Corrigeer me als ik het fout heb, dit zijn de grootste inputkosten.
IRON ORE : 150 dollar/ton
COKING COAL : 450 dollar/ton
ENERGIE : Heb er geen zicht op.
Dus ik ga ervan uit :
- dat op de huidige spotprijs van 1550 dollar/ton goede winsten worden behaald, dit is van toepassing vanaf tweede kwartaal.
- dat op de jaartermijn contracten van 1000 dollar/ton toch ook winst wordt behaald gezien de prijs van IRON ORE + COKING COAL samen een 600 dollar/ton is, je hebt dan natuurlijk nog de vaste en variabele kosten die ook van die 1000 dollar moet worden afgetrokken.
Ik stel die vraag gewoon omdat ik ergens had gelezen dat de kosten voor de grondstoffen goed in de 800 euro + waren voor coking coal + iron ore, maar nergens vind ik die bewering terug in de harde cijfers momenteel, was misschien maar een artikel die op niet is gebaseerd maar toch.
Iemand een andere opinie over de twee grondstoffenprijzen?
Hierbij de link over die inputprijzen :
German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp is trying to renegotiate auto automotive contracts for 2022 finalised around January, according to market sources.
The mill, which is heavily exposed to the automotive sector, wants to restore the kind of margins it initially achieved and pass on further increases in raw material costs. It is seeking increases of €300-320/t, according to sources at automotive companies.
No letters have been sent yet, but talks with original equipment manufacturers will start in the coming weeks. Half-yearly deals with service centres and tier suppliers will not be renegotiated at this time.
The mill finalised its auto contracts in the region of €900-1,000/t base depending on the customer and will be looking to move this towards €1,200/t and above, closer to spot levels — Argus' benchmark northwest Europe HRC index, the settlement basis for futures contracts on the LME and CME, had risen from €900/t at the start of January to €1,387.50/t yesterday. The benchmark has jumped by €417.50/t this month alone.
The cost of raw materials used by blast furnace-based mills, adjusted for consumption rates, had risen from $536/t at the start of January to $871/t yesterday, without accounting for increases in energy costs.
Automakers are unlikely to acquiesce to the renegotiation, which threatens the very fabric of the bilateral annual pricing mechanism, as the initial accords were concluded at record levels and at increases of €400-500/t on 2021 deals. It remains to be seen whether other mills will follow suit.
Ook in de US gaan de prijzen sterk omhoog, goed voor hun NAFTA business :
US hot-rolled coil (HRC) prices continued to increase in the last week but at slower rates than previously, as some mills took a pause in price increases as they reviewed their raw material costs.
The Argus weekly domestic US HRC Midwest assessment rose by $50/short ton to $1,452/st, the smallest increase in the last four weeks. The southern HRC assessment rose by $38/st to $1,440/st.
The Midwest price was up by 42pc since hitting a low of $1,022.50/st on 1 March.
HRC lead times in the Midwest slipped to 5-6 weeks from 6-7 weeks, as most mills were still waiting to open up their May books.
HRC was offered at between $1,400-1,500/st.