De vraag is toch duidelijk.
Maarten Verbeek - The Idea-Driven Equities Analyses Company - Equity Analyst
Okay. And lastly, in the fourth quarter, due to IFRS changesregarding revenue recognition in Automotive, you had some EUR 9.6 million additional
revenue. How much was that in the first quarter of this year?
Taco J. F. Titulaer - TomTom N.V. - Member of Management Board & CFO
So, the delta between reported revenue, Automotive, and operational revenue was EUR 3 million, roughly. I think for the full year, the delta is
expected to be something like EUR 10 million. On a normal basis, that would have been EUR 40 million or so. So, the delta is then EUR 30 million.
Note: Mr. Titulaer is referring here to the movement of Automotive gross deferred revenue, as detailed on p.4 of TomTom’s First Quarter 2023 Results.
Further information on the change in revenue recognition for new Automotive maps subscription contracts can be found on p.2 of TomTom’s Fourth
Quarter and Full Year 2022 Results. The positive impact of this change on full-year 2023 revenue is expected to be around €40 million.
De vraag is toch duidelijk.
De verandering in omzet herkenning was in Q4 9,6 miljoen, hoeveel was dat in Q1 2023.
Dat is toch een simpele vraag, dan geeft me die Taco toch een zeg maar vreemd antwoord, dat ze proberen te verduidelijken via een note.
In Q4 werd op jaarbasis 40 miljoen verwacht.
Waarom geen antwoord op de vraag hoeveel was dat in Q1.
Ik snap het wel, je wilt geen antwoord geven op de vraag.
Stel het was maar 4 miljoen. dan was A 81 min 4 is 77 en Q1 2022 was 60 met 28% gegroeid en dat wil je liever niet vertellen.
Ja de backlog krijgen we ook eens per jaar
Kijk Q4.
Emmanuel Carlier - Kempen & Co. N.V., Research Division - Research Analyst
And with respect to the salaries, what I have often read in the Netherlands is that, in order to have a more smooth impact on the earnings, you kind
of -- if you have 10% inflation – you go through the kind of mechanism whereby maybe the salaries of the employees go up by 5%, for example, this
year and the other 5% will be realized next year. Is that something that is taking place at TomTom as well?
Taco J. F. Titulaer - TomTom N.V. - Member of Management Board & CFO
I'm not at a liberty to comment on the structures that we have agreed or want to give our employees at this point.
Nu Q1.
Marc Hesselink - ING Groep N.V., Research Division - Research Analyst
Okay, clear, thanks. The second question is more financial. Your EBITDA in the quarter was actually quite a bit better than I expected. And there will
be moving parts in the coming quarters. But isthe level of EBITDA that you had in the first quarter -- isthatsomething that you can also achieve in
the coming quarters?
Taco J. F. Titulaer - TomTom N.V. - Member of Management Board & CFO
Well, yes, EBITDA is a factor of EBIT and DA. I think DA will be fairly stable. But I don't think that the EBIT will be as strong in the rest of the year. So,
the answer is no. The OpEx that we recorded in the first quarter will go up in the quarters that we have in front of us -- Q2, Q3, Q4. So, there was a
release in the OpEx, but it's also a factor of the new merit that will kick in by the end of Q1 and further also in Q2, Q3, Q4. So, EBITDA for the rest
of the year, the other quarters will be lighter -- lower.
Dus 3 februari zegt Taco dat hij niet de vrijheid heeft om iets over gedeelde loonsverhogingen te zeggen.
En eind Q1 gaan de loonsverhogingen in.
Miz stonden die loonsverhogingen op 3 feb alvast, dus dat verhaal van Taco klopt niet.
Trouwens ik ben er van overtuigd dat Tom Tom meeleest.
Als men met de markt bepaalt de koers, iedereen bedoelt, heeft men gelijk.
Maar zonder winst en eventueel dividend laat TT niets zien.
Denk toch dat grote partijen meer invloed op de markt hebben, dan wij kleintjes.