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ArcelorMittal April 2022

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Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:23:44 (GMT+3) | Istanbul
ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih (AMKR), based in Ukraine, has recently commented to the market that the company is mulling restarting its blast furnace No. 6 in April, following the forced stoppage of production in early March. “We consider facility operations will be restarted already in April, but only if there is no further war escalation and supplies of raw materials and energy are not threatened or disrupted,” an AMKR representative said.

Russian forces may be withdrawing from Chernobyl, the Pentagon has said, as nuclear experts dismissed claims that occupying soldiers were suffering from acute radiation sickness.
A senior US defence official said that about 20 per cent of Russian troops had begun to depart from the site of the decommissioned power plant, which was seized on the first day of the invasion.
The Pentagon’s spokesman, John Kirby, suggested that Russia intended to “refit these troops, resupply them and probably employ them elsewhere in Ukraine”.

Yarsolav Yemelianenko, a member of the public council at the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management, suggested that Russian soldiers might have radiation sickness after Belarussian news announced on Wednesday that seven busloads of soldiers had arrived at a radiation medicine centre in Gomel, Belarus.
Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 31 maart 2022
Views: 5.572

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten. Unilever was met een winst van 0,5 procent de enige stijger. ArcelorMittal was met een verlies van 1,3 procent de sterkste daler.

Aegon (-0,5%)
ArcelorMittal (-1,3%)
ASML (-1,1%)
ING Groep (-1,0%)
Philips (-0,6%)
RELX (-0,5%)
Royal Dutch Shell (-0,6%)
Unilever (+0,5%)

Euro/dollar: 1,1073

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 724,20 punten, zijn geëindigd op 721,73 punten.

Bron: ABM Financial News
Primetals to Supply LD Converters to ArcelorMittal Dunkirk

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Apr, 2022, 6:22 am

ArcelorMittal has recently placed an order with Primetals Technologies for two new LD converters for its steel plant in Dunkirk, located in the northern part of France. Primetals Technologies will replace one of the existing LD converters, which has reached the end of its lifetime. The other new LD converter will be held on stock in Dunkirk for later installation. With a heat size of 300 tons, the LD converters that will be delivered to Dunkirk are among the worlds largest. They will be equipped with Vaicon Link, Primetals Technologies reliable and maintenance free suspension system. While this system keeps the vessel stable in all directions, it still allows for thermal expansion and thus ensures ideal conditions during the whole steelmaking process. The start-up for ArcelorMittal’s first new LD converter is scheduled for December 2023. Primetals Technologies will replace the whole converter system including bearing pedestals, bearings, trunnion ring, suspension, vessel, tilting drive, doghouse, as well as air and water-cooling system.

Thanks to the optimized vessel shape, the new converter will perform better than the old one. It is also delivered with a condition monitoring system – an automation system that checks vessel temperature, and the condition of the bearings, and contributes to making sure that the operation runs as smoothly as possible.

In 2021, Primetals Technologies supplied a LD converter to ArcelorMittal’s site in Gent in Belgium; concept and project execution will be similar in Dunkirk. In addition, Primetals Technologies recently installed Vaicon Stoppers, a solution for keeping slag in the converter during tapping, in all three existing LD converters in Dunkirk. These systems will be reused with the new converter.

ArcelorMittal Dunkirk is part of ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products. The plant produces high quality flat products to serve various markets including the automotive and packaging industries.

Innovative technology

LD converters (BOFs)

Primetals Technologies will supply ArcelorMittal with two new LD converters (BOFs), here pictured with the tilting drive.

Primetals Technologies, Limited, headquartered in London, United Kingdom, is a pioneer and world leader in the fields of engineering, plant building, and the provision of lifecycle services for the metals industry. The company offers a complete technology, product, and services portfolio that includes integrated electrics and automation, digitalization, and environmental solutions. This covers every step of the iron and steel production chain—from the raw materials to the finished product—and includes the latest rolling solutions for the nonferrous metals sector. Primetals Technologies is a joint venture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and partners, with around 7,000 employees worldwide. To learn more about Primetals Technologies, visit the company website
mvliex 1

Service schreef op 1 april 2022 10:31:

Minimale handel
Voor de zoveelste dag weten AM beleggers geen richting te kiezen
Nou, zijn we de laatste dagen dan gestegen?

mvliex 1 schreef op 1 april 2022 11:06:

[...]Nou, zijn we de laatste dagen dan gestegen?
Weeksaldo nu -6.87%....
Corrigeer me als ik het fout heb, dit zijn de grootste inputkosten.

