Zo moeilijk is het toch niet.
2021 opex 500, zonder D en A van 73,5 is dit 4265,
2022 opex 510 zonder d en A van 53,5 is dit 456,5
2023 opex 470 Zonder D en A van 50 is dit 420
tenminste zo zei Taco het.
Taco Titulaer
Yeah, let me take the second question and then I’ll hand over to Harold to answer the enterprise question. So, different things in perspective, OpEx last year was €0.5 billion, we expect OpEx to grow this year as to roughly €510 million. That is on the back of a decrease of D&A. So the cash spend will be higher. So D&A will decline from roughly 75 to 55. So there’s a incremental decline of D&A of 20 with a stable CapEx number and an increase of OpEx €10 million. So you see €30 million extra roughly in OpEx this year.
The year after, in 2023, we think that D&A will modestly decline further to, let’s say, €50 million, but we expect the total OpEx number to reduce to around €470 million.
Nog enkele opvallende zaken
- 2022 2023 gelijkblijvende deferred automotive 50 miljoen in 2022 en 2023
. But to answer your first question, the addition to the deferred revenue in automotive we expect in the coming 2 years in absolute terms is relatively stable. So that as a percentage, it goes down, but in absolute terms, it’s roughly €50 million.
Dus sommige bestaande klanten in Enterprise leveren vanaf Q4 2022 minder op.
- Some of these renewals reflect lower usage, translating into a reduced contract value. This will impact our Enterprise revenue as of the fourth quarter of 2022 and beyond.
Hopen dat nieuwe contracten meer opleveren, dan het verlies van bestaande omzet :-)