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BAM november 2020

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€d_Modus Vivendi
Voleon Capital Management LPKoninklijke BAM Groep N.V.NL0000337319 0.86 17 nov 2020
van 0,90
€d_Modus Vivendi

Ten things we have learned about the national children’s hospital – and it’s not a pretty picture

The Oireachtas health committee has heard that construction has slowed, there is a long-running wrangle with the builder and Covid-19 has complicated the whole process
There have been 19 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in construction workers at the site of the new national children's hospital, two of which are active
There have been 19 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in construction workers at the site of the new national children's hospital, two of which are active

Eilish O'Regan

November 18 2020 04:12 PM

The new €1.4bn national children’s hospital being built on the site of St James’s Hospital in Dublin was supposed to be ready in 2014, but it has been beset with rows, delays over location, disputes over its name and cost.

The most recent deadline for completion was August 2022 with the aim of being ready for patients in 2023. But the Oireachtas health committee has been told that deadline will not be met.

The board overseeing its construction cannot provide a new timeline until next year.

Meanwhile, the three existing children’s hospitals continue to struggle in outdated buildings providing only 90pc of the care to sick children they delivered last year.

Here are the main points we learned from the committee as executives running the project were quizzed. They had no good news.
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National Children’s hospital delayed again as August 2022 deadline will not be met
Five times the Government has overreacted on Covid, confused the public and been forced to U-turn

1. The new hospital should be half built at this stage. But only one third of it has been constructed. There should be 1,900 construction workers on site but there are only half that number, slowing progress, according David Gunning, chief officer of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB).

2. The NPHDB is involved in a long-running wrangle with the builders, BAM, over extra claims running into hundreds of millions of euros since the project started. It began construction in July 2016.

3. Mr Gunning said last November it was four months behind. Then Covid-19 struck and construction was halted during the lockdown. It could have opened on May 18 but the builder did not recommence for another seven weeks until July 13 during which there was a row over funding. Mr Gunning said no extra money was paid to the builder.

4. He said that despite “ongoing engagement” with the builder the board is still without a “valid works programme” that is in line with contractual obligations. Until they get that they are withholding 15pc of monies invoiced every month.

5. There is also delay in constructing the second satellite centre providing outpatient clinics and emergency care at Tallaght Hospital. It will not be ready before September next year and will take another eight weeks to commission. The centre in Connolly Hospital has been open since July last year.

6. Mr Gunning claimed that BAM has been “underperforming as regards project execution and has been extremely assertive in relation to claims. As a result, the board has strengthened its legal team. It has paid the company around €2m extra so far but this has been offset by savings and other measures. Currently it is under budget.

7. There have been 19 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in construction workers at the site, two of which are active.

8. Eilish Hardiman, who is chief of Children’s Health Ireland, made up of the three existing hospitals, said pre-fab buildings have had to be put up and play rooms taken over in the hospitals because of the demands for Covid-19 infection control.

9. The three children’s hospitals have seen an increase in presentations of children with mental health issues and a decrease in attendances at emergency departments.

10. The pandemic has emphasised the need for the new hospital and the impact on the care of children is being assessed because of the delay in the new build.

voor Nird

NorthBear schreef op 18 november 2020 18:03:


06-11-2020 ING Hold 1,20
05-11-2020 ING Hold 1,30
05-11-2020 Degroof Petercam Hold 1,40
30-09-2020 KBC Securities Hold 1,80
27-08-2020 ING Hold 1,30
10-08-2020 ING Hold 1,50
30-06-2020 KBC Securities Hold 1,80
12-05-2020 ING Hold 1,50
07-05-2020 Kempen Neutral 2,40

ING had wel degelijk een 1,50 staan maar dat is al een tijdje terug haha
Ok dank je dan is mijn koers doel..........
€d_Modus Vivendi
Deepening divisions between BAM and National Children's Hospital board
Deepening divisions between BAM and National Children's Hospital board

Construction of the new National Children's Hospital taking place in Dublin. Picture: Sasko Lazarov /
Wed, 18 Nov, 2020 - 19:46
Noel Baker and Elaine Loughlin

The contractor for the new children's hospital has said it is "fully committed" to delivering it but claimed it had still not received a fully complete, co-ordinated design for the project.

