Adyen: Q1 NP up 21% at E438m / 12:15 25/04/2024 / Adyen NV / 1.169,00 -249,40 -17,58%
( - Adyen reports net earnings of E438m for Q1, up 21% y-o-y, and flat at constant exchange rates.
Vreemd geformuleerd, in feite fout: "up 21% y-o-y, and flat at constant exchange rates."
Dat zal aan Adyen zelf gelegen hebben. Merkwaardigerwijs is de laatste versie juist erg verwarrend. Prutsers daar.
(versie 10:13 uur en nu nog steeds)
Net revenue was €438.0 million in Q1 2024, up 21% YOY. Notably, we saw continued momentum in North America, which remained our fastest-growing region. As we further expanded with our largest volume customers, a natural outcome was processed volume growth outpacing net revenue growth. On a constant currency basis, net revenue growth would have been unchanged.
(versie 09:12 uur)
Net revenue was €438.0 million in Q1 2024, up 21% YOY. Notably, we saw continued momentum in North America, which remained our fastest-growing region. As we further expanded with our largest volume customers, a natural outcome was processed volume growth outpacing net revenue growth. On a constant currency basis, net revenue growth would remain 21% YOY as reported.