel een stuk lager dan Q2 2019.
- Klopt het dat in Juli Natgasoline weer in gebruik was en vervolgens in Augustus weer stil lag?
- Eigenlijk zeggen ze ook dat de volumes niet helemaal zijn gegaan zoals verwacht.. (Management believes that sales volumes were lower than could have otherwise been achieved)