BAM issued a statement in which it said it wanted to "clarify a number of matters" that arose at a meeting of the Oireachtas Health Committee on Wednesday when the National Children’s Hospital was discussed.

That Committee meeting had heard that more than 600 claims for extra costs, amounting to over €200m, have been submitted by the National Children's Hospital contractor.

The Committee was also told that the board does not have a revised cost for the project and is still working to the original €1.433bn budget despite receiving a significant number of claims.

Social Democrat co-leader Róisín Shortall accused the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) of being "delusional" after its chief officer David Gunning said they are still working to the original timeline, despite the fact that the project has been delayed by at least nine months this year.

Mr Gunning said he could not give a completion date for the project, but payments to the contractor were 43% below what had been projected in October which "gives an indication in financial terms" of how far behind the project is.

The committee was told that an extra €15m will be needed to cover legal costs associated with fighting claims made by the contractor, BAM, from the start of 2020 to the middle of 2022.

Read More
Children's Hospital contractor submits 600 claims for extra costs totalling more than €200m

However, Mr Gunning could not say how much had originally been budgeted for legal fees.

In its statement issued on Wednesday evening, BAM said it was fully committed to delivering on the project as quickly and efficiently as possible and is availing of derogations for extended working hours wherever possible.

Referring to the meeting, it said: "The impression was given that BAM had no Work Programme. BAM has submitted several programmes and has updated them every month tracking actual versus planned progress. Each programme submitted, including the current one, has a specified predicted end date.

"The client is maintaining that for technical reasons (some related to Covid) the programme has deficiencies which makes it 'non-compliant'.

"BAM disagrees and is satisfied that the programme as submitted is more than what is needed to monitor progress. The current programme submitted by BAM has over 27,000 activities which incorporate the latest design information.

"This compares with an accepted compliant programme at Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) stage in January 2019 which had approximately 16,000 activities."

BAM also said it had still not received a fully complete, co-ordinated design for the project.

"New amendments are being added all the time. The Contract requires BAM to notify the NPHDB of every event which might give rise to an additional cost or a delay or lose its entitlement. There have been almost 10,000 new drawings (including Mechanical and Electrical drawings) since GMP stage in January 2019.

"Therefore it is hardly surprising that there are hundreds of notifications from BAM and its major subcontractors of potential additional costs/delays."

It also said the Covid-19 situation "continues to provide great uncertainty for the project timelines" and added: "We are putting measures in place to get as many workers on-site and productivity as high as possible within this context but the sooner that Covid restrictions are eased the better."
Nird is blij met Modusbe nu op de hoogte van de problemen in Ierland.
Maar het is niet te bevatten hoe ze met elkaar aan het steggele zijn this are not peanuts of a peace of cake

RIZ schreef op 18 november 2020 15:07:


Ik ben geen expert, maar volgens mij lopen dat soort processen niet via claims. En dat idd betekenen dat ze elke extra euro die nodig is buiten initiële budget, voorgefinancierd wordt door BAM totdat de claim wordt gehonoreerd.

2e reden dat ik het niet geloof is dat die 1,7 al breed uitgesproken en geaccepteerd lijkt. Dat zouden ze niet doen als het nog in de claim fase zit?
dit is waarschijnlijk de reden dat BAM de bouw stop heeft in gelast. Om de opdrachtgever te bewegen in het goedkeuren van claims lees betalingen etc.
actie is reactie dit is typisch Engels claim recht zowel van opdrachtnemer als van de opdrachtgever.

Trouwens dit gaat beter in de UK dan in Nederland. Dit is normaal in de UK vechten voor iedere Euro en na 17.00 een pilsje drinken met elkaar in de kroeg. In Nederland kun we dat veel minder uit elkaar houden.
€d_Modus Vivendi
nou nog eentje dan:

The new National Children's Hospital project is now a 'runaway train', Róisín Shortall has claimed.

The Social Democrats co-leader has expressed frustration at the lack of answers 'to the most basic questions' from the hospital's development board.

At a meeting today, the Oireachtas Health Committee heard from the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) that there's "no expectation" the project will be completed by the deadline of August 2022.

The board said a new estimated completion date is not expected until early next year.

