this is strikingly different fromH1N1 flu virus. Furthermore, administering estrogen to patients over a short period of time would not pose any major safety concerns and would be of limited cost.”Estetrol's unique profile"Studies are currently underway at two US hospitals to see if hormones can have an impact on the disease, especially in men," says Mitchell Creinin, Professor of Gynecology at UC Davis University,California. "Estetrol has unique properties and a profile of activity that is distinct from that of classical estrogens. It would therefore be interesting to explore its effect on Covid-19 and assess its impact on the blood vessels of infected patients, especially as the virus induces strokes among young patients.""Men and women react differently to viral respiratory infections, due to different responses of innate immune cells," adds Professor Jean-Michel Foidart, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium. "Similarly, changes in estrogen levels in women at puberty, during pregnancy and menopause are associated with changes in their natural immunity. It is therefore considered useful to ascertain the favourable impact of natural human estrogen such as Estetrol, which has a higher safety profile than other classicalestrogens.In Belgium, the death rate of women is lower than that of men up to the age of 74. This beneficial gender effect disappears in the 75-84 age group, before reversing after the age of 85. This is consistent with the hypothesis of the protective role of estrogens in women during their hormonal cycle and even up to 15-20 years after the natural menopause".”Following epidemiological and clinical data, Mithra has decided to launcha research program on the potential beneficial impact of Estetrol in the treatment of Covid-19. The protocol for this program is currently being developed in consultation with various international experts active in Covid-19 research. This Phase II study should be conducted in late 2020 on both male and female patients infected with the virus.