(I continue in a second post before the annoying edit-time out from IEX kicks in, so sorry for creating this mess...I contacted IEX about removing the timer on editing, but they refuse to do so)
(*) Printing money not only solves problems on the short term and is great for people/countries who need that money, but a continuous high inflation is also good for your debt, which will melt away. A problem might be the devaluation of your currency, but that can be solved by saying that it is good for your export (and export business owners will happily agree). The problem however is increasing prices due to imported inflation (higher costs of import etc.), but that can be solved by increasing (govenment) salaries and social benefits. This leads to more debts, but that can be solved by printing more money and piling up your debt. As long as the ECB does not increase the interest rates (which they would if they would see safeguarding the euro as their only task) they can play this game.
And they can: slowly they convinced even the German and Dutch central bankers that ECB is not about safeguarding the value of the euro, but to achieve inflation of 2% because this is percieved to be good for the economy. Note that in the old days the Dutch and Germans already saw the "southern risk" if seeing this as a free pass to princing more money, so they said "but not more than 2%", so they have some sort of control to stop money printing as soon as the inflation begins to react to all that "free money printing".
Well we know how that works within the EU: whenever a problem arises, we just change the rules so the politicians don't have to see it as a problem anymore. With the majority of "free money loving" countries, ECB recently has changed that rule to "around 2%", instead of "below 2%". For normal people this seems just a small change of just one word and think "who cares?". Well... The French DO care, because this removed the last mechanism to limit their free money printing wishes. This is one of the reasons, why the last critical German ECB member has left his job and will be replaced by someone who is less critical...
Some people think, why not do it like this, it solves problems, right? Well, yes and no. It requires inflation to kept in reasonable figures, otherwise people start to feel the pain immediately and will politicians will also feel the pain immediately. This is why ECB keeps on saying that the higher inflation is only temporary, so they don't have to do anything yet... but it seems like whishfull thinking, like politicians do, so they don't have to act...yet. As soon as ECB increases the interest rates, the economy in most countries will get hit and also most countries start to have troubles of actually having to pay for the money they borrowed. No more free money printing or even receiving interest from money that you borrow. So they will try to postpone and ignore this as long as possible.
But are there no victims already due to this policy and only winners on the short term? Yes there are: people with savings, pensions in euro are hit by this policy for the last 13 years. But mind you: these are not the people with political power. 1) Because these (Northern) countries ere outnumbered and outpowered in the ECB. 2) The politicians in the Northern countries who care, are outnumbered by an increasing amount of politicians (left and right) who are getting very comfortable and used to the notion of free money. Can we blame them? They can give free money like Santa, they receive interest (instead of having to pay interest) over their debts, those who promise and spend the most also get the most votes... so no one will stand up for pensioners and people with savings who see their hard earned money melting away.
So final words on this: the only thing that "we" can do is to rely on ourselves and invest wisely to protect our own wealth and future. It's either that or just sopend everything before it melts away and hope that when you hold up your hand for free money, the printing machine still works... (but don't trust the ECB to do the maintenance work on that machine for you: they just close their eyes for problems, rewrite the thechnical manual and will say: no problem, the machine is fine, untill it breaks...