It's also emerged the main contractor has submitted hundreds of claims for extra costs worth over €200 million.

Contractor BAM has defended their work, saying they remain committed to finishing the project as 'quickly and efficiently as possible'

Speaking on The Hard Shoulder, Deputy Shortall said today's committee meeting was 'extremely disappointing'.

New National Children's Hospital project is a 'runaway train' - Shortall

She said: "We were in a situation where we were expecting an update and ideally a progress report... and really it was highly unsatisfactory, the exchange that we had with the development board.

"At this stage, the expectation was that the development board would have had a handle on things and would have been clear about where we go from here... and the expected completion date and indeed an estimate of the overall cost. They weren't able to provide that today at all."

She said it's "incredible" that the board has no clear picture of the timescale they are working to.
'Runaway train'

The Social Democrats TD said it's clear the pandemic has had an impact on the project, but it was already running several months late before lockdown in March.

National Children's Hospital site Pictured today are building works taking place on the site of the new National Children’s Hospital in Dublin. Photograph: Sasko Lazarov /

She said: "There were then disputes about when the building was supposed to start back on site after things opened up. There was two periods of seven-weeks delay.

"It's just unbelievable... this is a runaway train.

"Certainly there are questions for the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, in terms of their failure to contain this and account for the mistakes they've made in terms of the procurement process."

She argued there needs to be some accountability for 'errors' in the procurement process that have led to substantial additional costs for the €1.4 billion project.

Meanwhile, in a statement this evening BAM said they still haven't received "a fully complete, co-ordinated design for the project".

They say it's 'hardly surprising' there have been hundreds of additional claims for costs, given the extra design costs that have been required throughout the project.

The company said: "Managing the public health guidelines and working restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 situation continues to provide great uncertainty for the project timelines.

"BAM confirms it has no capacity issues in terms of delivering this project.

"We are putting measures in place to get as many workers on site and productivity as high as possible within this context but the sooner that COVID restrictions are eased the better."
€d_Modus Vivendi

voor Nird

Het nieuwe project van het National Children's Hospital is nu een 'op hol geslagen trein', stelt Róisín Shortall.

De co-leider van de sociaal-democraten heeft zijn frustratie uitgesproken over het gebrek aan antwoorden 'op de meest fundamentele vragen' van de ontwikkelingsraad van het ziekenhuis.

Tijdens een vergadering vandaag hoorde het Oireachtas Health Committee van de National Pediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) dat er "geen verwachting" is dat het project voor de deadline van augustus 2022 zal zijn voltooid.

Het bestuur zei dat een nieuwe geschatte voltooiingsdatum pas begin volgend jaar wordt verwacht.

Ook blijkt dat de hoofdaannemer honderden claims heeft ingediend voor extra kosten ter waarde van meer dan € 200 miljoen.

Aannemer BAM heeft hun werk verdedigd en zegt zich te blijven inzetten om het project zo 'snel en efficiënt mogelijk' af te ronden.

Tijdens zijn toespraak over The Hard Shoulder zei plaatsvervangend Shortall dat de commissievergadering van vandaag 'buitengewoon teleurstellend' was.

Het nieuwe National Children's Hospital-project is een 'op hol geslagen trein' - Shortall
00:00:00 / 00:15:41

Ze zei: "We bevonden ons in een situatie waarin we een update verwachtten en idealiter een voortgangsrapport ... en het was echt zeer onbevredigend, de uitwisseling die we hadden met de ontwikkelingsraad.

"In dit stadium was de verwachting dat het ontwikkelbord grip op de zaken zou hebben gehad en duidelijk zou zijn geweest over waar we heen gaan vanaf hier ... en de verwachte voltooiingsdatum en inderdaad een schatting van de totale kosten. Ze waren ' dat kan ik vandaag helemaal niet bieden. "

Ze zei dat het "ongelooflijk" is dat het bestuur geen duidelijk beeld heeft van de tijdschaal waar ze aan werken.
'Op hol geslagen trein'

De sociaal-democraten TD zei dat het duidelijk is dat de pandemie een impact heeft gehad op het project, maar het liep al enkele maanden te laat voordat het in maart werd afgesloten.