IRON ORE : 150 dollar/ton
COKING COAL : 450 dollar/ton
ENERGIE : Heb er geen zicht op.

Dus ik ga ervan uit :
- dat op de huidige spotprijs van 1550 dollar/ton goede winsten worden behaald, dit is van toepassing vanaf tweede kwartaal.
- dat op de jaartermijn contracten van 1000 dollar/ton toch ook winst wordt behaald gezien de prijs van IRON ORE + COKING COAL samen een 600 dollar/ton is, je hebt dan natuurlijk nog de vaste en variabele kosten die ook van die 1000 dollar moet worden afgetrokken.

Ik stel die vraag gewoon omdat ik ergens had gelezen dat de kosten voor de grondstoffen goed in de 800 euro + waren voor coking coal + iron ore, maar nergens vind ik die bewering terug in de harde cijfers momenteel, was misschien maar een artikel die op niet is gebaseerd maar toch.

Iemand een andere opinie over de twee grondstoffenprijzen?

Hierbij de link over die inputprijzen :
German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp is trying to renegotiate auto automotive contracts for 2022 finalised around January, according to market sources.

The mill, which is heavily exposed to the automotive sector, wants to restore the kind of margins it initially achieved and pass on further increases in raw material costs. It is seeking increases of €300-320/t, according to sources at automotive companies.

No letters have been sent yet, but talks with original equipment manufacturers will start in the coming weeks. Half-yearly deals with service centres and tier suppliers will not be renegotiated at this time.

The mill finalised its auto contracts in the region of €900-1,000/t base depending on the customer and will be looking to move this towards €1,200/t and above, closer to spot levels — Argus' benchmark northwest Europe HRC index, the settlement basis for futures contracts on the LME and CME, had risen from €900/t at the start of January to €1,387.50/t yesterday. The benchmark has jumped by €417.50/t this month alone.

The cost of raw materials used by blast furnace-based mills, adjusted for consumption rates, had risen from $536/t at the start of January to $871/t yesterday, without accounting for increases in energy costs.

Automakers are unlikely to acquiesce to the renegotiation, which threatens the very fabric of the bilateral annual pricing mechanism, as the initial accords were concluded at record levels and at increases of €400-500/t on 2021 deals. It remains to be seen whether other mills will follow suit.

Ook in de US gaan de prijzen sterk omhoog, goed voor hun NAFTA business :
US hot-rolled coil (HRC) prices continued to increase in the last week but at slower rates than previously, as some mills took a pause in price increases as they reviewed their raw material costs.

The Argus weekly domestic US HRC Midwest assessment rose by $50/short ton to $1,452/st, the smallest increase in the last four weeks. The southern HRC assessment rose by $38/st to $1,440/st.

The Midwest price was up by 42pc since hitting a low of $1,022.50/st on 1 March.

HRC lead times in the Midwest slipped to 5-6 weeks from 6-7 weeks, as most mills were still waiting to open up their May books.

HRC was offered at between $1,400-1,500/st.
Ik denk dat we de komende dagen lichtjes zullen terugvallen naar een meer dan aanvaardbare € 25 - 27,00......
mvliex 1
Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
(net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
Hot-rolled band: 1480 (1343) 11%
Cold-rolled coil: 1980 (1796) 15%
Standard plate: 2163 (1962) 6%
Shredded scrap*: 593 [603] -2%
#1 Heavy melting scrap: 526 [535] -2%
#1 Busheling scrap: 686 [697] -2%

Region: Mainland China***
Hot-rolled band: 691 1%
Cold-rolled coil: 759 -1%
Rebar: 647 0%
Standard plate: 693 -1%

Region: Western Europe
Hot-rolled band: 1550 {1398} 7%

Region: World Export Market
Hot-rolled band: 1270 4%

To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at
NOTES: E-mailed March 31, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
For product specifications go to
*** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.

Alfonz schreef op 1 april 2022 11:42:

Ik denk dat we de komende dagen lichtjes zullen terugvallen naar een meer dan aanvaardbare € 25 - 27,00......
voor mij totaal; niet aanvaardbaar Alfonz en ik zie de koers weer herstellen zeker als we de 29.02 houden dan gaan we nieuwe hoogten op zoeken. Helemaal als er rust komt in de Oekraine zal de 35+ snel in beeld komen.
mvliex 1
Aandelenkeuzes maart: bijna perfect
Hoe hebben de gekozen aandelen het gedaan afgelopen maand? De respondenten hebben het goed gezien: op ArcelorMittal bij de floppers na waren allle keuzes perfect deze keer.

