Van een forum geplukt, van een zekere Cliff
Het is ook wat ik denk dat er staat te gebeuren.
Just to clarify your point, we've been told or at least led to believe that we'll get an update on 21 more compassionate use patients this week (6 of 6 early compassionate use patients all on ventilators saw dramatic results within 3-4 days, including coming off the ventilators). Those are different from the interim data analysis on the first 102 patients in the phase 2/3 trial. The compassionate use patients are outside of the trial. Based on what the doctor said in his interview a week ago, when 85 or 86 patients were confirmed to be enrolled, given the pace of enrollments, and the duration of treatment (I think I remember reading that the trial treatment protocol was for 11 days of treatment, though the compassionate use results were profound within 3-4 days), we here have been estimating that phase 2/3 interim data on those 102 patients was coming very soon, possibly this week, though I have been guestimating more likely next week at the earliest, and possibly a week or a few weeks after that.
So this week we think we'll get the results from the next 21 compassionate use patients, as well as something about one or both partnerships (One with a major drug manufacturer, and one with a major drug distributor, the later stated to be able to get drugs into pretty much every hospital in the US right away). There was something else possibly coming out this week but I don't recall what that was. And after this week, maybe within a few weeks after, we're likely to get the 102 patient interim trial data. We could get an update at any time about the new trial for the inhaled version expected to begin on or before September 1st as well.
Some here have opined that if the imminent results for the next 21 compassionate uses patients is anywhere near as strong as they were for the first 6, that if the interim data analysis on the first 102 trial patients comes out strong, they may stop the trial and ask the FDA for immediate approval so that the placebo patients in the trial can promptly switch to the drug as well. I think this is a very possible scenario with the right results, and this could be within weeks potentially. Exciting stuff.