Hello Michele,
Again I don’t expect an answer, it’s only a suggestion.
Although the price of the share AMG is better than a year ago, shorters are targeting the price year in year out and day in day out. Every time when the price is going up, shorters are downplaying the price, sometimes several times a day. Unfortunately it’s legal in The Netherlands so there is nothing to do about that. But if Shell won’t buy AMG I really really don’t know why Shell isn’t buying a lot of shares. For Shell that will be peanuts and shorters will be smoked out at least a very big party like Shell will scare shorters. Please let AMG search for a big party or better parties to buy shares AMG. We must smoke out the shorters, they are a pain in the ass and nowadays there is no reason whatsoever to short AMG.
I have 5000 shares AMG.
Kind regards,
The Netherlands
Dit was mijn bericht aan Michele Fischer. Zoals de intelligente Piet Plezier al zei is het ook van groot belang AMG onder de aandacht te brengen van de grote jongens, waaronder m.i. allerlei Nederlandse rijken. Ik speel zelf al lang met die gedachte. Als bijv. een Aat van Herk, Michel Perridon of John de Mol AMG gaan kopen levert dat hun geweldige winsten op. Dus inderdaad, iedereen met connecties, breng het eens onder de aandacht.