National Children's Hospital siteVandaag afgebeeld zijn bouwwerkzaamheden die plaatsvinden op het terrein van het nieuwe National Children's Hospital in Dublin. Foto: Sasko Lazarov /

Ze zei: "Er waren toen geschillen over wanneer het gebouw weer ter plaatse moest beginnen nadat de zaken opengingen. Er waren twee periodes van zeven weken vertraging.

"Het is gewoon ongelooflijk ... dit is een op hol geslagen trein.

"Er zijn zeker vragen voor het Departement van Overheidsuitgaven en Hervormingen, in termen van het feit dat ze dit niet onder controle hebben en verantwoording afleggen over de fouten die ze hebben gemaakt bij het aanbestedingsproces."

Ze voerde aan dat er enige verantwoording moet worden afgelegd voor 'fouten' in het aanbestedingsproces die hebben geleid tot substantiële extra kosten voor het project van € 1,4 miljard.

Ondertussen zei BAM vanavond in een verklaring dat ze nog steeds geen "volledig, gecoördineerd ontwerp voor het project" hebben ontvangen.

Ze zeggen dat het 'niet verwonderlijk' is dat er honderden extra kostenclaims zijn gemaakt, gezien de extra ontwerpkosten die gedurende het hele project nodig zijn geweest.

Het bedrijf zei: "Het beheer van de volksgezondheidsrichtlijnen en werkbeperkingen opgelegd door de COVID-19-situatie blijft grote onzekerheid voor de projecttijdlijnen.

"BAM bevestigt dat er geen capaciteitsproblemen zijn bij de oplevering van dit project.

"We nemen maatregelen om binnen deze context zoveel mogelijk werknemers ter plaatse te krijgen en de productiviteit zo hoog mogelijk te houden, maar hoe eerder de COVID-beperkingen worden versoepeld, hoe beter."

popie schreef op 19 november 2020 08:48:

Lagere opening verwacht we wachten maar af of dit ook voor BAM van toepassing is

1.47 mijn boekje

popie schreef op 19 november 2020 08:48:

Lagere opening verwacht we wachten maar af of dit ook voor BAM van toepassing is

Lager openen is niet erg, zolang het aandeel maar niet door het putje gaat. Dat verwacht ik niet.

innicksname schreef op 19 november 2020 09:12:

Lager openen is niet erg, zolang het aandeel maar niet door het putje gaat. Dat verwacht ik niet.
Denk wel dat het hospital gedoe de feestvreugde enigszins zal dempen.
BAM heeft een goede 3e kwartaal achter de rug en dat gaat boven onze verwachtingen. Men heeft wat ons betreft in het eerste half jaar goed ingegrepen en de effecten van de nieuwe CEO worden steeds duidelijker bij ons. Dat er in deze tijden winst gemaakt kon worden is bemoedigend.

Natuurlijk is het fundament nog broos maar wij zien wel toekomst in dit aandeel. Het aandeel staat in ons ogen ongeveer 0.60 tot 0.80 cent te laag op dit moment.

HenkdeV schreef op 19 november 2020 09:26:


Denk wel dat het hospital gedoe de feestvreugde enigszins zal dempen.
Daar waar ieder onbenullig akkefietje eerst werd aangegrepen om de koers naar beneden te rossen, lijkt het erop dat nu niets de pret kan bederven ......... Het kan verkeren.

Beleggersfront_K10 schreef op 19 november 2020 09:33:

BAM heeft een goede 3e kwartaal achter de rug en dat gaat boven onze verwachtingen. Men heeft wat ons betreft in het eerste half jaar goed ingegrepen en de effecten van de nieuwe CEO worden steeds duidelijker bij ons. Dat er in deze tijden winst gemaakt kon worden is bemoedigend.

Natuurlijk is het fundament nog broos maar wij zien wel toekomst in dit aandeel. Het aandeel staat in ons ogen ongeveer 0.60 tot 0.80 cent te laag op dit moment.
Oh dat valt reuze mee, 0,60 cent is nog geen hele cent. Die maken we vandaag wel weer goed.

Jvdpee schreef op 19 november 2020 09:37:


Oh dat valt reuze mee, 0,60 cent is nog geen hele cent. Die maken we vandaag wel weer goed.
Kunnen we een front vormen?
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