Zemmel schreef op 18 maart 2019 21:34:
Ingestapt in AMG en kijk nu ook naar de call opties December 2019.
In het jaarverslag las ik een opvallende quote van de CEO:
In 2018, our EBITDA increased from $125 million to $217million (plus 73%), a record in AMG’s history. We also ended the year in a net cash position despite large investments.
Surprisingly, the stock price declined in 2018 from €42 per share in the beginning to €28 per share at year-end.
Compare that to 2017. In that year, the EBITDA went from $101 million to $125 million (an increase of 24%) and the
share price increased from €15 per share to €42 per share. We received the Euronext Award for the all-around best performer. Given our much better earnings performance in 2018, we naively hoped to have the chance to receive that award again. Instead, we are disappointed to report that our excellent results did not translate to a similar degree into our share price.
Opvallend, omdat CEO's hun businesses managen en niet de share price en toch stelt het hem erg teleur. Nu is AMG wel erg geholpen door de prijs van Vanadium:
www.vanadiumprice.com/. In Q1 is deze prijs in elkaar gestort. Iemand een idee hoeveel impact dit gaat hebben op de resultaten Q1 2019?