A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away, there lived the Black Knight. This Black Knight had a black horse who survived countless battles with his master against armies of warriors and mythical beings alike. One day, the Black Knight with the black horse had ventured through a forest and met a princess whom he quickly fell in love with. The Black Knight with the black horse desired to ask the princess for her hand in marriage. Unfortunately for him, the princess could not marry an outsider to her kingdom unless he was to get her parents’, the King and Queen’s, blessing. The Black Knight with the black horse accepted the challenge, and vowed to gain their blessing.
Venturing across the land, the Black Knight with the black horse arrived at the castle in which the princess lived in order to ask the King and Queen for their daughter’s hand in marriage.
“Your majesties,” the Black Knight with the black horse approached the King and Queen at their royal feet. “I am the Black Knight.”
“The Black Knight?” the King asked.
“Yes,” the Black Knight replied. “I am the Black Knight with the black horse and I have come to ask for your blessing to wed your daughter.”
“Oh?” the King said. “If that is so, then you must complete a royal task.”
“Name it,” the Black Knight with the black horse remained confident.
“You must go to the far reaches of the land to slay the Blue Dragon and steal his sapphire,” the King instructed.
“Very well. It shall be done!” the Black Knight with the black horse claimed.
Venturing across the land far, far away, the Black Knight with the black horse entered the Blue Cave and encountered the Blue Dragon.
“Blue Dragon, it is I!” the Black Knight with the black horse exclaimed.
“And who would that be?” the Blue Dragon asked him.
“I am the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to slay you and take your sapphire!”
“Do your worst!” the Blue Dragon shouted with a breath of fire.
After a days-old battle, the Black Knight with the black horse emerged victorious. He ventured back across the land far, far away to the King and Queen’s castle.
“I have returned!” the Black Knight with the black horse boasted as he barged through the castle doors.
“And who might you be?” the King asked.
“Um, I’m the Black Knight,” the Black Knight with the black horse confusingly replied.
“Who?” the King asked once again.
“I’m the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to ask for your blessing to wed your daughter. I’ve slayed the Blue Dragon and stole his sapphire, as requested.” He held out the gem to give to the King and Queen.
“Oh,” the elder King remembered. “Well, perhaps you may complete another royal task for me.”
The Black Knight with the black horse sighed and reluctantly agreed.
“You must go to the far reaches of the land to slay the Red Dragon and steal his ruby,” the King instructed.
“Very well. It shall be done!” the Black Knight with the black horse claimed.
Venturing across the land far, far away, the Black Knight with the black horse entered the Red Cave and encountered the Red Dragon.
“Res Dragon, it is I!” the Black Knight with the black horse exclaimed.
“And who might that be?” the Red Dragon asked him.
“I am the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to slay you and take your ruby!”
“Try me!” the Red Dragon shouted with a breath of fire.
After yet another days-old battle, the Black Knight with the black horse emerged victorious. He ventured back across the land far, far away to the King and Queen’s castle.
“I have returned once more!” the Black Knight with the black horse shouted as he barged through the castle doors.
“Who are you again?” the elder King asked.
“Really?” the Black Knight with the black horse frustratingly replied. “I’m the Black Knight.”
“Who?” the elder king asked.
“I’m the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to ask for your blessing to wed your daughter. I’ve slayed the Blue Dragon and stole his sapphire, and I’ve slayed the Red Dragon and stole his ruby as requested.” He held out the gem to give to the King and Queen.
“Oh,” the elder King remembered. “Well, perhaps you may complete one final royal task for me.”
The Black Knight with the black horse sighed again and reluctantly agreed.
“You must go to the far reaches of the land to slay the Green Dragon and steal his emerald,” the King instructed.
“Very well. It shall be done!” the Black Knight with the black horse claimed.
Venturing across the land far, far away, the Black Knight with the black horse entered the Green Cave and encountered the Green Dragon.
“Green Dragon, it is I!” the Black Knight with the black horse exclaimed.
“And who are you?” the Green Dragon asked him.
“I am the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to slay you and take your emerald!”
“Have at thee!” the Green Dragon shouted with a breath of fire.
After yet another days-old battle, the Black Knight with the black horse emerged victorious. He ventured back across the land far, far away to the King and Queen’s castle.
“I have returned yet again!” the Black Knight with the black horse yelled as he barged through the castle doors.
“Who are you again?” the elder King asked.
“For heaven’s sakes,” the Queen chimed in, “he is the Black Knight!”
“The Black Knight?” the King asked yet again.
“I’m the Black Knight with the black horse, and I’ve come to ask for your blessing to wed your daughter. I’ve slayed the Blue Dragon and stole his sapphire, I’ve slayed the Red Dragon and stole his ruby, and now I’ve slayed the Green Dragon and stole his emerald as requested.” He held out the gem to give to the King and Queen.
“You’ve done well,” the Queen spoke for the King. “You have our blessing.”
“Thank you,” the Black Knight with the black horse was truly grateful.
As he ventured upward the tower, the top far, far away, he couldn’t help but feel ecstatic to finally ask the princess for her hand in marriage. He finally reached the top of the tower to the princess’s room, and proceeded to open the door.
As she stood there, looking out the window, she turned around to see the Black Knight with the black horse on one knee.
“Princess,” the Black knight with the black horse started. “Will you marry me?”
The princess replied, “No.”