Favoriete aandelen april
Dan een blik op de individuele namen voor komende maand. Welke aandelen zijn favoriet? En welke moeten we mijden? Voor de berekening hebben we voor- en tegenstemmen tegen elkaar weggestreept.

Chippers ASML en Besi staan weer bij de toppers, ASMI ontbreekt voor april. ING, dat vorige maand nog bij de floppers werd gezet, staat nu in het linkerrijtje. Shell is ook favoriet, maar zakt iets naar de vierde plaats.

Philips is de absolute flopper deze keer. Ook van Just Eat Takeaway hebben de respondenten weer geen hoge verwachtingen. 'Nieuw' bij de floppers zijn Unilever en Heineken.
mvliex 1
Liberia grants rail and port access to Friedland's Nimba iron ore project

Fri, April 1, 2022, 2:15 PM

DAKAR, April 1 (Reuters) - High Power Exploration Inc (HPX) has signed a framework agreement with the Liberian government securing access to the country's port and rail infrastructure to export iron ore mined in neighbouring Guinea, the company said in a statement.

U.S.-Canadian mining billionaire Robert Friedland's HPX acquired the Nimba iron ore project in Guinea in 2019 and is planning to start construction next year. HPX expects Nimba to ramp up to an export capacity of 30 million tonnes a year by 2027.

The project, located in Guinea's southeast near the border with Liberia, depended on authorisation to access Liberia's Buchanan port and railway line to export the steelmaking ingredient.

HPX's deal with the Liberian government, clinched on Thursday, guarantees "non-discriminatory" access to the infrastructure, and sets an end-March 2023 deadline for a definitive agreement on the details of HPX's access.

Infrastructure use will be shared with ArcelorMittal , which runs an iron ore mine in Liberia near the border with Guinea, and operates the railroad from that mine to Buchanan.

HPX said it expects its infrastructure rights to include an extension of the existing rail line from ArcelorMittal's mine to the Guinea-Liberia border.

There had been speculation that Liberia would grant ArcelorMittal exclusive railway access in an unpublished agreement struck in September.

The deal, in which ArcelorMittal said it would extend its stay in Liberia by at least 25 years and at least triple existing production, was not made public.

Nimba's total project development costs are estimated at $2.77 billion, with an additional $600 million in direct capital costs for rail and port infrastructure in Liberia, HPX said.

Under the agreement, HPX agreed a passenger and freight service will be an "integral part" of the expanded railroad. (Reporting by Aaron Ross; Writing by Sofia Christensen, Editing by Helen Reid and David Evans)
Aanvulling op goed verhaal van Christo.

Grootste aderlating voor Arcelor/Ukraine was of is het verlies van de (erts) mijn capaciteit, ik schat dat 25% van de totale Arcelor erts winning uit de Ukraine komt.
Van de staalproductie levert Arcelor-Ukraine ongeveer 8% van de totale Arcelor shipment.

Nu Arcelor denkt de hoogoven weer op te starten betekend dit dat hij behalve voldoende personeel voor de staalfabriek heeft ook voldoende bezetting heeft zodat ook de mijnen weer operationeel zijn. Juist deze mijnen hebben altijd veel bijgedragen aan de winst.

Het feit dat de hoogoven wordt opgestart betekent dat er minder oorlogs dreiging wordt ervaren.

Door zijn mijnen in Ukraine heeft de stijging van grondstof minder invloed op Arcelor europa bovendien ontvangt een Arcelor Europa een groot deel van zijn benodigde erts uit zijn eigen mijnen in Canada

Door de hogere ertsprijs is de marge van erts veel en veel groter doordat de kostprijs voor erts winning nagenoeg gelijk bleef. Dit in tegenstelling tot staal, hier werd de marge ondanks sterk stijgende prijzen niet veel groter door de hogere kost prijs (energie/grondstoffen/transport). Winst voor de staal sectie moet nu komen uit de doorzet. Gezien de (te verwachten) vraag zal dat geen probleem zijn.

De koers houdt vandaag aardig stand
Zit er in de naveiling nog een eindstand in van €30 (1 april) om komende week het herstel verder uit te bouwen?

uitzender schreef op 1 april 2022 14:31:


voor mij totaal; niet aanvaardbaar Alfonz en ik zie de koers weer herstellen zeker als we de 29.02 houden dan gaan we nieuwe hoogten op zoeken. Helemaal als er rust komt in de Oekraine zal de 35+ snel in beeld komen.
Rust in Oekraïne. De Oekraïners gaan niet stoppen want ze winnen terrein terug, de Russen gaan niet stoppen want ze moeten eerst een trofee hebben. Die oorlog gaat nog niet snel gedaan zijn.
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